The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

You have him 100% culpable so that fact that others had part based on the facts I sited above, by definition, these things absolutely make Bush less culpable. I am not letting Bush off the hook.

First, its' 'cited', not 'sited" Second, he was the President. It was on his watch, it's his responsibility.

NOLA was his fault, because he's the one who insisted on creating this huge bloated bureaucracy called Homeland Security specifically do deal with that kind of crisis. And when the day came we had that kind of crisis, he failed and failed miserably.

Ditto with 9/11. He was given a warning, this sort of thing might happen, and he did nothing.
What slave rapist today Meth smoking little buddy?

Hey did it ever occur to you with out the EC there would never been a United States?

No, you got to put down the bottle. it's 6 AM, put down the fucking bottle.

You see, the problem with that kind of thinking is that the Founders really saved us from something worse. If they failed, we'd all be Canadians today. Big whoop.

what they installed, without addressing the slavery issue and putting in so many set-asides to protect the interests of slave holders gave us.

1) An inevitable Civil War
2) 200 years of racism
3) A system that churns out truly awful presidents the people didn't want.
First, its' 'cited', not 'sited" Second, he was the President. It was on his watch, it's his responsibility.

NOLA was his fault, because he's the one who insisted on creating this huge bloated bureaucracy called Homeland Security specifically do deal with that kind of crisis. And when the day came we had that kind of crisis, he failed and failed miserably.

Ditto with 9/11. He was given a warning, this sort of thing might happen, and he did nothing.
First, it's "to" not "do". Second, you're nuts.
You have him 100% culpable so that fact that others had part based on the facts I sited above, by definition, these things absolutely make Bush less culpable. I am not letting Bush off the hook.

First, its' 'cited', not 'sited" Second, he was the President. It was on his watch, it's his responsibility.

NOLA was his fault, because he's the one who insisted on creating this huge bloated bureaucracy called Homeland Security specifically do deal with that kind of crisis. And when the day came we had that kind of crisis, he failed and failed miserably.

Ditto with 9/11. He was given a warning, this sort of thing might happen, and he did nothing.

You are cherry picking.
What slave rapist today Meth smoking little buddy?

Hey did it ever occur to you with out the EC there would never been a United States?

No, you got to put down the bottle. it's 6 AM, put down the fucking bottle.

You see, the problem with that kind of thinking is that the Founders really saved us from something worse. If they failed, we'd all be Canadians today. Big whoop.

what they installed, without addressing the slavery issue and putting in so many set-asides to protect the interests of slave holders gave us.

1) An inevitable Civil War
2) 200 years of racism
3) A system that churns out truly awful presidents the people didn't want.

Again I am at work Meth head boi.

And again there would of been no United States... We wouldn't have had a civil war cup cake.

The founding fathers laid out the constitution and Bill of Rights perfectly because they knew they couldn't have freed the slaves or gave women the right to vote in the late 1700s

And you do know every one owned a slave back then it was fashionable and as common today as having a cell phone.

I am sure your great great gandpapy had a few of the best models :)

More to the point, the country is already beginning to move past the Electoral College rock-throwing festival du jour...

Rather, the country is preparing to install a new Administration, and anticipating its new and hard turn to the Right...

Market Corrections are a bitch, aren't they?

It's what happens when Liberal-Progressives push their over-the-top agenda too hard and too far, and arrogantly delude themselves that they're un-touchable...

Well, Middle America just disabused LibProgs of such foolish notions... bitch-slapping them good-and-proper... White House, Senate, House AND the Supreme Court...

Off to the Peanut Gallery with you for a while, LibProgs... enjoy your new and generous supply of salted peanuts... that's your world now, for the next 4-8 years...
Again I am at work Meth head boi.

And again there would of been no United States... We wouldn't have had a civil war cup cake.

So we'd be the "Dominion of America". That would have been just as good. Probably better.

We'd have ended slavery in 1830 when it was abolished in the British Empire. that would have been awesome,a ctually. And today we'd have universal health care like Canada and the UK have. You can finally get treatment for your chronic alcoholism.

Now stop stealing from your boss.
More to the point, the country is already beginning to move past the Electoral College rock-throwing festival du jour...

Rather, the country is preparing to install a new Administration, and anticipating its new and hard turn to the Right...

Market Corrections are a bitch, aren't they?

Yeah, when we get the Trump Recession,and millions of you white trash assholes find yourselves out of jobs... that will be a correction. But you probably still won't learn anything.
My life is just fine....but I know what the end game is because I have read their white papers that blatantly state their goals. Don't get pissy with me just because I know more than you....learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help.

Dude, nobody is talking to you but the voices in your head. They have medications for that now.

No, I know more than you.... take this tidbit from CFR member Richard Garner that stated that national sovereignty would need an "end run tactic" in order to build the new world order because a full frontal assault wouldn't other words, they would have to chip a way at it a little at a time and slowly erode it. Is that what you seek? A global "gubermint" where the Bill of Rights and the Constitution no longer applies that is replaced by a U.N constitution? Well, I have a hearty "FUCK YOU" in really are a totalitarian communist at heart and unless you are willing to fight for it? It ain't gonna happen in your lifetime....too many of us are ya get the message that I am sending? Do I need to make it more clear????

Help you.....

Again I am at work Meth head boi.

And again there would of been no United States... We wouldn't have had a civil war cup cake.

So we'd be the "Dominion of America". That would have been just as good. Probably better.

We'd have ended slavery in 1830 when it was abolished in the British Empire. that would have been awesome,a ctually. And today we'd have universal health care like Canada and the UK have. You can finally get treatment for your chronic alcoholism.

Now stop stealing from your boss.

No you do know GB didn't out law slavery officially on the island till the late 1990s right?

More to the point, the country is already beginning to move past the Electoral College rock-throwing festival du jour...

Rather, the country is preparing to install a new Administration, and anticipating its new and hard turn to the Right...

Market Corrections are a bitch, aren't they?

Yeah, when we get the Trump Recession,and millions of you white trash assholes find yourselves out of jobs... that will be a correction. But you probably still won't learn anything.

ROTFLMAO!!!! No one defines the term "liberal white trash" more than you, little don't know anything and you take pride in it. You don't have a fucking clue on how a central bank actually controls a country. You are like one of those blunt smoking thug wannabes with your pants saggin' and thinkink that you have got it goin' on.......fucking hilarious.
Again I am at work Meth head boi.

And again there would of been no United States... We wouldn't have had a civil war cup cake.

So we'd be the "Dominion of America". That would have been just as good. Probably better.

We'd have ended slavery in 1830 when it was abolished in the British Empire. that would have been awesome,a ctually. And today we'd have universal health care like Canada and the UK have. You can finally get treatment for your chronic alcoholism.

Now stop stealing from your boss.

Btw my machines are running I can fuck off as much as I want I am sitting in his office now :)

ROTFLMAO!!!! No one defines the term "liberal white trash" more than you, little don't know anything and you take pride in it. You don't have a fucking clue on how a central bank actually controls a country. You are like one of those blunt smoking thug wannabes with your pants saggin' and thinkink that you have got it goin' on.......fucking hilarious.

Guy, you are a crazy person if you think it's the Illuminati or the Bilderbergers or the Trilateralists or the Lizard People controlling everything...

I hate to keep breaking it to you.
Btw my machines are running I can fuck off as much as I want I am sitting in his office now

Wow, so you are stealing from the boss while the machines do the actual work. Interesting.
Like I've told other people...

If you think America is that bad, you don't need to be here. File for dual citizenship or something, move to Europe for 4-8 years and spare us your bitching and moaning.

Again, says the guy who sits on Granny's couch playing videogames all day.

Hey, when I was your age, I had already an NCO in the army with a college degree and owned rental property... and I was just getting started.

My guess, if you don't have a major grabber by then, you'll still be sleeping on someone's couch when you reach my age.

So just like I stood up to save my country 25 years ago, looks like we have to do it again.

Except this time, we have to save it from itself.

You served USA.INC and the military industrial complex? That's real impressive......(insert sarcasm here)

Don't wave your uniform in front of my face or anyone else's because I know what the deal is. I'm not impressed nor are you deserving of my respect. I have made a very good living and I have learned a lot of things...and one thing that I do know is that a sorry sack of shit like you isn't going to "save" this country and I will be one of those that you think you will be fighting against. I know how to use weapons and I'll be damned if I allow a commie POS like you take this country down without a can bank on that, old timer.....

ROTFLMAO!!!! No one defines the term "liberal white trash" more than you, little don't know anything and you take pride in it. You don't have a fucking clue on how a central bank actually controls a country. You are like one of those blunt smoking thug wannabes with your pants saggin' and thinkink that you have got it goin' on.......fucking hilarious.

Guy, you are a crazy person if you think it's the Illuminati or the Bilderbergers or the Trilateralists or the Lizard People controlling everything...

I hate to keep breaking it to you.

I hate to keep breaking the facts to you that you don't know much at all.........very little.... if wish you did (and I will give you that) but the fact remains is that you are an intellectual lightweight and I would further wager that you are small in stature that writes checks with his mouth that his ass couldn't cover on the best day he ever had. You are just a little keyboard leftard spewing angst because you didn't get your way....and I am enjoying the hell out of watching you flail away here in cyberville.

Bush was told that the attack was going to happen, but had his eyes in Iraq to impress daddy.

And Clinton knew in 1993. What did his administration do about it?
For one thing, they warned the incoming administration. They also tried to take out Bin Laden, but were unsuccessful.
actually Clinton avoided killing Bin Laden on more then one occasion. The reason he gave was that it might end up killing innocent civilians, If I remember clinton actually gave a speech in Australia and admitted to this just hours before the attack on the world trade centers.
He knew, he had the chance, he refused action.
Btw my machines are running I can fuck off as much as I want I am sitting in his office now

Wow, so you are stealing from the boss while the machines do the actual work. Interesting.

Who the fixes them?

Me and my crew... i always thought talking to you Joe it must suck being you..

After all these years you never figured out how to make your job enjoyable and get so many fringe benefits with out even trying that hard.

You go to work to get a pay check, I would go to work for free..

I'm not a Clinton supporter, point was that if people are unhappy with the outcome of this election...or any other election for that matter...they need to take a long hard look at what their Party is doing that made that happen and ask if change is needed. The Democrats just put Nancy Pelosi back in charge of the Democrats in the House which begs the question...WHY?

Why not? A majority voted for Hillary, and the dumb-ass Inbred Cleetuses who voted for Trumpenfuhrer in WI, MI and PA didn't do so because they just hate Pelosi soooooo much.

they voted for him because Trump promised them that he'd bring back their daddy's long extinct job.

And when they find out that isn't going to happen no matter how much Trump bribes billionaires with our tax dollars, they are going to turn on him pretty viciously.

Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back. Just because you're an ignorant twat doesn't mean the people the trumpster is placing positions of power are. They are orders of magnitude brighter, and more educated than you dude.

Just sayin...
The high paying low skilled assembly line jobs won't come back. If manufacturing returns to the US, it will be done either by low paid workers or automated machines. That's non-partisan reality. Now, having manufacturing return to the US is a good thing, but it won't bring back millions of high paying jobs. There will be jobs making and fixing the machines, but since each machine can replace many workers, there will be fewer of them.
Bush was told that the attack was going to happen, but had his eyes in Iraq to impress daddy.

And Clinton knew in 1993. What did his administration do about it?
For one thing, they warned the incoming administration. They also tried to take out Bin Laden, but were unsuccessful.
actually Clinton avoided killing Bin Laden on more then one occasion. The reason he gave was that it might end up killing innocent civilians, If I remember clinton actually gave a speech in Australia and admitted to this just hours before the attack on the world trade centers.
He knew, he had the chance, he refused action.
That happened a few times. Once he was told that they had him and asked for permission to take him out. It turned out to be a sheik out in the desert falconing.

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