Zone1 The Ephod, according to Jewish teaching.

I will concede one point, that gentiles indeed can become "Jews", but only because it doesn't imply a Jewish bloodline, which is what I meant. It only confers "Jewishness" in the religious sense.

I have just learned that there is no identifiable Jewish bloodline, which explains why Jews insist that there are no tribal bloodlines that can identify the other tribes, and therefore they are free to deem descendants of the other tribes "Jews" as well.

The problem with this is that the other tribes do retain their tribal identity mainly within the WASP countries of northern Europe as well as the English-speaking nations of the world. God promised that "not a seed would fall to earth" during the post-Assyrian captivity sojourning of those tribes of the Northern Kingdom, the 'house of Israel'.

That said I believe there still exists a bloodline of the tribe of Judah, albeit not recognized by either science or the Jewish community.
For one, a convert is a full Jew. We are not a race, we are a people. The Levite/Cohen bloodlines are identifiable through a genetic marker.
I'm a descendant of Israel and I'm not Jewish.

Fathers side: Ephraim, Zebulun (English, Dutch).
Mother's side: Benjamin (Norway).
Other than Levy, there are no tribal markers. You have a wierd idea of your descent.
God freed us from the burden of the letter of the Law, replacing it with the spirit of the law, so we don't have to 'pre-tear' our toilet paper on Friday. God changed the Sabbath day rules from exhausting rituals to a day of rest. Thank you, Lord. :bowdown:
G-d did no such thing. If you are not Jewish, you never had the "burden" of the Mitzvot.
Other than Levy, there are no tribal markers. You have a wierd idea of your descent.
Levy (Levi) wasn't a Jew, he was a Levite, tribe of Levi.
You have no Jewish markers, yet you call yourselves 'tribal Jews', then tell me that I'm not descendant of other tribes. You can't have it both ways.

No one is researching the other tribal markers, as far as I know. They don't believe the other descendants exist anymore.
Here’s what’s going on:

SOME people, with disdain for Jews, find ways to reduce their numbers. The most horrific of course was Hitler’s extermination of half of the world’s Jews, but there are subtler ways, such as we see here with the OP: trying to redefine who qualifies as Jews.

Apparently, 2% of the U.S. population is too much for him. He’s aiming for lower.
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Levy (Levi) wasn't a Jew, he was a Levite, tribe of Levi.
You have no Jewish markers, yet you call yourselves 'tribal Jews', then tell me that I'm not descendant of other tribes. You can't have it both ways.

No one is researching the other tribal markers, as far as I know. They don't believe the other descendants exist anymore.
I‘m 99.8% Ashkenazi Jewish.
This entire Ephod business, which I had never heard of until today, is immaterial to Judaism as far as Im concerned - and apparently as other Jews are concerned as well. That’s why I never learned about it in Sunday School, and why my parents spent the time instilling in me Jewish values and teaching me Jewish laws and traditions - starting with no coloring books and crayons on Shabbat! - instead of what’s on an apron. Not important.
G-d did no such thing. If you are not Jewish, you never had the "burden" of the Mitzvot.
He did but the Jews refused the change.

I was a member of a church that kept many of the OT laws. Trust me, it was a burden, socially, physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. :(
He did but the Jews refused the change.

I was a member of a church that kept many of the OT laws. Trust me, it was a burden, socially, physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. :(
So you were one of those Messianic Jews? Why would a church keep laws intended for Jews?

And G-d did not change his laws for Jews. That’s only what Christians think.
I'm .01 Jewish, probably Ashkenazi as well. (Ancestry. com.)
That’s nothing, and you’re not Jewish. All it means is that sometime in the 15th century, one of your ancestors had a child with a person who was descended from someone who had a child with a Jew in the 11th century, or something like that.

Unless you’re from Africa, you have more Neanderthal DNA than Jewish DNA!
So you were one of those Messianic Jews? Why would a church keep laws intended for Jews?

And G-d did not change his laws for Jews. That’s only what Christians think.

The Law was given to all Israel and administered by the Levites. It was the ritual and civil law of Israel as a theocracy.

Until the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, the Worldwide Church of God did. Some 'breakaway' ministries still do. The difference was that we saw the advent and sacrifice of Jesus Christ as well as the future destiny of the church in most of the rituals, especially the annual holy days.

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