The Entire Debate About Masks Will be Concluded Within Next Two Weeks

It’s been ten days since Texans took off their masks. No spike in cases yet.
If the mask Nazis are correct we should see a spike in cases within the next week, if not now.

But if there is no spike in cases, time to remove all restrictions and mask requirements nationally.

Sorry bud, you are wrong.

Facts don't matter to over half the nation.

Since this thing started, more folks than ever are glued to their idiot boxes. If the idiot box tell them it is night outside? It does not matter if the sun is shining. . . these idiots will STILL argue with you and post links to the NYT, WaPo, and other clips from CNN and MSNBC that PROVE it is nighttime out. Regardless if the sun is shining.

It doesn't matter what facts are anymore. I have posted them for the last ten years, and folks ignore them.

Reality is whatever the cabal tell these folks watching their TEE VEE tell them it is.
I agree. Seeing how half the nation uses no common sense and simply awaits orders from the government on how to behave has been most disheartening.
It’s been ten days since Texans took off their masks. No spike in cases yet.
If the mask Nazis are correct we should see a spike in cases within the next week, if not now.

But if there is no spike in cases, time to remove all restrictions and mask requirements nationally.
Texans haven't all taken off their masks. Businesses still make that call, as do local governments.
Well, if a few dozen businesses in one of the most populated States in the Union can prevent a pandemic from spreading because they required a mask, then my point is made.
I wear one if the owner of the property I'm visiting requests it. Otherwise not.
I think most all of us do that, its just easier to go along for the short time period you are in their home or business.
Not with democrats. White democrats still hide in the basement and wear masks when outside — even when driving a car!
A bunch of fucking sheep.
I know....while driving a car makes me laugh.

I like the ones who are out jogging, all alone, with a mask on.
Yes, and it’s almost always young people wearing masks while alone. They think the virus is falling from the sky I think.
It’s been ten days since Texans took off their masks. No spike in cases yet.
If the mask Nazis are correct we should see a spike in cases within the next week, if not now.

But if there is no spike in cases, time to remove all restrictions and mask requirements nationally.
Texans haven't all taken off their masks. Businesses still make that call, as do local governments.
Well, if a few dozen businesses in one of the most populated States in the Union can prevent a pandemic from spreading because they required a mask, then my point is made.
I think they do it primarily to protect their employees.
It’s been ten days since Texans took off their masks. No spike in cases yet.
If the mask Nazis are correct we should see a spike in cases within the next week, if not now.

But if there is no spike in cases, time to remove all restrictions and mask requirements nationally.
Texans haven't all taken off their masks. Businesses still make that call, as do local governments.
Well, if a few dozen businesses in one of the most populated States in the Union can prevent a pandemic from spreading because they required a mask, then my point is made.
I think they do it primarily to protect their employees.
Irrelevant to the topic. Nobody in Texas is wearing a mask unless as you point out a specific business requires it, which only a few are.
So where’s the spike in cases if masks work?
It’s been ten days since Texans took off their masks. No spike in cases yet.
If the mask Nazis are correct we should see a spike in cases within the next week, if not now.

But if there is no spike in cases, time to remove all restrictions and mask requirements nationally.
Texans haven't all taken off their masks. Businesses still make that call, as do local governments.
Well, if a few dozen businesses in one of the most populated States in the Union can prevent a pandemic from spreading because they required a mask, then my point is made.
I think they do it primarily to protect their employees.
Irrelevant to the topic. Nobody in Texas is wearing a mask unless as you point out a specific business requires it, which only a few are.
So where’s the spike in cases if masks work?
Hopefully there won't be one, but I think we'll be wearing them in Maine until fall, probably. I can't breathe in the damned things, can't wait, but I also need to be sure it's safe, because of my breathing problems. Ironic.
It’s been ten days since Texans took off their masks. No spike in cases yet.
If the mask Nazis are correct we should see a spike in cases within the next week, if not now.

But if there is no spike in cases, time to remove all restrictions and mask requirements nationally.
Texans haven't all taken off their masks. Businesses still make that call, as do local governments.
Well, if a few dozen businesses in one of the most populated States in the Union can prevent a pandemic from spreading because they required a mask, then my point is made.
I think they do it primarily to protect their employees.
Irrelevant to the topic. Nobody in Texas is wearing a mask unless as you point out a specific business requires it, which only a few are.
So where’s the spike in cases if masks work?
The only problem with your 'theory' is that while some people are still wearing masks (and that includes on all public tranportation, airports, etc.), you aren't proving anything.
Florida never had a statewide mask mandate. We have one half the number of deaths than New York (with the same population) and they have a stupid mask mandate.

The only places I see the masks required on a local level is at medical offices. Other places may have a sign that says to wear a mask but they really don't enforce it. Many people don't wear masks and nobody really cares.

I went to get my annual heart check up on Thursday. The nurse told me she was vaccinated and I told her I was so we didn't need the stupid ineffective mask. She said "rules are rules". I said the rules were stupid because the CDC said two vaccinated people don't need the masks. She said "nice try Cracker boy but keep the damn thing on". She called me a Cracker because she was Black and Blacks like to use racial slurs against Whites.
Next time you go in there, record the conversation and wait for the racial slur.

Then hire a good lawyer, a black one.

Then retire early.
However, we tend not to be so careful when we’re being handed cash.

Some of us are; I take care of an elderly person and need to take precautions, and not just for COVID. Lot of nasty stuff on cash.
I haven't handled a dollar bill in weeks. I have a couple in my purse just in case, but money has always been a nasty spreader of germs, and over the past year I've gone from cash only to cash never. Of course, the keypad on the card reader is a petri dish, too, and there is NEVER hand sanitizer beside it.

I use cash almost exclusively, as almost everybody I know who has any knowledge of computer networking and security. I carry a package of anti-bacterial wipes in my inside vest pocket everywhere in public. I use a pen to punch buttons or a touch screen.
Texans haven't all taken off their masks. Businesses still make that call, as do local governments.

Unfortunately you're right. I'm one of maybe 3% of people who ignored the mask mandate and went where ever I wanted to breathing freely. Outside of the shithole known as Austin, (I refer to it as the City of Autism), very few establishments even bothered me about it. A week after the draconian mask bullshit was lifted my local HEB began actually enforcing it. I will not return there for a long time. It disgusts me that my fellow Texans have become such servile pukes.
In December our Gov put the onus on the businesses for enforcing the mask mandate. They now get a really stiff fine if a customer is caught unmasked. No exceptions, either. Gov says if you can't wear a mask, ask for curbside pickup or delivery. Of course, around here, no one offers either of those, so it means have someone else do your business for you.

We had a strict one here, too, but there were always people who didn't wear them. I don't go anywhere often enough to make it an automatic habit, and a couple of times I forgot to put one on and nobody even looked at me twice as I went around the entire store. I could have been fined $500 if someone had felt like being an asshole and called the cops. As it was, it was early in the morning and nobody cared. lol
Florida never had a statewide mask mandate. We have one half the number of deaths than New York (with the same population) and they have a stupid mask mandate.

The only places I see the masks required on a local level is at medical offices. Other places may have a sign that says to wear a mask but they really don't enforce it. Many people don't wear masks and nobody really cares.

I went to get my annual heart check up on Thursday. The nurse told me she was vaccinated and I told her I was so we didn't need the stupid ineffective mask. She said "rules are rules". I said the rules were stupid because the CDC said two vaccinated people don't need the masks. She said "nice try Cracker boy but keep the damn thing on". She called me a Cracker because she was Black and Blacks like to use racial slurs against Whites.
I have a far lefty friend that posted on her FB. . . that she forgot her mask at home, and drove fifteen minutes back to get it. . . b/c she didn't want folks assuming she was a "Republican."


Too bad things like climate science and pandemic response have divided Liberals and Conservatives.

If Liberals weren't so damn shitty about everything we would not have the conflict on things that should be science based.
Florida never had a statewide mask mandate. We have one half the number of deaths than New York (with the same population) and they have a stupid mask mandate.

The only places I see the masks required on a local level is at medical offices. Other places may have a sign that says to wear a mask but they really don't enforce it. Many people don't wear masks and nobody really cares.

I went to get my annual heart check up on Thursday. The nurse told me she was vaccinated and I told her I was so we didn't need the stupid ineffective mask. She said "rules are rules". I said the rules were stupid because the CDC said two vaccinated people don't need the masks. She said "nice try Cracker boy but keep the damn thing on". She called me a Cracker because she was Black and Blacks like to use racial slurs against Whites.
I have a far lefty friend that posted on her FB. . . that she forgot her mask at home, and drove fifteen minutes back to get it. . . b/c she didn't want folks assuming she was a "Republican."


Too bad things like climate science and pandemic response have divided Liberals and Conservatives.

If Liberals weren't so damn shitty about everything we would not have the conflict on things that should be science based.
No, those exaggerated issues have divided democrats from Americans.
Irrelevant to the topic. Nobody in Texas is wearing a mask unless as you point out a specific business requires it, which only a few are.
So where’s the spike in cases if masks work?

I would love to agree, but MOST "people" near the City of Autism dutifully wear mouth diapers if for no other reason than to avoid conflict with bed wetting servile parasites. I went to my local HEB the other day, 40 miles away from that mecca for shitheads, and even though I never wore the fuckin thing before, some fuckin hag was positioned in front of the store to insist I put one on. I told her an abortion wasn't to late and left the cart in the doorway. Granted the further you get away from Autism TX, the smarter people become and the mask shit isn't as profound, but you will still see most people adhere to the tyranny.

It's pathetic.
It’s been ten days since Texans took off their masks. No spike in cases yet.
If the mask Nazis are correct we should see a spike in cases within the next week, if not now.

But if there is no spike in cases, time to remove all restrictions and mask requirements nationally.
Texans haven't all taken off their masks. Businesses still make that call, as do local governments.
Well, if a few dozen businesses in one of the most populated States in the Union can prevent a pandemic from spreading because they required a mask, then my point is made.
I think they do it primarily to protect their employees.
Irrelevant to the topic. Nobody in Texas is wearing a mask unless as you point out a specific business requires it, which only a few are.
So where’s the spike in cases if masks work?
The only problem with your 'theory' is that while some people are still wearing masks (and that includes on all public tranportation, airports, etc.), you aren't proving anything.

He's proving that mask mandates aren't required. Either the masks themselves are useless, OR people are capable of looking out for themselves.
Irrelevant to the topic. Nobody in Texas is wearing a mask unless as you point out a specific business requires it, which only a few are.
So where’s the spike in cases if masks work?

I would love to agree, but MOST "people" near the City of Autism dutifully wear mouth diapers if for no other reason than to avoid conflict with bed wetting servile parasites. I went to my local HEB the other day, 40 miles away from that mecca for shitheads, and even though I never wore the fuckin thing before, some fuckin hag was positioned in front of the store to insist I put one on. I told her an abortion wasn't to late and left the cart in the doorway. Granted the further you get away from Autism TX, the smarter people become and the mask shit isn't as profound, but you will still see most people adhere to the tyranny.

It's pathetic.
One city. Which will be overrun by the virus if they’re right because all it takes is for one sick person to drive in and infect people because he/she has no mask on.
Florida never had a statewide mask mandate. We have one half the number of deaths than New York (with the same population) and they have a stupid mask mandate.

The only places I see the masks required on a local level is at medical offices. Other places may have a sign that says to wear a mask but they really don't enforce it. Many people don't wear masks and nobody really cares.

I went to get my annual heart check up on Thursday. The nurse told me she was vaccinated and I told her I was so we didn't need the stupid ineffective mask. She said "rules are rules". I said the rules were stupid because the CDC said two vaccinated people don't need the masks. She said "nice try Cracker boy but keep the damn thing on". She called me a Cracker because she was Black and Blacks like to use racial slurs against Whites.
Yep. Florida and Texas have proven the ‘experts’ to be just political hacks with zero interest in the truth.
It’s been ten days since Texans took off their masks. No spike in cases yet.
If the mask Nazis are correct we should see a spike in cases within the next week, if not now.

But if there is no spike in cases, time to remove all restrictions and mask requirements nationally.
Texans haven't all taken off their masks. Businesses still make that call, as do local governments.
Well, if a few dozen businesses in one of the most populated States in the Union can prevent a pandemic from spreading because they required a mask, then my point is made.
I think they do it primarily to protect their employees.
Irrelevant to the topic. Nobody in Texas is wearing a mask unless as you point out a specific business requires it, which only a few are.
So where’s the spike in cases if masks work?
The only problem with your 'theory' is that while some people are still wearing masks (and that includes on all public tranportation, airports, etc.), you aren't proving anything.
Even the mask Nazis acknowledges masks are not for preventing the wearer from being infected but just to prevent the wearer from spreading the virus easily.
So a majority of people without masks is a recipe for disaster if the mask Nazis are correct.
Florida never had a statewide mask mandate. We have one half the number of deaths than New York (with the same population) and they have a stupid mask mandate.

The only places I see the masks required on a local level is at medical offices. Other places may have a sign that says to wear a mask but they really don't enforce it. Many people don't wear masks and nobody really cares.

I went to get my annual heart check up on Thursday. The nurse told me she was vaccinated and I told her I was so we didn't need the stupid ineffective mask. She said "rules are rules". I said the rules were stupid because the CDC said two vaccinated people don't need the masks. She said "nice try Cracker boy but keep the damn thing on". She called me a Cracker because she was Black and Blacks like to use racial slurs against Whites.
Yep. Florida and Texas have proven the ‘experts’ to be just political hacks with zero interest in the truth.

Liberty is a truth that seems to evade stupid uneducated Moon Bats.
One city. Which will be overrun by the virus if they’re right because all it takes is for one sick person to drive in and infect people because he/she has no mask on.

I can't wait till the Dollar becomes a Penny (or less) and the ghetto rats cannibalize the sniveling bed wetters in Autism. The virus won't be an issue.

That said, the masks are doing NOTHING BUT HELPING THE SPREAD. I do security work for a paltry living. Watching sheep is what I do, and when everyone is constantly adjusting, moving and touching these moistentend clothes on their faces, they're picking up virus if it's there and everything they touch afterward is spreading it. If masks do ANYTHING, it's helping spread the disease.


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