The End of Spanish?

If the economies and political systems of most Latin American countries were to stabilize, and immigration from that part of the world consequently fall to a low, steady level, it is possible that the Spanish language - of which some people here seem so afraid - might very well disappear as a first or even second language in the US (for all statistical purposes).

Some people would have to find something else to panic about unnecessarily.
You might want to step out if you house if you are Spanish in America you are almost only speaking Spanish, and refuse to speak English as the common language.
Go meet some people

It’s highly unlikely you will ever meet as many or as various people as I have, kid. Once again, I know what I’m talking about and you only know what you’re afraid of.
Lol ok yuppie I’m born and raised in the inner city of Boston.
That explains a lot.
A Masshole.

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Vermont are you? Or nh
If the economies and political systems of most Latin American countries were to stabilize, and immigration from that part of the world consequently fall to a low, steady level, it is possible that the Spanish language - of which some people here seem so afraid - might very well disappear as a first or even second language in the US (for all statistical purposes).

Some people would have to find something else to panic about unnecessarily.
You might want to step out if you house if you are Spanish in America you are almost only speaking Spanish, and refuse to speak English as the common language.
Go meet some people

It’s highly unlikely you will ever meet as many or as various people as I have, kid. Once again, I know what I’m talking about and you only know what you’re afraid of.
Lol ok yuppie I’m born and raised in the inner city of Boston.
That explains a lot.
A Masshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vermont are you? Or nh


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If the economies and political systems of most Latin American countries were to stabilize, and immigration from that part of the world consequently fall to a low, steady level, it is possible that the Spanish language - of which some people here seem so afraid - might very well disappear as a first or even second language in the US (for all statistical purposes).

Some people would have to find something else to panic about unnecessarily.
''''seem afraid'''---hahahahahhahahahahah
you people pull a lot of crap from your a$$es
please explain ''afraid'''

There have been more than a few posts here featuring people whining because they overheard someone else’s private conversation that wasn’t in English, or bemoaning the trauma of “press one.” There are people ignorantly complaining about an imagined “refusal” to learn English, and entire threads devoted to breathlessly wondering if Spanish will become the official language of the US (when it is obvious that we will never have any official language nationally).
1. why would we want America to become a shithole like Latin America?
2. please post some examples of these posts you are talking about
3. ''press one'' is ridiculous --either learn English or go home to your shithole
You might want to step out if you house if you are Spanish in America you are almost only speaking Spanish, and refuse to speak English as the common language.
Go meet some people

It’s highly unlikely you will ever meet as many or as various people as I have, kid. Once again, I know what I’m talking about and you only know what you’re afraid of.
Lol ok yuppie I’m born and raised in the inner city of Boston.
That explains a lot.
A Masshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vermont are you? Or nh


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Called it. Isolated watching mainstream tv. You are brain washed.. the left has lied to you wake up
It’s highly unlikely you will ever meet as many or as various people as I have, kid. Once again, I know what I’m talking about and you only know what you’re afraid of.
Lol ok yuppie I’m born and raised in the inner city of Boston.
That explains a lot.
A Masshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vermont are you? Or nh


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Called it. Isolated watching mainstream tv. You are brain washed.. the left has lied to you wake up

Wrong again.
The extent of my television viewing involves movies on Amazon Prime and Netflix.

I was a conservative until this so-called president was elected.
That is when my eyes were opened to the truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lol ok yuppie I’m born and raised in the inner city of Boston.
That explains a lot.
A Masshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vermont are you? Or nh


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Called it. Isolated watching mainstream tv. You are brain washed.. the left has lied to you wake up

Wrong again.
The extent of my television viewing involves movies on Amazon Prime and Netflix.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes almost all produced by lefties. Only 7% of the media are republican. You are getting fooled I’m a former democrat, I live in Boston they have destroyed America.. don’t believe the narrative they have created wake up
Lol ok yuppie I’m born and raised in the inner city of Boston.
That explains a lot.
A Masshole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Vermont are you? Or nh


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Called it. Isolated watching mainstream tv. You are brain washed.. the left has lied to you wake up

Wrong again.
The extent of my television viewing involves movies on Amazon Prime and Netflix.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes almost all produced by lefties. Only 7% of the media are republican. You are getting fooled I’m a former democrat, I live in Boston they have destroyed America.. don’t believe the narrative they have created wake up
If you don't speak English in the U.S. you are doomed to be a third class person, or worse. Careers, and professions require people speak English here.
It’s highly unlikely you will ever meet as many or as various people as I have, kid...

Ever think that some of us are not interested in meeting many or varied people? Maybe we like who and what we are comfortable with and see no need for that expansion of our world.
Lol ok yuppie I’m born and raised in the inner city of Boston....

Doesn't seem like it.

You have no idea what you're talking about, you ignorant little dope.

Ever heard of the third generation pattern, dumbass?
My sisters are a Puerto Ricans go away you fucking loser Lol

Answer the question, boy.

Go away, keep your Un educated mouth shut.. stop spreading fake news. You are beyond clueless about culture

Wrong, kid. That’s where I work every day, and what I know better than you can even understand.

As for “educated”.... :lol:

It's too easy to see from your posts that you're nothing but a little know nothing loud mouthed punk that's never been anywhere or done anything in your entire worthless existence so far. Oh you may have hid out from reality on a campus somewhere cowering in a cry closet with crayons and a coloring book but that's about the sum total of it.
.....why should foreigners be able to communicate in a different language around us if they want to In America?.......

Ever hear of the Constitution, dumbass?
But you want me arrested for a hate crime if I say speak English lol

I never said that, dumbass. Stop lying to cover for your complete ignorance.
So me stoping and telling Latinos to speak English is ok to you?
If the economies and political systems of most Latin American countries were to stabilize, and immigration from that part of the world consequently fall to a low, steady level, it is possible that the Spanish language - of which some people here seem so afraid - might very well disappear as a first or even second language in the US (for all statistical purposes).

Some people would have to find something else to panic about unnecessarily.

Certainly if there wasn't the push of poverty and unrest from Latin America and the pull of jobs and security in the U.S. the flow would essentially slow to that similar from say Canada.

And yes- Spanish would largely disappear- going the way of Polish, Japanese and German in the U.S.

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