The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

So Joe trusts the will of the people as long as the will of the people matches his own will.

No, I explained what I believed in, I'm sorry you are too retarded to understand it... but not surprised.

Yeah, you know what else? You bandy about with Abe Lincoln quotes, yet going by you democrats rules he was an illegitimate president as he only won with 40% of the popular vote. Matter of fact, Trump got more of the popular vote then Lincoln did by like 6% or so.

But he got more votes than anyone else did in 1860... That was the point.. 40% in a four way race is actually pretty good. So he WON the popular vote.

(Also,I clearly said that "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" was incorrectly attributed to Lincoln, which was pretty clearly said, but I know you are illiterate.)

You explained that you are a hypocrite and nothing more. If the power lies in the will of the majority then it does just that.
So Joe trusts the will of the people as long as the will of the people matches his own will.

No, I explained what I believed in, I'm sorry you are too retarded to understand it... but not surprised.

Yeah, you know what else? You bandy about with Abe Lincoln quotes, yet going by you democrats rules he was an illegitimate president as he only won with 40% of the popular vote. Matter of fact, Trump got more of the popular vote then Lincoln did by like 6% or so.

But he got more votes than anyone else did in 1860... That was the point.. 40% in a four way race is actually pretty good. So he WON the popular vote.

(Also,I clearly said that "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" was incorrectly attributed to Lincoln, which was pretty clearly said, but I know you are illiterate.)

You explained that you are a hypocrite and nothing more. If the power lies in the will of the majority then it does just that.

The problem with Joe is---------->

He knows it is congress job to keep a President off the rails in control. And then, along came Obysmal! Obama had the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to get Obamacare through, because he had the votes in congress at that time. But ignoring the laws of the land on immigration and a host of other things, not so much.

So Joe sees Obama opened the door for this kind of behavior, which is ok by him as long his person rules the roost; not so good if your fool was the one who opened Pandora's box, and then lost the box somewhere and your opponent picked it up.

Trump will be fine, and if he isn't, then both partys will stop him like they did Nixon. See, the only Presidents that get a pass are leftists. Why? Because the Democrats always want to impeach a Republican, so any time the Republicans know they need to remove one of their own, the leftists will stand behind them, lololol!
He knows it is congress job to keep a President off the rails in control. And then, along came Obysmal! Obama had the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to get Obamacare through, because he had the votes in congress at that time. But ignoring the laws of the land on immigration and a host of other things, not so much.

Congress has had 16 years to fix the immigration problem, and they haven't bothered. Problems don't go away because you don't address them.

Trump will be fine, and if he isn't, then both partys will stop him like they did Nixon. See, the only Presidents that get a pass are leftists. Why? Because the Democrats always want to impeach a Republican, so any time the Republicans know they need to remove one of their own, the leftists will stand behind them, lololol!

Here's the problem with that kind of thinking. Both parties held Nixon to account because back then, you had parties that put the good of the country above politics.

If the Republicans were capable of doing that, Trump wouldn't be president to start with. they'd have stopped him at the convention or in the election, or the electoral college, or when Congress meets.

Now, the thing was, when REpublicans tried to use impeachment, it was over a matter so petty that even most Republicans thought they had lost their mind. It's what happens when a political party is held hostage by an angry minority.

I do think Trump will get impeached because he can't help himself. The question is, how much damage will he do before the GOP is either voted out of office or grows a pair in order to do it.
He knows it is congress job to keep a President off the rails in control. And then, along came Obysmal! Obama had the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to get Obamacare through, because he had the votes in congress at that time. But ignoring the laws of the land on immigration and a host of other things, not so much.

Congress has had 16 years to fix the immigration problem, and they haven't bothered. Problems don't go away because you don't address them.

Trump will be fine, and if he isn't, then both partys will stop him like they did Nixon. See, the only Presidents that get a pass are leftists. Why? Because the Democrats always want to impeach a Republican, so any time the Republicans know they need to remove one of their own, the leftists will stand behind them, lololol!

Here's the problem with that kind of thinking. Both parties held Nixon to account because back then, you had parties that put the good of the country above politics.

If the Republicans were capable of doing that, Trump wouldn't be president to start with. they'd have stopped him at the convention or in the election, or the electoral college, or when Congress meets.

Now, the thing was, when REpublicans tried to use impeachment, it was over a matter so petty that even most Republicans thought they had lost their mind. It's what happens when a political party is held hostage by an angry minority.

I do think Trump will get impeached because he can't help himself. The question is, how much damage will he do before the GOP is either voted out of office or grows a pair in order to do it.

Well Joe, I don't know! On the other hand, besides his tariff nonsense, and not explaining if he will just reciprocate or use it as a weapon, he is ok in my book. Don't think he is the right messenger, but then I don't think the correct messenger could have gotten elected either.

Just remember---------> anything he unravels that was put in by EO is Obama and the Democrats fault, not Trumps. All they had to do was make their case to the people, and if it was wanted, they would have gotten the numbers in congress to make it so. There are no excuses for poor governance, and the strategy to keep it in place. If the Democrats could NOT use their pet ideas to get more in congress that seen it their way, then obviously the American people did not want it, therefore Trump is doing the correct thing by unraveling the EOs!
Why not? A majority voted for Hillary, and the dumb-ass Inbred Cleetuses who voted for Trumpenfuhrer in WI, MI and PA didn't do so because they just hate Pelosi soooooo much.

they voted for him because Trump promised them that he'd bring back their daddy's long extinct job.

And when they find out that isn't going to happen no matter how much Trump bribes billionaires with our tax dollars, they are going to turn on him pretty viciously.

Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back. Just because you're an ignorant twat doesn't mean the people the trumpster is placing positions of power are. They are orders of magnitude brighter, and more educated than you dude.

Just sayin...
The high paying low skilled assembly line jobs won't come back. If manufacturing returns to the US, it will be done either by low paid workers or automated machines. That's non-partisan reality. Now, having manufacturing return to the US is a good thing, but it won't bring back millions of high paying jobs. There will be jobs making and fixing the machines, but since each machine can replace many workers, there will be fewer of them.

True, to a point. The fact is that the low skilled manufacturing jobs were grossly over valued because of union agitation. That is what drove the engine of automation. That being said, yes, the machines will need highly trained, and highly paid (as they should be) maintenance work.

There are two ways to make a lot of money in a job. Have a skill that few others have. Or, run a company that employs lots of low skilled workers, who you don't need to pay a lot, but who do tons of jobs so that you, as the owner, get to rake a little bit off of the top for your management ability. Have enough workers doing enough jobs, and you can make a decent living.

The time when you could have a low, or no skilled worker, making a lot of money for a job is gone for the most part. The unions priced themselves out of contention. They decided that they would rather have 100 people making 200,000 per year, than 1,000 people making 45,000 per year. The 100 people are happy. The 900, not so much.
That is true. The unions failed to adapt to the changing market and are marching right into irrelevancy.

Which is sad. They did a very good job of protecting the rights of workers, and ensuring safe working conditions, but then they decided they wanted to be the tail that wags the dog but the problem with that is the tail beat the dog to death.
Like many good ideas, they failed under the weight of their own success.
he will just reciprocate or use it as a weapon, he is ok in my book. Don't think he is the right messenger, but then I don't think the correct messenger could have gotten elected either.

Just remember---------> anything he unravels that was put in by EO is Obama and the Democrats fault, not Trumps. All they had to do was make their case to the people, and if it was wanted, they would have gotten the numbers in congress to make it so. There are no excuses for poor governance, and the strategy to keep it in place. If the Democrats could NOT use their pet ideas to get more in congress that seen it their way, then obviously the American people did not want it, therefore Trump is doing the correct thing by unraveling the EOs!

That ramble had nothing to do with any point I just made... so I'm not sure why you are trying to argue that.

There's a difference between an Obama EO and a Trump EO

The people voted FOR Obama.

The people voted AGAINST Trump.
he will just reciprocate or use it as a weapon, he is ok in my book. Don't think he is the right messenger, but then I don't think the correct messenger could have gotten elected either.

Just remember---------> anything he unravels that was put in by EO is Obama and the Democrats fault, not Trumps. All they had to do was make their case to the people, and if it was wanted, they would have gotten the numbers in congress to make it so. There are no excuses for poor governance, and the strategy to keep it in place. If the Democrats could NOT use their pet ideas to get more in congress that seen it their way, then obviously the American people did not want it, therefore Trump is doing the correct thing by unraveling the EOs!

That ramble had nothing to do with any point I just made... so I'm not sure why you are trying to argue that.

There's a difference between an Obama EO and a Trump EO

The people voted FOR Obama.

The people voted AGAINST Trump.

LOL, ok, you are a hack! See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!
LOL, ok, you are a hack! See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!

Your concession of the point is duly noted... Come on back if you need another asswhupping.

Nah Joe, this is the last post I will make in your threads. You making money off of our posts, is kinda like shooting ourselves in the foot. I wish you the best, but I am putting you on ignore, since for you, it is all about how many responses you can get, to get paid. Sorry, not gonna help you get paid, get a four letter word according to Biden-----> J-O-B, and quit living off the blood sucker-)

Adios, on IGNORE, won't pay you for bullshit! Suggest EVERY conservative does the same thing. Let the Dimicrabs support themselves-)
There's a difference between an Obama EO and a Trump EO

The people voted FOR Obama.

The people voted AGAINST Trump.

By the rules set up in the Constitution, the people elected Mr. Trump.

And in no case does the President have such power to act unilaterally as a dictator. by wise design, legislative power rests primarily with Congress.
If life were that simple you'd be the head of MENSA. But you're not JoeB131. You're not.

You are dodging the point, Cleetus. The Electoral College was put in so the Slave States would sign on to this new united government. That's not a good reason to continue it. IN fact, there is NO good reason why we should still be selecting Presidents the majority of the people didn't want.

I/we are sorry, but until this happens, you are to be ignored, reviled, and laughed at-) Your guys in the wilderness, political Siberia, off the grid, gone, lost, forget about it! When you get back enough power that we have to worry about your idiotic stance, let us know. Until then we chuckle, since you and your friends are out in the political wilderness.

YOu guys realize you didn't win the popular vote. With the exception of Bush, guys who become president by stealing it not only don't get re-elected, their parties often pay a pretty hefty price for flipping off the people.

Wow. If I didn't know better, I'd say you really think winning the presidency by following the law is stealing it. Only nutters think that way.

You have about two years of riding it like you stole it. That's not enough time to remake America, but it is enough time for people to realize what an awful mistake they made.

Particularly when you are all following a Nazi Game Show Host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Again with the Godwin's. You failed before to demonstrate how Trump is a Nazi, yet continue spouting the nonsense. Doubling down on losing, huh.
So you would not have signed on to it and had no USA?

and that is NOT the reason people give to continue it.

Didn't want? Do people vote for what they consider the less of _____ (fill in the blank?) does that mean you'd desire anarchy

I think that when you start your country on a lofty principle that all men are created equal, but then you come up with all sorts of set-asides to allow some people to own other people, you've corrupted your process.

We have this awful racist system for selecting presidents, one that gives too much weight to the white majority, and as a result, we elected an openly racist president the majority of the country didn't want.
The majority of the country didn't want Hillary either.
So Joe trusts the will of the people as long as the will of the people matches his own will.

No, I explained what I believed in, I'm sorry you are too retarded to understand it... but not surprised.

Yeah, you know what else? You bandy about with Abe Lincoln quotes, yet going by you democrats rules he was an illegitimate president as he only won with 40% of the popular vote. Matter of fact, Trump got more of the popular vote then Lincoln did by like 6% or so.

But he got more votes than anyone else did in 1860... That was the point.. 40% in a four way race is actually pretty good. So he WON the popular vote.

(Also,I clearly said that "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" was incorrectly attributed to Lincoln, which was pretty clearly said, but I know you are illiterate.)

Don't matter. It's your logic not mine.
Nah Joe, this is the last post I will make in your threads. You making money off of our posts, is kinda like shooting ourselves in the foot. I wish you the best, but I am putting you on ignore, since for you, it is all about how many responses you can get, to get paid. Sorry, not gonna help you get paid, get a four letter word according to Biden-----> J-O-B, and quit living off the blood sucker-)

Adios, on IGNORE, won't pay you for bullshit! Suggest EVERY conservative does the same thing. Let the Dimicrabs support themselves-)

guy, you really think anyone gets paid to post here? Yup, we want to influence the 100 people who show up to USMB every day who already have their minds made up.

But again, your mewling concession is duly noted, you little pussy.
By the rules set up in the Constitution, the people elected Mr. Trump.

And in no case does the President have such power to act unilaterally as a dictator. by wise design, legislative power rests primarily with Congress.

That works on a lot of assumptions...

The first is that the Founding Slave Rapists were "wise". Clearly, if they were wise, they wouldn't have made so many concessions to avoid a civil war and then have a civil war, anyway.

As stated in the OP, if the EC were all that, why has every time it's overridden the will of the people been a complete fucking disaster?

The people GET IT RIGHT. They saw Trumpenfuhrer for what he was and voted against him. Overwealmingly.
By the rules set up in the Constitution, the people elected Mr. Trump.

And in no case does the President have such power to act unilaterally as a dictator. by wise design, legislative power rests primarily with Congress.

That works on a lot of assumptions...

The first is that the Founding Slave Rapists were "wise". Clearly, if they were wise, they wouldn't have made so many concessions to avoid a civil war and then have a civil war, anyway.

As stated in the OP, if the EC were all that, why has every time it's overridden the will of the people been a complete fucking disaster?

The people GET IT RIGHT. They saw Trumpenfuhrer for what he was and voted against him. Overwealmingly.

You still want to avoid reality Joe?

Why are you arguing about nothing? There would have been no United States with out the E.C.

Period end of story.

Only Meth heads would continue to argue.


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