The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

Except America won't be "Great" under Trumpenfuhrer.

Like I've told other people...

If you think America is that bad, you don't need to be here. File for dual citizenship or something, move to Europe for 4-8 years and spare us your bitching and moaning.
Your cherry picking on Bush says everything about you. When you give 100% passes to Clinton 9/11 and Nagin on Katrina, how can people take you seriously? If Clinton was clean on 9/11, why did his former National Security Advisor feel compelled to go into the National Archives to steal and/or destroy documents pertaining to 9/11? Why did Clinton's Deputy Attorney General avoid the hot seat and hide behind the 9/11 Commission? Why is Ray Nagin in prison?

How do any of those things make Bush less culpable for his incompetence and corruption?

Bush was an awful president. He fucked up 9/11. He fucked up Katrina. He fucked up Iraq. He fucked up the economy.

You have him 100% culpable so that fact that others had part based on the facts I sited above, by definition, these things absolutely make Bush less culpable. I am not letting Bush off the hook.
To truly understand the will of the people, look at the election map. The Democrat areas are narrowly defined at the coasts. The People who populate this country will never agree to have their voices silenced and be ruled by the congested cities along the coast.

When democrats are a national party again they can talk about the will of the people.

When you win the national vote by 3 million, you are a national party.
Not when all your extra votes come from one State.
Told the bozo OP that this topic would be dead as a doornail by Monday night!!:coffee:

nobody is caring
Bush was told that the attack was going to happen, but had his eyes in Iraq to impress daddy.

Was he told which day, which city, which airline, what the targets were, how many were involved?

If you're going to be a liar, at least make a half-hearted attempt to sell it.
Saying a person telling the truth is a liar is simply ignorant.
Bush was told that the attack was going to happen, but had his eyes in Iraq to impress daddy.

Was he told which day, which city, which airline, what the targets were, how many were involved?

If you're going to be a liar, at least make a half-hearted attempt to sell it.
Saying a person telling the truth is a liar is simply ignorant.
Asserting that a lie is the truth despite the lie is ignorant.
Do you have any idea how many potential threats a president is presented with every day? And you want him to take action on every one, no matter how weak it might be? That's kind of dumb.

This one was about a group that had already pulled off a number of successful attacks against US interests... So I would expect him to take that one a little more seriously.

Bush did. Nothing. He went fishing.

The Constitution clearly spells out that the states select the electors and can require them to vote according to state law. It says nothing about the popular vote electing the president. In fact, it is dead set AGAINST the popular vote electing the president, or it would not have the EC at all. But you knew that.

Well, yeah. The Slave rapists of 1787 didn't want the mob taking away their slaves. They weren't done raping them yet. It doesn't make it a good idea then and it doesn't make it a good idea now.

If you can find a memo from Trump directing somebody to yell "Heil Trump", let me know. Heck, if you can find a verbal communication from him so directing, let me know. And, I will remind you of an inconvenient factoid. Those that Trump wants to deport are here illegally. But you knew that.

Trumpenfuhrer wants to deport people who've lived here nearly all their lives and have no connection to their parents country. And he doesnt' denounce the people yelling Heil Trump, he embraces them.


If this doesn't scare you, then you aren't paying attention.
Do you have any idea how many potential threats a president is presented with every day? And you want him to take action on every one, no matter how weak it might be? That's kind of dumb.

This one was about a group that had already pulled off a number of successful attacks against US interests... So I would expect him to take that one a little more seriously.

Bush did. Nothing. He went fishing.

The Constitution clearly spells out that the states select the electors and can require them to vote according to state law. It says nothing about the popular vote electing the president. In fact, it is dead set AGAINST the popular vote electing the president, or it would not have the EC at all. But you knew that.

Well, yeah. The Slave rapists of 1787 didn't want the mob taking away their slaves. They weren't done raping them yet. It doesn't make it a good idea then and it doesn't make it a good idea now.

If you can find a memo from Trump directing somebody to yell "Heil Trump", let me know. Heck, if you can find a verbal communication from him so directing, let me know. And, I will remind you of an inconvenient factoid. Those that Trump wants to deport are here illegally. But you knew that.

Trumpenfuhrer wants to deport people who've lived here nearly all their lives and have no connection to their parents country. And he doesnt' denounce the people yelling Heil Trump, he embraces them.


If this doesn't scare you, then you aren't paying attention.

Kind of like Obama's 'Forward' slogan. Straight from a communist agenda

Do you have any idea how many potential threats a president is presented with every day? And you want him to take action on every one, no matter how weak it might be? That's kind of dumb.

This one was about a group that had already pulled off a number of successful attacks against US interests... So I would expect him to take that one a little more seriously.

Bush did. Nothing. He went fishing.

The Constitution clearly spells out that the states select the electors and can require them to vote according to state law. It says nothing about the popular vote electing the president. In fact, it is dead set AGAINST the popular vote electing the president, or it would not have the EC at all. But you knew that.

Well, yeah. The Slave rapists of 1787 didn't want the mob taking away their slaves. They weren't done raping them yet. It doesn't make it a good idea then and it doesn't make it a good idea now.

If you can find a memo from Trump directing somebody to yell "Heil Trump", let me know. Heck, if you can find a verbal communication from him so directing, let me know. And, I will remind you of an inconvenient factoid. Those that Trump wants to deport are here illegally. But you knew that.

Trumpenfuhrer wants to deport people who've lived here nearly all their lives and have no connection to their parents country. And he doesnt' denounce the people yelling Heil Trump, he embraces them.


If this doesn't scare you, then you aren't paying attention.

You mean illegals that belong to La Raza and attacked Trump supporters??? Those that have rushed the border the last four years in hopes for amnesty? HOLY fuck but are you ever blinded.......
Do you have any idea how many potential threats a president is presented with every day? And you want him to take action on every one, no matter how weak it might be? That's kind of dumb.

This one was about a group that had already pulled off a number of successful attacks against US interests... So I would expect him to take that one a little more seriously.

Bush did. Nothing. He went fishing.

The Constitution clearly spells out that the states select the electors and can require them to vote according to state law. It says nothing about the popular vote electing the president. In fact, it is dead set AGAINST the popular vote electing the president, or it would not have the EC at all. But you knew that.

Well, yeah. The Slave rapists of 1787 didn't want the mob taking away their slaves. They weren't done raping them yet. It doesn't make it a good idea then and it doesn't make it a good idea now.

If you can find a memo from Trump directing somebody to yell "Heil Trump", let me know. Heck, if you can find a verbal communication from him so directing, let me know. And, I will remind you of an inconvenient factoid. Those that Trump wants to deport are here illegally. But you knew that.

Trumpenfuhrer wants to deport people who've lived here nearly all their lives and have no connection to their parents country. And he doesnt' denounce the people yelling Heil Trump, he embraces them.


If this doesn't scare you, then you aren't paying attention.

What slave rapist today Meth smoking little buddy?

Hey did it ever occur to you with out the EC there would never been a United States?

Not the right wing here. And can't believe you consider a check against the tyranny of the mob as a terrible thing.

One of the founders, John Adams, spoke of tyranny from the people being no better than the tyranny of a sovereign head of state

Again, the "Tyranny of the Mob" they were scared of was that the majority of people who weren't slave owners would vote to end slavery. I just can't get worked up about that.

The reality- most democratic countries elect their leaders by popular vote. It works out just fine. On the other hand, when we've used this system to invalidate the popular vote, it's been a shit sandwich.

Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back. Just because you're an ignorant twat doesn't mean the people the trumpster is placing positions of power are. They are orders of magnitude brighter, and more educated than you dude.

Why aren't those jobs coming back? Because there's no good reason to bring them back. You see, the thing is, even if you slap on really big tariff's, it's still cheaper to bring them in from Mexico or China where they pay a pittance for labor. But even if you force some products back here, they aren't going to be made by Willie White Trash who wears his red MAGA hat. That fuck is too dumb to run the automated line that will produce that stuff.

Here's the thing, I work in Manufacturing. You know what I've never seen on a production line? The kind of person who votes for Trump. The last company I worked for, (not the one that fired me illegally for getting injured, the one after that I quit last year) we had about 100 people on the assembly line. (That was until they sent all those jobs to Malaysia)

They weren't the angry white males who show up at Trump rallies with their red hats yelling "Make American Great Again." They were mostly women, from either India or Latin America. And we kept introducing new machines every year so we'd have to employ less and less of them. So we went from 300 when I started there in 2008 to 100 when I left in 2015. Today it's just about a dozen in the warehouse unloading trucks from Mexico.

You see, I will even concede your point that the people Trump is putting into positions of power are more clever than I am... they just have no interest in bringing back the jobs. You really think a government of billionaires gives a fuck about working people?

Then you are the one who isn't very bright.
You mean illegals that belong to La Raza and attacked Trump supporters??? Those that have rushed the border the last four years in hopes for amnesty? HOLY fuck but are you ever blinded.......

So in addition to being crazy, you're racist? What a nice combination...

Hey, it's not the Illuminati nor the Mexicans who are making your life unhappy, Dale. That's all on you.
To truly understand the will of the people, look at the election map. The Democrat areas are narrowly defined at the coasts. The People who populate this country will never agree to have their voices silenced and be ruled by the congested cities along the coast.

When democrats are a national party again they can talk about the will of the people.

When you win the national vote by 3 million, you are a national party.
Not when all your extra votes come from one State.

That's the key point. We have another part of the world that tried to create a Unioun of States. That one was controlled by a couple of powerful countries.

The European Union tried to come together for the common good of its memebers. It's falling apart after just a short time because one of its "States" had much too much influence over smaller, less powerful states.

Common good does not mean a few states get to rule the many.
You mean illegals that belong to La Raza and attacked Trump supporters??? Those that have rushed the border the last four years in hopes for amnesty? HOLY fuck but are you ever blinded.......

So in addition to being crazy, you're racist? What a nice combination...

Hey, it's not the Illuminati nor the Mexicans who are making your life unhappy, Dale. That's all on you.

My life is just fine....but I know what the end game is because I have read their white papers that blatantly state their goals. Don't get pissy with me just because I know more than you....learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help.

Yes. Automation is certainly going to alter the jobs landscape, but modern plants can be built here in the States instead of in China, and the people that are employed can be HERE. Not there. Do you not understand that?

That's nice and all... but not really. The jobs being done by machines isn't going to help the Trump Supporters who don't have the education to run the machine, will they?

You see, we could get those jobs if we invest in the education and infrastructure to make them feasible to move back here. But Trump wants to privatize the infrastructure and block the immigrants who have the technical skills to make that happen, so not so much.

You need to rethink your entire miserable, lying OP. And yeah, we hadn't quenched our thirst for raghead blood.....the Terrys ran to Pakistan before we could start slaughtering them....Sadddam needed killing so we went there next.

Well, no, Saddam didn't need killing, and the thing is, we've killed a million Iraqis and frankly, probably made more enemies than we had when we started. Before Bush started fucking it up, we just had Al Qaeda to worry about. Now we've got Al Qaeda, ISIS, and a lot of other groups that sprung from his boneheaded intervention.

I doubt the veracity of the claim you are any of those things, especially the collage and straight part. .

Hey, you know how you can tell I went to college? I can actually SPELL College. My God, man, why do you keep making the same fucked up mistake when I keep mocking you for it. I'm starting to wonder if you wear a rubber gimp suit on the weekends and let someone beat you.

Moving right along... So many wingnuts to mock, so little time.

They will cost more. However that will be offset by higher wages that are paid. I don't care about wally world. They are responsible, in large part, for the destruction of the US standard of living.

Isn't that kind of like blaming a spoon for making you fat? WalMart is successful because right after those idiots in the MAGA hats are done yelling Heil Trump at a rally, they drive right down to WalMart and buy Chinese made shit. They probably don't even check the labels to see where things were made.
My life is just fine....but I know what the end game is because I have read their white papers that blatantly state their goals. Don't get pissy with me just because I know more than you....learn, grow, evolve....I am here to help.

Dude, nobody is talking to you but the voices in your head. They have medications for that now.
Like I've told other people...

If you think America is that bad, you don't need to be here. File for dual citizenship or something, move to Europe for 4-8 years and spare us your bitching and moaning.

Again, says the guy who sits on Granny's couch playing videogames all day.

Hey, when I was your age, I had already an NCO in the army with a college degree and owned rental property... and I was just getting started.

My guess, if you don't have a major grabber by then, you'll still be sleeping on someone's couch when you reach my age.

So just like I stood up to save my country 25 years ago, looks like we have to do it again.

Except this time, we have to save it from itself.
The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

Consider it a huge Market Correction, Libtards...

Next time, you're simply going to have to pay attention to Straight White Christians, rather than blowing them off and insulting them...

Learn from your mistakes...

And draw correct conclusions that will get you back into the game as a power-player, even if those fly in the face of your present agenda...

If you can...
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