The End of Saudi Arabia?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
From the very first sentence of this opinion piece, I found myself agreeing heartily. That it is even more cruel and barbaric than North Korea or Iran is as true as possible. This paragraph puts this tyrannical tribe in perspective:

For over forty years, this blight of a tribe has caused recessions, caused depressions, and damaged the planet's economy. They got wealthy by re-impoverishing an emerging Third World, starting with the artificially created 1973 oil crisis. They have used their oil wealth to sponsor terrorism (as has Iran). Rather than investing wisely in industry to pick up market slack to become a modern diversified economy, they have invested instead in subsidizing mullahs, arming Salafist extremists in Syria, and exporting Islam around the world.

And, I absolutely loved this final paragraph:

Good riddance to the KSA – a corrupt, vicious regime! May their next chief export be bottled camel urine. I wish America had never gotten involved with them.

Read more: Articles: The End of Saudi Arabia?
What the USA can do is protect its fracking industry by severely taxing any oil imports under $50 a barrel. This may upset some free marketers, but the price of oil is rigged. We should rig it in our favor, and insulate ourselves from Saudi manipulations.

Nope. Cheap oil is better than expensive oil.
From the very first sentence of this opinion piece, I found myself agreeing heartily. That it is even more cruel and barbaric than North Korea or Iran is as true as possible. This paragraph puts this tyrannical tribe in perspective:

For over forty years, this blight of a tribe has caused recessions, caused depressions, and damaged the planet's economy. They got wealthy by re-impoverishing an emerging Third World, starting with the artificially created 1973 oil crisis. They have used their oil wealth to sponsor terrorism (as has Iran). Rather than investing wisely in industry to pick up market slack to become a modern diversified economy, they have invested instead in subsidizing mullahs, arming Salafist extremists in Syria, and exporting Islam around the world.

And, I absolutely loved this final paragraph:

Good riddance to the KSA – a corrupt, vicious regime! May their next chief export be bottled camel urine. I wish America had never gotten involved with them.

Read more: Articles: The End of Saudi Arabia?

The end of Saudi Arabia would be a great day for most normal people. Saudi Arabia are evil and barbaric and it's a disgrace that they EVER have been considered The West's Ally.
Saudi funded the 9/11 attacks & is threatening to sell US bonds if Congress allows 9/11 victims to sue their citizens who were involved. Obama & Congress are scared. Why? Thanks to cheap oil Saudi is no longer a creditor nation & have become a debtor nation. They have already been selling US bonds to fund their government spending because oil revenues have collapsed. Grow some balls & stop blocking lawsuits against them.

"In the past year alone, Saudi Arabia burned through about $100 billion of foreign-exchange reserves to plug its biggest budget shortfall in a quarter-century. For the first time, it’s also considering selling a piece of its crown jewel -- state oil company Saudi Aramco. The signs of strain are prompting concern over Saudi Arabia’s outsize position in the world’s largest and most important bond market."
From the very first sentence of this opinion piece, I found myself agreeing heartily. That it is even more cruel and barbaric than North Korea or Iran is as true as possible. This paragraph puts this tyrannical tribe in perspective:

For over forty years, this blight of a tribe has caused recessions, caused depressions, and damaged the planet's economy. They got wealthy by re-impoverishing an emerging Third World, starting with the artificially created 1973 oil crisis. They have used their oil wealth to sponsor terrorism (as has Iran). Rather than investing wisely in industry to pick up market slack to become a modern diversified economy, they have invested instead in subsidizing mullahs, arming Salafist extremists in Syria, and exporting Islam around the world.

And, I absolutely loved this final paragraph:

Good riddance to the KSA – a corrupt, vicious regime! May their next chief export be bottled camel urine. I wish America had never gotten involved with them.

Read more: Articles: The End of Saudi Arabia?

Far from this ridiculous propaganda.

Saudi Arabia is an emergent country with many industries.
Industrial Development in Saudi Arabia

- Saudi Arabia is victim of Alqaeda terrorism since 20 years.
Terrorism in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi funded the 9/11 attacks & is threatening to sell US bonds if Congress allows 9/11 victims to sue their citizens who were involved. Obama & Congress are scared. Why? Thanks to cheap oil Saudi is no longer a creditor nation & have become a debtor nation. They have already been selling US bonds to fund their government spending because oil revenues have collapsed. Grow some balls & stop blocking lawsuits against them.

"In the past year alone, Saudi Arabia burned through about $100 billion of foreign-exchange reserves to plug its biggest budget shortfall in a quarter-century. For the first time, it’s also considering selling a piece of its crown jewel -- state oil company Saudi Aramco. The signs of strain are prompting concern over Saudi Arabia’s outsize position in the world’s largest and most important bond market."
Why Saudi Arabia will attack its ally?

Read the damning documents revealing Iran’s al-Qaeda links to 9/11
LOL.....Saudi Arabia ain't going anywhere.

It's a great country full of great people ran by Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia has very little crime, and the people are much happier with their government, than American's are with their government. .... :cool:
LOL.....Saudi Arabia ain't going anywhere.

It's a great country full of great people ran by Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia has very little crime, and the people are much happier with their government, than American's are with their government. .... :cool:
Little crime? Making crime lawful doesn´t make it less criminal. At least half the population is terribly oppressed.
LOL.....Saudi Arabia ain't going anywhere.

It's a great country full of great people ran by Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia has very little crime, and the people are much happier with their government, than American's are with their government. .... :cool:

Hey! I've got a great idea. If you think so highly of the Saud Kingdom, why don't you move there?
LOL.....Saudi Arabia ain't going anywhere.

It's a great country full of great people ran by Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia has very little crime, and the people are much happier with their government, than American's are with their government. .... :cool:

You've never been to Saudi Arabia. I was stationed there before the assassination of King Faisal when it was ok for western women to walk around with without a hijab or niquab. Now the place is a Sharia heaven. The except for the original Saudi bedouin and the thousands of princes, who are indeed taken care of, the people (the vast majority) are afraid to say what they think of that crap monarchy.
LOL.....Saudi Arabia ain't going anywhere.

It's a great country full of great people ran by Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia has very little crime, and the people are much happier with their government, than American's are with their government. .... :cool:
Little crime? Making crime lawful doesn´t make it less criminal. At least half the population is terribly oppressed.

Sure! But in Syria Alderado there is no oppression! a democratic oasis!

Ass*ad should give lessons to other nations in democracy!
LOL.....Saudi Arabia ain't going anywhere.

It's a great country full of great people ran by Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia has very little crime, and the people are much happier with their government, than American's are with their government. .... :cool:

You've never been to Saudi Arabia. I was stationed there before the assassination of King Faisal when it was ok for western women to walk around with without a hijab or niquab. Now the place is a Sharia heaven. The except for the original Saudi bedouin and the thousands of princes, who are indeed taken care of, the people (the vast majority) are afraid to say what they think of that crap monarchy.

In your beloved Iran women should also be veiled!

The regime in Saudi Arabia is politically totalitarian but never committed massacres like the Ass*ad or the mollahs in Iran. :arrow:
From the very first sentence of this opinion piece, I found myself agreeing heartily. That it is even more cruel and barbaric than North Korea or Iran is as true as possible. This paragraph puts this tyrannical tribe in perspective:

For over forty years, this blight of a tribe has caused recessions, caused depressions, and damaged the planet's economy. They got wealthy by re-impoverishing an emerging Third World, starting with the artificially created 1973 oil crisis. They have used their oil wealth to sponsor terrorism (as has Iran). Rather than investing wisely in industry to pick up market slack to become a modern diversified economy, they have invested instead in subsidizing mullahs, arming Salafist extremists in Syria, and exporting Islam around the world.

And, I absolutely loved this final paragraph:

Good riddance to the KSA – a corrupt, vicious regime! May their next chief export be bottled camel urine. I wish America had never gotten involved with them.

Read more: Articles: The End of Saudi Arabia?
Camel urine is known to have health benefits for Muslims.

We need to be careful about pushing away the evil we know and can control, to another ISIS type or Shiite Islamist takeover of the world's largest oil reserves.
From the very first sentence of this opinion piece, I found myself agreeing heartily. That it is even more cruel and barbaric than North Korea or Iran is as true as possible. This paragraph puts this tyrannical tribe in perspective:

For over forty years, this blight of a tribe has caused recessions, caused depressions, and damaged the planet's economy. They got wealthy by re-impoverishing an emerging Third World, starting with the artificially created 1973 oil crisis. They have used their oil wealth to sponsor terrorism (as has Iran). Rather than investing wisely in industry to pick up market slack to become a modern diversified economy, they have invested instead in subsidizing mullahs, arming Salafist extremists in Syria, and exporting Islam around the world.

And, I absolutely loved this final paragraph:

Good riddance to the KSA – a corrupt, vicious regime! May their next chief export be bottled camel urine. I wish America had never gotten involved with them.

Read more: Articles: The End of Saudi Arabia?
Camel urine is known to have health benefits for Muslims.

We need to be careful about pushing away the evil we know and can control, to another ISIS type or Shiite Islamist takeover of the world's largest oil reserves.

Ignorant, read some american scientific journal.
Camel urine components display anti-cancer properties in vitro. - PubMed - NCBI
From the very first sentence of this opinion piece, I found myself agreeing heartily. That it is even more cruel and barbaric than North Korea or Iran is as true as possible. This paragraph puts this tyrannical tribe in perspective:

For over forty years, this blight of a tribe has caused recessions, caused depressions, and damaged the planet's economy. They got wealthy by re-impoverishing an emerging Third World, starting with the artificially created 1973 oil crisis. They have used their oil wealth to sponsor terrorism (as has Iran). Rather than investing wisely in industry to pick up market slack to become a modern diversified economy, they have invested instead in subsidizing mullahs, arming Salafist extremists in Syria, and exporting Islam around the world.

And, I absolutely loved this final paragraph:

Good riddance to the KSA – a corrupt, vicious regime! May their next chief export be bottled camel urine. I wish America had never gotten involved with them.

Read more: Articles: The End of Saudi Arabia?
Camel urine is known to have health benefits for Muslims.

We need to be careful about pushing away the evil we know and can control, to another ISIS type or Shiite Islamist takeover of the world's largest oil reserves.

Ignorant, read some american scientific journal.
Camel urine components display anti-cancer properties in vitro. - PubMed - NCBI
Salut! Or should I say in Arabic, Salama! Drink up, Abdul.

But actually, urine breath, if you're going to start believing these urban myths, you should start drinking your own urine:

Urine therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

'Drinking urine keeps me young': Glamourous mother's beauty secret

Shower, Floss . . . Drink Your Urine? 5 Top Benefits of Urine Therapy

Are There Really Health Benefits To Drinking Urine? Spoiler: Probably Not. [VIDEO]
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LOL.....Saudi Arabia ain't going anywhere.

It's a great country full of great people ran by Sharia law.

Saudi Arabia has very little crime, and the people are much happier with their government, than American's are with their government. .... :cool:

What about the white slave trade that flourishes in Saudi, with many western blonde haired blue eyed little girls ending up as oil Sheik playthings. Plenty of crime by western standards, so what you mean is no crime by Islamic standards
Little crime? Making crime lawful doesn´t make it less criminal. At least half the population is terribly oppressed.
Saudi citizens aren't oppressed, and are happy living there under the equality, justice, and logic of sharia law. ..... :thup:

Is that why certain muslims are not allowed to set foot in Saudi, while others have to go on Hajj at certain times because the Saudis see them as 4th class muslims.
From the very first sentence of this opinion piece, I found myself agreeing heartily. That it is even more cruel and barbaric than North Korea or Iran is as true as possible. This paragraph puts this tyrannical tribe in perspective:

For over forty years, this blight of a tribe has caused recessions, caused depressions, and damaged the planet's economy. They got wealthy by re-impoverishing an emerging Third World, starting with the artificially created 1973 oil crisis. They have used their oil wealth to sponsor terrorism (as has Iran). Rather than investing wisely in industry to pick up market slack to become a modern diversified economy, they have invested instead in subsidizing mullahs, arming Salafist extremists in Syria, and exporting Islam around the world.

And, I absolutely loved this final paragraph:

Good riddance to the KSA – a corrupt, vicious regime! May their next chief export be bottled camel urine. I wish America had never gotten involved with them.

Read more: Articles: The End of Saudi Arabia?
Camel urine is known to have health benefits for Muslims.

We need to be careful about pushing away the evil we know and can control, to another ISIS type or Shiite Islamist takeover of the world's largest oil reserves.

Ignorant, read some american scientific journal.
Camel urine components display anti-cancer properties in vitro. - PubMed - NCBI

Did you understand all the medical terms then, or does it just look good so you run with it.

It is only of any use on non carcinogenic cancers ntheealy stages, a bit like aspirin is.

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