The electric car you feel is creating no emissions...

Former Electric-car Engineer: Electric Cars Pollute More Than Gas

"Electric cars cannot currently be charged on a wide scale with renewable resources such as solar. Even if they could, however:

Solar cells contain heavy metals, and their manufacturing releases greenhouse gases such as sulfur hexafluoride, which has 23,000 times as much global warming potential as CO2, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. What’s more, fossil fuels are burned in the extraction of the raw materials needed to make solar cells and wind turbines — and for their fabrication, assembly, and maintenance. The same is true for the redundant backup power plants they require. And even more fossil fuel is burned when all this equipment is decommissioned."

An excellent read if you missed it the first time I posted it.



Got about halfway down it. The silly ass doesn't know shit about resources, and lies like Inhofe on everything he addresses.

Lithium mining is the cleanest mining done, period. As far as copper and nickel, they are mining most of those elements for other uses. In other words, a real asshole article, believed only by idiots too ignorant to know the real facts, and too damned lazy to look them up.

Yeah, the link was stretching it in many places.

I bailed out of this thread when someone tried to tell me that burning 14 million tons of coal will produce 51 million tons of CO2.

You obviously flunked chemistry.
Got about halfway down it. The silly ass doesn't know shit about resources, and lies like Inhofe on everything he addresses.

Lithium mining is the cleanest mining done, period. As far as copper and nickel, they are mining most of those elements for other uses. In other words, a real asshole article, believed only by idiots too ignorant to know the real facts, and too damned lazy to look them up.

Yeah, the link was stretching it in many places.

I bailed out of this thread when someone tried to tell me that burning 14 tons of coal will produce 51 million tons of CO2.

You obviously flunked chemistry.

No, I did not flunk chemistry. I am still waiting for you to explain how you burn something and add 3x the weight to it. CO2 maybe a gas, but it still has weight. And you claimed it added tons to the initial weight.

This is why the TN coal burning plant states that they burned 14,000 tons of coal per day (at full operation) and released 5 million tons of CO2 in a year. Your claim is over 10x what the TVA has posted.
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What matters is the actual practicality of these things, and so far no one that is in favor of this so called EV take over seems to be able to prove that very thing.
They're fine for 250 miles (Tesla), 80 miles (Leaf), forever (Volt) and Tesla is building stations where they can switch batteries as fast as a gas fill up. But keep your head buried in bs...
That's exactly what I'm saying --

the motor that

propels the wheels

runs on electricity,

making it an "electric" motor.

Change the source

of its power, it's

still the same power

and the same propulsion system.

Until you change

the propulsion system,

it runs on electric power.

And that is one thing.

How's my haiku?

it is really nothing more then a conversion of energy

from diesel to electric

so in that sense one could as easily say it runs on diesel

B+ keep

at it


Ah but you could fill its diesel engine with fuel, start it up and generate perfect power, and if the electric motor doesn't work, the train goes nowhere. But replace the diesel engine with another power source and engage the electric motor and it's come on baby do the locomotion.

Ergo: Electric.

sure or you could have perfectly good electric drives

and a busted diesel engine and obviously it goes nowhere

the only reason there are electric drives on the train

is to overcome the gear box problem
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Here's a looper for your argument:

Imagine an American city which offers its police department only electric cars. Cops simply charge up their cars and head out on patrols or for emergencies not worrying about waiting for gas station supplies or gas station attendants with labor problems.

Such a police department would theoretically be slightly quicker and more efficient in car operations.

Of course, the city would have to fund such an infrastructure 'improvement' with tax-payer money, and no one said that electric cop cars will make everyone feel better about renewable energy.


Here's a looper for your argument:

Imagine an American city which offers its police department only electric cars. Cops simply charge up their cars and head out on patrols or for emergencies not worrying about waiting for gas station supplies or gas station attendants with labor problems.

Such a police department would theoretically be slightly quicker and more efficient in car operations.

Of course, the city would have to fund such an infrastructure 'improvement' with tax-payer money, and no one said that electric cop cars will make everyone feel better about renewable energy.



and when the battery goes dead during a high speed chase---------the bad guys get away and the cops are looking for a recharging station-----and then waiting 8 hours for a recharge. What a fricken stupid idea.
Here's a looper for your argument:

Imagine an American city which offers its police department only electric cars. Cops simply charge up their cars and head out on patrols or for emergencies not worrying about waiting for gas station supplies or gas station attendants with labor problems.

Such a police department would theoretically be slightly quicker and more efficient in car operations.

Of course, the city would have to fund such an infrastructure 'improvement' with tax-payer money, and no one said that electric cop cars will make everyone feel better about renewable energy.



and when the battery goes dead during a high speed chase---------the bad guys get away and the cops are looking for a recharging station-----and then waiting 8 hours for a recharge. What a fricken stupid idea.
8 hours? You can get a near full recharge of a Tesla car in 30 minutes at one of their supercharger stations. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
ACTUALLY, hater dupe, even Volts are selling as predicted since the nadir of Pub bs about them- and a new, improved model is coming out next year. Too bad 25% of the country doesn't get the facts, only the hate. The party first BS TP GOP is a disgrace...
I really don't understand all the anti-EV hatred. Especially Tesla. I mean never having to pay to fill up your car or anything? Why is that a horrible thing?
It's not a terrible thing in one respect, but what makes conversations concerning these things become terrible, is when people try and use excuses to say that one thing can replace another when it is impracticable to do so at the time in which they make the assumption or the claim that it can. Time has to catch up with some things, and until then people need to be mindful of their accusations and/or claims about stuff in which they are absolutely not sure of.
Except nobody is saying what you claim makes these conversations terrible.
ACTUALLY, hater dupe, even Volts are selling as predicted since the nadir of Pub bs about them- and a new, improved model is coming out next year. Too bad 25% of the country doesn't get the facts, only the hate. The party first BS TP GOP is a disgrace...
I really don't understand all the anti-EV hatred. Especially Tesla. I mean never having to pay to fill up your car or anything? Why is that a horrible thing?
It's not a terrible thing in one respect, but what makes conversations concerning these things become terrible, is when people try and use excuses to say that one thing can replace another when it is impracticable to do so at the time in which they make the assumption or the claim that it can. Time has to catch up with some things, and until then people need to be mindful of their accusations and/or claims about stuff in which they are absolutely not sure of.
Except nobody is saying what you claim makes these conversations terrible. People are saying that EV is and should be the way of the future. Nobody is saying that EV can replace everything right now, today.
What matters is the actual practicality of these things, and so far no one that is in favor of this so called EV take over seems to be able to prove that very thing.
They are very practical.

1. No need to buy gas--ever! Way cheaper in terms of fuelage. Tesla offers free charging at all of its super-charger stations, meaning you can literally drive without even increasing your electric bill.
2. Tesla cars can fully charge at a supercharger station in 30 minutes. These stations are located on all major US roadways, and more are continually being built. Again--they are free to charge. That is not an unreasonable amount of time in anyway. Long distance travel because of this is now perfectly possible. Tesla drivers were able to make it across the United States in 76 hours.
3. Charge times are continually decreasing as technology improves, and battery prices are dropping, making the future look even brighter.
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it is really nothing more then a conversion of energy

from diesel to electric

so in that sense one could as easily say it runs on diesel

B+ keep

at it


Ah but you could fill its diesel engine with fuel, start it up and generate perfect power, and if the electric motor doesn't work, the train goes nowhere. But replace the diesel engine with another power source and engage the electric motor and it's come on baby do the locomotion.

Ergo: Electric.

sure or you could have perfectly good electric drives

and a busted diesel engine and obviously it goes nowhere

the only reason there are electric drives on the train

is to overcome the gear box problem

-- because electric propulsion gives superior torque. Yeah we know. Why it's there was not the question; the question was what is propelling it, and the answer is an electric motor, regardless what its power source is. But since that electric motor is already proven superior propulsion technology, now the only need is a power supply. Obviously even with a gearbox, direct fossil fuel propulsion under that load would consume far more diesel juice than a smaller such engine simply turning a generator, so we're already a step ahead of that model. We can either apply that to personal vehicles (or as the case in my earlier link a bus) and get far more out of the same amount of FF -- or, we can come up with another power source. Or both. But the electric motor is already proven superior technology in that respect.
Actually more than a gearbox problem. You have to have max torque at 0 rpm to start a load that a train pulls. That is not going to happen with an ICE, whether gas or diesel. That is standard with a DC motor.
And don't worry about battery disposal... You only have one or two cars, what harm can be done with that, amirite?


We had a battery plant in our industrial park, and there was a nice brick home about several hundred feet from it. The residence ended up with cancer, and next they condemned the home, then boarded it up, paid the remaining family estate off, closed down the plant in which has never re-opened again. True story!
"It's not powered by Coal! It runs on batteries that get recharged by plugging into a wall socket!"

And the wall socket is run by coal. His point.

Speak for yourself because coal isn't generating electricity in my state.

Our one and last coal fire plant is being shut down. We started shutting it down in 2005. It will take sometime to get it completely down but it will be soon.

All of the nuclear plant sites have been shut down. All that's happening there is clean up.

Most of the electricity that we have in my state is generated by water. The rest wind and other alternatives such as the sun. We have a law here that requires that a certain amount of our energy is generated by alternative sources.

All of which don't dump toxins into our air to cause pollution and global climate change.

While you all were too lazy in your state to do anything about energy the people of my state got to work building one of the largest wind farms in the nation. We have several areas here that are considered the Saudi Arabia of wind in that it constantly blows. In fact one of the areas is one of the top wind surfing areas in the nation.

We also use the sun here. Solar panels are on many of the houses and even more buildings. Road signs are now powered by solar panels. So are the lights that the ferries use to guide them to dock at night.

We also have more energy than we can use. We've been selling our excess energy to other states for years.

We also have some of the lowest electric rates in the nation. Only 2 states have lower rates. Idaho which is 1 tenth of one cent lower than us. West Virginia which is 2 tenths of one cent below us.

When my husband plugs in his Chevy Volt at night, none of that electricity that comes out of that wall socket has been generated by coal.

Have fun with your dirty coal and high electric rates. I'm laughing at your stupidity.
California buys electricity from my state.

We don't have any coal fire plants left in operation here. The last one is being shut down now.

We get our electricity from water, wind and sun.

We generate much more than we need and sell it to other states. California being one of them.

So no, they're not buying electricity that's been created from coal.

If you are speaking of Oregon, yes, we do use electricity from coal. From Wyoming. You see, most of the wind and hydro was funded by California, so they get first choice on buying that power. To make it up, we buy power from Wyoming, which is coal generated at present. Recent discoveries concerning geothermal and a huge resovoir of lithium rich high temperature and high pressure brine may change that shortly.

It's very foolish to assume things before you get all the facts.

No I'm not talking about Oregon. Though I love the state.

Please don't try to put what Oregon does on my state. We aren't the same place.

When I posted that we have one coal fire plant left here and it's being shut down, I'm not lying.

You just don't like honest facts getting in the way of your lies.

Too bad. That's your problem. .

Easy there. Read carefully before you jump somebody. Oregon has one coal fired generator, and is in the process of shutting it down. The rest of our electricity comes from hydro and wind. And the rest of what I stated is fact. We generate enough, more than enough, electricity to power Oregon, but much of it is contracted out to California.

Therefore, we make up the differance with power from coal plants in Wyoming. Those plants were looking for a geologically safe formation in which to sequester the CO2. They found a formation deep down with a huge amount of brine, saturated with lithium carbonate. They stated that the lithium carbonate would more than pay for the sequestration of the CO2. Completely ignoring that the superheated brine at high pressure would be perfect for major geothermal generation.
Massive deposit of lithium found in Wyoming could meet all U.S. demand : TreeHugger

That's great for Oregon.

However I'm not in Oregon. So whatever Oregon does can't be applied to my state.

Oregon is one of my favorite states. Their coastline is the most beautiful on the west coast. In my opinion. I love going there for the sandcastle competitions and photographing the ocean.

We don't get any energy from Wyoming. We are self sustained as far as I know. I guess I'll have to do more research on it.

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