The election gave the Republicans authorization to change healthcare

It may be tough to produce something worse than ACH but it can be done.

So here's the question, which I posed in my thread on this subject: should the Democrats sit back and let something worse happen? That's your idea of good and responsible governance? Not you personally Elmer, I am directing that question at the lib/dems around here.
What can the Democrats do? All they can do is delay action. ACH needs changes but the Democrats cannot do that on their own and the Republicans will not try and fix it. They want to repeal.
The election took away the options for the Democrats.

As I see it the Democrats have 2 options:

1. Fight for the ACA, to keep it alive as long as possible and oppose any other plan.

2. Cooperate with the GOP to create and implement a better plan than what the ACA is. I don't know how any sane person can look at what's going on with the problems the ACA has and decide we can't do better than that. The reality is that today the GOP controls the House, the Senate, and the White House. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO EVEN TRY TO FIX THE ACA. Which is one very big reason why the democrats totally fucked up when they rammed the ACA through without Repub support, didn't even try. Didn't have popular support from the public either, nobody wanted it but they rammed it through anyway and it didn't work. Democrats can piss and moan all they want about getting no help from the GOP to fix it, but when the other side has no say in the construction then it's all yours baby.
The fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans is mandating health insurance. They will not compromise. Democrats feel the system cannot work without the mandate. Republicans will not allow a mandate.
I agree with the Democrats. There is no doubt the ACA needed fixing but the mandate must stay.
The Republicans will go out without the mandate.

We will see who is right

The mandate didn't work. It was supposed to force young and healthy people to buy HCI, which they didn't do. Why repeat a mistake?
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
There is, of course, one real problem to that. The Republicans won't and aren't putting forth the best Healthcare solution they can for fear of what the media and Democrats will lie about.

I agree. The mandate didnt work. I never really had a a problem with either party trotting out their version. Its when they started forcing everyone to buy a product where I part ways.
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
There is, of course, one real problem to that. The Republicans won't and aren't putting forth the best Healthcare solution they can for fear of what the media and Democrats will lie about.

I agree but I really don't think the R's have anything either.
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
There is, of course, one real problem to that. The Republicans won't and aren't putting forth the best Healthcare solution they can for fear of what the media and Democrats will lie about.

I agree but I really don't think the R's have anything either.
They don't have anything I would support as of this moment.
Here's a couple of tidbit quotes from the Obama era: "republicans can get on the bus but they have to sit in the back"....Barry Hussein. Also there is this one, "you can see what's in the (healthcare) bill after it's passed"...Nancy Pelosi
Sounds like what the Republicans are saying now.
They are all the same.

Where do you hear anything like that?
The Republicans would not let the Democrats attend meetings to write the bill. That is worse than being at the back of the bus. Listen to the news.

It's a proposal Elmer, not a bill. I see nothing wrong with the Repubs getting together to write their own proposal without the Dems. I assume it'll go into various committees for discussion and it'll be open for debate and amendments on the Senate Floor. That's not being in the back of the bus, which was a demeaning thing to say, as though the Repubs were 2nd class citizens. Which is more than Harry Reid did when he ran the Senate.
Whatever! This is the Republican bill. Do not blame the Democrats if it fails.
So here's the question, which I posed in my thread on this subject: should the Democrats sit back and let something worse happen? That's your idea of good and responsible governance? Not you personally Elmer, I am directing that question at the lib/dems around here.
What can the Democrats do? All they can do is delay action. ACH needs changes but the Democrats cannot do that on their own and the Republicans will not try and fix it. They want to repeal.
The election took away the options for the Democrats.

As I see it the Democrats have 2 options:

1. Fight for the ACA, to keep it alive as long as possible and oppose any other plan.

2. Cooperate with the GOP to create and implement a better plan than what the ACA is. I don't know how any sane person can look at what's going on with the problems the ACA has and decide we can't do better than that. The reality is that today the GOP controls the House, the Senate, and the White House. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO EVEN TRY TO FIX THE ACA. Which is one very big reason why the democrats totally fucked up when they rammed the ACA through without Repub support, didn't even try. Didn't have popular support from the public either, nobody wanted it but they rammed it through anyway and it didn't work. Democrats can piss and moan all they want about getting no help from the GOP to fix it, but when the other side has no say in the construction then it's all yours baby.
The fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans is mandating health insurance. They will not compromise. Democrats feel the system cannot work without the mandate. Republicans will not allow a mandate.
I agree with the Democrats. There is no doubt the ACA needed fixing but the mandate must stay.
The Republicans will go out without the mandate.

We will see who is right

The mandate didn't work. It was supposed to force young and healthy people to buy HCI, which they didn't do. Why repeat a mistake?
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
There is, of course, one real problem to that. The Republicans won't and aren't putting forth the best Healthcare solution they can for fear of what the media and Democrats will lie about.

I agree. The mandate didnt work. I never really had a a problem with either party trotting out their version. Its when they started forcing everyone to buy a product where I part ways.
The mandate was originally a conservative idea.
I agree with freedom of choice but if you choose to not buy health insurance and you cannot afford treatment for a health issue should you be denied services?
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.

What is wrong with the PPACA? You are parroting words when you need to (if you want to be credible) explain your personal experience with Obamacare (the PPACA) and how it negatively impacted you.

Prove me wrong, but I believe you have no clue as to the benefits added by Obamacare which didn't exist under the ages old plans; have no clue that in the ages old plan costs continued to rise by double digits, or much of anything.
What can the Democrats do? All they can do is delay action. ACH needs changes but the Democrats cannot do that on their own and the Republicans will not try and fix it. They want to repeal.
The election took away the options for the Democrats.

As I see it the Democrats have 2 options:

1. Fight for the ACA, to keep it alive as long as possible and oppose any other plan.

2. Cooperate with the GOP to create and implement a better plan than what the ACA is. I don't know how any sane person can look at what's going on with the problems the ACA has and decide we can't do better than that. The reality is that today the GOP controls the House, the Senate, and the White House. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO EVEN TRY TO FIX THE ACA. Which is one very big reason why the democrats totally fucked up when they rammed the ACA through without Repub support, didn't even try. Didn't have popular support from the public either, nobody wanted it but they rammed it through anyway and it didn't work. Democrats can piss and moan all they want about getting no help from the GOP to fix it, but when the other side has no say in the construction then it's all yours baby.
The fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans is mandating health insurance. They will not compromise. Democrats feel the system cannot work without the mandate. Republicans will not allow a mandate.
I agree with the Democrats. There is no doubt the ACA needed fixing but the mandate must stay.
The Republicans will go out without the mandate.

We will see who is right

The mandate didn't work. It was supposed to force young and healthy people to buy HCI, which they didn't do. Why repeat a mistake?
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
There is, of course, one real problem to that. The Republicans won't and aren't putting forth the best Healthcare solution they can for fear of what the media and Democrats will lie about.

I agree. The mandate didnt work. I never really had a a problem with either party trotting out their version. Its when they started forcing everyone to buy a product where I part ways.
The mandate was originally a conservative idea.
I agree with freedom of choice but if you choose to not buy health insurance and you cannot afford treatment for a health issue should you be denied services?
You should be required to pay for them, even if it takes you the rest of your life.
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
Do you think 24 million people losing their health care is worse than the ACA?

What about the millions who were lied to and told their premiums would go down but in reality deductibles went up 1000 percent. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands went to get their free health care and never paid their bills back to the er, urgent care, etc. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have died while on ocare.
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
Do you think 24 million people losing their health care is worse than the ACA?

What about the millions who were lied to and told their premiums would go down but in reality deductibles went up 1000 percent. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands went to get their free health care and never paid their bills back to the er, urgent care, etc. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have died while on ocare.

Who died while on the ACA?
Whose deductible went up 1000%.
There is such a thing as exaggeration, but this goes way past that
BREAKING: The GOP healthcare bill is officially titled "Yachts for the rich, everyone else is a bitch"
"I’ve read the Republican “health care” bill. This is blood money. They’re paying for tax cuts with American lives." - Goofy Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
Do you think 24 million people losing their health care is worse than the ACA?

What about the millions who were lied to and told their premiums would go down but in reality deductibles went up 1000 percent. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands went to get their free health care and never paid their bills back to the er, urgent care, etc. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have died while on ocare.

Who died while on the ACA?
Whose deductible went up 1000%.
There is such a thing as exaggeration, but this goes way past that

We started by looking at the data released by HHS about average Obamacare premiums. This data has been released for four years -- 2014 to 2017. We looked at one of the standard measurements the department calculates every year -- what a family of four with a household income of $60,000 would pay for premiums on the second-lowest-cost silver plan. (As you might guess, a silver plan is more comprehensive than a bronze plan, but less generous than gold and platinum plans.)

Premiums for this type of policy started at $9,468 a year in 2014, rose very modestly to $9,636 in 2015, rose somewhat more aggressively to $10,428 in 2016, and then rather substantially -- 25 percent -- to $13,080 in 2017.

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period

Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
Do you think 24 million people losing their health care is worse than the ACA?

What about the millions who were lied to and told their premiums would go down but in reality deductibles went up 1000 percent. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands went to get their free health care and never paid their bills back to the er, urgent care, etc. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have died while on ocare.

Who died while on the ACA?
Whose deductible went up 1000%.
There is such a thing as exaggeration, but this goes way past that

We started by looking at the data released by HHS about average Obamacare premiums. This data has been released for four years -- 2014 to 2017. We looked at one of the standard measurements the department calculates every year -- what a family of four with a household income of $60,000 would pay for premiums on the second-lowest-cost silver plan. (As you might guess, a silver plan is more comprehensive than a bronze plan, but less generous than gold and platinum plans.)

Premiums for this type of policy started at $9,468 a year in 2014, rose very modestly to $9,636 in 2015, rose somewhat more aggressively to $10,428 in 2016, and then rather substantially -- 25 percent -- to $13,080 in 2017.

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period

Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases
At what point does the greed, and profit motive of the insurance companies come into play?
Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
Do you think 24 million people losing their health care is worse than the ACA?

What about the millions who were lied to and told their premiums would go down but in reality deductibles went up 1000 percent. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands went to get their free health care and never paid their bills back to the er, urgent care, etc. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have died while on ocare.

Who died while on the ACA?
Whose deductible went up 1000%.
There is such a thing as exaggeration, but this goes way past that

We started by looking at the data released by HHS about average Obamacare premiums. This data has been released for four years -- 2014 to 2017. We looked at one of the standard measurements the department calculates every year -- what a family of four with a household income of $60,000 would pay for premiums on the second-lowest-cost silver plan. (As you might guess, a silver plan is more comprehensive than a bronze plan, but less generous than gold and platinum plans.)

Premiums for this type of policy started at $9,468 a year in 2014, rose very modestly to $9,636 in 2015, rose somewhat more aggressively to $10,428 in 2016, and then rather substantially -- 25 percent -- to $13,080 in 2017.

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period

Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases
At what point does the greed, and profit motive of the insurance companies come into play?

Better question, where is the average $2500 reduction Obama promised middle class families?
Do you think 24 million people losing their health care is worse than the ACA?

What about the millions who were lied to and told their premiums would go down but in reality deductibles went up 1000 percent. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands went to get their free health care and never paid their bills back to the er, urgent care, etc. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have died while on ocare.

Who died while on the ACA?
Whose deductible went up 1000%.
There is such a thing as exaggeration, but this goes way past that

We started by looking at the data released by HHS about average Obamacare premiums. This data has been released for four years -- 2014 to 2017. We looked at one of the standard measurements the department calculates every year -- what a family of four with a household income of $60,000 would pay for premiums on the second-lowest-cost silver plan. (As you might guess, a silver plan is more comprehensive than a bronze plan, but less generous than gold and platinum plans.)

Premiums for this type of policy started at $9,468 a year in 2014, rose very modestly to $9,636 in 2015, rose somewhat more aggressively to $10,428 in 2016, and then rather substantially -- 25 percent -- to $13,080 in 2017.

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period

Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases
At what point does the greed, and profit motive of the insurance companies come into play?

Better question, where is the average $2500 reduction Obama promised middle class families?
dont change the subject, why not address the greed of insurance companies. They had a fantastic deal before the ACA, it was a cash cow for them. Who else could pick and choose who they would insure and who they wouldn't. Who else could over ride a families doctor and say that a procedure wouldn't be paid for, it was un necessary. Dont talk to us about $2500, talk about 24 million people losing health care. Talk about massive tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of those who aren't.
What about the millions who were lied to and told their premiums would go down but in reality deductibles went up 1000 percent. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands went to get their free health care and never paid their bills back to the er, urgent care, etc. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have died while on ocare.

Who died while on the ACA?
Whose deductible went up 1000%.
There is such a thing as exaggeration, but this goes way past that

We started by looking at the data released by HHS about average Obamacare premiums. This data has been released for four years -- 2014 to 2017. We looked at one of the standard measurements the department calculates every year -- what a family of four with a household income of $60,000 would pay for premiums on the second-lowest-cost silver plan. (As you might guess, a silver plan is more comprehensive than a bronze plan, but less generous than gold and platinum plans.)

Premiums for this type of policy started at $9,468 a year in 2014, rose very modestly to $9,636 in 2015, rose somewhat more aggressively to $10,428 in 2016, and then rather substantially -- 25 percent -- to $13,080 in 2017.

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period

Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases
At what point does the greed, and profit motive of the insurance companies come into play?

Better question, where is the average $2500 reduction Obama promised middle class families?
dont change the subject, why not address the greed of insurance companies. They had a fantastic deal before the ACA, it was a cash cow for them. Who else could pick and choose who they would insure and who they wouldn't. Who else could over ride a families doctor and say that a procedure wouldn't be paid for, it was un necessary. Dont talk to us about $2500, talk about 24 million people losing health care. Talk about massive tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of those who aren't.

Why shouldn't we talk about $2500? That was one of Obama's biggest selling points to the public which was a complete and total lie like me and many others tried to tell gullible retards like you at the time. The only people who saw lower premiums were the minority of people who received some subsidies at the expense of tens of millions who saw increased premiums which have to continued to increase year after year. Insurance companies aren't in business to lose money, tard, and if you want to talk about a cash cow, it was your party who idiotically forced everyone under penalty of law to buy their product giving them an even larger windfall. Why are you complaining about this when you're the one who did it? And if you want to talk about greed take a look in the mirror. You're the one demanding other people subsidize your medical care.
As an Obama supporter and a supporter of Obama care. I feel Obama care needs to be changed not repealed.
But the Republicans won the Presidency and congress and the electorate gave them authorization to repeal and replace ACH.

Let the Republicans put forth there best healthcare plan, implement it and see what happens.

I feel it will have bigger problems than ACH but only time will tell. I feel many of those who voted for Trump will have a harder time getting health insurance but only time will tell.

I personally will not have my healthcare affected and I will receive tax breaks but I feel more will suffer than gain from the new plan.

Well that would depend on how old you are. If you're 50 and older there are no restrictions on what insurers can charge you, (up to 5 times more) than what you're getting now. Under Obamacare they restricted insurers to not charging elderly more than $150 per month more than a younger person. And unfortunately, it's this age bracket that will have preexiting conditions so they can charge you more for that also.

AARP came out and blasted the Republican house bill for these reasons.

You might want to watch this advertisment that AARP put out. There's a fact check on this video add--at the end also.

AARP ad says House GOP health care bill would boost insurance rates for older Americans

They're still not addressing the real issue--the ever rising cost of health care. Like why are we paying 2 to 3 times as much for Prescription drugs than Canada is. The only way they're going to get that done is to work with Democrats to fix O-Care & stop playing musical chairs with our health care.
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