The end of human history, Rev 10:6?


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?

Is it like catching up with the speed of light, where the light is Christ, as determined in the Gospels?

By Einstein's theory of relativity, time stops when you travel at the speed of light, because the relativistic factor, sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) = 0 when your speed v equals the speed of light c.

So, is it how the end of human history will be?
You are describing an interdimensional event @ least, & quite possibly an extradimensional event(or both @ once?). We as humans have figured out that time had/has a definite beginning meaning time is but another created dimension. Whether time has a 'distinct' end to it(time line) or is a closed loop dimension is open to conjecture. If time is strictly a linear projection it can both be blocked(like stopping a laser light beam with a plate) or just continue to run on to the end of the time line where time then stops & then instantly resonates back into itself like sine waves, then implodes into the collapsing universe theory(the earth & heavens pass away with a hissing sound?) If time is travelling on a closed loop circuit it could theoretically continue on track forever(eternity?). If the closed loop(bent/folded universe theory?) track that time is traveling on or in(height, width, length???) is sheared so that the loop has two distinct ends we then have an oval, round or stadium shaped time LINE once again, right???

This is as far as I ever got with the physics students I engaged with in conversation while I was attending EWU for my degree in sociology. I really don't know if I am even on the same track as you are on or if what I typed above is even correct(shooting in the dark here). I understand the correlation between our Maker & light I definitely got that one down, but I absolutely possess no understanding what so ever of the mechanics behind it. I REALLY appreciate your question as it makes one THINK & thinking gains knowledge!
Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?

Is it like catching up with the speed of light, where the light is Christ, as determined in the Gospels?

By Einstein's theory of relativity, time stops when you travel at the speed of light, because the relativistic factor, sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) = 0 when your speed v equals the speed of light c.

So, is it how the end of human history will be?

Revelation is about the end of an age not the end of the world.
Not only does the New Testament foretell the end of the Jewish Age, but it also relates the imminence of that end. No delay.

Two thousand years would obviously be a delay. Israel's prophecies were realized nearly two thousand years ago.
Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?

Is it like catching up with the speed of light, where the light is Christ, as determined in the Gospels?

By Einstein's theory of relativity, time stops when you travel at the speed of light, because the relativistic factor, sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) = 0 when your speed v equals the speed of light c.

So, is it how the end of human history will be?

That's not quite what that means. Humans are eternal. We were made in the image of our Father and have no end. So we will continue to make history.
If you go back a bit before the verse you referred to, the emphesis is on our Father, the Creator. God owns what He created.
1 Corinthians 10:26 “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”

And He is about to take it back. He has promises to fulfill and covenants to keep, and He has delayed that by 2,000 years to give Gentiles an opportunity to become one of His children. The Age of the Gentile is drawing to a close. The time for delaying the battle for the title to this earth has stopped, not time itself. There is going to be one hell of a showdown, and the earth is the arena.

All of the prophecies that needed to be fulfilled before Christ's return have been fulfilled. And He isn't coming as a Lamb to slaughter, He is coming as a Lion, and those who have died in Christ, and those taken up in the rapture are going to be right behind Him.
Maranatha... :eusa_angel:
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As you read verse 13, you discover that Christians in Thessalonica were grieving over the unexpected deaths of members of their congregation.

Albert Barnes comments: "There seems some reason to suppose...that some of them believed that, though those who were dead would indeed rise again, yet it would be long after those who were living when the Lord Jesus would return had been taken to glory, and would always be in a condition inferior to them" ( Barnes' Notes on the New Testament, notes on 1 Thessalonians 4:13).

Paul wrote that they should not grieve over this: "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus [believers who had died]" (verse 14).

Was he responding to a worry about whether Christ would rescue believers from the Great Tribulation? No, nothing is said of this.
Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?


It is about the end of the age of darkness. No more delay means no more waiting for Jesus to arrive, no more delay in undoing the devils work, no more time to repent before the angels stationed at the four corners of the earth let loose the winds of change when stars fall from their high places, mountains crumble into the sea, deep valleys are lifted up, the dead rise, those in hells keeping are released, and all the acts of wickedness are destroyed.

Remember. When Christ appears a second time, he comes with myriads and myriads of angels and saints, (who have all been here before), worldwide armies consisting of people from every nation, language, people, and tribe .

No more delay or time left before the messianic age, the age of light, begins when the sons of light defeat the sons of darkness forever and the power of God over the world of men becomes obvious.

so don't worry, hold your head high, unless you have made evil a deliberate choice that is.
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Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?


It is about the end of the age of darkness. No more delay means no more waiting for Jesus to arrive, no more delay in undoing the devils work, no more time to repent before the angels stationed at the four corners of the earth let loose the winds of change.

Remember. When Christ appears a second time, he comes with worldwide armies consisting of people from every nation, language, people, and tribe .

No more delay or time left before the messianic age of light will begin.

so don't worry, hold your head high, unless you have made evil a deliberate choice that is....

You're confusing scripture with Scofield. It was the end of Jewish law and the Temple.
Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?


It is about the end of the age of darkness. No more delay means no more waiting for Jesus to arrive, no more delay in undoing the devils work, no more time to repent before the angels stationed at the four corners of the earth let loose the winds of change.

Remember. When Christ appears a second time, he comes with worldwide armies consisting of people from every nation, language, people, and tribe .

No more delay or time left before the messianic age of light will begin.

so don't worry, hold your head high, unless you have made evil a deliberate choice that is....

You're confusing scripture with Scofield. It was the end of Jewish law and the Temple.

Don't bet the farm on that one.

Jewish law never ended just like the kingdom of God has always been in power. No temple, made by human hands, was ever required to slaughter lower beasts which was never about butchering farm animals.

The only thing that ended when the temple was destroyed was the wrong way to follow the law.
Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?


It is about the end of the age of darkness. No more delay means no more waiting for Jesus to arrive, no more delay in undoing the devils work, no more time to repent before the angels stationed at the four corners of the earth let loose the winds of change.

Remember. When Christ appears a second time, he comes with worldwide armies consisting of people from every nation, language, people, and tribe .

No more delay or time left before the messianic age of light will begin.

so don't worry, hold your head high, unless you have made evil a deliberate choice that is....

You're confusing scripture with Scofield. It was the end of Jewish law and the Temple.

Don't bet the farm on that one.

Jewish law never ended just like the kingdom of God has always been in power. No temple, made by human hands, was ever required to slaughter lower beasts which was never about butchering farm animals.

The only thing that ended when the temple was destroyed was the wrong way to follow the law.

It was beginning of Rabbinic Judaism. Until Samuel Utermyer hired Cyrus Scofield the only believers in futurism were the Darbyists..

Remember the expected Messiah was an anointed warrior king who vanquished the enemies of the Jews. Study some history from 200 years before Christ to 150 AD. Pay attention to Daniel and the Maccabees.. and Antiochus Epiphanes.
By Einstein's theory of relativity, time stops when you travel at the speed of light, because the relativistic factor, sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) = 0 when your speed v equals the speed of light c.
By the same theory, you will collapse into a black hole before ever reaching close to light speed.

So... No.
Not only does the New Testament foretell the end of the Jewish Age, but it also relates the imminence of that end. No delay.

Two thousand years would obviously be a delay. Israel's prophecies were realized nearly two thousand years ago.

The Jewish Age has never ended.
Not only does the New Testament foretell the end of the Jewish Age, but it also relates the imminence of that end. No delay.

Two thousand years would obviously be a delay. Israel's prophecies were realized nearly two thousand years ago.

The Jewish Age has never ended.
Should I have said "Temple Age"? If I speak in simpler or more literal terms, will you be able to understand?

The age did indeed come to an end, just as the prophets foretold, and in the apostles' generation, just as foretold in the New Testament. Read it some time; the age was literally consumed in a fire.
Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?


It is about the end of the age of darkness. No more delay means no more waiting for Jesus to arrive, no more delay in undoing the devils work, no more time to repent before the angels stationed at the four corners of the earth let loose the winds of change.

Remember. When Christ appears a second time, he comes with worldwide armies consisting of people from every nation, language, people, and tribe .

No more delay or time left before the messianic age of light will begin.

so don't worry, hold your head high, unless you have made evil a deliberate choice that is....

You're confusing scripture with Scofield. It was the end of Jewish law and the Temple.

Don't bet the farm on that one.

Jewish law never ended just like the kingdom of God has always been in power. No temple, made by human hands, was ever required to slaughter lower beasts which was never about butchering farm animals.

The only thing that ended when the temple was destroyed was the wrong way to follow the law.

Well ,Jesus was not a warrior king and he didn't vanquish the enemies of the Jews.
so don't worry, hold your head high, unless you have made evil a deliberate choice that is.
Like, eating shellfish?

lol. No.

Kosher law has nothing whatever to do with what you put into your mouth and everything to do with what you put into your mind.

Every described creature, whether clean or unclean, is analogous of a human archetype; flesh, a metaphor for their teaching.

Do you have a problem with not eating the vile and loathsome flesh of human bottom feeders, or teeming vermin who go down on all fours, or swine who swallow any garbage without ruminating?

Would you eat the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly? A worm? a brown nosed dork? The nachash, the talking serpent and epitome of a brainwashing religious deceiver?

The flesh of a serpent defiles and contaminates the mind. If you don't believe me try and have a rational conversation with someone whose belly is full of it.
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Rev 10:6 says that there will be no more delay, time is stopped.

Does it mean then end of human history?


It is about the end of the age of darkness. No more delay means no more waiting for Jesus to arrive, no more delay in undoing the devils work, no more time to repent before the angels stationed at the four corners of the earth let loose the winds of change.

Remember. When Christ appears a second time, he comes with worldwide armies consisting of people from every nation, language, people, and tribe .

No more delay or time left before the messianic age of light will begin.

so don't worry, hold your head high, unless you have made evil a deliberate choice that is....

You're confusing scripture with Scofield. It was the end of Jewish law and the Temple.

Don't bet the farm on that one.

Jewish law never ended just like the kingdom of God has always been in power. No temple, made by human hands, was ever required to slaughter lower beasts which was never about butchering farm animals.

The only thing that ended when the temple was destroyed was the wrong way to follow the law.

Well ,Jesus was not a warrior king and he didn't vanquish the enemies of the Jews.

As Jesus said to Pilate, " King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth."
Not only does the New Testament foretell the end of the Jewish Age, but it also relates the imminence of that end. No delay.

Two thousand years would obviously be a delay. Israel's prophecies were realized nearly two thousand years ago.

The Jewish Age has never ended.

Temple Judaism was finished.. The Great Tribulation was over in 70 AD.

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