The end of AI

The Chinese are all-in on AI - and they're using it in some disturbing ways.
They do not even have ordinary processors and microchips, they are only engaged in assembly. Of the developing countries, only India is promising in IT
They do not even have ordinary processors and microchips, they are only engaged in assembly. Of the developing countries, only India is promising in IT
LOL - you're kidding yourself. The US is kidding itself.
No, I believe that the industry has not developed at all since then. For the last 20 years, they have increased the power of computers with high memory and increased processor frequency, and passed off this as progress, they write fairy tales in the press.
AI based computers and robots are doing things and creating things that are not attributable to just increased memory and processor speed. You seem to be focusing on early research in AI that was for some reason abandoned. That could have happened for various reasons.
LOL - you're kidding yourself.
This is chinese "IT" for a bowl of rice.

Until they learned how to make even hard metal wrenches.
Are you not familiar with the technology of smelting metal in the gardens of peasants under Mao?

The tolerable quality of Chinese-made goods is provided only on plants of Western brands, placed in china, but even there the assembly is 3 times worse and cheaper than the European one.

They do not own any technology
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No real research into AI??? You must be joking. There isn't a major tech company I've seen or been associated with that isn't dead serious about this technology. They've been looking at it and studying it for the last five years. Some even longer. I'm not sure what your point is here but I'll make the leap you are concerned about the application and use of the technology?? Correct?
A couple of years ago, many business types promoting AI were telling large-sized businesses that weren’t on board with training their workers to work in the near future with AI, that their businesses would eventually go under due to the inability to keep up with their competition using AI. Makes sense, especially long-term, it’s just a major investment for even a large company and a few have hesitated.
Have you ever met Chinese cars? Their bodies are made of foil, they crumble in the first mile of the run, but it look like European middle class cars.
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This is chinese "IT" for a bowl of rice.

Until they learned how to make even hard metal wrenches.
Are you not familiar with the technology of smelting metal in the gardens of peasants under Mao?

The tolerable quality of Chinese-made goods is provided only on plants of Western brands, placed in china, but even there the assembly is 3 times worse and cheaper than the European one.

They do not own any technology
Notice all of those obese workers in that factory? Nope, I didn't either.
Makes sense, especially long-term, it’s just a major investment for even a large company
Yes, the main thing here is to sell shares on time, as smart financiers did in 2000, during the dot-com bubble
This is chinese "IT" for a bowl of rice.

Until they learned how to make even hard metal wrenches.
Are you not familiar with the technology of smelting metal in the gardens of peasants under Mao?

The tolerable quality of Chinese-made goods is provided only on plants of Western brands, placed in china, but even there the assembly is 3 times worse and cheaper than the European one.

They do not own any technology
Uh huh. I know all that. Not sure why you're going on about it, whatever.

The fact is, they're are investing heavily in AI and every tech they can steal.
Not sure why you're going on about it,
There is no IT in China. There are no technologies at all, it's just cheap labor for Western companies and the communist government. They are only concerned with assembling and manufacturing low-quality goods.
And I'm not talking about the Uyghur concentration camps and semi-legal transplant tourism. This is not about our topic, but just to have an idea of what this "country" is.
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Heh, no - they've developed a very sophisticated surveillance system that utilizes AI extensively. Not sure where you're getting your info, but it sounds stale.
I take information from real analysis, and you from the statements of the Chinese communists. They probably keep special people who make sure that their violent imagination does not overstep reasonable boundaries and they would not say that they flew to the Alpha Centauri and defeated the aliens.
The whole Chinese history is fiction, traditional martial arts were not among the Chinese farmers but among the Huns, and there was no modern China before the Manchu conquest of Dzungaria. No Han people live there, there are many different peoples occupied by the regime, more than half of China is non-Chinese lands of Tibet, eastern Turkestan, Mongolia and the southwest. The Han civilization was founded not by the Chinese, but by the Aryans, the horse-breeding peoples of the steppe asia. True Сhina is only central China.
And China is the main investor of US government via holding of government bonds
They finance the US government probably more than their own government, and then there is Europe.
Their latest trend is wushu-syanda, a copy of Thai boxing that they created.
They turned real traditional wushu into ballet.
Once it really worked, and it was not hand-to-hand combat, but combat with weapons.
They fake not only brands, they generally have everything fake
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I take information from real analysis, and you from the statements of the Chinese communists. They probably keep special people who make sure that their violent imagination does not overstep reasonable boundaries and they would not say that they flew to the Alpha Centauri and defeated the aliens.
Uh... ok
The whole Chinese history is fiction, traditional martial arts were not among the Chinese farmers but among the Huns, and there was no modern China before the Manchu conquest of Dzungaria. No Han people live there, there are many different peoples occupied by the regime, more than half of China is non-Chinese lands of Tibet, eastern Turkestan, Mongolia and the southwest. The Han civilization was founded not by the Chinese, but by the Aryans, the horse-breeding peoples of the steppe asia. True Сhina is only central China.
And China is the main investor of US government via holding of government bonds
They finance the US government probably more than their own government, and then there is Europe.
Sorry to have bothered you.
Sorry to have bothered you.
Finally, for general information. In English, their name is more adequate than the self-name "Han". They probably come from the Qin. And in the Slavic languages their country is called "Kitai", after the name of the Central Asian people.
The Arabic exonym Sin (صين) comes from the Persian Chin (چین). The latter term, having got into European languages, was transformed into China. The Persian name of the Celestial Empire is due to the origin of the Qin dynasty (221-206 BC), with which the Parthians established contacts and assigned its name to the whole country.
So what do the communists say about their AI and space?
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Somewhere in the 50s and 60s, MIT had a promising laboratory of Artificial Intelligence, where such outstanding scientists as Hewitt, Vinograd, Minsky and so on worked, but then it was dispersed. Why did this happen, is it related to the Cuban missile crisis and the Kennedy assassination?
Artificial intelligence is running your (s)elected officials

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