Zone1 The Ephod, according to Jewish teaching.

The Law was given to all Israel and administered by the Levites. It was the ritual and civil law of Israel as a theocracy.

Until the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, the Worldwide Church of God did. Some 'breakaway' ministries still do. The difference was that we saw the advent and sacrifice of Jesus Christ as well as the future destiny of the church in most of the rituals, especially the annual holy days.
What do you mean it was given to “all Israel”? Are you using a piece of land instead of people? The law was given to Jews at Mt. Sinai, for them and all their descendants.
That’s nothing, and you’re not Jewish. All it means is that sometime in the 15th century, one of your ancestors had a child with a person who was descended from someone who had a child with a Jew in the 11th century, or something like that.

Unless you’re from Africa, you have more Neanderthal DNA than Jewish DNA!
Of course. As I said I'm Ephraimite, Zebulunite, and Benjamite (with a little Welch as well).
The Law was given to all Israel and administered by the Levites. It was the ritual and civil law of Israel as a theocracy.

Until the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, the Worldwide Church of God did. Some 'breakaway' ministries still do. The difference was that we saw the advent and sacrifice of Jesus Christ as well as the future destiny of the church in most of the rituals, especially the annual holy days.
Ah..YOU “saw,“ did you, while those stubborn Jews refused to fall in line? And your intent with this Ephod thread was to try to demean Jews as considering themselves so superior.

Every time a Christian like you lords it over Jews with how “you saw” and they refuse, you reveal how you feel Christians are superior and Jews inferior. Why else quote from the Christian Bible about the synagogue of Satan?
The Law was given to all Israel and administered by the Levites. It was the ritual and civil law of Israel as a theocracy.

wrong again----the administration of law fell to the elected members of the Sanhedrin
Ah..l.saw YOU “saw,“ did you, while those stubborn Jews refused to fall in line? And your intent with this Ephod thread was to try to demean Jews as considering themselves so superior.

Every time a Christian like you lords it over Jews with how “you saw” and they refuse, you reveal how you feel Christians are superior and Jews inferior. Why else quote from the Christian Bible about the synagogue of Satan?
I'm just trying to help Jews overcome their misunderstanding of the ephod. They think all twelve tribes represented are... Jews.
I'm just trying to help Jews overcome their misunderstanding of the ephod. They think all twelve tribes represented are... Jews.
Nobody asked for your help. Talk about feeling superior! We don’t need a Christian “helping Jews” think they’re not Jewish after all.
What do you mean it was given to “all Israel”? Are you using a piece of land instead of people? The law was given to Jews at Mt. Sinai, for them and all their descendants.

"All Israel" means all Israelites, all the tribes.

All twelve tribes were present for the event. Once again, my point.

Exodus 34:31-33​

31 And Moses called unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him: and Moses talked with them.

32 And afterward all the children of Israel came nigh: and he gave them in commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him in mount Sinai.
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Nobody asked for your help. Talk about feeling superior! We don’t need a Christian “helping Jews” think they’re not Jewish after all.
I'm presenting the case without prejudice. Do you not believe that Rabbi Moishe (OP link) believes in the superiority of the Jews?
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irosie91 said,
"wrong again----the administration of law fell to the elected members of the Sanhedrin."

The Levites administered the rituals of the law, the Sanhedrin judged from the Law.
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Nobody asked for your help. Talk about feeling superior! We don’t need a Christian “helping Jews” think they’re not Jewish after all.
Read this and tell me if it make any sense to you.
You are so adorable, trying to teach Jews about who we are.
These articles are written by Jews, for all to consider, else why post them on the internet?

I'm addressing what you believe and know, not who you are. That's what this forum is all about, to discuss religion.
And then he accuses US of thinking we’re superior! So ironic.
I didn't bring superiority in any form into the discussion. Knowing something that you don't doesn't suggest that I'm superior. But a tidbit of new knowledge can have huge ramifications. That tidbit can actually help Jews by freeing them up from some self-imposed responsibilities.
if it make any sense to you.
The question is, Why the Law? A more vital question to address is, What is the Law? First, the Law has been described as an entire tapestry of God's will and divine intent/purpose. No law stands in isolation, each is part of the whole. When one starts picking and choosing pieces of the Law to follow (or not follow), this disobedience results is a lack of discipline which results in an unraveling of the tapestry of God's will and divine purpose for us as a person, as a people, as a nation.

I cannot speak for Jews, but I can imagine that a Christian dismissal of the Law might well be seen as Christians dismissing God's plan and divine intent. To a faithful Jew, one can understand why that would be both blasphemy and heresy.
The question is, Why the Law? A more vital question to address is, What is the Law? First, the Law has been described as an entire tapestry of God's will and divine intent/purpose. No law stands in isolation, each is part of the whole. When one starts picking and choosing pieces of the Law to follow (or not follow), this disobedience results is a lack of discipline which results in an unraveling of the tapestry of God's will and divine purpose for us as a person, as a people, as a nation.

I cannot speak for Jews, but I can imagine that a Christian dismissal of the Law might well be seen as Christians dismissing God's plan and divine intent. To a faithful Jew, one can understand why that would be both blasphemy and heresy.
Jewish scholars and Rabbi's update the spiritual aspect of the Law regularly, so there's little difference in the general application between they and Christians. However, most Jews pay little attention to either the letter or spirit of the law, as do most Christians, else the world would be a much better place.
Jewish scholars and Rabbi's update the spiritual aspect of the Law regularly, so there's little difference in the general application between they and Christians. However, most Jews pay little attention to either the letter or spirit of the law, as do most Christians, else the world would be a much better place.
Too much of a broad brush. Obeying the Law is an offering to God, and no one should spit on--or denigrate/dismiss in the slightest way--anyone's offering to God. The world is ever changing, it is in constant flux, and bless the Jewish scholars and Rabbis' constant study of how God's Law is best applied in this changing environment.

Christians have their own issues--perhaps how we can help others in this environment without our fellow Christians accusing us of trying to work/earn our way into heaven?
That tidbit can actually help Jews by freeing them up from some self-imposed responsibilities.
We have nothing to free ourselves from. We are following the Mitzvot as commanded by G-d. You are not a Jew, what does it matter to you?
We have nothing to free ourselves from. We are following the Mitzvot as commanded by G-d. You are not a Jew, what does it matter to you?
It’s quite odd, isn’t it? A non-Jew so concerned with trying to convince practicing Jews that they don’t need to follow the laws. What business is it of his, for example, if I only eat seafood with fins and scales? It’s not as if we are telling non-Jews they have to give up the lobster they love so much.

i believe it is a way of eradicating Jew, not by gassing them, but by trying to get them to abandon Judaism.

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