The End of the Christian Right

Many a Civilization has fallen due to moral decay.

I know of none. Let's see if you name any.

Greece? No: accusations of a decline of respect for tradition were endemic; that's the reason why Socrates was executed, something that happened in 399 BC. Athens was defeated by Sparta, but not conquered, not too long afterward, but that was a straightforward military defeat. The Greek city-states (note that Greece as such was never a single nation until modern times) were not conquered by Macedonia until several decades later, but Athens retained considerable autonomy under Macedonian rule, as did the other Greek city-states. But in no way did this put an end to Greek civilization. In fact, it's been argued that Alexander's conquests spread Hellenic culture and civilization throughout the Eastern Mediterranean world.

Slowly Greece devolved into a disreputable and lawless nation. The Romans conquered Greece in 146 B.C. By placing everything under military authority, they were able to restore order and bring back the rule of law.

There is absolutely no evidence in history to support the idea that Greece "devolved into a . . . lawless nation." (I don't even know what you might mean by "disreputable," but "lawless" at least is an objective term.) As noted above, the Greek city-states had never been a single nation; however, each city-state was subject to the rule of its own laws. Moreover, during the period prior to the Roman annexation, all of the Greek city-states, though holding much autonomy, were nominally subject to Macedonian rule. Greece was annexed by Rome in the context of the Roman absorption of Macedonia which was complete by 149 BC. It was a straightforward military victory by a superior military power. Rome held that power not because the Greeks were degenerate and lawless, but simply because it was military superior to just about everyone in those days.

In any case, the Roman conquest, like that of Macedon, in no way brought an end to Greek culture and civilization. Greek remained the language of scholarship, and Romans continued to regard the Greeks as culturally superior to themselves, if less than practical. Greek remained the language of the eastern Roman Empire after the fall of Rome itself, and is the language of the Greek Orthodox Church to this day.

A similar story can be found in ancient Egypt during the fourth century B.C. Lawlessness and violence crippled the economy, and the nation was in chaos. When Alexander the Great invaded the country in 333 B.C., his first task was to restore order and institute martial law (which he did in a ruthless manner). With the death of Alexander, Egypt returned to its old ways until the Roman Empire brought peace to the region through conquest and martial law.

Absolute bollocks. The problems in Egypt were dynastic, and no different from any other dynastic conflicts that have emerged in monarchies since time immemorial. There is absolutely ZERO evidence of any kind of widespread popular abandonment of traditional morality in Egypt; in fact, ancient Egypt was an extremely conservative society in cultural terms and remained largely unchanged for literally thousands of years. You have also mischaracterized the transfer of power to Alexander. He did not "invade" Egypt. He was INVITED by the Egyptians to become Pharaoh and thus end their dynastic disputes. They justified this in terms of their own religion by proclaiming Alexander a god, in much the same way that Cleopatra would later justify mating with Gaius Julius Caesar to produce an heir. (And with Marc Antony after that, because Antony was Caesar's cousin.) Alexander's godhood descended to his general Ptolemy who became the founder of an Egyptian dynasty that lasted until Cleopatra VII, the last Queen and Pharaoh.

Four important trends demonstrate cultural decay. They are the "decline of education," the "weakening of cultural foundations," the "loss of respect for tradition," and the "increase in materialism."

First of all, I think you need to define each of these terms. What constitutes a "decline" of education? What are "cultural foundations," and what are the signs that they are "weakened?" By what measure do you observe an "increase in materialism"?

Once you have strictly defined these terms so that you are not at liberty to slap them onto any society about to fall to foreign enemies at will, we can discuss further whether there are any examples of societies that have fallen as a result of these things.

Life became cheap in the latter days of the Roman Empire. Burdensome regulation and taxes made manufacturing and trade unprofitable. Families were locked into hereditary trades and vocations allowing little if any vocational choice. Eventually, children were seen as a needless burden and abortion and infanticide became commonplace. In some cases, children were sold into slavery.

Where the hell are you getting all this nonsense? First of all, what made manufacturing and trade unprofitable in the WESTERN Roman Empire (not the Eastern Empire) was not "burdensome regulation and taxes," but the decline of the population as a result of the Crisis of the Third Century (mostly a pandemic that struck then), which did not permit the kind of manpower needed to keep the roads safe and in good repair. All of the other consequences you mention, except children being a "needless burden," which did NOT occur (just the opposite in fact), are consequences of this. And, please note, Rome did NOT fall as a result! A restoration of strong government occurred under Diocletian and continued for quite a long time thereafter.

Now, about the only thing you can cite that did impact the Roman Empire roughly at this time was the loss of faith in the old religion. But a new state religion was crafted for it under Constantine. Are you prepared to argue that it was the rise of Christianity that doomed Rome? Was it the wrath of the city's old traditional gods?

Under Justinian, entertainment grew bawdier and more bizarre. Orgies and love feasts were common. Homosexuality and bestiality were openly practiced. Under Nero, Christians were blamed for the great fire in Rome and horribly persecuted.

Now this is just plain confused. First of all, as regards common practice, NONE of it is true. As regards the aristocracy, some of it was true, but it was nothing new. Justinian wasn't even a Roman emperor properly so called; he was a Byzantine emperor who ruled AFTER the fall of Rome. There is no good evidence that Nero even knew Christians existed, let alone that he persecuted them -- although he did persecute the Jews as scapegoats for the burning of the city. And Rome continued and prospered for centuries after his death.

Enough. Everything you describe is described in vague terms, with frequent errors of fact as noted above, and you present nothing like a cogent argument.
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I want to add here, that this business of predicting America's decline and fall as a result of the disappearance of the Christian right is a predictable fall-back position.

But here's another thing to consider. It's true (if IMO entirely coincidental) that the Western Roman Empire fell within 150 years after abandoning their traditional religion and embracing Christianity instead. But it is not true that, after the fall of the Western Empire, the traditional religion made a comeback. Today, Rome is the capital of the Italian Republic, a country that remains overwhelmingly Catholic Christian in its religious beliefs.

As evidence that this temporal proximity was purely coincidental, the Eastern Empire adopted Christianity at the same time as the West, and did not fall until 1453.
The far Christian evangelical right poses as the moral conscience and historical narrative of America, of which they are neither.
Dragon [QUOTE said:
There is no good evidence that Nero even knew Christians existed, let alone that he persecuted them -- although he did persecute the Jews as scapegoats for the burning of the city. And Rome continued and prospered for centuries after his death.

No Good Evidence?
Christianity started around 33 A.D.

A generation after the death of Christ, Christianity had reached Rome in the form of an obscure offshoot of Judaism popular among the city's poor and destitute. Members of this religious sect spoke of the coming of a new kingdom and a new king. These views provoked suspicion among the Jewish authorities who rejected the group and fear among the Roman authorities who perceived these sentiments as a threat to the Empire.

In the summer of 64, Rome suffered a terrible fire that burned for six days and seven nights consuming almost three quarters of the city. The people accused the Emperor Nero for the devastation claiming he set the fire for his own amusement. In order to deflect these accusations and placate the people, Nero laid blame for the fire on the Christians. The emperor ordered the arrest of a few members of the sect who, under torture, accused others until the entire Christian populace was implicated and became fair game for retribution. As many of the religious sect that could be found were rounded up and put to death in the most horrific manner for the amusement of the citizens of Rome. The ghastly way in which the victims were put to death aroused sympathy among many Romans, although most felt their execution justified.

Beginnings of Christian Martyrdom

The following account was written by the Roman historian Tacitus in his book Annals published a few years after the event. Tacitus was a young boy living in Rome during the time of the persecutions.

"Therefore, to stop the rumor [that he had set Rome on fire], he [Emperor Nero] falsely charged with guilt, and punished with the most fearful tortures, the persons commonly called Christians, who were [generally] hated for their enormities. Christus, the founder of that name, was put to death as a criminal by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea, in the reign of Tiberius, but the pernicious superstition - repressed for a time, broke out yet again, not only through Judea, - where the mischief originated, but through the city of Rome also, whither all things horrible and disgraceful flow from all quarters, as to a common receptacle, and where they are encouraged. Accordingly first those were arrested who confessed they were Christians; next on their information, a vast multitude were convicted, not so much on the charge of burning the city, as of "hating the human race."

In their very deaths they were made the subjects of sport: for they were covered with the hides of wild beasts, and worried to death by dogs, or nailed to crosses, or set fire to, and when the day waned, burned to serve for the evening lights. Nero offered his own garden players for the spectacle, and exhibited a Circensian game, indiscriminately mingling with the common people in the dress of a charioteer, or else standing in his chariot. For this cause a feeling of compassion arose towards the sufferers, though guilty and deserving of exemplary capital punishment, because they seemed not to be cut off for the public good, but were victims of the ferocity of one man".
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Dragon if you don't even know that Nero persecuted Christians then you don't really know much history at all.
Dragon's #1 teacher True story, I am NOT making that up.

And the sad thing is..he thinks it's a good source.
And the Founders were the ones that started this moral Christian nation.
Those dudes that were smugglers, drank liquor at a rate per capita higher than any other time in this country, owned the largest breweries in the land, were tax evaders, owned- bred- bought and sold slaves, fucked their own slaves and kept some and sold others and were very good customers of the ladies of the night.
The good and moral Christian right men they were.
America is overwhelmingly Christian. The evangelicals have a shrinking (once 50% plus) plurality in numbers, and we saw its political power weaken in 2008, and will even more so this year. The "end of the Christian Right" means an end to overwhelming and disproportionate representation far beyond their actual numbers. Where they dictated an election's results in 2004 and flubbed it in 2008, they may still have enough influence in its weakening state to nominate a losing candidate, Gingrich, for this fall's campaign. - Topography of religion
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America is overwhelmingly Christian. The evangelicals have a shrinking (once 50% plus) plurality in numbers, and we saw its political power weaken in 2008, and will even more so this year. The "end of the Christian Right" means an end to overwhelming and disproportionate representation far beyond their actual numbers. Where they dictated an election's results in 2004 and flubbed it in 2008, they may still have enough influence in its weakening state to nominate a losing candidate, Gingrich, for this fall's campaign. - Topography of religion

Yes, we r overwhelmingly Christian and I believe that to be a good thing.
Until some of us show our ass and get into politics.
I want to add here, that this business of predicting America's decline and fall as a result of the disappearance of the Christian right is a predictable fall-back position.

But here's another thing to consider. It's true (if IMO entirely coincidental) that the Western Roman Empire fell within 150 years after abandoning their traditional religion and embracing Christianity instead. But it is not true that, after the fall of the Western Empire, the traditional religion made a comeback. Today, Rome is the capital of the Italian Republic, a country that remains overwhelmingly Catholic Christian in its religious beliefs.

As evidence that this temporal proximity was purely coincidental, the Eastern Empire adopted Christianity at the same time as the West, and did not fall until 1453.

It's just pure unfiltered fearmongering.

Katz isn't bitching about morals going away, he's bitching that the group of people who's morals are different than his is growing.

So it's not his patriotic fear of the downfall of america, it's his incredible arrogance that unless everyone has the same morals as he does than they're all doomed.
Actually America is not overwhelmingly christian.

There is a large number of christians, yes, but not overwhelming.

You see, many Americans are christian in name only, by such I mean that their parents claimed to be christian, but other than for weddings never set foot in a church, and while there may have been a Bible in the home, no one ever bothered reading it. There are in fact generations of so-called christians that are no more christian than they are communist Chinese.

A christian is defined by more than a belief in a single deity, one that is male. Several religions follow that belief, so simply declaring a belief in God is not enough. A christian is expected to attend services, at the very least on high holy days, such as Easter and Christmas, but many that claim to be christians do not go to church at all. A christian is expected to live in a prescribed manner, outlined by the Ten Commandments, the Book of Proverbs, and the teachings of Jesus, but they do not, in fact they have little knowledge of those guidelines.

Very few "christians" have any knowledge of any religion. Often their ideas of spiritual discipline are more closely related to other religions.

The claim to christianity by far too many is no more than superstition-based.

Religion, incidentally is defined as "spiritual discipline." Perhaps the path you follow is not the best path to train your individual soul.
And the Founders were the ones that started this moral Christian nation.
Those dudes that were smugglers, drank liquor at a rate per capita higher than any other time in this country, owned the largest breweries in the land, were tax evaders, owned- bred- bought and sold slaves, fucked their own slaves and kept some and sold others and were very good customers of the ladies of the night.
The good and moral Christian right men they were.

Are you saying they didn't found a great nation, with great principles?

Please find me a nation, in the history of man, that has been more successful, more free.

It's funny it's the non-Christians who have this warped notion that only "pure" people have good ideas. What's up with that?
Grandma, eat another sugar cookie and shut up. 3 of 4 Americans identify as Christian. Whether that are "really" Christian is not in your providence to decide. You made a weak-headed comment by somebody who should know better.
Actually America is not overwhelmingly christian.

There is a large number of christians, yes, but not overwhelming.

You see, many Americans are christian in name only, by such I mean that their parents claimed to be christian, but other than for weddings never set foot in a church, and while there may have been a Bible in the home, no one ever bothered reading it. There are in fact generations of so-called christians that are no more christian than they are communist Chinese.

A christian is defined by more than a belief in a single deity, one that is male. Several religions follow that belief, so simply declaring a belief in God is not enough. A christian is expected to attend services, at the very least on high holy days, such as Easter and Christmas, but many that claim to be christians do not go to church at all. A christian is expected to live in a prescribed manner, outlined by the Ten Commandments, the Book of Proverbs, and the teachings of Jesus, but they do not, in fact they have little knowledge of those guidelines.

Very few "christians" have any knowledge of any religion. Often their ideas of spiritual discipline are more closely related to other religions.

The claim to christianity by far too many is no more than superstition-based.

Religion, incidentally is defined as "spiritual discipline." Perhaps the path you follow is not the best path to train your individual soul.

Wow, a lot of bigotry, no information or supporting evidence.
And the Founders were the ones that started this moral Christian nation.
Those dudes that were smugglers, drank liquor at a rate per capita higher than any other time in this country, owned the largest breweries in the land, were tax evaders, owned- bred- bought and sold slaves, fuckedhave their own slaves and kept some and sold others and were very good customers of the ladies of the night.
The good and moral Christian right men they were.

Are you saying they didn't found a great nation, with great principles?

Please find me a nation, in the history of man, that has been more successful, more free.

It's funny it's the non-Christians who have this warped notion that only "pure" people have good ideas. What's up with that?

Waiting for you to say the Founders so loved organized religion that they want it to influence and be a part of government.

We have been wiating for you to ante up and stop shooting off your feet.
Grandma, eat another sugar cookie and shut up. 3 of 4 Americans identify as Christian. Whether that are "really" Christian is not in your providence to decide. You made a weak-headed comment by somebody who should know better.

They may say they're christians but they are not. I can say I'm a supermodel, does my saying it make it so?

If you want to be a christian, fine, be one. But f you aren't a real one then you aren't one at all.
And the Founders were the ones that started this moral Christian nation.
Those dudes that were smugglers, drank liquor at a rate per capita higher than any other time in this country, owned the largest breweries in the land, were tax evaders, owned- bred- bought and sold slaves, fuckedhave their own slaves and kept some and sold others and were very good customers of the ladies of the night.
The good and moral Christian right men they were.

Are you saying they didn't found a great nation, with great principles?

Please find me a nation, in the history of man, that has been more successful, more free.

It's funny it's the non-Christians who have this warped notion that only "pure" people have good ideas. What's up with that?

Waiting for you to say the Founders so loved organized religion that they want it to influence and be a part of government.

We have been wiating for you to ante up and stop shooting off your feet.

Who is "we"?

And you will wait forever for me to say things I've never believed or even implied. Once again you prove your weak debating skills by arguing to points never made.
Grandma, eat another sugar cookie and shut up. 3 of 4 Americans identify as Christian. Whether that are "really" Christian is not in your providence to decide. You made a weak-headed comment by somebody who should know better.

They may say they're christians but they are not. I can say I'm a supermodel, does my saying it make it so?

If you want to be a christian, fine, be one. But f you aren't a real one then you aren't one at all.

And you are in a position to judge their Christianity how? And please tell us who "they" are, by name, and how you came to know their hearts.

Again, it's the anti-Christians who think they are the ones best equipped to judge, and the most willing to do it.

Finally, what makes a "real" Christian? And what makes you the person who can determine who is "real" and who isn't?
Finally, grandma, are you even aware that the #1 tenet of Christianity is that we are ALL SINNERS? Every single one of us? Preachers, priests, and the successful business man, just as ever mother and father on the face of the earth? If you are implying that "real" Christians sin less than non-real Christians, then you don't understand Christianity at all and obviously are not in a position to judge those who do.

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