Trump The end of "radical Islam"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.
Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly. now you fuckers are going to start writing his fucking speeches for him?
Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.

That was the most convoluted piece of crap I've had to read all day. Sentence structure, misuse of punctuation, lacking capitalization, geez.

Could someone please translate the first sentence for me?

"we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam.""
Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.

I do not believe you
Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.

That was the most convoluted piece of crap I've had to read all day. Sentence structure, misuse of punctuation, lacking capitalization, geez.

Could someone please translate the first sentence for me?

"we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam.""

I think he meant-----"we, essentially *saw* him ring the death knell for the far, right
wing term "radical islam" ,,,, meaning---he rendered the term "radical
islam" meaningless because he did not refer to pro Robert E Lee persons as
'radical white slobs" ----------the poster also claims that Trump is afraid of
alienating "radical white slobs". I do not believe it true. Donald Trump
misses the nuances of his words-------he just TALKS----it's a yankee doodle style
Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.

How was it a terrorist attack ? Did the kid preplan it or did the alt left troll the Nazis who had a legal right to be there and the kid just snapped..

Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.

How was it a terrorist attack ? Did the kid preplan it or did the alt left troll the Nazis who had a legal right to be there and the kid just snapped..


sooooo when a truck driven by a muslim rode through a crowd in Nice, that wasn't terrorism, idiota?
Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.

That was the most convoluted piece of crap I've had to read all day. Sentence structure, misuse of punctuation, lacking capitalization, geez.

Could someone please translate the first sentence for me?

"we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam.""

I think he meant-----"we, essentially *saw* him ring the death knell for the far, right
wing term "radical islam" ,,,, meaning---he rendered the term "radical
islam" meaningless because he did not refer to pro Robert E Lee persons as
'radical white slobs" ----------the poster also claims that Trump is afraid of
alienating "radical white slobs". I do not believe it true. Donald Trump
misses the nuances of his words-------he just TALKS----it's a yankee doodle style

Ahh, ok. Obviously the OP doesn't speak New Yorkese.
Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.

How was it a terrorist attack ? Did the kid preplan it or did the alt left troll the Nazis who had a legal right to be there and the kid just snapped..


sooooo when a truck driven by a muslim rode through a crowd in Nice, that wasn't terrorism, idiota?

That was pre-planned match box lawyer, against civilians minding their own business..

This was alt left trolls with nothing better to do blocking a street ...with no permit


Yesterday, with Trump's speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.
Ragheads Are Headed for a Beheading

You Dhimmi feralphiles ought to be pleased with the term "radical Islam." It implies that not all Islam is radical, which is untrue.
I no longer use the term radical Islam. Now I just say Islam.
Our domestic terrorists are BLM and antifa.
Yesterday, with Trump's speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.
Ragheads Are Headed for a Beheading

You Dhimmi feralphiles ought to be pleased with the term "radical Islam." It implies that not all Islam is radical, which is untrue.

I never understood why Obama had something AGAINST the term "radical islam"---in describing those muslims (few and far between as they are) who would engage in terrorism or who do not COMPLETELY REPUDIATE terrorism of all kinds--------those
very very very FEW muslims who like the idea. He seemed to imply that NO SUCH
If you really want to know about radical islam, just google
"spitting on Christians" and you will get a face full. Or so I am told. I personally refuse to do so.

Yesterday, with Trump's pathetic speech to veterans, we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam." On more than one occasion during his campaign and during his presidency, he berated President Obama for not describing international terrorists Isis using this twisted term. He said it over and over and over again, simply trying to rouse his right wing, racist supporters.

So yesterday he staunchly refused to describe the Charlottesville domestic terrorists by using the terms "white nationalists," "alt right," "kkk," or "domestic nazis." Its no big secret that he doesn't want to offend his base of support and, according to David Duke, the ones who got him elected, but by failing to denounce domestic terrorists, he basically forfeits the right to condemn international terrorists. Cuts both ways Trump. Bigly.

That was the most convoluted piece of crap I've had to read all day. Sentence structure, misuse of punctuation, lacking capitalization, geez.

Could someone please translate the first sentence for me?

"we essentially say him ring the death knell for the far, right wing term "radical Islam.""
Disastrostar wants Lizzyhontas to write Trump's speeches:

"Me heap big chief, Kemo Sabes. Me Great White Father for many moons now. Havem heap wampum and many squaws. Smokem peacepipe with Great Black Father, givem back White Wigwam, go off to Happy Hunting Ground."

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