The Emmys Frankly Isn't Fit To Watch Anymore


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Emmys is officially off the rails. The c**k holster they used to MC this awards show told us not to bother watching, and I think much of America took his advice.

The Emmys is now a show for BLM and Antifa terrorists, and extremely privileged folks who feel they are being oppressed because of their warped and pampered lifestyles.

These awards have devolved into a Trump bashfest. It's nothing more than a 3 hour rant against the results of the last election, showing us what happens when the spoiled politically-correct don't get what they want. And the strange thing is I really believe these folks think the rest of America is as angry as they are. If they didn't they wouldn't bother televising it. Average Americans who want the left to leave Trump alone and let him do his job would never tune into this show. It was not fit for family consumption. The Emmys has become a homage to Hollywood lifestyles. I can't see any average American wanting to respect such unbridled anger and divisiveness.

There used to be a time when we would tune in to watch the beautiful people and see who won. Now, all we see is the ugly side of Hollywood. We see a bunch of well dressed monsters who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. No small wonder that TV ratings are tanking and the Emmys gave us a perfect example of it.

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

'We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical bigot"

Sep 17, 2017

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

The 2017 Emmys certainly lived up to its billing as being the most politically charged ever.

Within seconds, host Stephen Colbert, singing an opening number themed around how seemingly out of control world events are, took a few soft jabs at President Trump. But then Julia-Louis Dreyfus quickly upped the ante, joining in and singing, “Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis.”

Once the monologue actually began, Colbert dedicated almost five minutes to mocking Trump.

The stage thus set, politics pervaded almost the entirety of the broadcast.

With virtually every presenter or award recipient working in at least one political reference, those who avoided politics were more notable than those who didn't.

There were so many political moments in this year's Emmys, we've compiled ...

The Top 10 Most Tedious Left-Wing Moments:

10. Stephen Colbert presaged the evening to come, saying that Trump was certainly watching, taunting, "Looking forward to the tweets."

9. Colbert then spent almost five minutes singling out Trump for criticism, the bit beginning with Trump evidently not winning an Emmy for "The Apprentice." The lengthy section wrapped with a surprise cameo from the former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, who praised the size of the crowd.

8. Alec Baldwin, who won an award for his appearances on Saturday Night Live -- where he lampooned Trump on a near-weekly basis -- said he and his wife had three kids in three years, but then he began portraying Trump on SNL and the "orange wig" proved to be effective "birth control

7. Comedian Kate McKinnon, who played Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live last season and infamously sang a schmaltzy rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" after Clinton's loss, used her acceptance speech to thank Clinton for "your grace and grit."

6. Actress Lily Tomlin, who apppeared alongside Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda as awards presenters (all of whom also appeared together on the 1980s show "9 to 5"), said just like the 80s, "We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot

5. John Lithgow, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in "The Crown," used his acceptance speech to jab at Trump, "In these crazy times, [Churchill's] life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like."

4. After a lengthy interlude during which the Television Academy, which runs the Emmys, congratulated itself for its increasing number of gay and transexual members, winner Lena Waithe, who directs Netflix's "Master of None" and described herself as "a queer black girl from the Southside of Chicago" gave a shoutout to her "my LGBTQIA family."

3. Comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who presented an Emmy, managed to work in a jab at Trump's border wall while introducing the nominees: "They also celebrate people who frantically race across international borders, and those who can scale walls really, really quickly. In other words, the president’s worst nightmare.”

2. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returned later in the show to accept an award for "Veep," where she joked (again of Trump), "We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first."

1. Donald Glover, aka the rapper/actor/comedian Childish Gambino, who won an award for outstanding directing for a comedy, sarcastically singled out Trump for thanks, saying with apparent sincerity: "I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list. He's the reason I'm probably up here."

Now the question becomes: With so much politics, how will this year's Emmys' ratings fare? Stay tuned!

These were some of the nicer comments....
Last edited:
Honestly, why would anyone watch an awards show for movies, sports or any other overly paid, self important profession?

I will watch specials that reward those who give back to society. The average person who saves dogs, helps children, the homeless, those hooked on bad vices. I will watch ceremonies of soldiers being decorated with high honours.

Celebrities and multi-millionaires? I might watch their TV shows or tune in to the ballgame, but I don't need to hear their speeches, opinions on life or see their backroom cronyism played out on live TV. Being insulted by the likes of these people is a Badge of Honour.
Honestly, why would anyone watch an awards show for movies, sports or any other overly paid, self important profession?

I will watch specials that reward those who give back to society. The average person who saves dogs, helps children, the homeless, those hooked on bad vices. I will watch ceremonies of soldiers being decorated with high honours.

Celebrities and multi-millionaires? I might watch their TV shows or tune in to the ballgame, but I don't need to hear their speeches, opinions on life or see their backroom cronyism played out on live TV. Being insulted by the likes of these people is a Badge of Honour.
It's supposed to be part of the American dream.
Wanting to be a movie star and becoming famous.
Now we see what all of the fame and money does to their minds.
Liberalism, sex, greed, and overly inflated egos rules their lives and now they can't relate to the rest of us anymore.
Now their inner guilt has taken away their common-sense and bred hatred for America and everything it stands for.
In this country filled with liberal compassion and acceptance.....any awardee who dared to wear a MAGA hat would never get another job in the business.
I haven't watched the Emmys, Grammys, Oscars, Golden Globes in decades, nor do I care to. They are just actors and actresses, they are just entertainers, nothing else. During the days of kings and queens, they were jesters, no one took them seriously, neither do I. Their opinions are no better than anyone else's and they seem to feed their egos by taking cheap shots at people so they might look better.
Can honestly say I've never watched an Emmy show ... The Tony's on the other hand ...

So let me see if I have this right.

You often rant against the "Hollywood elite" and their ultra liberal politics. And yet, you seem surprised by the fact that a show they put on, about them and for them, is too liberal?

I have never given a rat's ass which show won or didn't win. If I like a show I watch it. If I don't like a show I don't watch. Why does a show about which shows get watched most or whatever, matter at all?
The Emmys is officially off the rails. The c**k holster they used to MC this awards show told us not to bother watching, and I think much of America took his advice.

The Emmys is now a show for BLM and Antifa terrorists, and extremely privileged folks who feel they are being oppressed because of their warped and pampered lifestyles.

These awards have devolved into a Trump bashfest. It's nothing more than a 3 hour rant against the results of the last election, showing us what happens when the spoiled politically-correct don't get what they want. And the strange thing is I really believe these folks think the rest of America is as angry as they are. If they didn't they wouldn't bother televising it. Average Americans who want the left to leave Trump alone and let him do his job would never tune into this show. It was not fit for family consumption. The Emmys has become a homage to Hollywood lifestyles. I can't see any average American wanting to respect such unbridled anger and divisiveness.

There used to be a time when we would tune in to watch the beautiful people and see who won. Now, all we see is the ugly side of Hollywood. We see a bunch of well dressed monsters who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. No small wonder that TV ratings are tanking and the Emmys gave us a perfect example of it.

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

'We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical bigot"

Sep 17, 2017

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

The 2017 Emmys certainly lived up to its billing as being the most politically charged ever.

Within seconds, host Stephen Colbert, singing an opening number themed around how seemingly out of control world events are, took a few soft jabs at President Trump. But then Julia-Louis Dreyfus quickly upped the ante, joining in and singing, “Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis.”

Once the monologue actually began, Colbert dedicated almost five minutes to mocking Trump.

The stage thus set, politics pervaded almost the entirety of the broadcast.

With virtually every presenter or award recipient working in at least one political reference, those who avoided politics were more notable than those who didn't.

There were so many political moments in this year's Emmys, we've compiled ...

The Top 10 Most Tedious Left-Wing Moments:

10. Stephen Colbert presaged the evening to come, saying that Trump was certainly watching, taunting, "Looking forward to the tweets."

9. Colbert then spent almost five minutes singling out Trump for criticism, the bit beginning with Trump evidently not winning an Emmy for "The Apprentice." The lengthy section wrapped with a surprise cameo from the former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, who praised the size of the crowd.

8. Alec Baldwin, who won an award for his appearances on Saturday Night Live -- where he lampooned Trump on a near-weekly basis -- said he and his wife had three kids in three years, but then he began portraying Trump on SNL and the "orange wig" proved to be effective "birth control

7. Comedian Kate McKinnon, who played Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live last season and infamously sang a schmaltzy rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" after Clinton's loss, used her acceptance speech to thank Clinton for "your grace and grit."

6. Actress Lily Tomlin, who apppeared alongside Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda as awards presenters (all of whom also appeared together on the 1980s show "9 to 5"), said just like the 80s, "We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot

5. John Lithgow, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in "The Crown," used his acceptance speech to jab at Trump, "In these crazy times, [Churchill's] life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like."

4. After a lengthy interlude during which the Television Academy, which runs the Emmys, congratulated itself for its increasing number of gay and transexual members, winner Lena Waithe, who directs Netflix's "Master of None" and described herself as "a queer black girl from the Southside of Chicago" gave a shoutout to her "my LGBTQIA family."

3. Comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who presented an Emmy, managed to work in a jab at Trump's border wall while introducing the nominees: "They also celebrate people who frantically race across international borders, and those who can scale walls really, really quickly. In other words, the president’s worst nightmare.”

2. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returned later in the show to accept an award for "Veep," where she joked (again of Trump), "We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first."

1. Donald Glover, aka the rapper/actor/comedian Childish Gambino, who won an award for outstanding directing for a comedy, sarcastically singled out Trump for thanks, saying with apparent sincerity: "I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list. He's the reason I'm probably up here."

Now the question becomes: With so much politics, how will this year's Emmys' ratings fare? Stay tuned!

These were some of the nicer comments....

Great to see that Don the Con finally got his Emmy, with Alec Baldwin accepting in his absence. Richly deserved! And, you can bet your bippy, Don the Con watched every luscious minute. Bigly!
The Emmys is officially off the rails. The c**k holster they used to MC this awards show told us not to bother watching, and I think much of America took his advice.

The Emmys is now a show for BLM and Antifa terrorists, and extremely privileged folks who feel they are being oppressed because of their warped and pampered lifestyles.

These awards have devolved into a Trump bashfest. It's nothing more than a 3 hour rant against the results of the last election, showing us what happens when the spoiled politically-correct don't get what they want. And the strange thing is I really believe these folks think the rest of America is as angry as they are. If they didn't they wouldn't bother televising it. Average Americans who want the left to leave Trump alone and let him do his job would never tune into this show. It was not fit for family consumption. The Emmys has become a homage to Hollywood lifestyles. I can't see any average American wanting to respect such unbridled anger and divisiveness.

There used to be a time when we would tune in to watch the beautiful people and see who won. Now, all we see is the ugly side of Hollywood. We see a bunch of well dressed monsters who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. No small wonder that TV ratings are tanking and the Emmys gave us a perfect example of it.

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

'We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical bigot"

Sep 17, 2017

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

The 2017 Emmys certainly lived up to its billing as being the most politically charged ever.

Within seconds, host Stephen Colbert, singing an opening number themed around how seemingly out of control world events are, took a few soft jabs at President Trump. But then Julia-Louis Dreyfus quickly upped the ante, joining in and singing, “Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis.”

Once the monologue actually began, Colbert dedicated almost five minutes to mocking Trump.

The stage thus set, politics pervaded almost the entirety of the broadcast.

With virtually every presenter or award recipient working in at least one political reference, those who avoided politics were more notable than those who didn't.

There were so many political moments in this year's Emmys, we've compiled ...

The Top 10 Most Tedious Left-Wing Moments:

10. Stephen Colbert presaged the evening to come, saying that Trump was certainly watching, taunting, "Looking forward to the tweets."

9. Colbert then spent almost five minutes singling out Trump for criticism, the bit beginning with Trump evidently not winning an Emmy for "The Apprentice." The lengthy section wrapped with a surprise cameo from the former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, who praised the size of the crowd.

8. Alec Baldwin, who won an award for his appearances on Saturday Night Live -- where he lampooned Trump on a near-weekly basis -- said he and his wife had three kids in three years, but then he began portraying Trump on SNL and the "orange wig" proved to be effective "birth control

7. Comedian Kate McKinnon, who played Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live last season and infamously sang a schmaltzy rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" after Clinton's loss, used her acceptance speech to thank Clinton for "your grace and grit."

6. Actress Lily Tomlin, who apppeared alongside Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda as awards presenters (all of whom also appeared together on the 1980s show "9 to 5"), said just like the 80s, "We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot

5. John Lithgow, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in "The Crown," used his acceptance speech to jab at Trump, "In these crazy times, [Churchill's] life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like."

4. After a lengthy interlude during which the Television Academy, which runs the Emmys, congratulated itself for its increasing number of gay and transexual members, winner Lena Waithe, who directs Netflix's "Master of None" and described herself as "a queer black girl from the Southside of Chicago" gave a shoutout to her "my LGBTQIA family."

3. Comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who presented an Emmy, managed to work in a jab at Trump's border wall while introducing the nominees: "They also celebrate people who frantically race across international borders, and those who can scale walls really, really quickly. In other words, the president’s worst nightmare.”

2. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returned later in the show to accept an award for "Veep," where she joked (again of Trump), "We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first."

1. Donald Glover, aka the rapper/actor/comedian Childish Gambino, who won an award for outstanding directing for a comedy, sarcastically singled out Trump for thanks, saying with apparent sincerity: "I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list. He's the reason I'm probably up here."

Now the question becomes: With so much politics, how will this year's Emmys' ratings fare? Stay tuned!

These were some of the nicer comments....

Oh, nooo, a TV show takes jabs at the president! Pussies, run for the hills!


The real underlying issue with the dumb liberal celebrities bashing Trump is their hatred for the people who voted for him.
Democrats hate mainstream society, middle class taxpayers, Christians, wasps, Southerners, Midwesterners, Suburbanites, patriots, traditional families…….well you know, the average people who make America a prosperous country and make it possible for these dumb Left Wing Bigot Celebrities to be rich and famous
I haven't watched the Emmys, Grammys, Oscars, Golden Globes in decades, nor do I care to. They are just actors and actresses, they are just entertainers, nothing else. During the days of kings and queens, they were jesters, no one took them seriously, neither do I. Their opinions are no better than anyone else's and they seem to feed their egos by taking cheap shots at people so they might look better.
They dissuade their guilt by mouthing off about the right causes.....then go back to their lives of excess and abuse.
It's about looking cool, not being good human beings.
The Emmys is officially off the rails. The c**k holster they used to MC this awards show told us not to bother watching, and I think much of America took his advice.

The Emmys is now a show for BLM and Antifa terrorists, and extremely privileged folks who feel they are being oppressed because of their warped and pampered lifestyles.

These awards have devolved into a Trump bashfest. It's nothing more than a 3 hour rant against the results of the last election, showing us what happens when the spoiled politically-correct don't get what they want. And the strange thing is I really believe these folks think the rest of America is as angry as they are. If they didn't they wouldn't bother televising it. Average Americans who want the left to leave Trump alone and let him do his job would never tune into this show. It was not fit for family consumption. The Emmys has become a homage to Hollywood lifestyles. I can't see any average American wanting to respect such unbridled anger and divisiveness.

There used to be a time when we would tune in to watch the beautiful people and see who won. Now, all we see is the ugly side of Hollywood. We see a bunch of well dressed monsters who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. No small wonder that TV ratings are tanking and the Emmys gave us a perfect example of it.

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

'We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical bigot"

Sep 17, 2017

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

The 2017 Emmys certainly lived up to its billing as being the most politically charged ever.

Within seconds, host Stephen Colbert, singing an opening number themed around how seemingly out of control world events are, took a few soft jabs at President Trump. But then Julia-Louis Dreyfus quickly upped the ante, joining in and singing, “Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis.”

Once the monologue actually began, Colbert dedicated almost five minutes to mocking Trump.

The stage thus set, politics pervaded almost the entirety of the broadcast.

With virtually every presenter or award recipient working in at least one political reference, those who avoided politics were more notable than those who didn't.

There were so many political moments in this year's Emmys, we've compiled ...

The Top 10 Most Tedious Left-Wing Moments:

10. Stephen Colbert presaged the evening to come, saying that Trump was certainly watching, taunting, "Looking forward to the tweets."

9. Colbert then spent almost five minutes singling out Trump for criticism, the bit beginning with Trump evidently not winning an Emmy for "The Apprentice." The lengthy section wrapped with a surprise cameo from the former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, who praised the size of the crowd.

8. Alec Baldwin, who won an award for his appearances on Saturday Night Live -- where he lampooned Trump on a near-weekly basis -- said he and his wife had three kids in three years, but then he began portraying Trump on SNL and the "orange wig" proved to be effective "birth control

7. Comedian Kate McKinnon, who played Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live last season and infamously sang a schmaltzy rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" after Clinton's loss, used her acceptance speech to thank Clinton for "your grace and grit."

6. Actress Lily Tomlin, who apppeared alongside Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda as awards presenters (all of whom also appeared together on the 1980s show "9 to 5"), said just like the 80s, "We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot

5. John Lithgow, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in "The Crown," used his acceptance speech to jab at Trump, "In these crazy times, [Churchill's] life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like."

4. After a lengthy interlude during which the Television Academy, which runs the Emmys, congratulated itself for its increasing number of gay and transexual members, winner Lena Waithe, who directs Netflix's "Master of None" and described herself as "a queer black girl from the Southside of Chicago" gave a shoutout to her "my LGBTQIA family."

3. Comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who presented an Emmy, managed to work in a jab at Trump's border wall while introducing the nominees: "They also celebrate people who frantically race across international borders, and those who can scale walls really, really quickly. In other words, the president’s worst nightmare.”

2. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returned later in the show to accept an award for "Veep," where she joked (again of Trump), "We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first."

1. Donald Glover, aka the rapper/actor/comedian Childish Gambino, who won an award for outstanding directing for a comedy, sarcastically singled out Trump for thanks, saying with apparent sincerity: "I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list. He's the reason I'm probably up here."

Now the question becomes: With so much politics, how will this year's Emmys' ratings fare? Stay tuned!

These were some of the nicer comments....

Great to see that Don the Con finally got his Emmy, with Alec Baldwin accepting in his absence. Richly deserved! And, you can bet your bippy, Don the Con watched every luscious minute. Bigly!

I wouldn't bet on it.
I think he had better things to do.

He's speaking in front of the UN today.
While the idea of spending several hours watching reality-challenged, wealthy, elitists Kathy-Griffin - Wannabes who believe playing make-believe in front of a camera elevates their opinion to unquestionable expert commentary sounds extremely 'enticing', I would actually rather read Hillary's new comedic fictional tale, 'This is who I blame for losing the Presidential Election...AGAIN'. I heard it reads like 'the 2nd coming of George Carlin'. (Maybe Hillary has finally found her REAL 'calling' - writing comedy'.)

The only amusing story I heard about the entire night was how an actress who won an Emmy for her role on a TV SHOW slammed her friends / people who actually watch... TV. What are they doing watching TV? Paying your huge salary & allowing you to attend useless, extravagant, self-congratulatory awards shows... To all of her 'fans', take her advice - turn off the TV when she comes on, and go get a life... :p
The Emmys is officially off the rails. The c**k holster they used to MC this awards show told us not to bother watching, and I think much of America took his advice.

The Emmys is now a show for BLM and Antifa terrorists, and extremely privileged folks who feel they are being oppressed because of their warped and pampered lifestyles.

These awards have devolved into a Trump bashfest. It's nothing more than a 3 hour rant against the results of the last election, showing us what happens when the spoiled politically-correct don't get what they want. And the strange thing is I really believe these folks think the rest of America is as angry as they are. If they didn't they wouldn't bother televising it. Average Americans who want the left to leave Trump alone and let him do his job would never tune into this show. It was not fit for family consumption. The Emmys has become a homage to Hollywood lifestyles. I can't see any average American wanting to respect such unbridled anger and divisiveness.

There used to be a time when we would tune in to watch the beautiful people and see who won. Now, all we see is the ugly side of Hollywood. We see a bunch of well dressed monsters who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. No small wonder that TV ratings are tanking and the Emmys gave us a perfect example of it.

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

'We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical bigot"

Sep 17, 2017

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

The 2017 Emmys certainly lived up to its billing as being the most politically charged ever.

Within seconds, host Stephen Colbert, singing an opening number themed around how seemingly out of control world events are, took a few soft jabs at President Trump. But then Julia-Louis Dreyfus quickly upped the ante, joining in and singing, “Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis.”

Once the monologue actually began, Colbert dedicated almost five minutes to mocking Trump.

The stage thus set, politics pervaded almost the entirety of the broadcast.

With virtually every presenter or award recipient working in at least one political reference, those who avoided politics were more notable than those who didn't.

There were so many political moments in this year's Emmys, we've compiled ...

The Top 10 Most Tedious Left-Wing Moments:

10. Stephen Colbert presaged the evening to come, saying that Trump was certainly watching, taunting, "Looking forward to the tweets."

9. Colbert then spent almost five minutes singling out Trump for criticism, the bit beginning with Trump evidently not winning an Emmy for "The Apprentice." The lengthy section wrapped with a surprise cameo from the former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, who praised the size of the crowd.

8. Alec Baldwin, who won an award for his appearances on Saturday Night Live -- where he lampooned Trump on a near-weekly basis -- said he and his wife had three kids in three years, but then he began portraying Trump on SNL and the "orange wig" proved to be effective "birth control

7. Comedian Kate McKinnon, who played Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live last season and infamously sang a schmaltzy rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" after Clinton's loss, used her acceptance speech to thank Clinton for "your grace and grit."

6. Actress Lily Tomlin, who apppeared alongside Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda as awards presenters (all of whom also appeared together on the 1980s show "9 to 5"), said just like the 80s, "We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot

5. John Lithgow, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in "The Crown," used his acceptance speech to jab at Trump, "In these crazy times, [Churchill's] life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like."

4. After a lengthy interlude during which the Television Academy, which runs the Emmys, congratulated itself for its increasing number of gay and transexual members, winner Lena Waithe, who directs Netflix's "Master of None" and described herself as "a queer black girl from the Southside of Chicago" gave a shoutout to her "my LGBTQIA family."

3. Comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who presented an Emmy, managed to work in a jab at Trump's border wall while introducing the nominees: "They also celebrate people who frantically race across international borders, and those who can scale walls really, really quickly. In other words, the president’s worst nightmare.”

2. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returned later in the show to accept an award for "Veep," where she joked (again of Trump), "We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first."

1. Donald Glover, aka the rapper/actor/comedian Childish Gambino, who won an award for outstanding directing for a comedy, sarcastically singled out Trump for thanks, saying with apparent sincerity: "I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list. He's the reason I'm probably up here."

Now the question becomes: With so much politics, how will this year's Emmys' ratings fare? Stay tuned!

These were some of the nicer comments....

You gonna be okay? :itsok:
The Emmys is officially off the rails. The c**k holster they used to MC this awards show told us not to bother watching, and I think much of America took his advice.

The Emmys is now a show for BLM and Antifa terrorists, and extremely privileged folks who feel they are being oppressed because of their warped and pampered lifestyles.

These awards have devolved into a Trump bashfest. It's nothing more than a 3 hour rant against the results of the last election, showing us what happens when the spoiled politically-correct don't get what they want. And the strange thing is I really believe these folks think the rest of America is as angry as they are. If they didn't they wouldn't bother televising it. Average Americans who want the left to leave Trump alone and let him do his job would never tune into this show. It was not fit for family consumption. The Emmys has become a homage to Hollywood lifestyles. I can't see any average American wanting to respect such unbridled anger and divisiveness.

There used to be a time when we would tune in to watch the beautiful people and see who won. Now, all we see is the ugly side of Hollywood. We see a bunch of well dressed monsters who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. No small wonder that TV ratings are tanking and the Emmys gave us a perfect example of it.

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

'We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical bigot"

Sep 17, 2017

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

The 2017 Emmys certainly lived up to its billing as being the most politically charged ever.

Within seconds, host Stephen Colbert, singing an opening number themed around how seemingly out of control world events are, took a few soft jabs at President Trump. But then Julia-Louis Dreyfus quickly upped the ante, joining in and singing, “Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis.”

Once the monologue actually began, Colbert dedicated almost five minutes to mocking Trump.

The stage thus set, politics pervaded almost the entirety of the broadcast.

With virtually every presenter or award recipient working in at least one political reference, those who avoided politics were more notable than those who didn't.

There were so many political moments in this year's Emmys, we've compiled ...

The Top 10 Most Tedious Left-Wing Moments:

10. Stephen Colbert presaged the evening to come, saying that Trump was certainly watching, taunting, "Looking forward to the tweets."

9. Colbert then spent almost five minutes singling out Trump for criticism, the bit beginning with Trump evidently not winning an Emmy for "The Apprentice." The lengthy section wrapped with a surprise cameo from the former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, who praised the size of the crowd.

8. Alec Baldwin, who won an award for his appearances on Saturday Night Live -- where he lampooned Trump on a near-weekly basis -- said he and his wife had three kids in three years, but then he began portraying Trump on SNL and the "orange wig" proved to be effective "birth control

7. Comedian Kate McKinnon, who played Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live last season and infamously sang a schmaltzy rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" after Clinton's loss, used her acceptance speech to thank Clinton for "your grace and grit."

6. Actress Lily Tomlin, who apppeared alongside Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda as awards presenters (all of whom also appeared together on the 1980s show "9 to 5"), said just like the 80s, "We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot

5. John Lithgow, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in "The Crown," used his acceptance speech to jab at Trump, "In these crazy times, [Churchill's] life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like."

4. After a lengthy interlude during which the Television Academy, which runs the Emmys, congratulated itself for its increasing number of gay and transexual members, winner Lena Waithe, who directs Netflix's "Master of None" and described herself as "a queer black girl from the Southside of Chicago" gave a shoutout to her "my LGBTQIA family."

3. Comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who presented an Emmy, managed to work in a jab at Trump's border wall while introducing the nominees: "They also celebrate people who frantically race across international borders, and those who can scale walls really, really quickly. In other words, the president’s worst nightmare.”

2. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returned later in the show to accept an award for "Veep," where she joked (again of Trump), "We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first."

1. Donald Glover, aka the rapper/actor/comedian Childish Gambino, who won an award for outstanding directing for a comedy, sarcastically singled out Trump for thanks, saying with apparent sincerity: "I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list. He's the reason I'm probably up here."

Now the question becomes: With so much politics, how will this year's Emmys' ratings fare? Stay tuned!

These were some of the nicer comments....

What is this thing called Emmies?
The Emmys is officially off the rails. The c**k holster they used to MC this awards show told us not to bother watching, and I think much of America took his advice.

The Emmys is now a show for BLM and Antifa terrorists, and extremely privileged folks who feel they are being oppressed because of their warped and pampered lifestyles.

These awards have devolved into a Trump bashfest. It's nothing more than a 3 hour rant against the results of the last election, showing us what happens when the spoiled politically-correct don't get what they want. And the strange thing is I really believe these folks think the rest of America is as angry as they are. If they didn't they wouldn't bother televising it. Average Americans who want the left to leave Trump alone and let him do his job would never tune into this show. It was not fit for family consumption. The Emmys has become a homage to Hollywood lifestyles. I can't see any average American wanting to respect such unbridled anger and divisiveness.

There used to be a time when we would tune in to watch the beautiful people and see who won. Now, all we see is the ugly side of Hollywood. We see a bunch of well dressed monsters who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. No small wonder that TV ratings are tanking and the Emmys gave us a perfect example of it.

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

'We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical bigot"

Sep 17, 2017

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

The 2017 Emmys certainly lived up to its billing as being the most politically charged ever.

Within seconds, host Stephen Colbert, singing an opening number themed around how seemingly out of control world events are, took a few soft jabs at President Trump. But then Julia-Louis Dreyfus quickly upped the ante, joining in and singing, “Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis.”

Once the monologue actually began, Colbert dedicated almost five minutes to mocking Trump.

The stage thus set, politics pervaded almost the entirety of the broadcast.

With virtually every presenter or award recipient working in at least one political reference, those who avoided politics were more notable than those who didn't.

There were so many political moments in this year's Emmys, we've compiled ...

The Top 10 Most Tedious Left-Wing Moments:

10. Stephen Colbert presaged the evening to come, saying that Trump was certainly watching, taunting, "Looking forward to the tweets."

9. Colbert then spent almost five minutes singling out Trump for criticism, the bit beginning with Trump evidently not winning an Emmy for "The Apprentice." The lengthy section wrapped with a surprise cameo from the former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, who praised the size of the crowd.

8. Alec Baldwin, who won an award for his appearances on Saturday Night Live -- where he lampooned Trump on a near-weekly basis -- said he and his wife had three kids in three years, but then he began portraying Trump on SNL and the "orange wig" proved to be effective "birth control

7. Comedian Kate McKinnon, who played Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live last season and infamously sang a schmaltzy rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" after Clinton's loss, used her acceptance speech to thank Clinton for "your grace and grit."

6. Actress Lily Tomlin, who apppeared alongside Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda as awards presenters (all of whom also appeared together on the 1980s show "9 to 5"), said just like the 80s, "We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot

5. John Lithgow, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in "The Crown," used his acceptance speech to jab at Trump, "In these crazy times, [Churchill's] life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like."

4. After a lengthy interlude during which the Television Academy, which runs the Emmys, congratulated itself for its increasing number of gay and transexual members, winner Lena Waithe, who directs Netflix's "Master of None" and described herself as "a queer black girl from the Southside of Chicago" gave a shoutout to her "my LGBTQIA family."

3. Comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who presented an Emmy, managed to work in a jab at Trump's border wall while introducing the nominees: "They also celebrate people who frantically race across international borders, and those who can scale walls really, really quickly. In other words, the president’s worst nightmare.”

2. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returned later in the show to accept an award for "Veep," where she joked (again of Trump), "We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first."

1. Donald Glover, aka the rapper/actor/comedian Childish Gambino, who won an award for outstanding directing for a comedy, sarcastically singled out Trump for thanks, saying with apparent sincerity: "I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list. He's the reason I'm probably up here."

Now the question becomes: With so much politics, how will this year's Emmys' ratings fare? Stay tuned!

These were some of the nicer comments....

What is this thing called Emmies?

It's like the Obies but cheaper...
The Emmys is officially off the rails. The c**k holster they used to MC this awards show told us not to bother watching, and I think much of America took his advice.

The Emmys is now a show for BLM and Antifa terrorists, and extremely privileged folks who feel they are being oppressed because of their warped and pampered lifestyles.

These awards have devolved into a Trump bashfest. It's nothing more than a 3 hour rant against the results of the last election, showing us what happens when the spoiled politically-correct don't get what they want. And the strange thing is I really believe these folks think the rest of America is as angry as they are. If they didn't they wouldn't bother televising it. Average Americans who want the left to leave Trump alone and let him do his job would never tune into this show. It was not fit for family consumption. The Emmys has become a homage to Hollywood lifestyles. I can't see any average American wanting to respect such unbridled anger and divisiveness.

There used to be a time when we would tune in to watch the beautiful people and see who won. Now, all we see is the ugly side of Hollywood. We see a bunch of well dressed monsters who are pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. No small wonder that TV ratings are tanking and the Emmys gave us a perfect example of it.

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

'We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying hypocritical bigot"

Sep 17, 2017

Emmys Devolves into Three Hour Celebrity Anti-Trump Rage Fest

The 2017 Emmys certainly lived up to its billing as being the most politically charged ever.

Within seconds, host Stephen Colbert, singing an opening number themed around how seemingly out of control world events are, took a few soft jabs at President Trump. But then Julia-Louis Dreyfus quickly upped the ante, joining in and singing, “Imagine if your president wasn’t loved by Nazis.”

Once the monologue actually began, Colbert dedicated almost five minutes to mocking Trump.

The stage thus set, politics pervaded almost the entirety of the broadcast.

With virtually every presenter or award recipient working in at least one political reference, those who avoided politics were more notable than those who didn't.

There were so many political moments in this year's Emmys, we've compiled ...

The Top 10 Most Tedious Left-Wing Moments:

10. Stephen Colbert presaged the evening to come, saying that Trump was certainly watching, taunting, "Looking forward to the tweets."

9. Colbert then spent almost five minutes singling out Trump for criticism, the bit beginning with Trump evidently not winning an Emmy for "The Apprentice." The lengthy section wrapped with a surprise cameo from the former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, who praised the size of the crowd.

8. Alec Baldwin, who won an award for his appearances on Saturday Night Live -- where he lampooned Trump on a near-weekly basis -- said he and his wife had three kids in three years, but then he began portraying Trump on SNL and the "orange wig" proved to be effective "birth control

7. Comedian Kate McKinnon, who played Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live last season and infamously sang a schmaltzy rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" after Clinton's loss, used her acceptance speech to thank Clinton for "your grace and grit."

6. Actress Lily Tomlin, who apppeared alongside Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda as awards presenters (all of whom also appeared together on the 1980s show "9 to 5"), said just like the 80s, "We still refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot

5. John Lithgow, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in "The Crown," used his acceptance speech to jab at Trump, "In these crazy times, [Churchill's] life even as an old man reminded us what courage and leadership in government really looks like."

4. After a lengthy interlude during which the Television Academy, which runs the Emmys, congratulated itself for its increasing number of gay and transexual members, winner Lena Waithe, who directs Netflix's "Master of None" and described herself as "a queer black girl from the Southside of Chicago" gave a shoutout to her "my LGBTQIA family."

3. Comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who presented an Emmy, managed to work in a jab at Trump's border wall while introducing the nominees: "They also celebrate people who frantically race across international borders, and those who can scale walls really, really quickly. In other words, the president’s worst nightmare.”

2. Julia Louis-Dreyfus returned later in the show to accept an award for "Veep," where she joked (again of Trump), "We did have a whole story line about an impeachment but we abandoned that because we were worried that someone else might get to it first."

1. Donald Glover, aka the rapper/actor/comedian Childish Gambino, who won an award for outstanding directing for a comedy, sarcastically singled out Trump for thanks, saying with apparent sincerity: "I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list. He's the reason I'm probably up here."

Now the question becomes: With so much politics, how will this year's Emmys' ratings fare? Stay tuned!

These were some of the nicer comments....

You gonna be okay? :itsok:

Way to deflect.
I'm fine.
Considering the way you libs have been carrying on since last November, it's obvious you'll aren't okay.

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