The end is near for North Korea

What action will be taken against NOKO

  • Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia.

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The parallels are uncanny.....Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military!

Yep....that would be one uncanny parallel. It would make the U.S. the only nation on the planet to use nuclear weapons, and not once will we have done so, but twice. If Trump takes that tack, the rest of the world would be justified in thinking that the problem isn't that other nations acquire nuclear weapons, but rather that the U.S. already has them and has a president who has no particular reservation about using them.

Though KJU is crazy, it's far from clear that Trump isn't crazier. Additionally, it is ridiculous that Trump has perpetuated the policy whereby the DPRK has, in the global "conversation," been given a "voice" well beyond what it deserves. Does nobody these days know how to "sit children either at the kiddie table," or, more fitting frankly for both Trump and KJU, "in the corner" and let their littles asses suffer the obloquy of sequestration?

Apparently, trump actually thought China would do as he told them. Surprise.

Now, Russia and China are discussing it. I suspect trump will go for a trade war first.

Probably bluster about tariffs cuz he doesn't know better.

Not a good time to have a spoiled, petulant child facing down a spoiled, petulant child.
Military action will not, and should not, be taken until NK attacks first. It is unlikely IMHO that NK will take such action considering that their destruction would be guaranteed if they did and even if Un is crazy enough to commit suicide I am not so sure that his top generals are so eager to do so.

A military solution is simply untenable with the resulting destruction of millions of people in SK being a given in any military scenario. Whatever weapons NK is or is not developing, they have the largest artillery capability in the world and all of it will target Sol.

America was once probably in a position to take on NK but that time has passed especially with the profound growth in China's military might.
And let;s not forget the Korean conflict. America does not have a clear history of decisive victories in major conflicts against technically advanced and militarily formidable adversaries since WWII.

Nikki Haley's speech sounded good to American ears, but actually meant nothing. I seriously doubt we are going to war with NK.

The US has a massive advantage over NK in air power for certain. But China's willingness to sit back while America wages an air war on it's doorstep is doubtful since China would never accept another Democratic nation as it's neighbor. Then there's the Russia angle. Too much at risk.
I don't think there is any military option in spite of the Pentagons assertions.

It seems Americas only option is to develop defensive technologies and render nuclear attack moot. Considering the proliferation of nuclear weapons among hostile nations, it seems that that had best be a number one priority for the USA. Unfortunately, any chance of that will die with each Democrat grip on power.

Eventually, there will be another world war. Human nature....or mistake....we've come close a number of times.
If you are a baby boomer, (or older) be grateful. You probably enjoyed the last generation of a peaceful world for a long time to come.
Between radiological disasters, the emergence of MRSA strains of bacteria, hostile nations become nuclear powers, the loss of domestic tranquility etc.....I doubt the world will be as nice a place to live over the next 100 years as it was the last 100.
Well thought out analysis! But the NEW NOKO regime believes they can Cower the rest of the world, with the threats you mention.
Trump says: "UH UH, no way it's gonna happen!"
We are going to WAR! The only question is to what extent. USA has the power in place to completely destroy NOKO! The problem with defense systems is that they are unreliable, and only ONE nuclear missile hitting USA is too many!
China will not intervene! That would end trade with the west and destroy their economy. The young Chinese people want to be part of the world, and would remove any government that wants to be at war with the west! China only threatens. They don't act! Not even when NOKO makes a fool of them!
The parallels are uncanny.....Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military!

Yep....that would be one uncanny parallel. It would make the U.S. the only nation on the planet to use nuclear weapons, and not once will we have done so, but twice. If Trump takes that tack, the rest of the world would be justified in thinking that the problem isn't that other nations acquire nuclear weapons, but rather that the U.S. already has them and has a president who has no particular reservation about using them.

Though KJU is crazy, it's far from clear that Trump isn't crazier. Additionally, it is ridiculous that Trump has perpetuated the policy whereby the DPRK has, in the global "conversation," been given a "voice" well beyond what it deserves. Does nobody these days know how to "sit children either at the kiddie table," or, more fitting frankly for both Trump and KJU, "in the corner" and let their littles asses suffer the obloquy of sequestration?

Apparently, trump actually thought China would do as he told them. Surprise.

Now, Russia and China are discussing it. I suspect trump will go for a trade war first.

Probably bluster about tariffs cuz he doesn't know better.

Not a good time to have a spoiled, petulant child facing down a spoiled, petulant child.

Oh how simple your world is. Russia and China are discussing how to react to a reunified Korea, on their border. Neither can AFFORD a confrontation with USA. The closed session with UN and Trump meetings at G-20 will put the world on notice, that NOKO will be NO MORE!
I understand your confusion. After 8 years of apologizing for being strong, Trump must seem like he is angry. "Trump Derangement syndrome" But ONE MAN does not decide USA foreign policy! You must have slept through your Civics' class.
its funny how you get more opposition to the bullshit you put up then people agreeing with you....maybe its you grunting the stupidity....
Or maybe there are more stupid people on this site, than thinking ones. And you lead the stupid!
its funny how you get more opposition to the bullshit you put up then people agreeing with you....maybe its you grunting the stupidity....
Or maybe there are more stupid people on this site, than thinking ones. And you lead the stupid!
people who are full of themselves are usually full of shit....and on that you lead the pack....
Are you capable of nothing but personal attack? There is a lot to think about and comment on, in my article, and all you are capable of is personal attack.
i dont have nice things to say to pussies who say they ran from this country when things were not going their way and then have the balls to say maybe after those of us still here improve things you may come back.....fuck you asshole.....
they ran from this country when things were not going their way
Perhaps I missed a part of the discussion? Did THAI EXPAT attest to having "[run] from [the U.S.] when [/because] things were not going [his] way?"

I want to be sure he did, for being an expat and having been expatriated (voluntarily or not) are similar in only the most superficial sense: in both instances one doesn't currently live in the country whereof one is/was a citizen.
yes he did.....and he said he may return after WE get things back to his liking ....
There are only five choices, the right one is not there!! First the idea to not exterminate the entire Northern part of Korea in the 50's was a really big mistake. Then it would only have taken one nuke to completely remove the threat. The same thing could be said for North Vietnam. Now because of liberals like jane fonda and john kerry and the people that were released from the blacklist by the fist treasonous liberal in the press, we have this situation IT is glaring proof that liberal policies cause major problems. First lets remove the liberal threat HERE, then we will do what is needed to remove un.
Haley said the US will use military force on North Korea ‘if we must’

By Circa News


4 Hours Ago
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley says that America is ready to use military force against North Korea if attacked.

“The United States is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to defend ourselves and our allies,” she said Wednesday during a speech before the U.N., according to Time.

“One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces. We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction.”

Some Twitter users on Wednesday voiced alarm about Haley’s comments, which came amid rising tensions between the U.S. and North Korea.

Many of the UN members are still part of the 1950 coalition, so they must be put on notice that USA is going back to war! The word attacked is puzzling. Would another Nuclear test be an Attack on the USA or it's allies? Would another ICBM launch be an attack? If NOKO launches a Missile into space, will USA say it is an attack on USA?
View attachment 137078 Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny. Truman was newly in office, as Trump is newly in office. Harry had the fact we were at war on his side, but I don't think that made the decision any less difficult.
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Lets look at the choices facing Trump, and of course America.

NOKO continues to improve its ability to wreak havoc on the world. They continually express their intention to develop Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and kill millions of people in the most horrible way.. To what end? This is not defense, it is aggression. No assurance from China or USA, or South Korea will placate their paranoia.

View attachment 137074

If they just shot rockets into the ocean like petulant children, this might be tolerable for the short term. But they have declared that as soon as they have perfected long range missiles, they will begin full scale production. To what end? Can the world afford to wait and see? Are the missiles for sale to Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, ISIS Caliphate? CAN THE WORLD/USA AFFORD TO SPECULATE?

Option # 1. Wait and see what happens. Perhaps Kim Jong Un – stable will. Be removed in a coup. Not very likely he has murdered his older brother, Uncles, and any Military leaders he see's as a threat.

Option # 2. The Chinese will invade. A possibility if they see USA takeover as inevitable. But the constant left opposition to Trump and talk of impeachment keeps them in doubt Trump will act!

Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia. Fortress America has been rejected every time it is proposed. We are the world, and sooner or later get drawn into it's war's. This is the least likely option based on America's new agression policy.

Option # 4. A limited Military strike by USA, S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Not a good idea as this would strengthen the NOKO resolve that they must fight to survive, and USA is not ready for another prolonged WAR, where thousands die.

4A. But it is possible to destroy their missiles and Nuclear facilities, and totally annihilate Pyongyang, killing most of the Command Generals and hopefully Jong Un. It is questionable that there is adequate command in the field to act against the South. Most of the High Command prefers the luxury of Pyongyang. That vaunted Artillery the Media keeps referring to, is WWII surplus that can reach the DMZ, but not Seoul, and if activated can be taken out with carpet bombing B-1 bombers. It is not Seoul that is in danger, it is the 30,000 troops we have on the ground in the DMZ. If you see a sudden troop movement or evacuation, you will know this is the option chosen

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Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military! Truman had the same option, to spare Japanese civilian lives and spend American lives in a street by street, city by city conflict that would also kill civilians and prolong the war, or drop a Nuclear bomb. We know the choice he made.

Trump has the same option. ONE MX-Peacekeeper ICBM with 10 warheads could destroy Pyongyang, the Nuclear facilities in the North, and the Military in the South. No American casualties, but an environmental mess that would leave half NOKO uninhabitable, not to mention radiation contamination of parts of Russia and China, as well as SOKO.

NO. Nuclear weapons are a doomsday option only.

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The most likely action will come from our bases in Okinawa, cruise missiles from Submarines already in position an B-1 bombers already in position in SOKO that have mapped the 38th parallel and targeted the ground forces positions.

The result will be destruction of NOKO, greater than Dresden and Hiroshima combined.

Make no mistake! USA coalition has all the forces needed in place. All that is needed is a consensuses by Japan, SOKO, China and Russia, that all options are expended, or a misdirected missile by NOKO.

As Presidents, Trump and Truman have no choice but to be the murderers of millions.

Trump has to be wondering, “What the hell was I thinking, taking this job?”

Of course the LEFT will say it was done to take attention away from the Russia investigation, but those idiots would say that ISIS is no threat, or Trump should be impeached anyway.
The liars in the media will play Trump as a monster who wagged the Dog, and the world will condemn the USA as blood thirsty murderers!

It is questionable if China took any action against NOKO. In any event it had no affect as two more missiles have been launched since. As I stated, the idiot left gives hope to America's enemies that Trump has been neutralized and will not act. But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.
The only incentive China has, is to maintain their advantage in trade over the USA. They already have their troupes in place to prevent a mass migration.

There is enough fire power in place to destroy all missiles and artillery of NOKO. If 1 or 2 survived and were launched, the THAAD system is in place to take them down. The WWII artillery and tanks on the border will all be destroyed by B-1 bombers.

Every location is mapped and any movement tracked by satellite! U-2 flights have been mapping everything NOKO does. You remember them from the Cold War days. Well they still have the best areal reconnaissance capability of any system.
The purpose of using the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan, was to show NOKO that their underground launch facilities were easy targets.
1. Stealth B-2 and F-22 will take out all electricity and radar.
2. F-35 with night vision will destroy all NOKO aircraft.
3. All mobile missiles will be destroyed by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
4. All NOKO ground forces near the 38th. parallel will be destroyed by B-1 low altitude bombers.
5. All underground missile locations will be destroyed by MOAB's droped by high altitude B-52, B-1 and B-2's.

What is left of NOKO will be destroyed by SOKO aircraft and carrier based forces. This will be a massive slaughter made necessary by NOKO willingness to sacrifice their people. The left will call Trump a war criminal and demand he be tried in world court, but that will be after one million are dead!
SOKO will have a massive cleanup after reunification, but it will create a new rival of China.

IT IS A BIG GAMBLE! Does NOKO have hidden agents with dirty bombs in the worlds capitals? A new face of terror!

Please provide a link with the OP. THAI EXPAT
I pick the first option while the pentagon works stringently on implementing an accurate missile defense system which will allow the U.S. to shoot them down. But in the long run, America needs to get the best hackers money can buy to either fizzle the missiles out before lift off or even better, have them circle the country and then return to their place of origin where they'll then explode on contact. Muhahaha!
We tried, but NOKO has hackers too! Sometimes the only way to prevent Evil, is to physically destroy it! Reality is a bitch!
The Pentagon Has Been Secretly Hacking Kim Jong-un's Missiles

Mar 4, 2017 ... The U.S. is reportedly engaging in a cyber warfare campaign against North Korea's missile program. Three years ago, the White House ...

Is The Pentagon Hacking Kim Jong-un's Missile | The Daily Caller

Apr 24, 2017 ... Is the U.S. hacking North Korean missiles? If it is, the operation does not appear to be overwhelmingly successful.

US Cyber Attack "Sabotaged Kim's Missile Launch", Former British ...

Apr 16, 2017 ... US Cyber Attack "Sabotaged Kim's Missile Launch", Former British Foreign Secretary .... Just hack the guidence and turn it back on them.

Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea's Missiles ...

Apr 19, 2017 ... Correlation is not causation, of course, and a simple review of North Korea's missile launches suggests that if the United States is hacking North ...
I had heard rumors that the U.S. was suspected of maybe hacking their computers but I read nothing that confirmed that. Even if that was the case, it appears our hackers have since been shut out and now it's full speed ahead for fatboy.

What I find worrisome is that Kim-jong Un appears to be deliberately trying to initiate a war. As if he wants Trump to be the bad guy and start it. Why would he do that? Something's stinky here. Is the master plan that if/when that happens, China, Russia, and Iran plan to jump in against the U.S as well? And this while we're stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to protect our allies S. Korea and Japan?
A group of military chiefs in N.K. could make themselves a very nice deal.
View attachment 137078 Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny.]

Except of course- the small fact that
a) Japan had actually attacked the United States- and had been fighting the United States for 4 years and
b) The United States and Japan were actually at war.

Neither is true right now.

China will not invade- China doesn't care for North Korea but isn't going to dance to America's tune either- China will work for its own interest.

North Korea will not capitulate

The United States might attack- with South Korea assistance- but Japan and Taiwan will not participate. Japan because it can't within its own constitution- and Taiwan won't be invited because of China.

The 'all out destruction'? That could only be by nukes. Any danger about lobbing nukes onto North Korea- a short distance from China?

There are no good answers- but murdering a few million people- including South Koreans, Japanese and American troops seems at this time to be one of the very least good ones.
I don't think China would sit it out at all. Should we be the aggressors they would certainly fight against us.

If NK actually attacks then the entire world would come down on them including China. That is the only situation where I see the possibility of actual military action there and, as I said earlier, I do not think everyone in power over there has a death wish or wants to see their nation a smoldering pile of ash even if its leader is insane.
Haley said the US will use military force on North Korea ‘if we must’

By Circa News


4 Hours Ago
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley says that America is ready to use military force against North Korea if attacked.

“The United States is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to defend ourselves and our allies,” she said Wednesday during a speech before the U.N., according to Time.

“One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces. We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction.”

Some Twitter users on Wednesday voiced alarm about Haley’s comments, which came amid rising tensions between the U.S. and North Korea.

Many of the UN members are still part of the 1950 coalition, so they must be put on notice that USA is going back to war! The word attacked is puzzling. Would another Nuclear test be an Attack on the USA or it's allies? Would another ICBM launch be an attack? If NOKO launches a Missile into space, will USA say it is an attack on USA?

It is confusing.

Why would the U.S. needs to announce we will use force if attacked?
First lets remove the liberal threat HERE, then we will do what is needed to remove un.

And how are you proposing to 'remove the liberal threat'?

Concentration camps?
Re-education camps?
Trump University?
The parallels are uncanny.....Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military!

Yep....that would be one uncanny parallel. It would make the U.S. the only nation on the planet to use nuclear weapons, and not once will we have done so, but twice. If Trump takes that tack, the rest of the world would be justified in thinking that the problem isn't that other nations acquire nuclear weapons, but rather that the U.S. already has them and has a president who has no particular reservation about using them.

Though KJU is crazy, it's far from clear that Trump isn't crazier. Additionally, it is ridiculous that Trump has perpetuated the policy whereby the DPRK has, in the global "conversation," been given a "voice" well beyond what it deserves. Does nobody these days know how to "sit children either at the kiddie table," or, more fitting frankly for both Trump and KJU, "in the corner" and let their littles asses suffer the obloquy of sequestration?

Apparently, trump actually thought China would do as he told them. Surprise.

Now, Russia and China are discussing it. I suspect trump will go for a trade war first.

Probably bluster about tariffs cuz he doesn't know better.

Not a good time to have a spoiled, petulant child facing down a spoiled, petulant child.

But ONE MAN does not decide USA foreign policy! You must have slept through your Civics' class.

According to you- Trump does- here is what you said:

But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.]
View attachment 137078 Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny. Truman was newly in office, as Trump is newly in office. Harry had the fact we were at war on his side, but I don't think that made the decision any less difficult.
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Lets look at the choices facing Trump, and of course America.

NOKO continues to improve its ability to wreak havoc on the world. They continually express their intention to develop Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and kill millions of people in the most horrible way.. To what end? This is not defense, it is aggression. No assurance from China or USA, or South Korea will placate their paranoia.

View attachment 137074

If they just shot rockets into the ocean like petulant children, this might be tolerable for the short term. But they have declared that as soon as they have perfected long range missiles, they will begin full scale production. To what end? Can the world afford to wait and see? Are the missiles for sale to Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, ISIS Caliphate? CAN THE WORLD/USA AFFORD TO SPECULATE?

Option # 1. Wait and see what happens. Perhaps Kim Jong Un – stable will. Be removed in a coup. Not very likely he has murdered his older brother, Uncles, and any Military leaders he see's as a threat.

Option # 2. The Chinese will invade. A possibility if they see USA takeover as inevitable. But the constant left opposition to Trump and talk of impeachment keeps them in doubt Trump will act!

Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia. Fortress America has been rejected every time it is proposed. We are the world, and sooner or later get drawn into it's war's. This is the least likely option based on America's new agression policy.

Option # 4. A limited Military strike by USA, S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Not a good idea as this would strengthen the NOKO resolve that they must fight to survive, and USA is not ready for another prolonged WAR, where thousands die.

4A. But it is possible to destroy their missiles and Nuclear facilities, and totally annihilate Pyongyang, killing most of the Command Generals and hopefully Jong Un. It is questionable that there is adequate command in the field to act against the South. Most of the High Command prefers the luxury of Pyongyang. That vaunted Artillery the Media keeps referring to, is WWII surplus that can reach the DMZ, but not Seoul, and if activated can be taken out with carpet bombing B-1 bombers. It is not Seoul that is in danger, it is the 30,000 troops we have on the ground in the DMZ. If you see a sudden troop movement or evacuation, you will know this is the option chosen

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Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military! Truman had the same option, to spare Japanese civilian lives and spend American lives in a street by street, city by city conflict that would also kill civilians and prolong the war, or drop a Nuclear bomb. We know the choice he made.

Trump has the same option. ONE MX-Peacekeeper ICBM with 10 warheads could destroy Pyongyang, the Nuclear facilities in the North, and the Military in the South. No American casualties, but an environmental mess that would leave half NOKO uninhabitable, not to mention radiation contamination of parts of Russia and China, as well as SOKO.

NO. Nuclear weapons are a doomsday option only.

View attachment 137077

The most likely action will come from our bases in Okinawa, cruise missiles from Submarines already in position an B-1 bombers already in position in SOKO that have mapped the 38th parallel and targeted the ground forces positions.

The result will be destruction of NOKO, greater than Dresden and Hiroshima combined.

Make no mistake! USA coalition has all the forces needed in place. All that is needed is a consensuses by Japan, SOKO, China and Russia, that all options are expended, or a misdirected missile by NOKO.

As Presidents, Trump and Truman have no choice but to be the murderers of millions.

Trump has to be wondering, “What the hell was I thinking, taking this job?”

Of course the LEFT will say it was done to take attention away from the Russia investigation, but those idiots would say that ISIS is no threat, or Trump should be impeached anyway.
The liars in the media will play Trump as a monster who wagged the Dog, and the world will condemn the USA as blood thirsty murderers!

It is questionable if China took any action against NOKO. In any event it had no affect as two more missiles have been launched since. As I stated, the idiot left gives hope to America's enemies that Trump has been neutralized and will not act. But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.
The only incentive China has, is to maintain their advantage in trade over the USA. They already have their troupes in place to prevent a mass migration.

There is enough fire power in place to destroy all missiles and artillery of NOKO. If 1 or 2 survived and were launched, the THAAD system is in place to take them down. The WWII artillery and tanks on the border will all be destroyed by B-1 bombers.

Every location is mapped and any movement tracked by satellite! U-2 flights have been mapping everything NOKO does. You remember them from the Cold War days. Well they still have the best areal reconnaissance capability of any system.
The purpose of using the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan, was to show NOKO that their underground launch facilities were easy targets.
1. Stealth B-2 and F-22 will take out all electricity and radar.
2. F-35 with night vision will destroy all NOKO aircraft.
3. All mobile missiles will be destroyed by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
4. All NOKO ground forces near the 38th. parallel will be destroyed by B-1 low altitude bombers.
5. All underground missile locations will be destroyed by MOAB's droped by high altitude B-52, B-1 and B-2's.

What is left of NOKO will be destroyed by SOKO aircraft and carrier based forces. This will be a massive slaughter made necessary by NOKO willingness to sacrifice their people. The left will call Trump a war criminal and demand he be tried in world court, but that will be after one million are dead!
SOKO will have a massive cleanup after reunification, but it will create a new rival of China.

IT IS A BIG GAMBLE! Does NOKO have hidden agents with dirty bombs in the worlds capitals? A new face of terror!

Please provide a link with the OP. THAI EXPAT
Stop shitting your pants.

We have the capability to shoot down anything the fat boy can throw at us.

It isn't even a sure thing the DPRK achieved ICMB velocity, and there is no information about how successful the re-entry of the missile was.
The parallels are uncanny.....Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military!

Yep....that would be one uncanny parallel. It would make the U.S. the only nation on the planet to use nuclear weapons, and not once will we have done so, but twice. If Trump takes that tack, the rest of the world would be justified in thinking that the problem isn't that other nations acquire nuclear weapons, but rather that the U.S. already has them and has a president who has no particular reservation about using them.

Though KJU is crazy, it's far from clear that Trump isn't crazier. Additionally, it is ridiculous that Trump has perpetuated the policy whereby the DPRK has, in the global "conversation," been given a "voice" well beyond what it deserves. Does nobody these days know how to "sit children either at the kiddie table," or, more fitting frankly for both Trump and KJU, "in the corner" and let their littles asses suffer the obloquy of sequestration?

Apparently, trump actually thought China would do as he told them. Surprise.

Now, Russia and China are discussing it. I suspect trump will go for a trade war first.

Probably bluster about tariffs cuz he doesn't know better.

Not a good time to have a spoiled, petulant child facing down a spoiled, petulant child.

But ONE MAN does not decide USA foreign policy! You must have slept through your Civics' class.

According to you- Trump does- here is what you said:

But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.]
The distinction between what you've said above and what Thai Expat said is the distinction between the words "can/may" and "does."
The parallels are uncanny.....Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military!

Yep....that would be one uncanny parallel. It would make the U.S. the only nation on the planet to use nuclear weapons, and not once will we have done so, but twice. If Trump takes that tack, the rest of the world would be justified in thinking that the problem isn't that other nations acquire nuclear weapons, but rather that the U.S. already has them and has a president who has no particular reservation about using them.

Though KJU is crazy, it's far from clear that Trump isn't crazier. Additionally, it is ridiculous that Trump has perpetuated the policy whereby the DPRK has, in the global "conversation," been given a "voice" well beyond what it deserves. Does nobody these days know how to "sit children either at the kiddie table," or, more fitting frankly for both Trump and KJU, "in the corner" and let their littles asses suffer the obloquy of sequestration?

Apparently, trump actually thought China would do as he told them. Surprise.

Now, Russia and China are discussing it. I suspect trump will go for a trade war first.

Probably bluster about tariffs cuz he doesn't know better.

Not a good time to have a spoiled, petulant child facing down a spoiled, petulant child.

But ONE MAN does not decide USA foreign policy! You must have slept through your Civics' class.

According to you- Trump does- here is what you said:

But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.]
The distinction between what you've said above and what Thai Expat said is the distinction between the words "can/may" and "does."

Thai said one man does not decide US Foreign policy- and he had previously said that Trump could unilaterally take America into war with Korea.

'does not' and 'can'
View attachment 137078 Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny. Truman was newly in office, as Trump is newly in office. Harry had the fact we were at war on his side, but I don't think that made the decision any less difficult.
View attachment 137072 View attachment 137073
Lets look at the choices facing Trump, and of course America.

NOKO continues to improve its ability to wreak havoc on the world. They continually express their intention to develop Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and kill millions of people in the most horrible way.. To what end? This is not defense, it is aggression. No assurance from China or USA, or South Korea will placate their paranoia.

View attachment 137074

If they just shot rockets into the ocean like petulant children, this might be tolerable for the short term. But they have declared that as soon as they have perfected long range missiles, they will begin full scale production. To what end? Can the world afford to wait and see? Are the missiles for sale to Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, ISIS Caliphate? CAN THE WORLD/USA AFFORD TO SPECULATE?

Option # 1. Wait and see what happens. Perhaps Kim Jong Un – stable will. Be removed in a coup. Not very likely he has murdered his older brother, Uncles, and any Military leaders he see's as a threat.

Option # 2. The Chinese will invade. A possibility if they see USA takeover as inevitable. But the constant left opposition to Trump and talk of impeachment keeps them in doubt Trump will act!

Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia. Fortress America has been rejected every time it is proposed. We are the world, and sooner or later get drawn into it's war's. This is the least likely option based on America's new agression policy.

Option # 4. A limited Military strike by USA, S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Not a good idea as this would strengthen the NOKO resolve that they must fight to survive, and USA is not ready for another prolonged WAR, where thousands die.

4A. But it is possible to destroy their missiles and Nuclear facilities, and totally annihilate Pyongyang, killing most of the Command Generals and hopefully Jong Un. It is questionable that there is adequate command in the field to act against the South. Most of the High Command prefers the luxury of Pyongyang. That vaunted Artillery the Media keeps referring to, is WWII surplus that can reach the DMZ, but not Seoul, and if activated can be taken out with carpet bombing B-1 bombers. It is not Seoul that is in danger, it is the 30,000 troops we have on the ground in the DMZ. If you see a sudden troop movement or evacuation, you will know this is the option chosen

View attachment 137078
View attachment 137076

Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military! Truman had the same option, to spare Japanese civilian lives and spend American lives in a street by street, city by city conflict that would also kill civilians and prolong the war, or drop a Nuclear bomb. We know the choice he made.

Trump has the same option. ONE MX-Peacekeeper ICBM with 10 warheads could destroy Pyongyang, the Nuclear facilities in the North, and the Military in the South. No American casualties, but an environmental mess that would leave half NOKO uninhabitable, not to mention radiation contamination of parts of Russia and China, as well as SOKO.

NO. Nuclear weapons are a doomsday option only.

View attachment 137077

The most likely action will come from our bases in Okinawa, cruise missiles from Submarines already in position an B-1 bombers already in position in SOKO that have mapped the 38th parallel and targeted the ground forces positions.

The result will be destruction of NOKO, greater than Dresden and Hiroshima combined.

Make no mistake! USA coalition has all the forces needed in place. All that is needed is a consensuses by Japan, SOKO, China and Russia, that all options are expended, or a misdirected missile by NOKO.

As Presidents, Trump and Truman have no choice but to be the murderers of millions.

Trump has to be wondering, “What the hell was I thinking, taking this job?”

Of course the LEFT will say it was done to take attention away from the Russia investigation, but those idiots would say that ISIS is no threat, or Trump should be impeached anyway.
The liars in the media will play Trump as a monster who wagged the Dog, and the world will condemn the USA as blood thirsty murderers!

It is questionable if China took any action against NOKO. In any event it had no affect as two more missiles have been launched since. As I stated, the idiot left gives hope to America's enemies that Trump has been neutralized and will not act. But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.
The only incentive China has, is to maintain their advantage in trade over the USA. They already have their troupes in place to prevent a mass migration.

There is enough fire power in place to destroy all missiles and artillery of NOKO. If 1 or 2 survived and were launched, the THAAD system is in place to take them down. The WWII artillery and tanks on the border will all be destroyed by B-1 bombers.

Every location is mapped and any movement tracked by satellite! U-2 flights have been mapping everything NOKO does. You remember them from the Cold War days. Well they still have the best areal reconnaissance capability of any system.
The purpose of using the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan, was to show NOKO that their underground launch facilities were easy targets.
1. Stealth B-2 and F-22 will take out all electricity and radar.
2. F-35 with night vision will destroy all NOKO aircraft.
3. All mobile missiles will be destroyed by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
4. All NOKO ground forces near the 38th. parallel will be destroyed by B-1 low altitude bombers.
5. All underground missile locations will be destroyed by MOAB's droped by high altitude B-52, B-1 and B-2's.

What is left of NOKO will be destroyed by SOKO aircraft and carrier based forces. This will be a massive slaughter made necessary by NOKO willingness to sacrifice their people. The left will call Trump a war criminal and demand he be tried in world court, but that will be after one million are dead!
SOKO will have a massive cleanup after reunification, but it will create a new rival of China.

IT IS A BIG GAMBLE! Does NOKO have hidden agents with dirty bombs in the worlds capitals? A new face of terror!

Please provide a link with the OP. THAI EXPAT
Stop shitting your pants.

We have the capability to shoot down anything the fat boy can throw at us.

It isn't even a sure thing the DPRK achieved ICMB velocity, and there is no information about how successful the re-entry of the missile was.
We have the capability to shoot down anything the fat boy can throw at us.

Presently, that's wishful thinking. It's been alluded that we have tools for doing so. Those tools have yet to be proven, and, to the extent we're talking nuclear weapons, the bar of expectation is very high; it's "anything and everything."

It isn't even a sure thing the DPRK achieved ICMB [sic] velocity,

So, do you not believe U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley's statement: "Make no mistake. North Korea's launch of an ICBM is a clear and sharp....?" I for one don't think someone in her position would say "North Korea's launch of and ICBM" if North Korea didn't launch an ICBM. Had Trump said it, I'd be skeptical -- every word that man utters must be carefully fact checked -- but I don't think everyone he's emplaced in his Administration is as prevaricating as he.
View attachment 137078 Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny. Truman was newly in office, as Trump is newly in office. Harry had the fact we were at war on his side, but I don't think that made the decision any less difficult.
View attachment 137072 View attachment 137073
Lets look at the choices facing Trump, and of course America.

NOKO continues to improve its ability to wreak havoc on the world. They continually express their intention to develop Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and kill millions of people in the most horrible way.. To what end? This is not defense, it is aggression. No assurance from China or USA, or South Korea will placate their paranoia.

View attachment 137074

If they just shot rockets into the ocean like petulant children, this might be tolerable for the short term. But they have declared that as soon as they have perfected long range missiles, they will begin full scale production. To what end? Can the world afford to wait and see? Are the missiles for sale to Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, ISIS Caliphate? CAN THE WORLD/USA AFFORD TO SPECULATE?

Option # 1. Wait and see what happens. Perhaps Kim Jong Un – stable will. Be removed in a coup. Not very likely he has murdered his older brother, Uncles, and any Military leaders he see's as a threat.

Option # 2. The Chinese will invade. A possibility if they see USA takeover as inevitable. But the constant left opposition to Trump and talk of impeachment keeps them in doubt Trump will act!

Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia. Fortress America has been rejected every time it is proposed. We are the world, and sooner or later get drawn into it's war's. This is the least likely option based on America's new agression policy.

Option # 4. A limited Military strike by USA, S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Not a good idea as this would strengthen the NOKO resolve that they must fight to survive, and USA is not ready for another prolonged WAR, where thousands die.

4A. But it is possible to destroy their missiles and Nuclear facilities, and totally annihilate Pyongyang, killing most of the Command Generals and hopefully Jong Un. It is questionable that there is adequate command in the field to act against the South. Most of the High Command prefers the luxury of Pyongyang. That vaunted Artillery the Media keeps referring to, is WWII surplus that can reach the DMZ, but not Seoul, and if activated can be taken out with carpet bombing B-1 bombers. It is not Seoul that is in danger, it is the 30,000 troops we have on the ground in the DMZ. If you see a sudden troop movement or evacuation, you will know this is the option chosen

View attachment 137078
View attachment 137076

Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military! Truman had the same option, to spare Japanese civilian lives and spend American lives in a street by street, city by city conflict that would also kill civilians and prolong the war, or drop a Nuclear bomb. We know the choice he made.

Trump has the same option. ONE MX-Peacekeeper ICBM with 10 warheads could destroy Pyongyang, the Nuclear facilities in the North, and the Military in the South. No American casualties, but an environmental mess that would leave half NOKO uninhabitable, not to mention radiation contamination of parts of Russia and China, as well as SOKO.

NO. Nuclear weapons are a doomsday option only.

View attachment 137077

The most likely action will come from our bases in Okinawa, cruise missiles from Submarines already in position an B-1 bombers already in position in SOKO that have mapped the 38th parallel and targeted the ground forces positions.

The result will be destruction of NOKO, greater than Dresden and Hiroshima combined.

Make no mistake! USA coalition has all the forces needed in place. All that is needed is a consensuses by Japan, SOKO, China and Russia, that all options are expended, or a misdirected missile by NOKO.

As Presidents, Trump and Truman have no choice but to be the murderers of millions.

Trump has to be wondering, “What the hell was I thinking, taking this job?”

Of course the LEFT will say it was done to take attention away from the Russia investigation, but those idiots would say that ISIS is no threat, or Trump should be impeached anyway.
The liars in the media will play Trump as a monster who wagged the Dog, and the world will condemn the USA as blood thirsty murderers!

It is questionable if China took any action against NOKO. In any event it had no affect as two more missiles have been launched since. As I stated, the idiot left gives hope to America's enemies that Trump has been neutralized and will not act. But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.
The only incentive China has, is to maintain their advantage in trade over the USA. They already have their troupes in place to prevent a mass migration.

There is enough fire power in place to destroy all missiles and artillery of NOKO. If 1 or 2 survived and were launched, the THAAD system is in place to take them down. The WWII artillery and tanks on the border will all be destroyed by B-1 bombers.

Every location is mapped and any movement tracked by satellite! U-2 flights have been mapping everything NOKO does. You remember them from the Cold War days. Well they still have the best areal reconnaissance capability of any system.
The purpose of using the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan, was to show NOKO that their underground launch facilities were easy targets.
1. Stealth B-2 and F-22 will take out all electricity and radar.
2. F-35 with night vision will destroy all NOKO aircraft.
3. All mobile missiles will be destroyed by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
4. All NOKO ground forces near the 38th. parallel will be destroyed by B-1 low altitude bombers.
5. All underground missile locations will be destroyed by MOAB's droped by high altitude B-52, B-1 and B-2's.

What is left of NOKO will be destroyed by SOKO aircraft and carrier based forces. This will be a massive slaughter made necessary by NOKO willingness to sacrifice their people. The left will call Trump a war criminal and demand he be tried in world court, but that will be after one million are dead!
SOKO will have a massive cleanup after reunification, but it will create a new rival of China.

IT IS A BIG GAMBLE! Does NOKO have hidden agents with dirty bombs in the worlds capitals? A new face of terror!

Please provide a link with the OP. THAI EXPAT
I pick the first option while the pentagon works stringently on implementing an accurate missile defense system which will allow the U.S. to shoot them down. But in the long run, America needs to get the best hackers money can buy to either fizzle the missiles out before lift off or even better, have them circle the country and then return to their place of origin where they'll then explode on contact. Muhahaha!
We tried, but NOKO has hackers too! Sometimes the only way to prevent Evil, is to physically destroy it! Reality is a bitch!
The Pentagon Has Been Secretly Hacking Kim Jong-un's Missiles

Mar 4, 2017 ... The U.S. is reportedly engaging in a cyber warfare campaign against North Korea's missile program. Three years ago, the White House ...

Is The Pentagon Hacking Kim Jong-un's Missile | The Daily Caller

Apr 24, 2017 ... Is the U.S. hacking North Korean missiles? If it is, the operation does not appear to be overwhelmingly successful.

US Cyber Attack "Sabotaged Kim's Missile Launch", Former British ...

Apr 16, 2017 ... US Cyber Attack "Sabotaged Kim's Missile Launch", Former British Foreign Secretary .... Just hack the guidence and turn it back on them.

Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea's Missiles ...

Apr 19, 2017 ... Correlation is not causation, of course, and a simple review of North Korea's missile launches suggests that if the United States is hacking North ...
I had heard rumors that the U.S. was suspected of maybe hacking their computers but I read nothing that confirmed that. Even if that was the case, it appears our hackers have since been shut out and now it's full speed ahead for fatboy.

What I find worrisome is that Kim-jong Un appears to be deliberately trying to initiate a war. As if he wants Trump to be the bad guy and start it. Why would he do that? Something's stinky here. Is the master plan that if/when that happens, China, Russia, and Iran plan to jump in against the U.S as well? And this while we're stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to protect our allies S. Korea and Japan?
Because we don't have the information to make a knowledgeable decision Skieler, we are left to speculate. It is possible that KJU wants to be the last leader of NOKO, something like a suicide bomber on a grand scale, but I don't think so!
I believe he wants NOKO to be the Walmart of Nuclear and conventional weapons! He has announced that as soon as testing is completed on the selection of missiles, medium, long and ICBM range, his country will go into mass production.
All these missile tests are a sales presentation to Iran, ISIS, Hezbollah, and the other misfits of the world.
He does not believe USA will take the action necessary to stop him. American media, broadcast daily how strong NOKO is and how our allies would suffer great losses if USA attacked. Talk of Trump Impeachment, Russian investigations, Anti Trump rants by Democrats and some Republicans make KJU think Trump is too weak politically to go to war. He thinks USA is bluffing.
Only strong Military Action will stop NOKO from becoming the sales center for mass destruction for anyone who can afford it. KJU is not crazy or suicidal! He sees an opportunity to make his country Great, in a chaotic world that is incapable of dealing with terrorism and aggression in a coordinated way
Yep....that would be one uncanny parallel. It would make the U.S. the only nation on the planet to use nuclear weapons, and not once will we have done so, but twice. If Trump takes that tack, the rest of the world would be justified in thinking that the problem isn't that other nations acquire nuclear weapons, but rather that the U.S. already has them and has a president who has no particular reservation about using them.

Though KJU is crazy, it's far from clear that Trump isn't crazier. Additionally, it is ridiculous that Trump has perpetuated the policy whereby the DPRK has, in the global "conversation," been given a "voice" well beyond what it deserves. Does nobody these days know how to "sit children either at the kiddie table," or, more fitting frankly for both Trump and KJU, "in the corner" and let their littles asses suffer the obloquy of sequestration?

Apparently, trump actually thought China would do as he told them. Surprise.

Now, Russia and China are discussing it. I suspect trump will go for a trade war first.

Probably bluster about tariffs cuz he doesn't know better.

Not a good time to have a spoiled, petulant child facing down a spoiled, petulant child.

But ONE MAN does not decide USA foreign policy! You must have slept through your Civics' class.

According to you- Trump does- here is what you said:

But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.]
The distinction between what you've said above and what Thai Expat said is the distinction between the words "can/may" and "does."

Thai said one man does not decide US Foreign policy- and he had previously said that Trump could unilaterally take America into war with Korea.

'does not' and 'can'
At the moment, Donald Trump does not alone decide the whole or preponderance of foreign policy, but, at his discretion and for all intents and purposes, with the exception of how much money he can spend, the POTUS can decide every aspect of it, though the spending constraints don't matter much when a president has a sympathetic Congress, as Trump does.

The president’s authority in foreign affairs, as in all areas, is rooted in Article II of the Constitution. The charter grants the officeholder the powers to make treaties and appoint ambassadors with the advice and consent the Senate (Treaties require approval of two-thirds of senators present. Appointments require consent of a simple majority.)

Presidents also rely on other clauses to support their foreign policy actions, particularly those that bestow “executive power” and the role of “commander in chief of the army and navy” on the office. From this language springs a wide array of associated or “implied” powers. For instance, from the explicit power to appoint and receive ambassadors flows the implicit authority to recognize foreign governments and conduct diplomacy with other countries generally. From the commander-in-chief clause flow powers to use military force and collect foreign intelligence.

Presidents also draw on statutory authorities. Congress has passed legislation giving the executive additional authority to act on specific foreign policy issues. For instance, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (1977) authorizes the president to impose economic sanctions on foreign entities.

Presidents also cite case law to support their claims of authority. In particular, two U.S. Supreme Court decisions -- United States. v.Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation (1936) and Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company v. Sawyer (1952) -- are touchstones.

In the first, the court held that President Franklin D. Roosevelt acted within his constitutional authority when he brought charges against the Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation for selling arms to Paraguay and Bolivia in violation of federal law. Executive branch attorneys often cite Justice George Sutherland’s expansive interpretation of the president’s foreign affairs powers in that case. The president is “the sole organ of the federal government in the field of international relations,” he wrote on behalf of the court. “He, not Congress, has the better opportunity of knowing conditions which prevail in foreign countries and especially is this true in time of war,” he wrote.

In the second case, the court held that President Harry Truman ran afoul of the Constitution when he ordered the seizure of U.S. steel mills during the Korean War. Youngstown is often described by legal scholars as a bookend to Curtiss-Wright since the latter recognizes broad executive authority, whereas the former describes limits on it. Youngstown is cited regularly for Justice Robert Jackson’s three-tiered framework for evaluating presidential power:


Presidents have accumulated foreign policy powers at the expense of Congress in recent years, particularly since the 9/11 attacks. The trend conforms to a historical pattern in which, during times of war or national emergency, the White House has tended to overshadow Capitol Hill.

Scholars note that presidents have many natural advantages over lawmakers with regard to leading on foreign policy. These include the unity of office, capacity for secrecy and speed, and superior information. “The verdict of history, in short, is that the substantive content of American foreign policy is a divided power, with the lion’s share falling usually, though by no means always, to the president,” wrote Corwin, the legal scholar.

Some political analysts say Congress has abdicated its foreign policy responsibilities in recent years, faulting lawmakers in both parties for effectively standing on the sidelines as the Obama administration intervened militarily in Libya in 2011 and in Syria starting in 2014. Lawmakers should emulate the activist measures Congress took to weigh in on foreign policy issues from the late 1960s to the early 1990s, they say. Policymakers can also significantly alter executive branch behavior simply by threatening to oppose a president on a given foreign policy issue.

To the extent the POTUS has delegated foreign policy decisions to arms of his government, he does not decide foreign policy; however, on matters for which he cares to exert his will, the nature of foreign policy decision making becomes delegated execution of the POTUS' decision(s) unless and until Congress passes specific legislation (obviously with a veto-proof majority) disallowing implementation of the POTUS' will.
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Sadly, with regard to this thread's poll question, my answer is, "I don't know." I know only that Trump's troth is useless as a guide to arriving at an informed guess what be the more and less probable wit:
Well, there's a policy that is, only months later, undeniably obsolete. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley states, "Make no mistake. North Korea's launch of an ICBM is a clear and sharp...."​
The only thing that I don't know for sure is whether they can mount a nuclear weapon top of the thing. Tell me, do we really need to wait for them to show us that they can? Remember Pence's comments about "strategic patience" being a thing of the past?​

Given his most recent tweets on the matter, I think Trump realizes his policy has been made obsolete in a matter of fewer than six months and that he's in full "react mode" rather than "set the tone mode."

And why would China do anything about the DPRK? KJU isn't pointing his weapons at them, and because the U.S. wants China to resolve the "North Korean problem," Trump is unwilling to declare the PRC a currency manipulator....That despite his averring in his Contract with the American Voter, "I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator." (Never mind that that is something Trump could have done on literally the very first day of his presidency.) So now, the DPRK have an ICBM and the PRC is not a currency manipulator.

The fact of the matter is that for all his belligerent bluster, Trump has "blinked" with regard to his PRC and DPRK "tough talk." Trump was POTUS before the DPRK had an ICBM capability and he's POTUS now that they've achieved that capability, and Trump has at his disposal the means to have prevented that from happening, and he used none of those means to stop it from happening. That despite his bluster and stated position on North Korea and ICBMs.
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View attachment 137078 Today, President Trump is faced with the need to destroy North Korea, and murder at least a million people who follow a Cult that has taken over their country. This is nothing new! President Truman faced the same decision in 1945. To murder a million Japanese who followed a Cult willing to fight to the last person.

The parallels are uncanny. Truman was newly in office, as Trump is newly in office. Harry had the fact we were at war on his side, but I don't think that made the decision any less difficult.
View attachment 137072 View attachment 137073
Lets look at the choices facing Trump, and of course America.

NOKO continues to improve its ability to wreak havoc on the world. They continually express their intention to develop Nuclear weapons that can destroy cities and kill millions of people in the most horrible way.. To what end? This is not defense, it is aggression. No assurance from China or USA, or South Korea will placate their paranoia.

View attachment 137074

If they just shot rockets into the ocean like petulant children, this might be tolerable for the short term. But they have declared that as soon as they have perfected long range missiles, they will begin full scale production. To what end? Can the world afford to wait and see? Are the missiles for sale to Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, ISIS Caliphate? CAN THE WORLD/USA AFFORD TO SPECULATE?

Option # 1. Wait and see what happens. Perhaps Kim Jong Un – stable will. Be removed in a coup. Not very likely he has murdered his older brother, Uncles, and any Military leaders he see's as a threat.

Option # 2. The Chinese will invade. A possibility if they see USA takeover as inevitable. But the constant left opposition to Trump and talk of impeachment keeps them in doubt Trump will act!

Option # 3. Full capitulation to NOKO and withdrawal of US forces from Asia. Fortress America has been rejected every time it is proposed. We are the world, and sooner or later get drawn into it's war's. This is the least likely option based on America's new agression policy.

Option # 4. A limited Military strike by USA, S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Not a good idea as this would strengthen the NOKO resolve that they must fight to survive, and USA is not ready for another prolonged WAR, where thousands die.

4A. But it is possible to destroy their missiles and Nuclear facilities, and totally annihilate Pyongyang, killing most of the Command Generals and hopefully Jong Un. It is questionable that there is adequate command in the field to act against the South. Most of the High Command prefers the luxury of Pyongyang. That vaunted Artillery the Media keeps referring to, is WWII surplus that can reach the DMZ, but not Seoul, and if activated can be taken out with carpet bombing B-1 bombers. It is not Seoul that is in danger, it is the 30,000 troops we have on the ground in the DMZ. If you see a sudden troop movement or evacuation, you will know this is the option chosen

View attachment 137078
View attachment 137076

Option # 5 All out destruction of NOKO, their Capital and Military! Truman had the same option, to spare Japanese civilian lives and spend American lives in a street by street, city by city conflict that would also kill civilians and prolong the war, or drop a Nuclear bomb. We know the choice he made.

Trump has the same option. ONE MX-Peacekeeper ICBM with 10 warheads could destroy Pyongyang, the Nuclear facilities in the North, and the Military in the South. No American casualties, but an environmental mess that would leave half NOKO uninhabitable, not to mention radiation contamination of parts of Russia and China, as well as SOKO.

NO. Nuclear weapons are a doomsday option only.

View attachment 137077

The most likely action will come from our bases in Okinawa, cruise missiles from Submarines already in position an B-1 bombers already in position in SOKO that have mapped the 38th parallel and targeted the ground forces positions.

The result will be destruction of NOKO, greater than Dresden and Hiroshima combined.

Make no mistake! USA coalition has all the forces needed in place. All that is needed is a consensuses by Japan, SOKO, China and Russia, that all options are expended, or a misdirected missile by NOKO.

As Presidents, Trump and Truman have no choice but to be the murderers of millions.

Trump has to be wondering, “What the hell was I thinking, taking this job?”

Of course the LEFT will say it was done to take attention away from the Russia investigation, but those idiots would say that ISIS is no threat, or Trump should be impeached anyway.
The liars in the media will play Trump as a monster who wagged the Dog, and the world will condemn the USA as blood thirsty murderers!

It is questionable if China took any action against NOKO. In any event it had no affect as two more missiles have been launched since. As I stated, the idiot left gives hope to America's enemies that Trump has been neutralized and will not act. But USA is still under UN mandate to unite the two Korea's. The current cease fire has always been tenuous, and all Trump need do is notify Congress of his actions AFTER the bombs fall.
The only incentive China has, is to maintain their advantage in trade over the USA. They already have their troupes in place to prevent a mass migration.

There is enough fire power in place to destroy all missiles and artillery of NOKO. If 1 or 2 survived and were launched, the THAAD system is in place to take them down. The WWII artillery and tanks on the border will all be destroyed by B-1 bombers.

Every location is mapped and any movement tracked by satellite! U-2 flights have been mapping everything NOKO does. You remember them from the Cold War days. Well they still have the best areal reconnaissance capability of any system.
The purpose of using the MOAB bomb on Afghanistan, was to show NOKO that their underground launch facilities were easy targets.
1. Stealth B-2 and F-22 will take out all electricity and radar.
2. F-35 with night vision will destroy all NOKO aircraft.
3. All mobile missiles will be destroyed by Tomahawk cruise missiles.
4. All NOKO ground forces near the 38th. parallel will be destroyed by B-1 low altitude bombers.
5. All underground missile locations will be destroyed by MOAB's droped by high altitude B-52, B-1 and B-2's.

What is left of NOKO will be destroyed by SOKO aircraft and carrier based forces. This will be a massive slaughter made necessary by NOKO willingness to sacrifice their people. The left will call Trump a war criminal and demand he be tried in world court, but that will be after one million are dead!
SOKO will have a massive cleanup after reunification, but it will create a new rival of China.

IT IS A BIG GAMBLE! Does NOKO have hidden agents with dirty bombs in the worlds capitals? A new face of terror!

Please provide a link with the OP. THAI EXPAT
I pick the first option while the pentagon works stringently on implementing an accurate missile defense system which will allow the U.S. to shoot them down. But in the long run, America needs to get the best hackers money can buy to either fizzle the missiles out before lift off or even better, have them circle the country and then return to their place of origin where they'll then explode on contact. Muhahaha!
We tried, but NOKO has hackers too! Sometimes the only way to prevent Evil, is to physically destroy it! Reality is a bitch!
The Pentagon Has Been Secretly Hacking Kim Jong-un's Missiles

Mar 4, 2017 ... The U.S. is reportedly engaging in a cyber warfare campaign against North Korea's missile program. Three years ago, the White House ...

Is The Pentagon Hacking Kim Jong-un's Missile | The Daily Caller

Apr 24, 2017 ... Is the U.S. hacking North Korean missiles? If it is, the operation does not appear to be overwhelmingly successful.

US Cyber Attack "Sabotaged Kim's Missile Launch", Former British ...

Apr 16, 2017 ... US Cyber Attack "Sabotaged Kim's Missile Launch", Former British Foreign Secretary .... Just hack the guidence and turn it back on them.

Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea's Missiles ...

Apr 19, 2017 ... Correlation is not causation, of course, and a simple review of North Korea's missile launches suggests that if the United States is hacking North ...
I had heard rumors that the U.S. was suspected of maybe hacking their computers but I read nothing that confirmed that. Even if that was the case, it appears our hackers have since been shut out and now it's full speed ahead for fatboy.

What I find worrisome is that Kim-jong Un appears to be deliberately trying to initiate a war. As if he wants Trump to be the bad guy and start it. Why would he do that? Something's stinky here. Is the master plan that if/when that happens, China, Russia, and Iran plan to jump in against the U.S as well? And this while we're stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to protect our allies S. Korea and Japan?
Because we don't have the information to make a knowledgeable decision Skieler, we are left to speculate. It is possible that KJU wants to be the last leader of NOKO, something like a suicide bomber on a grand scale, but I don't think so!
I believe he wants NOKO to be the Walmart of Nuclear and conventional weapons! He has announced that as soon as testing is completed on the selection of missiles, medium, long and ICBM range, his country will go into mass production.
All these missile tests are a sales presentation to Iran, ISIS, Hezbollah, and the other misfits of the world.
He does not believe USA will take the action necessary to stop him. American media, broadcast daily how strong NOKO is and how our allies would suffer great losses if USA attacked. Talk of Trump Impeachment, Russian investigations, Anti Trump rants by Democrats and some Republicans make KJU think Trump is too weak politically to go to war. He thinks USA is bluffing.
Only strong Military Action will stop NOKO from becoming the sales center for mass destruction for anyone who can afford it. KJU is not crazy or suicidal! He sees an opportunity to make his country Great, in a chaotic world that is incapable of dealing with terrorism and aggression in a coordinated way

Doesn't the idiot know if he sells missiles to the Middle East he might as well bend over and tattoo the destination of some on his ass? Does he really believe Iran, Isis, or any of those other bat shit crazy factions can be trusted? At this point all should know Iran's mission is to eliminate everyone on the planet who doesn't follow Islam so unless fatboy has made a recent religion change, that means him as well.

And someone is obviously funding this effort. If I was to hazard a guess, I would say much of those missiles are being built from the skids of cash Obama the traitor sent to Iran.
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