The electric car you feel is creating no emissions...

"While Tesla delivered right around 10,000 cars through two quarters, those sales appear to be coming at the expense of BMW, Mercedes, Lexus Lexus and Porsche."

Numbers Don't Lie: Tesla Is Beginning To Put The Hurt On The Competition - Forbes

That's not the average American's Car... You know why Wealthy People are buying them?...

Because they can get Subsidies from the Gubmn't for doing it.

Tesla can't survive without this Theft of other people's money.


Former Electric-car Engineer: Electric Cars Pollute More Than Gas

"Electric cars cannot currently be charged on a wide scale with renewable resources such as solar. Even if they could, however:

Solar cells contain heavy metals, and their manufacturing releases greenhouse gases such as sulfur hexafluoride, which has 23,000 times as much global warming potential as CO2, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. What’s more, fossil fuels are burned in the extraction of the raw materials needed to make solar cells and wind turbines — and for their fabrication, assembly, and maintenance. The same is true for the redundant backup power plants they require. And even more fossil fuel is burned when all this equipment is decommissioned."

An excellent read if you missed it the first time I posted it.



Former? He get fired? Guess he was doing it wrong.
"While Tesla delivered right around 10,000 cars through two quarters, those sales appear to be coming at the expense of BMW, Mercedes, Lexus Lexus and Porsche."

Numbers Don't Lie: Tesla Is Beginning To Put The Hurt On The Competition - Forbes

That's not the average American's Car... You know why Wealthy People are buying them?...

Because they can get Subsidies from the Gubmn't for doing it.

Tesla can't survive without this Theft of other people's money.


Yes..more rich people are buying luxury EVs instead of luxury combustion-engine vehicles. That just proves my point--Tesla is very relevant, as are EVs. Considering Tesla is trying to target a wider audience, is building an enormous gigafactory, and has a network of charging stations across the United States, they will only become increasingly relevant.
Wind, Solar, Wave and Tital turbines can power Electric Cars that do not pollute (by today's measures)

The argument that "It takes oil or coal to power electric cars and oil/coal pollute!" is a bit ironic and funny.

Jacques Fresco has been talking about free energy for decades but "free" is why we attack so many things in our Capitalist Society. If things are free, many people lose jobs so Corporations buy politicians who use their power to keep free things illegal.

Wind and solar are not free. The windmills and solar panels are expensive to build and maintain. The transmissiion lines are not free. So you argument about greedy corporations is nothing but bullshit.

I'm embarrassed for you.

I never stated any of that was "free" I stated the energy is free. After Investment was a given. I even notated that Obama was paid off by Wind energy just like Bush was paid off by Big Oil.

Clearly, you don't read or think.

Wind, waves and the sun are all free. Or do you think Corporations own them? Are you like the modern day farmer that thinks it takes corporate seed, corporate water, corporate fertilizer to make a vegetable grow? Do you think it takes a Bass Boat and a fish finder to catch a Bass?..........

You seem to not know about the term "RENEWABLE"
Do you use a windmill to recharge it? If you plug it in to your house to recharge it, then you are using coal, oil, or gas to run your car. And the conversion from oil to electricity to battery to motor to wheels is not very efficient, some energy is lost in every conversion step.

Clearly you forget Nuclear and Damn Water power but whatever, you don't care because Fox News didn't tell you this.

Nope, Nuclear is great. When was the last nuclear power plant built in the US? Hydro electric is also great. How many places exist in the US where a dam can be built, where one does not already exist.

You guys on the left want alternative energy, but you are the same people who bitch when a solar panel farm disrupts the habitat of a lizard, when a nuclear plant is ever considered, or when a river might be dammed.

Your version of the perfect world is everyone living in a cave and eating twigs and leaves.

Said another way, liberals do not live in the real world.

^So you think that anyone who mentions renewable energy is a Leftist! How dangerous is that! You are openly admitting to everything I hate about politics. You are unwilling to open your mind to something obviously good because a party backs it. Basic IGNORANCE.

Next you say a Leftist cried about a solar panel disrupting a life of a lizard, show a link or shut up.

People who don't study ALL PARTIES are like talking to pre-schoolers. They think they know everything but they are too busy talking to hear what the others are saying.

BTW, I'm not Leftist just because I believe in renewable energy LOL. I'm also not a Leftist just because I don't submit to everything the Rightists believe in. I'm also not a Rightist for not submitting to everything the Leftists agree with.

--->I use my own brain and don't let others use it for me<--- You should take note.
Isn't the reason for these locomotives using these concepts, pretty much because they are basically being used for the gear ratio's and different power source transfers in which are being employed in the over all process of the over all engines weight to power ratio's that are needed in the set up ? Otherwise by the time it's all transferred to the wheels, it is using the most efficient and most powerful method at this point, and it is all in order to get the job done in the most powerful and most efficient way possible ? The locomotive may be one of the best examples of mixing technologies like it does in order to get the best results from both.

That is exactly the reason, Torque and power.

That's one thing, not three. Strip out the diesel engine and replace it with some other power source, you still have an electrically-propelled train.

Again for the slow. What would you replace it with? Engine fairies?

There ^^ it is again: "I don't see the answer right in front of my nose, therefore let's all throw up our hands and give up. Ready -- on three, one... two... :cuckoo: "

It doesn't matter. The point remains, whatever generates the power -- fairies, batteries, solar cells, coal, a perpetual motion dynamo, the electric motor is *STILL* driving the train, therefore it's electrically propelled, period. Getting OCD over the tree doesn't make the forest disappear.

Man, we gotta define "slow"...

Agreed. You don't have an answer.
Again, for the slow -- if you're driving the wheels with an electric motor, then you're driving the wheels with an electric motor.

Am I posting too fast for you?

In the diesel locomotive there are three things that make the wheels turn. A diesel engine burns diesel fuel (oil) to turn a shaft which turns a generator which makes electricity, that electricity is used to turn an electric motor which turns a shaft that is connected to the wheels, then the wheels turn and the train moves. Without the diesel engine nothing would happen.
Isn't the reason for these locomotives using these concepts, pretty much because they are basically being used for the gear ratio's and different power source transfers in which are being employed in the over all process of the over all engines weight to power ratio's that are needed in the set up ? Otherwise by the time it's all transferred to the wheels, it is using the most efficient and most powerful method at this point, and it is all in order to get the job done in the most powerful and most efficient way possible ? The locomotive may be one of the best examples of mixing technologies like it does in order to get the best results from both.

the main reason why diesel locomotives are hybrid is because this eliminates the

need for a mechanical transmission
Again, for the slow -- if you're driving the wheels with an electric motor, then you're driving the wheels with an electric motor.

Am I posting too fast for you?

In the diesel locomotive there are three things that make the wheels turn. A diesel engine burns diesel fuel (oil) to turn a shaft which turns a generator which makes electricity, that electricity is used to turn an electric motor which turns a shaft that is connected to the wheels, then the wheels turn and the train moves. Without the diesel engine nothing would happen.

That's one thing, not three. Strip out the diesel engine and replace it with some other power source, you still have an electrically-propelled train.

it is three things five if it is a passenger train

in the current diesel electric it is unrealistic to replace the "power source"

the set up requires an engine

engine - generator - traction motor at each axle

now one in theory could replace the engine & generator

with a hydrogen or other fuel cell to produce electricity

for the traction motors
EV's are irrelevant in the USA.......nobody wants them and nobody is buying them.

ACTUALLY, hater dupe, even Volts are selling as predicted since the nadir of Pub bs about them- and a new, improved model is coming out next year. Too bad 25% of the country doesn't get the facts, only the hate. The party first BS TP GOP is a disgrace...
EV's are irrelevant in the USA.......nobody wants them and nobody is buying them.

ACTUALLY, hater dupe, even Volts are selling as predicted since the nadir of Pub bs about them- and a new, improved model is coming out next year. Too bad 25% of the country doesn't get the facts, only the hate. The party first BS TP GOP is a disgrace...
I really don't understand all the anti-EV hatred. Especially Tesla. I mean never having to pay to fill up your car or anything? Why is that a horrible thing?
In the diesel locomotive there are three things that make the wheels turn. A diesel engine burns diesel fuel (oil) to turn a shaft which turns a generator which makes electricity, that electricity is used to turn an electric motor which turns a shaft that is connected to the wheels, then the wheels turn and the train moves. Without the diesel engine nothing would happen.

That's one thing, not three. Strip out the diesel engine and replace it with some other power source, you still have an electrically-propelled train.

it is three things five if it is a passenger train

in the current diesel electric it is unrealistic to replace the "power source"

the set up requires an engine

engine - generator - traction motor at each axle

now one in theory could replace the engine & generator

with a hydrogen or other fuel cell to produce electricity

for the traction motors

That's exactly what I'm saying --

the motor that

propels the wheels

runs on electricity,

making it an "electric" motor.

Change the source

of its power, it's

still the same power

and the same propulsion system.

Until you change

the propulsion system,

it runs on electric power.

And that is one thing.

How's my haiku?
That's one thing, not three. Strip out the diesel engine and replace it with some other power source, you still have an electrically-propelled train.

it is three things five if it is a passenger train

in the current diesel electric it is unrealistic to replace the "power source"

the set up requires an engine

engine - generator - traction motor at each axle

now one in theory could replace the engine & generator

with a hydrogen or other fuel cell to produce electricity

for the traction motors

That's exactly what I'm saying --

the motor that

propels the wheels

runs on electricity,

making it an "electric" motor.

Change the source

of its power, it's

still the same power

and the same propulsion system.

Until you change

the propulsion system,

it runs on electric power.

And that is one thing.

How's my haiku?

it is really nothing more then a conversion of energy

from diesel to electric

so in that sense one could as easily say it runs on diesel

B+ keep

at it

it is three things five if it is a passenger train

in the current diesel electric it is unrealistic to replace the "power source"

the set up requires an engine

engine - generator - traction motor at each axle

now one in theory could replace the engine & generator

with a hydrogen or other fuel cell to produce electricity

for the traction motors

That's exactly what I'm saying --

the motor that

propels the wheels

runs on electricity,

making it an "electric" motor.

Change the source

of its power, it's

still the same power

and the same propulsion system.

Until you change

the propulsion system,

it runs on electric power.

And that is one thing.

How's my haiku?

it is really nothing more then a conversion of energy

from diesel to electric

so in that sense one could as easily say it runs on diesel

B+ keep

at it


Ah but you could fill its diesel engine with fuel, start it up and generate perfect power, and if the electric motor doesn't work, the train goes nowhere. But replace the diesel engine with another power source and engage the electric motor and it's come on baby do the locomotion.

Ergo: Electric.
EV's are irrelevant in the USA.......nobody wants them and nobody is buying them.

ACTUALLY, hater dupe, even Volts are selling as predicted since the nadir of Pub bs about them- and a new, improved model is coming out next year. Too bad 25% of the country doesn't get the facts, only the hate. The party first BS TP GOP is a disgrace...
I really don't understand all the anti-EV hatred. Especially Tesla. I mean never having to pay to fill up your car or anything? Why is that a horrible thing?
It's not a terrible thing in one respect, but what makes conversations concerning these things become terrible, is when people try and use excuses to say that one thing can replace another when it is impracticable to do so at the time in which they make the assumption or the claim that it can. Time has to catch up with some things, and until then people need to be mindful of their accusations and/or claims about stuff in which they are absolutely not sure of.
Former Electric-car Engineer: Electric Cars Pollute More Than Gas

"Electric cars cannot currently be charged on a wide scale with renewable resources such as solar. Even if they could, however:

Solar cells contain heavy metals, and their manufacturing releases greenhouse gases such as sulfur hexafluoride, which has 23,000 times as much global warming potential as CO2, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. What’s more, fossil fuels are burned in the extraction of the raw materials needed to make solar cells and wind turbines — and for their fabrication, assembly, and maintenance. The same is true for the redundant backup power plants they require. And even more fossil fuel is burned when all this equipment is decommissioned."

An excellent read if you missed it the first time I posted it.



Got about halfway down it. The silly ass doesn't know shit about resources, and lies like Inhofe on everything he addresses.

Lithium mining is the cleanest mining done, period. As far as copper and nickel, they are mining most of those elements for other uses. In other words, a real asshole article, believed only by idiots too ignorant to know the real facts, and too damned lazy to look them up.
EV's are irrelevant in the USA.......nobody wants them and nobody is buying them.

ACTUALLY, hater dupe, even Volts are selling as predicted since the nadir of Pub bs about them- and a new, improved model is coming out next year. Too bad 25% of the country doesn't get the facts, only the hate. The party first BS TP GOP is a disgrace...
I really don't understand all the anti-EV hatred. Especially Tesla. I mean never having to pay to fill up your car or anything? Why is that a horrible thing?

Think of it. An American Auto, built in America, by Americans paid an above average wage. Oh the horror of it. The 'Conservatives' simply cannot stand the thought of something superior being built here in America by well paid Americans.

Tesla will be a major player in the auto market world wide in less than a decade. And you sniveling 'Conservatives' will be eating crow as you did concerning the Romney landslide of 2012.
Even being charged with coal produced electricity, EVs are 5 times efficient as gas cars, dumbasses. That's why a 400 hp spaceship like the Tesla is rated at 100 mpg. And yet around and around we go with the brainwashed, ignorant something, ya stupid a-holes...
Former Electric-car Engineer: Electric Cars Pollute More Than Gas

"Electric cars cannot currently be charged on a wide scale with renewable resources such as solar. Even if they could, however:

Solar cells contain heavy metals, and their manufacturing releases greenhouse gases such as sulfur hexafluoride, which has 23,000 times as much global warming potential as CO2, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. What’s more, fossil fuels are burned in the extraction of the raw materials needed to make solar cells and wind turbines — and for their fabrication, assembly, and maintenance. The same is true for the redundant backup power plants they require. And even more fossil fuel is burned when all this equipment is decommissioned."

An excellent read if you missed it the first time I posted it.



Got about halfway down it. The silly ass doesn't know shit about resources, and lies like Inhofe on everything he addresses.

Lithium mining is the cleanest mining done, period. As far as copper and nickel, they are mining most of those elements for other uses. In other words, a real asshole article, believed only by idiots too ignorant to know the real facts, and too damned lazy to look them up.

Yeah, the link was stretching it in many places.

I bailed out of this thread when someone tried to tell me that burning 14 million tons of coal will produce 51 million tons of CO2.

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