The Emperor Has No Clothes

I wonder if gs5000 will expose the dems for lying about the Trump and Russia stuff.
Too bad for you I am on record on this forum saying there is no evidence anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian interference in our election.

Try again, retard. :lol:

Well then why don't you start a million threads debunking left wing claims like you did to conservatives about Benghazi, huh?
I wonder if gs5000 will expose the dems for lying about the Trump and Russia stuff.
Too bad for you I am on record on this forum saying there is no evidence anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian interference in our election.

Try again, retard. :lol:

Well then why don't you start a million threads debunking left wing claims like you did to conservatives about Benghazi, huh?
I never started a million threads about Benghazi, retard.

You're batting .000 today, idiot. :lol:
So, now Trump moves on the tax reductions. Now, this is going to be a slam dunk, right? the GOP has the House, and Senate, as well as the presidency. But, his plan calls for taxing imports to make up for the cuts, which not only pisses off Walmart, but the Koch brothers as well, not to mention the auto industry and a lot of other businesses. Now, Trump could instead make up for the cut by doing away with tax loopholes for the rich. That would piss off all of the rest of the Republican party! This is going to be more fun than when Dick the Bruiser took on Sargent Slaughter in Madison Square Garden! And remember what Trump said in his inaugural address! "I, alone, can do it!

Getcha programs heah! Can't folla the game without a program!

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan. I was going to take credit for it.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how this works!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...



Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
OMG, that is fricken awesome!

I wrote the OP in early February. Boy was I prescient, or what?

Check this out: Trump steps up attacks on McConnell for failure on health-care reform

“Can you believe that Mitch McConnell, who has screamed Repeal & Replace for 7 years, couldn’t get it done,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Must Repeal & Replace ObamaCare!”

Poor Emperor. He told the rubes he had a replacement for Obamacare, when his whole plan was to take credit for whatever the GOP had.

Nailed it!

I wrote the OP in early February. Boy was I prescient, or what?

Check this out: Trump steps up attacks on McConnell for failure on health-care reform

“Can you believe that Mitch McConnell, who has screamed Repeal & Replace for 7 years, couldn’t get it done,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Must Repeal & Replace ObamaCare!”

Poor Emperor. He told the rubes he had a replacement for Obamacare, when his whole plan was to take credit for whatever the GOP had.

Nailed it!

We marvel at your ego kid.

I wrote the OP in early February. Boy was I prescient, or what?

Check this out: Trump steps up attacks on McConnell for failure on health-care reform

“Can you believe that Mitch McConnell, who has screamed Repeal & Replace for 7 years, couldn’t get it done,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Must Repeal & Replace ObamaCare!”

Poor Emperor. He told the rubes he had a replacement for Obamacare, when his whole plan was to take credit for whatever the GOP had.

Nailed it!

What does that have to do with you cross-posting hatred from DailyKOS in February, Guno?

You're a Nazi, you spew insane hatred every day.

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan. I was going to take credit for it.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how this works!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...



Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
You're confused, you're actually thinking of berry the fuck up. Lol

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan. I was going to take credit for it.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how this works!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...



Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
You're confused, you're actually thinking of berry the fuck up. Lol

Guno isn't confused, Guno5000 is a lying hack. No doubt on the Soros payroll, a Nazi to the bone.
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