The end of AI

No, I believe that the industry has not developed at all since then. For the last 20 years, they have increased the power of computers with high memory and increased processor frequency, and passed off this as progress, they write fairy tales in the press.
There..and way beyond. Yes, compute, storage, and networking power have all increased fifty fold in the last forty years, but the application research is ever expanding. There are companies who have literally been exploring this technology for decades.

I mean there is no real research, this is just tabloid style information.
I dont know where you are getting your information but you should probably get a new source. AI has grown by leaps and bounds just in the past 5 years. Here are the next 7 years projections.

I dont know where you are getting your information but you should probably get a new source. AI has grown by leaps and bounds just in the past 5 years.
This information is on the surface. They usually rave about some kind of "neural networks" that were recognized as unpromising back in the 50s, it is immediately obvious that this is just feeding the masses.
The most important thing is that they don't do architecture. They have created a semblance of autism, in a hardware where there are only instructions loaded into memory and their application to data, they do not want to consider anything else. Artificial intelligence did not assume such an approach, they studied thinking.
The most important thing is that they don't do architecture. They have created a semblance of autism, in a hardware where there are only instructions loaded into memory and their application to data, they do not want to consider anything else. Artificial intelligence did not assume such an approach, they studied thinking.

Of course they do architecture. Wouldn't be much good without planning the application now would there? This is just one company I have experience with.
The most important thing is that they don't do architecture. They have created a semblance of autism, in a hardware where there are only instructions loaded into memory and their application to data, they do not want to consider anything else. Artificial intelligence did not assume such an approach, they studied thinking.
Of course they do architecture. I work often with a NAC that relies on AI to monitor and learn network traffic patterns from all devices on the network. If they step out of their normal traffic routine the AI shuts them down by sending a reset to all their network traffic up to and including shutting down their network port.
Of course they do architecture. Wouldn't be much good without planning the application now would there? This is just one company I have experience with.
Only cosmetic. Basically, they do not change anything. The very concept of intelligence is a fake here. In the human population, such an architecture of the brain has the lowest IQ.
Only cosmetic. Basically, they do not change anything. The very concept of intelligence is a fake here. In the human population, such an architecture of the brain has the lowest IQ.
I think you need to stop watching "I, Robot" late at night or on the weekends (gawd, did that movie suck).

Is your issue here a possible misuse of the application technology? Because, there, you have an argument to be made over philosophical uses of the applications and technology. But It's not genuine to say that there's no thought or no planning that goes into AI. Yes, the concept has evolved over the decades, and the underlying infrastructure used is much more powerful. The whole concept of AI/ML is to develop processes that aid in streamlining. Now, whether that's a good thing or bad thing can be debated...endlessly. :)
No, I believe that the industry has not developed at all since then. For the last 20 years, they have increased the power of computers with high memory and increased processor frequency, and passed off this as progress, they write fairy tales in the press. are wrong....of course, if you are going to dismiss all evidence as 'fairy tales' not much i can say:

Note all links current 2020-2021
Only cosmetic. Basically, they do not change anything. The very concept of intelligence is a fake here. In the human population, such an architecture of the brain has the lowest IQ.
Ah ha! I think I get it are conflating sentience with AI~
True sentient AI is still a pipe dream..ya got that right.
However, AI is here to stay and growing by leaps and bounds. Not self-aware, Not sentient. Not sure that that would be a good idea anyway.
Comparing AI with human intelligence is to miss the point entirely.
I think you need to stop reading articles about AI in housewife magazines. All modern AI comes only from there.

ML is not AI but a group of metalanguages that are used only in compilers
OK. You obviously have no idea of what you are talking about.
FYI, I'm in the middle of the industry.
Don't know what your issue is but I'd recommend some serious brushing up on the topic.
this is the essence of AI
AI patriarchs engaged in brain studies, neurophysiology and psychology
I disagree..but at least I know what page you're on. AI is just a tool...nothing more..and nothing less.
As for the 'patriarchs' studies, well, of course the early pioneers did just that.....not a lot of models around.
That was then..and this is now.
By the way, this principle was used in Prolog. On its basis, a grandiose Japanese project was created, which failed miserably, squandering investors' money
this is also very similar to a scam this also strongly waves at profanation

Hmmm--so, you're injecting a religious note into all this? It all begins to come a bit clearer now.
You have a bias and an agenda, right?
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they got $ 500 million and achieved absolutely nothing

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