The End of Identity Liberalism

PC blew up in the left loon's faces.

The result is President-elect Donald Trump

Let's see if they learned anything.

You're dealing with the left....don't hold your breath on a loon learning anything unless their masters tell them so
I admit that I may be too hopeful, but I've seen a few signs of light, including this piece.
They'l be consumed with this struggle for the next 24 years. Will they become more centrist or dig their heels in and go further left.

With the extraordinary % of non-whites and anti-white whites, it's quite likely they might go further left. The guy who wrote the article is probably getting really bullied by the off white women in his workplace right now.
PC blew up in the left loon's faces.

The result is President-elect Donald Trump

Let's see if they learned anything.

You're dealing with the left....don't hold your breath on a loon learning anything unless their masters tell them so
I admit that I may be too hopeful, but I've seen a few signs of light, including this piece.
They'l be consumed with this struggle for the next 24 years. Will they become more centrist or dig their heels in and go further left.

With the extraordinary % of non-whites and anti-white whites, it's quite likely they might go further left. The guy who wrote the article is probably getting really bullied by the off white women in his workplace right now.
Yeah, that's what concerns me.
Hillary Clinton did not lose because of identity politics.

Hell, even Mac1958 voted for her.
She lost because the average American knows she's crooked. And the below average Americans will worship any damn crook. Crooked Hillary! Trump pegged her right.
Liberals previous identity was pretending to be conservatives, running on conservative positions, that's how they won in 2008. They can't go back to that identity, voters discovered they were lying through their teeth.
@NYCarabineer "She lost in 3 states"


PC blew up in the left loon's faces.

The result is President-elect Donald Trump

Let's see if they learned anything.

Don't hold your breath. So called liberals today are like children. No matter how old they get, they always have the maturity of a 12 year old. They'll just double down on their bullshit and wait for something to stick or the other side to fuck up.
PC blew up in the left loon's faces.

The result is President-elect Donald Trump

Let's see if they learned anything.

Don't hold your breath. So called liberals today are like children. No matter how old they get, they always have the maturity of a 12 year old. They'll just double down on their bullshit and wait for something to stick or the other side to fuck up.
I know I'm hoping against hope here. Ya never know, I guess.
Only in your dreams MAC. They will double down on this idiocy and you know it. Hell, it is even what the right did with Obama all the way up until Trump flipped the whole table over.

The next 4 years are going to be filled with screaming liberals about how racist and sexist Trump is no matter what he actually does. Already happening.

Cultural agenda?

Christian conservatism. that's not a cultural agenda?
Nice work.

Proving MAC's hopes are simply unlikely dreams already.

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