The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

Back to the Peanut Gallery with you, Little LibProg... no place for you now at the grownups table of governance and decision-making...

Enjoy your exile...

Guy, you need to not watch out for me. You need to watch out for the Establishment Republicans who are just waiting for Trumpenfuhrer's Approval Rating to dip below 30% so they can gain the kudos of the MSM by "standing up to him".

Keep in mind, your "majority" is based on having John McCain, Susan Collins and Lindsey Grahmn on your side, not to mention guys like Ted Cruz your Fuhrer accused of horrible things.
Back to the Peanut Gallery with you, Little LibProg... no place for you now at the grownups table of governance and decision-making...

Enjoy your exile...

Guy, you need to not watch out for me. You need to watch out for the Establishment Republicans who are just waiting for Trumpenfuhrer's Approval Rating to dip below 30% so they can gain the kudos of the MSM by "standing up to him".

Keep in mind, your "majority" is based on having John McCain, Susan Collins and Lindsey Grahmn on your side, not to mention guys like Ted Cruz your Fuhrer accused of horrible things.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm a Centrist, who (oh-so-reluctantly) voted for Bernie Sanders in the Springtime 2016 Illinois Primary, and Clinton in the November 2016 General Election.

I think Trump is a Train Wreck Waiting to Happen... it's just that the election is over now, and he is now the President-elect, and must be given a chance to govern.

All of this hand-wringing and pissing and moaning over the Electoral College and how unfair it is and what a terrible POTUS that Trump is going to make...

All of that is "swinging after the bell" and, at a distance of 6-7 weeks from the November 8 election, it's gotten "old"... nobody really wants to hear that shit anymore.

Give it a rest.

Plenty of other shit coming up that will get your LibProg knickers in a twist... pace yourself... you're gonna need your strength.
Kind of sounds like your Mormon rants from back in the day.

You mean when I pointed out the crazy shit they actually believe?

Here was the thing about that, illiterate one. The very same people who supported Romney in 2012 were the ones who were against him in 2008 for the same reasons I pointed out.

You know, when Mike Huckabee and the Funditards said they couldn't vote for Romney because Mormons believe Jesus and Satan are brothers. (which is something Mormons actually believe.) That's why Romney lost. They were actually okay with his health care reforms, which became the model for ObamaCare. But that Mormonism? We couldn't go there.

So what changed in 2012? Did Mormon beliefs become less crazy? Nope, we just got a black guy in the White House, and all the Funditards forgot they hated Mormons because they hated black people even more.

Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to Dread C'Thulhu and the Funditards would have still supported him.


"He's released the Great Old Ones! The world is doomed!"
"Yeah, but at least we got that n****r out of the White House!!!"

Now, all of this is very relevant to why you guys got behind Trump. You guys came to embody Santayana's definition of a fanatic- someone who doubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.

Fundamentalists supported a serial womanizer who made his money promoting vice and talking about his sexual conquests.

NeoCons got behind a guy who denounced the Gulf War and NATO and loved him some Putin. (Remember when Romney called Putin our biggest threat? Now you all just love the guy.)

Capitalists got behind a guy who denounces the Free Market and Free Trade.

Libertarians got behind a guy who threatens to beat up protesters and lock up his political opponents.

Small Government Conservatives got behind a guy who promises to spend a TRILLION dollars on infrastructure. (you know, the thing Obama wanted for years.)

So you guys "won" (not really) at the expense of chucking every principled stand you had over the side of the boat because you dun got you a celebrity, on the hope he might do some things you want.

Feeling warm and fuzzy yet?

winning is good. Standing on principles is better.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm a Centrist, who (oh-so-reluctantly) voted for Bernie Sanders in the Springtime 2016 Illinois Primary, and Clinton in the November 2016 General Election.

I think Trump is a Train Wreck Waiting to Happen... it's just that the election is over now, and he is now the President-elect, and must be given a chance to govern.

Not really. We have Congress and the Courts, who need to do their job and keep him from doing crazy stuff. That's what needs to happen.

The problem with your nihilist view of a "Train Wreck" is that if you see the train heading towards a wreck, you do everything you can to stop it before it happens. You don't just sit there and watch the train wreck.

The problem with people like you is you couldn't get over your irrational dislike for Hillary, and you'd rather blow up the system than let her win.

All of this hand-wringing and pissing and moaning over the Electoral College and how unfair it is and what a terrible POTUS that Trump is going to make...

All of that is "swinging after the bell" and, at a distance of 6-7 weeks from the November 8 election, it's gotten "old"... nobody really wants to hear that shit anymore.

Give it a rest.

Well, guy, no, we aren't going to give it a rest.

You guys own this. America didn't want this. Even a majority of your party didn't want this.

Pointing out that we didn't get here because, hey, we made a mistake, is completely fair. We didn't make a mistake. The people got it right.

They saw Trump for what he was, and 54% of them voted against him.
If life were that simple you'd be the head of MENSA. But you're not JoeB131. You're not.

You are dodging the point, Cleetus. The Electoral College was put in so the Slave States would sign on to this new united government. That's not a good reason to continue it. IN fact, there is NO good reason why we should still be selecting Presidents the majority of the people didn't want.

I/we are sorry, but until this happens, you are to be ignored, reviled, and laughed at-) Your guys in the wilderness, political Siberia, off the grid, gone, lost, forget about it! When you get back enough power that we have to worry about your idiotic stance, let us know. Until then we chuckle, since you and your friends are out in the political wilderness.

YOu guys realize you didn't win the popular vote. With the exception of Bush, guys who become president by stealing it not only don't get re-elected, their parties often pay a pretty hefty price for flipping off the people.

You have about two years of riding it like you stole it. That's not enough time to remake America, but it is enough time for people to realize what an awful mistake they made.

Particularly when you are all following a Nazi Game Show Host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Hitlery didn't win the popular vote either and you are only fooling yourself if you believe that she did....three recall states by Stein actually added votes to Trump's count and 14 out of the 20 states with no ID laws were states that the Hitlery carried. I would be very interested in a recount of them.......what say ye??
Yeah, but by your own admission you had to leave because Mormons raped your ass in the shower. Like I said, you and your other account are bith shitty at spelling. You just take the time to go back and correct is all. Spelling aside, you are not but another ass raped butthurt lib who is pissed because no one will grab your pussy.

Guy, the fact that we take the time to actually check spelling and grammar shows an attention to detail. You know, getting it right.

Your problem isn't that you just can't spell and can't structure a sentence, (both skills Americans kind of suck at), it's that you seem to have poor reading comprehension. Nowhere did I say "Mormons raped me in the shower" (given how homophobic their wacky cult is, that would be unlikely in the 1980's army were you got thrown out for that sort of thing)

I did say the ones I encountered at the beginning of my career were backstabbing pieces of shit, and that was before I found out they believed crazy shit like they were all going to rule planets in the afterlife. (No, seriously, they really believe that.)

But if you had read what I actually said and understood it, you'd get where I am coming from.
Hitlery didn't win the popular vote either and you are only fooling yourself if you believe that she did....three recall states by Stein actually added votes to Trump's count and 14 out of the 20 states with no ID laws were states that the Hitlery carried. I would be very interested in a recount of them.......what say ye??

Uh, she got 3 million more votes than Trump did. That's winning the popular vote. Just like Reagan, Clinton, Nixon all did.

Now, what would be nice is if we had a system like France has, where yes, the nutter small parties can run and you can vote for them, but then you have a run off where someone has to get a clear majority.

Maybe in that scenario, the Stein and Johnson voters would have voted for Trump,and I'd have nothing to complain about.

The reality, however, is that a lot of people voted for Stein and Johnson because they were told that Hillary had this in the bag by the media, that she was clearly leading in the Rust Belt Three, and they could have the luxury of a protest vote.

Oh, yeah. And Voter Fraud isn't a thing. "Voter ID" is just another poll tax to keep poor people from voting.
I will give you a SO RIGHT on the Give it a rest, But a lost in space on clinton. People seem to miss the facts that she and her ex bosses policies have given the world a new level of danger that is unprecedented. They sold nuclear material to RUSSIA, to the same person they are crying about hacking the election, They opened an entire new region to isis, they have given weapons to groups that change their alliance on a daily basis. AND they have LIED ABOUT everything they have done because they KNEW IT WAS DANGEROUS but it profited them in MANY WAYS. So a vote for the clinton cartel was a vote to have your children murdered in OUR streets. No matter HOW the information was released to the public about only the unclassified PART of what happened in all of these acts it proved a wanton disregard for the lives and the safety of the citizens of this country in the name of a global ruling class being solidified. The entire Change idea was to make this country just like every other failed country in the world, and to give the people of this country a worldview while distributing the wealth of this country to a worldwide group of ruling class semi dictatorial leaders. I know liberals are too monoplanic to understand the effects, and the significance of these actions but they will be hard to erase even with Trump and all of the congress working to build our security up 24 hours a day seven days a week. Just reading putins tweet about expanding the Russian nuclear arsenal should give even the dumbest liberal a pause. He will be doing that using what the obama - clinton deal sold them.
It's a very important thing. She was a stumbling disaster and I'm happy that she won't be in the White House without a visitor pass.

But you got the Nazi instead.. somehow, that's worse.

"Got us out of a recession". Not very fast and not very robustly. Plus, given the rantings of the Obama sycophants over the last 8 years, Trump's can just as successfully claim that any recession isn't his fault because Obama left things in such a weak state that he couldn't possibly prevent any problems. Besides, he might avert a recession and have a growing economy. That's why a Trump presidency is a crap shoot, while a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.

Uh, guy, the Recession of 2008 was the worst recession in 80 years. That we got out of it at all is pretty impressive.

No, Trump won't avert a recession. He doesn't have the skills, and the people he is surrounding himself with are a large part of the problem.

No one is going to buy "It's Obama's Fault" whenObama is leaving with 3% GDP growth and 4.6% unemployment.

Obozo turned a 6 month recession into an 8 year recession. Trump will turn it around causing libs to seethe with rage.
Obozo turned a 6 month recession into an 8 year recession. Trump will turn it around causing libs to seethe with rage.

Well,g uy, it wasn't a six month recession. Or an 8 year recession. It was a 2 year recession, which started in 2007 and ended in 2009.

There's a reason why they call it the "Great Recession". because it was worse than all the recessions that preceded it. All the way back when we started using the word Recession because the word "Depression" had developed such a negative connotation for the one in 1929.
So a vote for the clinton cartel was a vote to have your children murdered in OUR streets.

And you're a crazy person. I was going to try to reason with you, but your thought process is so convoluted, I don't think it would be worth the effort.
Yeah, but by your own admission you had to leave because Mormons raped your ass in the shower. Like I said, you and your other account are bith shitty at spelling. You just take the time to go back and correct is all. Spelling aside, you are not but another ass raped butthurt lib who is pissed because no one will grab your pussy.

Guy, the fact that we take the time to actually check spelling and grammar shows an attention to detail. You know, getting it right.

Your problem isn't that you just can't spell and can't structure a sentence, (both skills Americans kind of suck at), it's that you seem to have poor reading comprehension. Nowhere did I say "Mormons raped me in the shower" (given how homophobic their wacky cult is, that would be unlikely in the 1980's army were you got thrown out for that sort of thing)

I did say the ones I encountered at the beginning of my career were backstabbing pieces of shit, and that was before I found out they believed crazy shit like they were all going to rule planets in the afterlife. (No, seriously, they really believe that.)

But if you had read what I actually said and understood it, you'd get where I am coming from.

Typical, right to spelling, deflect the rest.Yes you did,multiple times. Anyone wants to check it they can look at your posts from when Mittens was running. You and your alter ego both have stories about people screwing you over.
Kind of sounds like your Mormon rants from back in the day.

You mean when I pointed out the crazy shit they actually believe?

Here was the thing about that, illiterate one. The very same people who supported Romney in 2012 were the ones who were against him in 2008 for the same reasons I pointed out.

You know, when Mike Huckabee and the Funditards said they couldn't vote for Romney because Mormons believe Jesus and Satan are brothers. (which is something Mormons actually believe.) That's why Romney lost. They were actually okay with his health care reforms, which became the model for ObamaCare. But that Mormonism? We couldn't go there.

So what changed in 2012? Did Mormon beliefs become less crazy? Nope, we just got a black guy in the White House, and all the Funditards forgot they hated Mormons because they hated black people even more.

Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to Dread C'Thulhu and the Funditards would have still supported him.


"He's released the Great Old Ones! The world is doomed!"
"Yeah, but at least we got that n****r out of the White House!!!"

Now, all of this is very relevant to why you guys got behind Trump. You guys came to embody Santayana's definition of a fanatic- someone who doubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.

Fundamentalists supported a serial womanizer who made his money promoting vice and talking about his sexual conquests.

NeoCons got behind a guy who denounced the Gulf War and NATO and loved him some Putin. (Remember when Romney called Putin our biggest threat? Now you all just love the guy.)

Capitalists got behind a guy who denounces the Free Market and Free Trade.

Libertarians got behind a guy who threatens to beat up protesters and lock up his political opponents.

Small Government Conservatives got behind a guy who promises to spend a TRILLION dollars on infrastructure. (you know, the thing Obama wanted for years.)

So you guys "won" (not really) at the expense of chucking every principled stand you had over the side of the boat because you dun got you a celebrity, on the hope he might do some things you want.

Feeling warm and fuzzy yet?

winning is good. Standing on principles is better.

Again, never how you could have done better, only how you got screwed.
You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?

I think you don't get the idea of a metaphor, but they done der never taught that at the home school you were at.

"metaphor"? So what army made you an NCO....Salvation Army? Did you end up "saving" us from something?....details please.
You're a better liar than Hillary but nobody believes a word ^^^^^^either of you ever say. Who did you "save" the country from 25 years ago, hairlip?

I think you don't get the idea of a metaphor, but they done der never taught that at the home school you were at.

"metaphor"? So what army made you an NCO....Salvation Army? Did you end up "saving" us from something?....details please.

And he obviously doesn't know the meaning of metaphor.
Obozo turned a 6 month recession into an 8 year recession. Trump will turn it around causing libs to seethe with rage.

Well,g uy, it wasn't a six month recession. Or an 8 year recession. It was a 2 year recession, which started in 2007 and ended in 2009.

There's a reason why they call it the "Great Recession". because it was worse than all the recessions that preceded it. All the way back when we started using the word Recession because the word "Depression" had developed such a negative connotation for the one in 1929.

The recession "ended in 2009"? Tell that to the 18% still unemployed and tens of millions on food stamps. And it's called the "great recession" because of the negative connotation of depression alright...the lying, scumbag MSM has no intention of calling out the Kenyan's bungling and what it's produced...nothing.
So a vote for the clinton cartel was a vote to have your children murdered in OUR streets.

And you're a crazy person. I was going to try to reason with you, but your thought process is so convoluted, I don't think it would be worth the effort.

No you are crazy if you think this country under clinton would not be like a war zone in the streets. Apparently you have no idea what has happened in the last eight years, or that the current administration with clintons approval SOLD ENRICHABLE URANIUM TO RUSSIA. BTW RUSSIA and IRAN are great allies. can you draw a line between the dots? I thought not amoebas are smarter than liberals.
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.

Okay, so let's look at that. Let's look at the three times that someone became President because they won the electoral College while losing the Popular Vote.

1876- Rutherford B. Hayes. Won the electoral college because a commission awarded several states to him AFTER he promised to withdraw the remaining troops from the South and ended Reconstruction. As a result, the South was able to roll back the rights of African Americans with impunity and gave us 100 years of Jim Crow. Clearly one of the worst Presidents we've ever had.

1888 - Benjamin Harrison- Made good on a promise to pay lifetime benefits to Civil War Veterans, giving America its first "Billion Dollar Budget". Gave us a recession in 1890 that lead to the Panic of 1893 right before he left office,

2000 - George W. Bush - Ignored warnings of an imminent terror attack,giving us the worst terror incident in history. Went to war on a lie, killing 5000 Americans and a million Iraqis. Fumbled the response to a major hurricane, rendering a major city uninhabitable. And, oh, yes, gave us the worst recession in 80 years by letting his Wall Street Cronies run amok. easily the worst president ever.

So don't worry, guys. This time will be different! I'm sure the Game Show Host who kept a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed will do just fine. No, really.


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