The end is in sight

What about those of us who will not conform to the left or right ideals? You HAVE to accept us living here.
What about those of us who will not conform to the left or right ideals? You HAVE to accept us living here.
Issue on this thread is border security. The left are ignoring our immigration laws. We want our laws enforced and the border secure. They want open borders and ignore law.

There is ni middle ground here. Chose
I take that as a, yes, this shit is Biden's fault.
There is a shortage of gas which is driving up prices. The shortage is caused by increased demand & lack of refinery capacity, cement head.

Learn anything?
Trump had nothing to do with it. Idiot Trump rode in on the coatails of a great economy left to him by Obama,,which your boy fucked up royally with his half ass response to the pandemic.

That jerkoff lost more jobs in his last year in office then any POTUS in history.
If you weren't such a liar people might actually pay attention to your bullshit.

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