The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

No, juries are there to decide if the law was broken or not. They are instructed on the law by judge. Nullification is a righty thing, but it's also an asshole thing so it figures you like it.

I think it's both a right and left thing. For instance, one example could be the OJ Trial, where African Americans voted to acquit Simpson because they were sick and tired of a police force that treated them like shit for decades.

You see, when you aren't a pervert like Ken Starr, grown up prosecutors would have realized 'Hey, most people would lie about getting a beej when asked, even in court!" and wouldn't have persued the matter.

But Ken Starr just pissed away 70 million dollars of the taxpayers money not proving the Clintons did anything wrong.

I wouldn't lie about it under oath.

Special prosecutor, special master, same shit different day.

Well, no, they are kind of different things. The problem with Independent Counsels and Special Prosecutors is they all end up getting nowhere near what they were investigating to start with and end up going after petty things. NOt Just Ken Starr, who was the worst example, but Fitzgerald prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim Russert did, or Lawrence Walsh prosecuting Cap Weinberger for thinking meeting notes aren't a diary.

OJ was acquitted because the prosecutors sucked ass. They played the defense team's game, and lost.

Your excuse for perjury is noted, asshole.

He lied under oath, he did something wrong. Plus he wasted is political capital on a "Long Island 6", which is probably the worst crime.
So you are a fan of jury nullification? Good to know.

Oh, abso-fucking-lutely. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE THE GOVERNMENT IN THEIR SEX LIFE!!! Not even the President.

I'm sorry you can't see what Ken Starr did was so completely beyond the pale. Wiretapping? Setting people up? Threatening people's families if they didn't testify the way he wanted? If he had done this to anyone who was not named Clinton, you'd be screaming bloody fucking murder and you know it!

The only reason he dumped this load of manure into Congress was because three grand juries in DC said bullshit to his witchhunt.

And the real irony. When he went on to lead Baylor University, he ignored multiple cases of REAL RAPE in order to protect the university.

Ex-Baylor president Ken Starr leaving after sex assault scandal

What a piece of Shit Ken Starr was... and of course, one your "heroes".

and your appeal to authority is noted, yo lemming.

Yeah, when it's their job to 'Keep an eye on what Russia is up to", I do consider them an authority.

You know, we spend billions of dollars keeping an eye on Russia, and this is what they caught them doing.

Not one of my "heroes"

But good on you for giving cover to someone you like, even though he did lie under oath.
OJ was acquitted because the prosecutors sucked ass. They played the defense team's game, and lost.

The prosecutors in OJ's case did about as good of a job as most of them do... the difference is, they had a team that could fight back this time, as opposed to a hapless public defenders.

The reality, jury nullification.

Not one of my "heroes"

But good on you for giving cover to someone you like, even though he did lie under oath.

He lied about something that wasn't important in a case that was a sham.

which is why he was acquitted... even by the Republicans in the Senate.
OJ was acquitted because the prosecutors sucked ass. They played the defense team's game, and lost.

The prosecutors in OJ's case did about as good of a job as most of them do... the difference is, they had a team that could fight back this time, as opposed to a hapless public defenders.

The reality, jury nullification.

Not one of my "heroes"

But good on you for giving cover to someone you like, even though he did lie under oath.

He lied about something that wasn't important in a case that was a sham.

which is why he was acquitted... even by the Republicans in the Senate.

He should have been acquitted, but he also should have been impeached. He lied under Oath.
He should have been acquitted, but he also should have been impeached. He lied under Oath.

Um, No. Ken Starr had no business investigating his sex life to start with. Nor should the question have ever been allowed.

Sorry, but Droit de regale has no place in the american system. Just because you liked him doesn't mean he gets to get away with lying about boinking an intern in the oval office.

It's not the "crime", it's the coverup.
Sorry, but Droit de regale has no place in the american system. Just because you liked him doesn't mean he gets to get away with lying about boinking an intern in the oval office.

It's not the "crime", it's the coverup.

I never voted for Clinton and always thought he was a bit skeezy... but man, I tell you, I'd love to have my life from the 1990's back compared to my life in the Oughts...

The point is, it was nobody's business. People lie in court all the time... and it's really no big deal. Why do you think lawyers spend so much time prepping witnesses?

I know the one time I was in court suing a tenant to vacate my building, my lawyer spent a whole lot of time telling me what NOT to say before we went in front of that judge.

You see, here's the thing. When Ken Starr came up with that Jizz-Stained Dress for 70 Million Dollars, absolutely no one said, "I truly believed he didn't have sex with her!"

We all knew he did. Even people who supported him.

But at the end of the day, lying about whether or not Saddam had Nuclear Weapons was a lot more serious than lying about whether or not you got a blow job from a chubby intern. No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

But guess which one you are still upset about 20 years later...
Sorry, but Droit de regale has no place in the american system. Just because you liked him doesn't mean he gets to get away with lying about boinking an intern in the oval office.

It's not the "crime", it's the coverup.

I never voted for Clinton and always thought he was a bit skeezy... but man, I tell you, I'd love to have my life from the 1990's back compared to my life in the Oughts...

The point is, it was nobody's business. People lie in court all the time... and it's really no big deal. Why do you think lawyers spend so much time prepping witnesses?

I know the one time I was in court suing a tenant to vacate my building, my lawyer spent a whole lot of time telling me what NOT to say before we went in front of that judge.

You see, here's the thing. When Ken Starr came up with that Jizz-Stained Dress for 70 Million Dollars, absolutely no one said, "I truly believed he didn't have sex with her!"

We all knew he did. Even people who supported him.

But at the end of the day, lying about whether or not Saddam had Nuclear Weapons was a lot more serious than lying about whether or not you got a blow job from a chubby intern. No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

But guess which one you are still upset about 20 years later...

Excusing obvious perjury, what an upstanding citizen you are.

Who's upset? I'm calling a spade a spade. Again, I'm more upset with the most powerful man in the world settling for a Long Island 6. At least JFK was screwing Marilyn Monroe.
Excusing obvious perjury, what an upstanding citizen you are.

Who's upset? I'm calling a spade a spade. Again, I'm more upset with the most powerful man in the world settling for a Long Island 6. At least JFK was screwing Marilyn Monroe.

JFK didn't have a puritan spending 70 million investigating his sex life...

Just pointing out--- you don't seem to have as much outrage about a lie where 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis DIED as a result as you do for a jizz stained dress.
Excusing obvious perjury, what an upstanding citizen you are.

Who's upset? I'm calling a spade a spade. Again, I'm more upset with the most powerful man in the world settling for a Long Island 6. At least JFK was screwing Marilyn Monroe.

JFK didn't have a puritan spending 70 million investigating his sex life...

Just pointing out--- you don't seem to have as much outrage about a lie where 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis DIED as a result as you do for a jizz stained dress.

Where did Bush Perjure himself?

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