The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

Hey, when I was your age, I had already an NCO in the army with a college degree and owned rental property... and I was just getting started.

My guess, if you don't have a major grabber by then, you'll still be sleeping on someone's couch when you reach my age.

So just like I stood up to save my country 25 years ago
, looks like we have to do it again.

Except this time, we have to save it from itself.

You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?
I'm not a Clinton supporter, point was that if people are unhappy with the outcome of this election...or any other election for that matter...they need to take a long hard look at what their Party is doing that made that happen and ask if change is needed. The Democrats just put Nancy Pelosi back in charge of the Democrats in the House which begs the question...WHY?

Why not? A majority voted for Hillary, and the dumb-ass Inbred Cleetuses who voted for Trumpenfuhrer in WI, MI and PA didn't do so because they just hate Pelosi soooooo much.

they voted for him because Trump promised them that he'd bring back their daddy's long extinct job.

And when they find out that isn't going to happen no matter how much Trump bribes billionaires with our tax dollars, they are going to turn on him pretty viciously.

Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back. Just because you're an ignorant twat doesn't mean the people the trumpster is placing positions of power are. They are orders of magnitude brighter, and more educated than you dude.

Just sayin...
The high paying low skilled assembly line jobs won't come back. If manufacturing returns to the US, it will be done either by low paid workers or automated machines. That's non-partisan reality. Now, having manufacturing return to the US is a good thing, but it won't bring back millions of high paying jobs. There will be jobs making and fixing the machines, but since each machine can replace many workers, there will be fewer of them.

True, to a point. The fact is that the low skilled manufacturing jobs were grossly over valued because of union agitation. That is what drove the engine of automation. That being said, yes, the machines will need highly trained, and highly paid (as they should be) maintenance work.

There are two ways to make a lot of money in a job. Have a skill that few others have. Or, run a company that employs lots of low skilled workers, who you don't need to pay a lot, but who do tons of jobs so that you, as the owner, get to rake a little bit off of the top for your management ability. Have enough workers doing enough jobs, and you can make a decent living.

The time when you could have a low, or no skilled worker, making a lot of money for a job is gone for the most part. The unions priced themselves out of contention. They decided that they would rather have 100 people making 200,000 per year, than 1,000 people making 45,000 per year. The 100 people are happy. The 900, not so much.
I'm not a Clinton supporter, point was that if people are unhappy with the outcome of this election...or any other election for that matter...they need to take a long hard look at what their Party is doing that made that happen and ask if change is needed. The Democrats just put Nancy Pelosi back in charge of the Democrats in the House which begs the question...WHY?

Why not? A majority voted for Hillary, and the dumb-ass Inbred Cleetuses who voted for Trumpenfuhrer in WI, MI and PA didn't do so because they just hate Pelosi soooooo much.

they voted for him because Trump promised them that he'd bring back their daddy's long extinct job.

And when they find out that isn't going to happen no matter how much Trump bribes billionaires with our tax dollars, they are going to turn on him pretty viciously.

Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back. Just because you're an ignorant twat doesn't mean the people the trumpster is placing positions of power are. They are orders of magnitude brighter, and more educated than you dude.

Just sayin...
The high paying low skilled assembly line jobs won't come back. If manufacturing returns to the US, it will be done either by low paid workers or automated machines. That's non-partisan reality. Now, having manufacturing return to the US is a good thing, but it won't bring back millions of high paying jobs. There will be jobs making and fixing the machines, but since each machine can replace many workers, there will be fewer of them.

True, to a point. The fact is that the low skilled manufacturing jobs were grossly over valued because of union agitation. That is what drove the engine of automation. That being said, yes, the machines will need highly trained, and highly paid (as they should be) maintenance work.

There are two ways to make a lot of money in a job. Have a skill that few others have. Or, run a company that employs lots of low skilled workers, who you don't need to pay a lot, but who do tons of jobs so that you, as the owner, get to rake a little bit off of the top for your management ability. Have enough workers doing enough jobs, and you can make a decent living.

The time when you could have a low, or no skilled worker, making a lot of money for a job is gone for the most part. The unions priced themselves out of contention. They decided that they would rather have 100 people making 200,000 per year, than 1,000 people making 45,000 per year. The 100 people are happy. The 900, not so much.
That is true. The unions failed to adapt to the changing market and are marching right into irrelevancy.
I'm not a Clinton supporter, point was that if people are unhappy with the outcome of this election...or any other election for that matter...they need to take a long hard look at what their Party is doing that made that happen and ask if change is needed. The Democrats just put Nancy Pelosi back in charge of the Democrats in the House which begs the question...WHY?

Why not? A majority voted for Hillary, and the dumb-ass Inbred Cleetuses who voted for Trumpenfuhrer in WI, MI and PA didn't do so because they just hate Pelosi soooooo much.

they voted for him because Trump promised them that he'd bring back their daddy's long extinct job.

And when they find out that isn't going to happen no matter how much Trump bribes billionaires with our tax dollars, they are going to turn on him pretty viciously.

Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back. Just because you're an ignorant twat doesn't mean the people the trumpster is placing positions of power are. They are orders of magnitude brighter, and more educated than you dude.

Just sayin...
The high paying low skilled assembly line jobs won't come back. If manufacturing returns to the US, it will be done either by low paid workers or automated machines. That's non-partisan reality. Now, having manufacturing return to the US is a good thing, but it won't bring back millions of high paying jobs. There will be jobs making and fixing the machines, but since each machine can replace many workers, there will be fewer of them.

True, to a point. The fact is that the low skilled manufacturing jobs were grossly over valued because of union agitation. That is what drove the engine of automation. That being said, yes, the machines will need highly trained, and highly paid (as they should be) maintenance work.

There are two ways to make a lot of money in a job. Have a skill that few others have. Or, run a company that employs lots of low skilled workers, who you don't need to pay a lot, but who do tons of jobs so that you, as the owner, get to rake a little bit off of the top for your management ability. Have enough workers doing enough jobs, and you can make a decent living.

The time when you could have a low, or no skilled worker, making a lot of money for a job is gone for the most part. The unions priced themselves out of contention. They decided that they would rather have 100 people making 200,000 per year, than 1,000 people making 45,000 per year. The 100 people are happy. The 900, not so much.
That is true. The unions failed to adapt to the changing market and are marching right into irrelevancy.

Which is sad. They did a very good job of protecting the rights of workers, and ensuring safe working conditions, but then they decided they wanted to be the tail that wags the dog but the problem with that is the tail beat the dog to death.
Oh Joey, very sad! Nobody believes a word you say, and your lefty ideas are done, over, screwed, forget about it! We don't care until you, and your pathetic bunch of incompetents can muster enough backing to bring you back to being relevant on the political stage.

I/we are sorry, but until this happens, you are to be ignored, reviled, and laughed at-) Your guys in the wilderness, political Siberia, off the grid, gone, lost, forget about it! When you get back enough power that we have to worry about your idiotic stance, let us know. Until then we chuckle, since you and your friends are out in the political wilderness.

Cya, wouldn't want to be ya, oh incompetent one!
Not the right wing here. And can't believe you consider a check against the tyranny of the mob as a terrible thing.

One of the founders, John Adams, spoke of tyranny from the people being no better than the tyranny of a sovereign head of state

Again, the "Tyranny of the Mob" they were scared of was that the majority of people who weren't slave owners would vote to end slavery. I just can't get worked up about that.
If life were that simple you'd be the head of MENSA. But you're not JoeB131. You're not.
Again I am at work Meth head boi.

And again there would of been no United States... We wouldn't have had a civil war cup cake.

So we'd be the "Dominion of America". That would have been just as good. Probably better.

We'd have ended slavery in 1830 when it was abolished in the British Empire. that would have been awesome,a ctually. And today we'd have universal health care like Canada and the UK have. You can finally get treatment for your chronic alcoholism.

Now stop stealing from your boss.

Wake up. Europe has tried exactly what you suggest and it ain't working so hot for them. The biggest bully in the room (California = Germany) will always simply throw its weight around instead of a reasoned argument.

If you don't see that by now, you never will and there's room for you in Cuba.
The reality- most democratic countries elect their leaders by popular vote. It works out just fine.
So do...

Challenge you to a debate

Is Joe off his rocker? Certainly not direct and certainly not those that have lasted.

The truth is, a true democracy is inherently evil. There is no need for checks and balances, no need for a Constitution and no need for a Supreme Court.

Not too nice for minority groups
Yes. Automation is certainly going to alter the jobs landscape, but modern plants can be built here in the States instead of in China, and the people that are employed can be HERE. Not there. Do you not understand that?

That's nice and all... but not really. The jobs being done by machines isn't going to help the Trump Supporters who don't have the education to run the machine, will they?

You see, we could get those jobs if we invest in the education and infrastructure to make them feasible to move back here. But Trump wants to privatize the infrastructure and block the immigrants who have the technical skills to make that happen, so not so much.

You need to rethink your entire miserable, lying OP. And yeah, we hadn't quenched our thirst for raghead blood.....the Terrys ran to Pakistan before we could start slaughtering them....Sadddam needed killing so we went there next.

Well, no, Saddam didn't need killing, and the thing is, we've killed a million Iraqis and frankly, probably made more enemies than we had when we started. Before Bush started fucking it up, we just had Al Qaeda to worry about. Now we've got Al Qaeda, ISIS, and a lot of other groups that sprung from his boneheaded intervention.

I doubt the veracity of the claim you are any of those things, especially the collage and straight part. .

Hey, you know how you can tell I went to college? I can actually SPELL College. My God, man, why do you keep making the same fucked up mistake when I keep mocking you for it. I'm starting to wonder if you wear a rubber gimp suit on the weekends and let someone beat you.

Moving right along... So many wingnuts to mock, so little time.

They will cost more. However that will be offset by higher wages that are paid. I don't care about wally world. They are responsible, in large part, for the destruction of the US standard of living.

Isn't that kind of like blaming a spoon for making you fat? WalMart is successful because right after those idiots in the MAGA hats are done yelling Heil Trump at a rally, they drive right down to WalMart and buy Chinese made shit. They probably don't even check the labels to see where things were made.

Yeah, but by your own admission you had to leave because Mormons raped your ass in the shower. Like I said, you and your other account are bith shitty at spelling. You just take the time to go back and correct is all. Spelling aside, you are not but another ass raped butthurt lib who is pissed because no one will grab your pussy.
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.
You forgot John Quincy Adams.
This having happened four times in the past, hasn't destroyed the nation to this point. We still move along and elections go off without a violent transition....oops....of course, there's the violent rioters who didn't like this election's results. An extreme minority though.
ROTFLMAO!!!! No one defines the term "liberal white trash" more than you, little don't know anything and you take pride in it. You don't have a fucking clue on how a central bank actually controls a country. You are like one of those blunt smoking thug wannabes with your pants saggin' and thinkink that you have got it goin' on.......fucking hilarious.

Guy, you are a crazy person if you think it's the Illuminati or the Bilderbergers or the Trilateralists or the Lizard People controlling everything...

I hate to keep breaking it to you.

Kind of sounds like your Mormon rants from back in the day.
More to the point, the country is already beginning to move past the Electoral College rock-throwing festival du jour...

Rather, the country is preparing to install a new Administration, and anticipating its new and hard turn to the Right...

Market Corrections are a bitch, aren't they?

Yeah, when we get the Trump Recession,and millions of you white trash assholes find yourselves out of jobs... that will be a correction. But you probably still won't learn anything.
Back to the Peanut Gallery with you, Little LibProg... no place for you now at the grownups table of governance and decision-making...

Enjoy your exile...
Oh, and there is this quote of JoeB here. He said,

"Hey, when I was your age, I had already an NCO in the army with a college degree and owned rental property... and I was just getting started.

My guess, if you don't have a major grabber by then, you'll still be sleeping on someone's couch when you reach my age.

So just like I stood up to save my country 25 years ago
, looks like we have to do it again.

Except this time, we have to save it from itself."

Anyone who knows Joe can call BS on this. Go back and look at his shit and you will see he is not telling the truth about that.

As for you Joe, If ya had it all you would not be fishing for approval on a message board so much. You never saved shit, your just a pissed off old guy. Not much more.
You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?

I think you don't get the idea of a metaphor, but they done der never taught that at the home school you were at.

Which is sad. They did a very good job of protecting the rights of workers, and ensuring safe working conditions, but then they decided they wanted to be the tail that wags the dog but the problem with that is the tail beat the dog to death.

So do you blame short dresses for rape? "I wouldn't have raped her if she wasn't wearing that short dress". Makes about as much sense as "I wouldn't have fucked over those working people if they didn't demand good benefits and safe working conditions."

No, the real problem wasn't the unions. The real problem was when your boy, Senile Reagan, decided that he'd have the back of the corporations instead of working people.

It all started when he fired the PATCO workers.

The truth is, a true democracy is inherently evil. There is no need for checks and balances, no need for a Constitution and no need for a Supreme Court.

Not too nice for minority groups

Guy, no system is good for minority groups if the majority decides they are going to violate their rights. We have enough bad example is our supposed "republic" of minorities getting screwed when the majority was good with that.

So, no, your argument fails.
If life were that simple you'd be the head of MENSA. But you're not JoeB131. You're not.

You are dodging the point, Cleetus. The Electoral College was put in so the Slave States would sign on to this new united government. That's not a good reason to continue it. IN fact, there is NO good reason why we should still be selecting Presidents the majority of the people didn't want.

I/we are sorry, but until this happens, you are to be ignored, reviled, and laughed at-) Your guys in the wilderness, political Siberia, off the grid, gone, lost, forget about it! When you get back enough power that we have to worry about your idiotic stance, let us know. Until then we chuckle, since you and your friends are out in the political wilderness.

YOu guys realize you didn't win the popular vote. With the exception of Bush, guys who become president by stealing it not only don't get re-elected, their parties often pay a pretty hefty price for flipping off the people.

You have about two years of riding it like you stole it. That's not enough time to remake America, but it is enough time for people to realize what an awful mistake they made.

Particularly when you are all following a Nazi Game Show Host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Wake up. Europe has tried exactly what you suggest and it ain't working so hot for them. The biggest bully in the room (California = Germany) will always simply throw its weight around instead of a reasoned argument.

If you don't see that by now, you never will and there's room for you in Cuba.

When did this happen? The only country that is being "bullied" by Germany is Greece, and that's only after Greece fucked up time after time actually becoming the wingnuts example of "why socialism doesn't work".

You see, your argument would work if the EU was imposed on Greece. But it wasn't. Greece lobbied for years to get in and lied about its economic fundementals to gain admittance. Now Europe is kind of stuck bailing them out.

The EU isn't really a good comparison because it isn't actually a centralized government. there isn't a "President of Europe" who is always who Germany wants because the Germans have the most votes. (Which isn't the case with either Germany or California.)

Look, I realize you guys need to put lipstick on this pig, but the fact is, most people didn't want Trumpenfuhrer.
You forgot John Quincy Adams.
This having happened four times in the past, hasn't destroyed the nation to this point. We still move along and elections go off without a violent transition....oops....of course, there's the violent rioters who didn't like this election's results. An extreme minority though.

I didn't forget JQA, he was elected under a different set of circumstances. The EC couldn't agree on a winner, so Congress appointed Adams in the "Corrupt Deal".

Oh, by the way, when you get referred to as "your Fraudelency" or "Chimpy" or "A corrupt deal", it's usually not a good sign for your presidency.

The difference between those other guys and Trumpenfuhrer is that they didn't become president by dividing the country. They understood their were boundaries. In fact, I will even give Bush kudos for his repeated attempts to reach out to the other side.

Trump seems to not only not want to reach out to the other side, but to bully and humiliate his own side.

You see, the problem isn't the majority who voted against Trump, it's all the Republicans who KNEW this was a terrible idea and voted for him anyway because they just couldn't get over the fact Bill and Hillary spanked them in the 1990's.

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