The Electoral College flaunting the will of the people never ends well!

The CIA also probably told him there was a chance of other types of attacks as well, and other threats. You are guilty of confirmation bias, basically going back to the one warning that "got it right" and ignoring the sea of others that turned out wrong.

you might have a point. The fact that Bush fucked up so many things, does give me a bias.

Maybe if you make a list of things he didn't fuck up, that would be easier for you.
1) What agents? what protocols? what procedures? You forget you are talking about a federal bureaucracy here. and Each airport has other local controllers that could fight the FAA on anything that impacted passenger flow-through. The FAA may regulate airspace, the local agencies run the AIRPORTS.

2) Bullshit. Remember this is PRE 9/11. People would have screamed bloody murder, racism, and racism-y murder.

More monday morning quarterbacking.

right, because people weren't totally afraid of Arabs until 911... no, really.

I noted you ignored my first point. nice work there hacky mcfuckhack.

There would have been bitching from all quarters, you choose to ignore that because it doesn't fit your attempt at a narrative.
The CIA also probably told him there was a chance of other types of attacks as well, and other threats. You are guilty of confirmation bias, basically going back to the one warning that "got it right" and ignoring the sea of others that turned out wrong.

you might have a point. The fact that Bush fucked up so many things, does give me a bias.

Maybe if you make a list of things he didn't fuck up, that would be easier for you.

Nice non-answer answer, bitch-tits.
Sure they did, for the very same reason they're all going to be done by robots, economics. One of the things that killed the goose that laid the golden eggs was us making our corporate taxes the highest in the western world. Foolish, greed and envy driven policies failed. Who would have expected that?

Our effective corporate tax isn't higher than any other industrialized nation. In fact, it's lower than average.

You can only say that from hindsight because you know that 9/11 happened. Had Bush taken the measures you advocate and nothing happened, I can accurately predict that bilge that you would spew in his direction.

Now, the president is faced with many potential threats from many fronts every day. How exactly is he supposed to "try something" on each and every one of them? You know very well that if ALL you had was ONE potential threat on that one day that said someone is determined to attack the US and might use airplanes, you would have done precisely nothing, and people like you would be saying you didn't give a flying rat's patoot.

The point is, the CIA told him that they were working on Hijacking, and Bush did... nothing.
Now, yeah, if nothing happened, I suppose people would claim racism or something. So what? The point is, he did something.

Do you have any idea how many potential threats a president is presented with every day? And you want him to take action on every one, no matter how weak it might be? That's kind of dumb.

The idea of the popular vote electing the president is, as you say, "BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL", yet you harp on it like it's relevant. It's not, and underscores the reality that to democrats, the popular vote is just a tool. It's not sacred to them at all, so when they rant on about it, they're being dishonest.

Well, no, actually, it isn't. In fact, the 15th, 17th, 19th, 24th and 26th Amendment ALL support the concept of one person, one vote. The thing is, the electors were never meant to be in a suciide pact with their candidate. They were expected to take things into account like < Hey, most people voted against this guy and he's a fucking Nazi".

The Constitution clearly spells out that the states select the electors and can require them to vote according to state law. It says nothing about the popular vote electing the president. In fact, it is dead set AGAINST the popular vote electing the president, or it would not have the EC at all. But you knew that.

I'd ask you to produce evidence that Trump is a Nazi, but I know you can't/won't, so I won't. Instead I will simply mock you for saying something so mindless and stupid. Consider yourself to be well and truly mocked.

So when his followers yell "Heil Trump" and he threatens to deport millions of people based on their race or religion, when is he "not a Nazi".... I mean, does he have to come out with a swastika armband to the strums of the Horst Wessel Lied to convince you?
If you can find a memo from Trump directing somebody to yell "Heil Trump", let me know. Heck, if you can find a verbal communication from him so directing, let me know. And, I will remind you of an inconvenient factoid. Those that Trump wants to deport are here illegally. But you knew that.
You know...I thought Bush was the worst...until Obama

Yeah,I know, man... Obama was black. And a Muslim.

Shut the fuck up, racist twit.
Why don't you slip into something more comfortable...
like a coma, asshole

Obama had my vote until he signed off on the bailout

Everyone who doesn't like him is racist....
Whatever makes you feel better cum quat
It's a very important thing. She was a stumbling disaster and I'm happy that she won't be in the White House without a visitor pass.

But you got the Nazi instead.. somehow, that's worse.

"Got us out of a recession". Not very fast and not very robustly. Plus, given the rantings of the Obama sycophants over the last 8 years, Trump's can just as successfully claim that any recession isn't his fault because Obama left things in such a weak state that he couldn't possibly prevent any problems. Besides, he might avert a recession and have a growing economy. That's why a Trump presidency is a crap shoot, while a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.

Uh, guy, the Recession of 2008 was the worst recession in 80 years. That we got out of it at all is pretty impressive.

No, Trump won't avert a recession. He doesn't have the skills, and the people he is surrounding himself with are a large part of the problem.

No one is going to buy "It's Obama's Fault" whenObama is leaving with 3% GDP growth and 4.6% unemployment.
Nobody with an IQ above room temperature bought "It's Bush's fault" when the "Summer of recovery" was supposed to happen in 2010 but never did. But relax, you're going to hear it, a lot. Of course, if there's no recession, you'll hear a lot of nice things said about Trump, which will likely cause you to have a stroke.
Blah, bah, blah. Even Jesus said the rain comes for the heathens as well as the saints. You will be fine other then being irritated by that nasty yeast infection you and your alter ego have. You are part of america to, so you two will benefit from america being great again as well, but if it makes you feel better, just send it to the DNC. No one says you have to like being better off.

Except America won't be "Great" under Trumpenfuhrer. Economists say his policies will be a disaster. Now, I'll probably be in a better position, as I am white, male, straight and college educated with a veteran's preference in hiring. But Trump is going to be the biggest shit sandwich for America since... Well, probably Herbert Hoover.

In your incredibly flawed and uneducated opinion.
I'm not a Clinton supporter, point was that if people are unhappy with the outcome of this election...or any other election for that matter...they need to take a long hard look at what their Party is doing that made that happen and ask if change is needed. The Democrats just put Nancy Pelosi back in charge of the Democrats in the House which begs the question...WHY?

Why not? A majority voted for Hillary, and the dumb-ass Inbred Cleetuses who voted for Trumpenfuhrer in WI, MI and PA didn't do so because they just hate Pelosi soooooo much.

they voted for him because Trump promised them that he'd bring back their daddy's long extinct job.

And when they find out that isn't going to happen no matter how much Trump bribes billionaires with our tax dollars, they are going to turn on him pretty viciously.

Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back. Just because you're an ignorant twat doesn't mean the people the trumpster is placing positions of power are. They are orders of magnitude brighter, and more educated than you dude.

Just sayin...
We are hearing a lot of smoke from the Right Wing about the sanctity of the Electoral College, and how the Founders truly understood that the Will of the People could not be trusted.
Not the right wing here. And can't believe you consider a check against the tyranny of the mob as a terrible thing.

One of the founders, John Adams, spoke of tyranny from the people being no better than the tyranny of a sovereign head of state
Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back.

You actually believe there are enough jobs that automation hasn't replaced that would be coming back from overseas?
Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back.

You actually believe there are enough jobs that automation hasn't replaced that would be coming back from overseas?

Yes. Automation is certainly going to alter the jobs landscape, but modern plants can be built here in the States instead of in China, and the people that are employed can be HERE. Not there. Do you not understand that?
Blah, bah, blah. Even Jesus said the rain comes for the heathens as well as the saints. You will be fine other then being irritated by that nasty yeast infection you and your alter ego have. You are part of america to, so you two will benefit from america being great again as well, but if it makes you feel better, just send it to the DNC. No one says you have to like being better off.

Except America won't be "Great" under Trumpenfuhrer. Economists say his policies will be a disaster. Now, I'll probably be in a better position, as I am white, male, straight and college educated with a veteran's preference in hiring. But Trump is going to be the biggest shit sandwich for America since... Well, probably Herbert Hoover.

I doubt the veracity of the claim you are any of those things, especially the collage and straight part. Tell you what, there are plenty of hood rats in your city. Take all the extra money and give it to them. You wont. And no matter how bad you want it to not be so, lots of black folks and messikins voted for Trump.
Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back.

You actually believe there are enough jobs that automation hasn't replaced that would be coming back from overseas?

Yes. Automation is certainly going to alter the jobs landscape, but modern plants can be built here in the States instead of in China, and the people that are employed can be HERE. Not there. Do you not understand that?

How much will goods produced here cost? Will it sell at Walmart?
Clinton gave us 9/11 and the recession, Nagin gave us Katrina, the Taliban gave us Iraq when they chickened out before we were ready to stop stomping muslim ass.

The Taliban gave us Iraq? Really? I think you need to rethink that one.

You need to rethink your entire miserable, lying OP. And yeah, we hadn't quenched our thirst for raghead blood.....the Terrys ran to Pakistan before we could start slaughtering them....Sadddam needed killing so we went there next.
Yes. Automation is certainly going to alter the jobs landscape, but modern plants can be built here in the States instead of in China, and the people that are employed can be HERE. Not there. Do you not understand that?

If the world wants robots, WE will build the robots....there's always work for the adaptable.
Why aren't those jobs going to come back joe? If the globalists are beat back to where they are no longer squeezing the life out of this country there is every reason to believe they WILL come back.

You actually believe there are enough jobs that automation hasn't replaced that would be coming back from overseas?

Yes. Automation is certainly going to alter the jobs landscape, but modern plants can be built here in the States instead of in China, and the people that are employed can be HERE. Not there. Do you not understand that?

How much will goods produced here cost? Will it sell at Walmart?

They will cost more. However that will be offset by higher wages that are paid. I don't care about wally world. They are responsible, in large part, for the destruction of the US standard of living.
They will cost more. However that will be offset by higher wages that are paid. I don't care about wally world. They are responsible, in large part, for the destruction of the US standard of living.

Roger that....Wally can be forced to provide 40 hour a week jobs and benefits or face anti-trust investigations. A president with a hard-on can make life miserable for companies who piss him off. Also, American products have a much lower transportation cost attached to them. QUALITY is the will be awhile before we can remind the Wally buyer that a $20 hammer is worth 3 $10 hammers.

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