The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?

I think you don't get the idea of a metaphor, but they done der never taught that at the home school you were at.

"metaphor"? So what army made you an NCO....Salvation Army? Did you end up "saving" us from something?....details please.

I worked for the SA for about 5 years driving the donation truck. I can say they are a bit more strict then the regular army is and that a crazy fart like JoeB would not likely get past sorting. At best Joe is a reservist who diddnt show up for drill weekend.
I worked for the SA for about 5 years driving the donation truck. I can say they are a bit more strict then the regular army is and that a crazy fart like JoeB would not likely get past sorting. At best Joe is a reservist who diddnt show up for drill weekend.

I always drop a buck or two in their Christmas buckets outside the grocery store. I couldn't stand there shaking those bells for more than a couple minutes before I lost my mind and started attacking those who ignored me.
You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?

I think you don't get the idea of a metaphor, but they done der never taught that at the home school you were at.

Which is sad. They did a very good job of protecting the rights of workers, and ensuring safe working conditions, but then they decided they wanted to be the tail that wags the dog but the problem with that is the tail beat the dog to death.

So do you blame short dresses for rape? "I wouldn't have raped her if she wasn't wearing that short dress". Makes about as much sense as "I wouldn't have fucked over those working people if they didn't demand good benefits and safe working conditions."

No, the real problem wasn't the unions. The real problem was when your boy, Senile Reagan, decided that he'd have the back of the corporations instead of working people.

It all started when he fired the PATCO workers.

The truth is, a true democracy is inherently evil. There is no need for checks and balances, no need for a Constitution and no need for a Supreme Court.

Not too nice for minority groups

Guy, no system is good for minority groups if the majority decides they are going to violate their rights. We have enough bad example is our supposed "republic" of minorities getting screwed when the majority was good with that.

So, no, your argument fails.

Yet ours has something you forgot to address. Something VERY UNDEMOCRATIC. A Supreme Court. None of the members elected by a majority vote. They are put in place to protect minorities against THE TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY.

Your argument fails due to a lack of even the basic understanding of a representative republic.

Now go away child and let adults discuss.
You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?

I think you don't get the idea of a metaphor, but they done der never taught that at the home school you were at.

Which is sad. They did a very good job of protecting the rights of workers, and ensuring safe working conditions, but then they decided they wanted to be the tail that wags the dog but the problem with that is the tail beat the dog to death.

So do you blame short dresses for rape? "I wouldn't have raped her if she wasn't wearing that short dress". Makes about as much sense as "I wouldn't have fucked over those working people if they didn't demand good benefits and safe working conditions."

No, the real problem wasn't the unions. The real problem was when your boy, Senile Reagan, decided that he'd have the back of the corporations instead of working people.

It all started when he fired the PATCO workers.

The truth is, a true democracy is inherently evil. There is no need for checks and balances, no need for a Constitution and no need for a Supreme Court.

Not too nice for minority groups

Guy, no system is good for minority groups if the majority decides they are going to violate their rights. We have enough bad example is our supposed "republic" of minorities getting screwed when the majority was good with that.

So, no, your argument fails.

Yet ours has something you forgot to address. Something VERY UNDEMOCRATIC. A Supreme Court. None of the members elected by a majority vote. They are put in place to protect minorities against THE TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY.

Your argument fails due to a lack of even the basic understanding of a representative republic.

Now go away child and let adults discuss.
Cut him some slack. JoeB is disabled after all.
You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?

I think you don't get the idea of a metaphor, but they done der never taught that at the home school you were at.

Which is sad. They did a very good job of protecting the rights of workers, and ensuring safe working conditions, but then they decided they wanted to be the tail that wags the dog but the problem with that is the tail beat the dog to death.

So do you blame short dresses for rape? "I wouldn't have raped her if she wasn't wearing that short dress". Makes about as much sense as "I wouldn't have fucked over those working people if they didn't demand good benefits and safe working conditions."

No, the real problem wasn't the unions. The real problem was when your boy, Senile Reagan, decided that he'd have the back of the corporations instead of working people.

It all started when he fired the PATCO workers.

The truth is, a true democracy is inherently evil. There is no need for checks and balances, no need for a Constitution and no need for a Supreme Court.

Not too nice for minority groups

Guy, no system is good for minority groups if the majority decides they are going to violate their rights. We have enough bad example is our supposed "republic" of minorities getting screwed when the majority was good with that.

So, no, your argument fails.

You are easily one of the stupidest people on the planet. No wonder you must resort to lying about what people actually posted. No joe, it is your argument that fails. That's why you lie.
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.
2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history.

Not that the rest of your post is much better, but this particular claim is so ridiculously easy to respond to.

Mr. Bush wasn't even inaugurated until 2001. He barely had time to settle into the role when the 9/11 attacks happened.

There was another terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, by those associated with the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack, in 1993; under Bill Clinton's watch; eight years before the 9/11 attacks. We knew, then, that there was an organized Islamist terrorist group, that for whatever reason, wanted to bring down the World Trade Center. They had made one attempt, and we had every reason to expect that there'd be another.

President Clinton's administration had from there to the end of his term, seven years, to address this threat. He did nothing, and predictably, another attack did occur, with devastating results. Though the attack finally happened early in the Bush Administration, it was the Clinton Administration's neglect that allowed it to happen.

Exactly, Clinton set up the groundwork for 911. Bush didn't have time to create the wacko conspiracy theory he gets accused of
These stupid uneducated low information confused Moon Bats simply do not understand that the President of the US is not determined by the majority vote.

Probably comes from never reading the Constitution. If they did read it then they were confused about what it said.

They also have a difficult time understanding that the "will of the people" doesn't apply to illegals.
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You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?

I think you don't get the idea of a metaphor, but they done der never taught that at the home school you were at.

Which is sad. They did a very good job of protecting the rights of workers, and ensuring safe working conditions, but then they decided they wanted to be the tail that wags the dog but the problem with that is the tail beat the dog to death.

So do you blame short dresses for rape? "I wouldn't have raped her if she wasn't wearing that short dress". Makes about as much sense as "I wouldn't have fucked over those working people if they didn't demand good benefits and safe working conditions."

No, the real problem wasn't the unions. The real problem was when your boy, Senile Reagan, decided that he'd have the back of the corporations instead of working people.

It all started when he fired the PATCO workers.

The truth is, a true democracy is inherently evil. There is no need for checks and balances, no need for a Constitution and no need for a Supreme Court.

Not too nice for minority groups

Guy, no system is good for minority groups if the majority decides they are going to violate their rights. We have enough bad example is our supposed "republic" of minorities getting screwed when the majority was good with that.

So, no, your argument fails.

You are easily one of the stupidest people on the planet. No wonder you must resort to lying about what people actually posted. No joe, it is your argument that fails. That's why you lie.

And thats the crux of the apostrophe. The electoral collage did what its supposed to do, and has done ever since its creation. Had they done as JoeB wanted that would have been another story all together. Then they would have been going against the will of the people and therein sits the lie joe peddles for the left. Joe, grow the fuck up and write a check to the DNC, but just get over it. It happened, just like it did in 2008.
...Not really. We have Congress and the Courts, who need to do their job and keep him from doing crazy stuff. That's what needs to happen...
Agreed. Congress and the Courts need to watch He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named like a frigging hawk. But he gets his turn at-bat, now.

...The problem with your nihilist view of a "Train Wreck" is that if you see the train heading towards a wreck, you do everything you can to stop it before it happens. You don't just sit there and watch the train wreck...
I did.

I voted for Bernie.

Then I voted for Hillary.

...The problem with people like you is you couldn't get over your irrational dislike for Hillary, and you'd rather blow up the system than let her win....

I voted for her.

...Well, guy, no, we aren't going to give it a rest. ..
There is no point whatsoever in belaboring the Spilt Milk... people have already turned you (those still yammering about the Electoral College) off.

...You guys own this...
What 'guys' are those?

...America didn't want this...

Enough of America wanted this to give The Creature the win in the Electoral College, which is all that is required.

...Even a majority of your party didn't want this...
There is a Centrist Party?

...Pointing out that we didn't get here because, hey, we made a mistake, is completely fair. We didn't make a mistake. The people got it right. ..

The Democrats got it wrong.


The sooner you admit that to yourself, the sooner you can begin rebuilding your shattered, shamble-ized Democratic Party.

...They saw Trump for what he was, and 54% of them voted against him.
You (Democrats) have just lost the White House, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court because you ignored and insulted White Middle America.

You've just been bitch-slapped for it.

Enjoy your political exile and impotence.

Not to mention the metaphorical Democratic Party Civil War that is headed your way...

As the more pragmatic amongst you decide to jettison the more contentious aspects of your agenda, in order to embark upon the long road to a return to power.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ, son... you guys really screwed-the-pooch this time, didn't you?

America needs an effective Loyal Opposition right about now, but ya'll just aren't up to the challenge at the moment, and may not be, for at least another couple of years.

I almost feel sorry for you characters... almost.
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Obozo turned a 6 month recession into an 8 year recession. Trump will turn it around causing libs to seethe with rage.

Well,g uy, it wasn't a six month recession. Or an 8 year recession. It was a 2 year recession, which started in 2007 and ended in 2009.

There's a reason why they call it the "Great Recession". because it was worse than all the recessions that preceded it. All the way back when we started using the word Recession because the word "Depression" had developed such a negative connotation for the one in 1929.

No cupcake, we're still in recession. 92,000,000 out of the workforce. Record number on food stamps. Thanks to Obozo.
Typical, right to spelling, deflect the rest.Yes you did,multiple times. Anyone wants to check it they can look at your posts from when Mittens was running. You and your alter ego both have stories about people screwing you over.

again, I think the only thing worse than your spelling is your reading comprehension. How do you function in life?

No you are crazy if you think this country under clinton would not be like a war zone in the streets. Apparently you have no idea what has happened in the last eight years, or that the current administration with clintons approval SOLD ENRICHABLE URANIUM TO RUSSIA. BTW RUSSIA and IRAN are great allies. can you draw a line between the dots? I thought not amoebas are smarter than liberals.

Okay, guy, you are kind of a crazy person, and I'm not sure if it does any good to talk to you, but I'll try. I know exactly what happened in the 8 years. Obama inherited a big fucking mess from Bush and cleaned up a lot of it.

As for the Uranium Story, that's been debunked.

Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can't veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself "never intervened" in committee matters.
No cupcake, we're still in recession. 92,000,000 out of the workforce. Record number on food stamps. Thanks to Obozo.

Okay, dummy, you do realize that the labor participation rate has been declining since 1999, right?

That's not a measure of recession. Neither is food stamp utilization, which is down from its highs in 2010.

A recession is defined as two or more consecutive quarters of negative GDP Growth. That hasn't been the case since 2009.
I worked for the SA for about 5 years driving the donation truck. I can say they are a bit more strict then the regular army is and that a crazy fart like JoeB would not likely get past sorting. At best Joe is a reservist who diddnt show up for drill weekend.

Uh, no, I was active duty and got promoted to E-6, so you'd be wrong again.

But that's normal for you...

You are easily one of the stupidest people on the planet. No wonder you must resort to lying about what people actually posted. No joe, it is your argument that fails. That's why you lie.

I was trying to figure out what part of my post you were trying to rebute, and then realized you weren't even trying.

And thats the crux of the apostrophe. The electoral collage did what its supposed to do, and has done ever since its creation. Had they done as JoeB wanted that would have been another story all together. Then they would have been going against the will of the people and therein sits the lie joe peddles for the left. Joe, grow the fuck up and write a check to the DNC, but just get over it. It happened, just like it did in 2008.

well, no, in 2008, a majority voted for the guy who became president. That's not what happened this time. More people voted for the person who didn't win, and the Electoral College (not Collage) decided to ignore the will of the people.
There is no point whatsoever in belaboring the Spilt Milk... people have already turned you (those still yammering about the Electoral College) off.

Really, when did they do that? Did we have another vote?

You (Democrats) have just lost the White House, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court because you ignored and insulted White Middle America.

First, guy, I'm a registered Republican. second, if white people are truly insulted by "Hey, maybe it's a bad thing when cops shoot children playing with toys", then they need to do some soul searching about their priorities.

The Country got this right. We are stuck with this bad situation, but we aren't responsible for it.
I voted for Bernie.

Then I voted for Hillary.
You lost twice. Three times if you count the recount. Four times if you count the electoral college.
Oh, I totally agree.

Mind you, I've never voted for a Socialist before in my life, but I thought he'd make a far better choice than the HildaBeast.

And, when I voted for the HildaBeast, I felt like I needed a shower, afterwards - I've never cast a vote so reluctantly in my life.

I believe that the alternative to either of them is a Train Wreck in the Making, but that's all future speculation, and the guy's entitled to his turn at-bat.
I worked for the SA for about 5 years driving the donation truck. I can say they are a bit more strict then the regular army is and that a crazy fart like JoeB would not likely get past sorting. At best Joe is a reservist who diddnt show up for drill weekend.

Uh, no, I was active duty and got promoted to E-6, so you'd be wrong again.

But that's normal for you...

You are easily one of the stupidest people on the planet. No wonder you must resort to lying about what people actually posted. No joe, it is your argument that fails. That's why you lie.

I was trying to figure out what part of my post you were trying to rebute, and then realized you weren't even trying.

And thats the crux of the apostrophe. The electoral collage did what its supposed to do, and has done ever since its creation. Had they done as JoeB wanted that would have been another story all together. Then they would have been going against the will of the people and therein sits the lie joe peddles for the left. Joe, grow the fuck up and write a check to the DNC, but just get over it. It happened, just like it did in 2008.

well, no, in 2008, a majority voted for the guy who became president. That's not what happened this time. More people voted for the person who didn't win, and the Electoral College (not Collage) decided to ignore the will of the people.

Reservist. TAR at best. Cal Of Duty dont count.
If life were that simple you'd be the head of MENSA. But you're not JoeB131. You're not.

You are dodging the point, Cleetus. The Electoral College was put in so the Slave States would sign on to this new united government. That's not a good reason to continue it. IN fact, there is NO good reason why we should still be selecting Presidents the majority of the people didn't want.

I/we are sorry, but until this happens, you are to be ignored, reviled, and laughed at-) Your guys in the wilderness, political Siberia, off the grid, gone, lost, forget about it! When you get back enough power that we have to worry about your idiotic stance, let us know. Until then we chuckle, since you and your friends are out in the political wilderness.

YOu guys realize you didn't win the popular vote. With the exception of Bush, guys who become president by stealing it not only don't get re-elected, their parties often pay a pretty hefty price for flipping off the people.

You have about two years of riding it like you stole it. That's not enough time to remake America, but it is enough time for people to realize what an awful mistake they made.

Particularly when you are all following a Nazi Game Show Host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

you scared of the challenge?
If life were that simple you'd be the head of MENSA. But you're not JoeB131. You're not.

You are dodging the point, Cleetus. The Electoral College was put in so the Slave States would sign on to this new united government. That's not a good reason to continue it. IN fact, there is NO good reason why we should still be selecting Presidents the majority of the people didn't want.
So you would not have signed on to it and had no USA?

and that is NOT the reason people give to continue it.

Didn't want? Do people vote for what they consider the less of _____ (fill in the blank?) does that mean you'd desire anarchy

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