The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

So they hacked voting machines, and you have proof?

You guys care about proof? You've been accusing the Clintons of shit for 25 years, spent hundreds of millions on investigations that came up with nothing, and then still accuse them of shit.

17 Intelligence agencies said the Russians hacked the election.

Benedict Donald the Siberian Candidate should be the one proving his innocence, just like the Clintons had to.

Seems fair to me.

Bill actually had an affair, got a blowjob from an intern in the oval office, and lied about it.

The Clinton's never faced any real prosecutions for their actions, but their shady nature invited tons of investigations. Even Bernie knows they are shady, and well as anyone with a pulse and a brain.

"17 agencies, 17 agencies, fuh fuh ufh"

That's what you sound like.
And you have proof of him being on "the payroll"

More Progressive wanking fantasies.

YOu mean other than he won't release his taxes... and the Russians hacked the election to help him?

Shit, you people drew more suppositions on Benghazi....

They may have hacked the DNC... not the election you ignoramus.

Like I said above, he's finally gone of the deep end.

It was a short trip.
So they hacked voting machines, and you have proof?

You guys care about proof? You've been accusing the Clintons of shit for 25 years, spent hundreds of millions on investigations that came up with nothing, and then still accuse them of shit.

17 Intelligence agencies said the Russians hacked the election.

Benedict Donald the Siberian Candidate should be the one proving his innocence, just like the Clintons had to.

Seems fair to me.
So you do what you decry as being not good. Good to know.
So they hacked voting machines, and you have proof?

You guys care about proof? You've been accusing the Clintons of shit for 25 years, spent hundreds of millions on investigations that came up with nothing, and then still accuse them of shit.

17 Intelligence agencies said the Russians hacked the election.

Benedict Donald the Siberian Candidate should be the one proving his innocence, just like the Clintons had to.

Seems fair to me.
So you do what you decry as being not good. Good to know.

Geeze.. that one, what a whackadoodle.
Bill actually had an affair, got a blowjob from an intern in the oval office, and lied about it.

I'm sorry, having a consensual sexual relationship with an adult isn't a crime, dude It isn't even wrong.

Selling the country out to Russia, not so much.

Good grief.... get over it. There is zero evidence the Russians hacked the election.

What you guys suddenly care about "Evidence"? Again, where were these standards when you talked about Benghazi or Hillary's Emails or Obama's birth certificate?

17 Agencies say the Russians hacked the election.

Bill actually had an affair, got a blowjob from an intern in the oval office, and lied about it.

I'm sorry, having a consensual sexual relationship with an adult isn't a crime, dude It isn't even wrong.

Selling the country out to Russia, not so much.

Good grief.... get over it. There is zero evidence the Russians hacked the election.

What you guys suddenly care about "Evidence"? Again, where were these standards when you talked about Benghazi or Hillary's Emails or Obama's birth certificate?

17 Agencies say the Russians hacked the election.


Lying about it under oath actually is a crime.

which 17 agencies?

Something stinky happened in Benghazi, luckily the dems have a milquetoast press to cover for them.

Hillary's emails show how much of an asshole she is and her hubris.

And Find any post of mine where I question Obama's BC. I'll be waiting you cheap, dime store hack.
Lying about it under oath actually is a crime.

No jury would have convicted him. You know, that's why we have juries... to practice common sense. Like most people have the common sense to know a guy is going to lie about an affair to protect his family from embarrassment.

Something stinky happened in Benghazi, luckily the dems have a milquetoast press to cover for them.

Yes, some bad people killed our ambassador, who didn't have the common sense to stay in his embassy where it was safe.

And Find any post of mine where I question Obama's BC. I'll be waiting you cheap, dime store hack.

I don't track individual wingnuts... But the fact is, Trump road that lie right into the White House...

And tell you what, if 17 Intelligence Agencies said, "Yeah, we think he was born in Kenya", then that would have had credibility.
Lying about it under oath actually is a crime.

No jury would have convicted him. You know, that's why we have juries... to practice common sense. Like most people have the common sense to know a guy is going to lie about an affair to protect his family from embarrassment.

Something stinky happened in Benghazi, luckily the dems have a milquetoast press to cover for them.

Yes, some bad people killed our ambassador, who didn't have the common sense to stay in his embassy where it was safe.

And Find any post of mine where I question Obama's BC. I'll be waiting you cheap, dime store hack.

I don't track individual wingnuts... But the fact is, Trump road that lie right into the White House...

And tell you what, if 17 Intelligence Agencies said, "Yeah, we think he was born in Kenya", then that would have had credibility.

So you are a fan of jury nullification? Good to know.

and your appeal to authority is noted, yo lemming.
So you are a fan of jury nullification? Good to know.

Oh, abso-fucking-lutely. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE THE GOVERNMENT IN THEIR SEX LIFE!!! Not even the President.

I'm sorry you can't see what Ken Starr did was so completely beyond the pale. Wiretapping? Setting people up? Threatening people's families if they didn't testify the way he wanted? If he had done this to anyone who was not named Clinton, you'd be screaming bloody fucking murder and you know it!

The only reason he dumped this load of manure into Congress was because three grand juries in DC said bullshit to his witchhunt.

And the real irony. When he went on to lead Baylor University, he ignored multiple cases of REAL RAPE in order to protect the university.

Ex-Baylor president Ken Starr leaving after sex assault scandal

What a piece of Shit Ken Starr was... and of course, one your "heroes".

and your appeal to authority is noted, yo lemming.

Yeah, when it's their job to 'Keep an eye on what Russia is up to", I do consider them an authority.

You know, we spend billions of dollars keeping an eye on Russia, and this is what they caught them doing.
So you are a fan of jury nullification? Good to know.

Oh, abso-fucking-lutely. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE THE GOVERNMENT IN THEIR SEX LIFE!!! Not even the President.

I'm sorry you can't see what Ken Starr did was so completely beyond the pale. Wiretapping? Setting people up? Threatening people's families if they didn't testify the way he wanted? If he had done this to anyone who was not named Clinton, you'd be screaming bloody fucking murder and you know it!

The only reason he dumped this load of manure into Congress was because three grand juries in DC said bullshit to his witchhunt.

And the real irony. When he went on to lead Baylor University, he ignored multiple cases of REAL RAPE in order to protect the university.

Ex-Baylor president Ken Starr leaving after sex assault scandal

What a piece of Shit Ken Starr was... and of course, one your "heroes".

and your appeal to authority is noted, yo lemming.

Yeah, when it's their job to 'Keep an eye on what Russia is up to", I do consider them an authority.

You know, we spend billions of dollars keeping an eye on Russia, and this is what they caught them doing.

Clinton lied under Oath. The underlying act is meaningless at that point.

and all the things you accuse Starr of doing, other SP's have done, or have you not heard what the guy trying to get the Madoff money squared away has done to the supposed victims of Madoff?
So you would not have signed on to it and had no USA?

and that is NOT the reason people give to continue it.

Didn't want? Do people vote for what they consider the less of _____ (fill in the blank?) does that mean you'd desire anarchy

I think that when you start your country on a lofty principle that all men are created equal, but then you come up with all sorts of set-asides to allow some people to own other people, you've corrupted your process.

We have this awful racist system for selecting presidents, one that gives too much weight to the white majority, and as a result, we elected an openly racist president the majority of the country didn't want.

/--- Of course it gives weight to Whites. We make up 61% of the population. Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity
BTW our Founding Fathers were split on abolishing slavery. Just because it prevailed for another 90 years doesn't mean everyone approved. It was bad but we Republicans freed the slaves from their Democrat plantation owners.
Clinton lied under Oath. The underlying act is meaningless at that point.

Well, no, it kind of is. That's why we have juries... to determine if the charge is reasonable or not.

Again, you'd be screaming bloody murder if the government investigated your sex life to that degree.

and all the things you accuse Starr of doing, other SP's have done, or have you not heard what the guy trying to get the Madoff money squared away has done to the supposed victims of Madoff?

Madoff didn't have a special prosecutor... And I can't work up a lot of sympathy for rich people who got scammed by another rich person.
/--- Of course it gives weight to Whites. We make up 61% of the population. Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity
BTW our Founding Fathers were split on abolishing slavery. Just because it prevailed for another 90 years doesn't mean everyone approved. It was bad but we Republicans freed the slaves from their Democrat plantation owners.

The Founders were never "split". They were totally good with it. In fact, of the original 13, only a couple had abolished slavery. it was just NY which had few slaves didn't want VA where they had lots of slaves getting more representation for it.

And, no, giving more voting power to big rectangles in the desert were a few white people live is not a good system.
Clinton lied under Oath. The underlying act is meaningless at that point.

Well, no, it kind of is. That's why we have juries... to determine if the charge is reasonable or not.

Again, you'd be screaming bloody murder if the government investigated your sex life to that degree.

and all the things you accuse Starr of doing, other SP's have done, or have you not heard what the guy trying to get the Madoff money squared away has done to the supposed victims of Madoff?

Madoff didn't have a special prosecutor... And I can't work up a lot of sympathy for rich people who got scammed by another rich person.

No, juries are there to decide if the law was broken or not. They are instructed on the law by judge. Nullification is a righty thing, but it's also an asshole thing so it figures you like it.

I wouldn't lie about it under oath.

Special prosecutor, special master, same shit different day.
/--- Of course it gives weight to Whites. We make up 61% of the population. Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity
BTW our Founding Fathers were split on abolishing slavery. Just because it prevailed for another 90 years doesn't mean everyone approved. It was bad but we Republicans freed the slaves from their Democrat plantation owners.

The Founders were never "split". They were totally good with it. In fact, of the original 13, only a couple had abolished slavery. it was just NY which had few slaves didn't want VA where they had lots of slaves getting more representation for it.

And, no, giving more voting power to big rectangles in the desert were a few white people live is not a good system.
/---- I'll take Lincoln's word over yours any day: The founding fathers, said Lincoln, had opposed slavery. They adopted a Declaration of Independence that pronounced all men created equal. They enacted the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 banning slavery from the vast Northwest Territory. To be sure, many of the founders owned slaves. But they asserted their hostility to slavery in principle while tolerating it temporarily (as they hoped) in practice. That was why they did not mention the words "slave" or "slavery" in the Constitution, but referred only to "persons held to service." "Thus, the thing is hid away, in the constitution," said Lincoln, "just as an afflicted man hides away a wen or a cancer, which he dares not cut out at once, lest he bleed to death; with the promise, nevertheless, that the cutting may begin at the end of a given time." The first step was to prevent the spread of this cancer, which the fathers took with the Northwest Ordinance, the prohibition of the African slave trade in 1807, and the Missouri Compromise restriction of 1820. The second was to begin a process of gradual emancipation, which the generation of the fathers had accomplished in the states north of Maryland.
No, juries are there to decide if the law was broken or not. They are instructed on the law by judge. Nullification is a righty thing, but it's also an asshole thing so it figures you like it.

I think it's both a right and left thing. For instance, one example could be the OJ Trial, where African Americans voted to acquit Simpson because they were sick and tired of a police force that treated them like shit for decades.

You see, when you aren't a pervert like Ken Starr, grown up prosecutors would have realized 'Hey, most people would lie about getting a beej when asked, even in court!" and wouldn't have persued the matter.

But Ken Starr just pissed away 70 million dollars of the taxpayers money not proving the Clintons did anything wrong.

I wouldn't lie about it under oath.

Special prosecutor, special master, same shit different day.

Well, no, they are kind of different things. The problem with Independent Counsels and Special Prosecutors is they all end up getting nowhere near what they were investigating to start with and end up going after petty things. NOt Just Ken Starr, who was the worst example, but Fitzgerald prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim Russert did, or Lawrence Walsh prosecuting Cap Weinberger for thinking meeting notes aren't a diary.
/---- I'll take Lincoln's word over yours any day: The founding fathers, said Lincoln, had opposed slavery. They adopted a Declaration of Independence that pronounced all men created equal.

As much as I admire Lincoln, that's bullshit.

That's a guy in the middle of a civil war that most people really didn't want to fight that bad trying to rally the troops. Not a historian looking at what the Slave Rapists actually did.

Yeah, putting the word "slave' in the constitution would have been embarrassing, but they had no intent to end the practice.

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