The election gave the Republicans authorization to change healthcare


Who died while on the ACA?
Whose deductible went up 1000%.
There is such a thing as exaggeration, but this goes way past that

We started by looking at the data released by HHS about average Obamacare premiums. This data has been released for four years -- 2014 to 2017. We looked at one of the standard measurements the department calculates every year -- what a family of four with a household income of $60,000 would pay for premiums on the second-lowest-cost silver plan. (As you might guess, a silver plan is more comprehensive than a bronze plan, but less generous than gold and platinum plans.)

Premiums for this type of policy started at $9,468 a year in 2014, rose very modestly to $9,636 in 2015, rose somewhat more aggressively to $10,428 in 2016, and then rather substantially -- 25 percent -- to $13,080 in 2017.

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period

Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases
At what point does the greed, and profit motive of the insurance companies come into play?

Better question, where is the average $2500 reduction Obama promised middle class families?
dont change the subject, why not address the greed of insurance companies. They had a fantastic deal before the ACA, it was a cash cow for them. Who else could pick and choose who they would insure and who they wouldn't. Who else could over ride a families doctor and say that a procedure wouldn't be paid for, it was un necessary. Dont talk to us about $2500, talk about 24 million people losing health care. Talk about massive tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of those who aren't.

Why shouldn't we talk about $2500? That was one of Obama's biggest selling points to the public which was a complete and total lie like me and many others tried to tell gullible retards like you at the time. The only people who saw lower premiums were the minority of people who received some subsidies at the expense of tens of millions who saw increased premiums which have to continued to increase year after year. Insurance companies aren't in business to lose money, tard, and if you want to talk about a cash cow, it was your party who idiotically forced everyone under penalty of law to buy their product giving them an even larger windfall. Why are you complaining about this when you're the one who did it? And if you want to talk about greed take a look in the mirror. You're the one demanding other people subsidize your medical care.
Dont lie to us, "bro" or Handjob, tens of millions did not see increased premiums, since there were never 10's of millions insured by the ACA. If you have private insurance it has nothing or very little to do with the ACA. You got real balls saying that Obama lied, when every single day trump lies about everything and you say nothing.
Almost everything that's wrong with ObamaCares was done by the Repubs to force it to fail so they could take it away from President Obama. And, trump has been humiliated by President Obama, over and over, so he will do anything to end it.

We all know that but it means they are more than willing to actually kill Americans just to insult President Obama.

It's not just that they should be voted out of five for thus. They should serve time.

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Thats what you feel huh. R's know how to hold dog and pony show votes that mean nothing. It would be almost impossible to produce something worse than Ocare though.
There is, of course, one real problem to that. The Republicans won't and aren't putting forth the best Healthcare solution they can for fear of what the media and Democrats will lie about.

That's a very creative lie, you stupid, gullible fool.

What you don't know is that it's just you RWNJs won't don't actually READ bills and laws.

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We started by looking at the data released by HHS about average Obamacare premiums. This data has been released for four years -- 2014 to 2017. We looked at one of the standard measurements the department calculates every year -- what a family of four with a household income of $60,000 would pay for premiums on the second-lowest-cost silver plan. (As you might guess, a silver plan is more comprehensive than a bronze plan, but less generous than gold and platinum plans.)

Premiums for this type of policy started at $9,468 a year in 2014, rose very modestly to $9,636 in 2015, rose somewhat more aggressively to $10,428 in 2016, and then rather substantially -- 25 percent -- to $13,080 in 2017.

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period

Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases
At what point does the greed, and profit motive of the insurance companies come into play?

Better question, where is the average $2500 reduction Obama promised middle class families?
dont change the subject, why not address the greed of insurance companies. They had a fantastic deal before the ACA, it was a cash cow for them. Who else could pick and choose who they would insure and who they wouldn't. Who else could over ride a families doctor and say that a procedure wouldn't be paid for, it was un necessary. Dont talk to us about $2500, talk about 24 million people losing health care. Talk about massive tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of those who aren't.

Why shouldn't we talk about $2500? That was one of Obama's biggest selling points to the public which was a complete and total lie like me and many others tried to tell gullible retards like you at the time. The only people who saw lower premiums were the minority of people who received some subsidies at the expense of tens of millions who saw increased premiums which have to continued to increase year after year. Insurance companies aren't in business to lose money, tard, and if you want to talk about a cash cow, it was your party who idiotically forced everyone under penalty of law to buy their product giving them an even larger windfall. Why are you complaining about this when you're the one who did it? And if you want to talk about greed take a look in the mirror. You're the one demanding other people subsidize your medical care.
Dont lie to us, "bro" or Handjob, tens of millions did not see increased premiums, since there were never 10's of millions insured by the ACA. If you have private insurance it has nothing or very little to do with the ACA. You got real balls saying that Obama lied, when every single day trump lies about everything and you say nothing.

Obama's lies coated us big money. Trump's lies nothing...

Why don't you want to admit 6 million got kicked off their health insurance in the first place by Obama care and how many of the millions don't even want health insurance but is forced to buy it?

At what point does the greed, and profit motive of the insurance companies come into play?

Better question, where is the average $2500 reduction Obama promised middle class families?
dont change the subject, why not address the greed of insurance companies. They had a fantastic deal before the ACA, it was a cash cow for them. Who else could pick and choose who they would insure and who they wouldn't. Who else could over ride a families doctor and say that a procedure wouldn't be paid for, it was un necessary. Dont talk to us about $2500, talk about 24 million people losing health care. Talk about massive tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of those who aren't.

Why shouldn't we talk about $2500? That was one of Obama's biggest selling points to the public which was a complete and total lie like me and many others tried to tell gullible retards like you at the time. The only people who saw lower premiums were the minority of people who received some subsidies at the expense of tens of millions who saw increased premiums which have to continued to increase year after year. Insurance companies aren't in business to lose money, tard, and if you want to talk about a cash cow, it was your party who idiotically forced everyone under penalty of law to buy their product giving them an even larger windfall. Why are you complaining about this when you're the one who did it? And if you want to talk about greed take a look in the mirror. You're the one demanding other people subsidize your medical care.
Dont lie to us, "bro" or Handjob, tens of millions did not see increased premiums, since there were never 10's of millions insured by the ACA. If you have private insurance it has nothing or very little to do with the ACA. You got real balls saying that Obama lied, when every single day trump lies about everything and you say nothing.

Obama's lies coated us big money. Trump's lies nothing...

Why don't you want to admit 6 million got kicked off their health insurance in the first place by Obama care and how many of the millions don't even want health insurance but is forced to buy it?

There were people who had to change insurance plans, but no one lost their coverage. Plenty of people don't want auto ins, homeowners insurance, mortgage insurance but they are forced to but it
As an Obama supporter and a supporter of Obama care. I feel Obama care needs to be changed not repealed.
The House and Senate bills both change ObamaCare. Neither one repeals it.

ObamaCare lives. The rubes were hoaxed.
Better question, where is the average $2500 reduction Obama promised middle class families?
dont change the subject, why not address the greed of insurance companies. They had a fantastic deal before the ACA, it was a cash cow for them. Who else could pick and choose who they would insure and who they wouldn't. Who else could over ride a families doctor and say that a procedure wouldn't be paid for, it was un necessary. Dont talk to us about $2500, talk about 24 million people losing health care. Talk about massive tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of those who aren't.

Why shouldn't we talk about $2500? That was one of Obama's biggest selling points to the public which was a complete and total lie like me and many others tried to tell gullible retards like you at the time. The only people who saw lower premiums were the minority of people who received some subsidies at the expense of tens of millions who saw increased premiums which have to continued to increase year after year. Insurance companies aren't in business to lose money, tard, and if you want to talk about a cash cow, it was your party who idiotically forced everyone under penalty of law to buy their product giving them an even larger windfall. Why are you complaining about this when you're the one who did it? And if you want to talk about greed take a look in the mirror. You're the one demanding other people subsidize your medical care.
Dont lie to us, "bro" or Handjob, tens of millions did not see increased premiums, since there were never 10's of millions insured by the ACA. If you have private insurance it has nothing or very little to do with the ACA. You got real balls saying that Obama lied, when every single day trump lies about everything and you say nothing.

Obama's lies coated us big money. Trump's lies nothing...

Why don't you want to admit 6 million got kicked off their health insurance in the first place by Obama care and how many of the millions don't even want health insurance but is forced to buy it?

There were people who had to change insurance plans, but no one lost their coverage. Plenty of people don't want auto ins, homeowners insurance, mortgage insurance but they are forced to but it

Gtfo , people used to be able to choose to put a roof over their head, to eat and then if money is left over for health insurance

Now you fuckers force them to buy health insurance before they can eat or put a roof over their head.

Why because you reckless accident prone , unhealthy lifestyle freaks want everyone to pay for you.

dont change the subject, why not address the greed of insurance companies. They had a fantastic deal before the ACA, it was a cash cow for them. Who else could pick and choose who they would insure and who they wouldn't. Who else could over ride a families doctor and say that a procedure wouldn't be paid for, it was un necessary. Dont talk to us about $2500, talk about 24 million people losing health care. Talk about massive tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of those who aren't.

Why shouldn't we talk about $2500? That was one of Obama's biggest selling points to the public which was a complete and total lie like me and many others tried to tell gullible retards like you at the time. The only people who saw lower premiums were the minority of people who received some subsidies at the expense of tens of millions who saw increased premiums which have to continued to increase year after year. Insurance companies aren't in business to lose money, tard, and if you want to talk about a cash cow, it was your party who idiotically forced everyone under penalty of law to buy their product giving them an even larger windfall. Why are you complaining about this when you're the one who did it? And if you want to talk about greed take a look in the mirror. You're the one demanding other people subsidize your medical care.
Dont lie to us, "bro" or Handjob, tens of millions did not see increased premiums, since there were never 10's of millions insured by the ACA. If you have private insurance it has nothing or very little to do with the ACA. You got real balls saying that Obama lied, when every single day trump lies about everything and you say nothing.

Obama's lies coated us big money. Trump's lies nothing...

Why don't you want to admit 6 million got kicked off their health insurance in the first place by Obama care and how many of the millions don't even want health insurance but is forced to buy it?

There were people who had to change insurance plans, but no one lost their coverage. Plenty of people don't want auto ins, homeowners insurance, mortgage insurance but they are forced to but it

Gtfo , people used to be able to choose to put a roof over their head, to eat and then if money is left over for health insurance

Now you fuckers force them to buy health insurance before they can eat or put a roof over their head.

Why because you reckless accident prone , unhealthy lifestyle freaks want everyone to pay for you.

Why are you lying!! You know dam well your post is a total lie
If Democrats had practiced what they preached we would have a successful bipartisan health care system that was NOT collapsing right now.

Everything that is happening now can be tracd back to their lies and failures.
If Democrats had practiced what they preached we would have a successful bipartisan health care system that was NOT collapsing right now.

Everything that is happening now can be tracd back to their lies and failures.
What lies and what failures, surely you can be specific?
If Democrats had practiced what they preached we would have a successful bipartisan health care system that was NOT collapsing right now.

Everything that is happening now can be tracd back to their lies and failures.
What lies and what failures, surely you can be specific?
Sorry, it has been proven there is no cure for liberal extremists as deeply in denial as you appear to be.

I would suggest you go back and read recorded history, but Democrats proved thy could not even read their own bill before voting to pass it into law. :p
If Democrats had practiced what they preached we would have a successful bipartisan health care system that was NOT collapsing right now.

Everything that is happening now can be tracd back to their lies and failures.
What lies and what failures, surely you can be specific?
Sorry, it has been proven there is no cure for liberal extremists as deeply in denial as you appear to be.

I would suggest you go back and read recorded history, but Democrats proved thy could not even read their own bill before voting to pass it into law. :p
You got balls to even begin to discuss the process in which the ACA was passed considering the totally secret nature of the Senate bill. Now once again honey bunch, what lies and what failures? Maybe you can make some up

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