The era of white guilt wokeness, George Floyd and BLM…is now the time to launch a third party…The Black Party?

No progressive policies have the support of the majority of Americans?
1. Abortion rights are supported by the majority.
2. Some type of universal healthcare is supported by the majority
3. Addressing climate change is supported by most Americans
4. Covid vaccinations are supported by most Americans
5. Fair taxation is supported by most Americans
6. Solving the wealth inequality is supported by most Americans
7. Raising minimum wage is supported by most Americans.

I could go on. You're a fucking liar.
Hahaha…we both know the ‘harvested / recruited’ faction of America found in our big shities such as Loon York and Mexifornia support anti American regressive policies. Ummm, that’s kind of why the were planted by the party of filth.
Real, core Americans don’t support that filthy shit.
Hahaha…we both know the ‘harvested / recruited’ faction of America found in our big shities such as Loon York and Mexifornia support anti American regressive policies. Ummm, that’s kind of why the were planted by the party of filth.
Real, core Americans don’t support that filthy shit.
What a garbled mess that post of yours was. You arent a real American. You're a filthy low end white slob the rest of us whites laugh at.
Hahahaha….thats some funny shit.
You must have forgot, Democrats make a living compartmentalizing the electorate…its what they do.
The Democratic party that is more diverse and representative of what America looks like? You jest.
The Democratic party that is more diverse and representative of what America looks like? You jest.
There is not issue with equality. there is an issue with admitting to equity and taxing people endlessly for any other reason.
Not all Democrats are bright, but some of them are smart enough to to the math. Democrats realize they need the black vote to win elections. Enough blacks (not all of them) are smart enough to realize they're only 12% of the population and can't have their own political party.

Down the road when minorities become 51% of the population, watch out.
You have to consider the Twilight Zone-ish times we’re in…There is a huge faction of Dems who take great pride in their wokeness…they have zero interest in voting the nation on a positive trajectory….they want to vote on social issues only and they don’t give a shit if America burns to the ground so long as their woke agenda is pushed. Think about it, we have seemingly half smart people like Mac1958 willing to vote against American prosperity and the most pro American president in decades because he doesn’t pretend to be presidential enough and he tweets mean things aimed at Americas bottom feeders and least common denominators.
Again, I believe the wokesters have pigeonholed themselves…..Vote for the Black Party or don’t and be a racist
The Democratic party that is more diverse and representative of what America looks like? You jest.
Yes, the Dem Party that refers to their segregated classes as follows:
The black community
The LGBTQ community
The muslim community
The latino community
By the way, do they have a white community…I never hear them speak of one?
You have to consider the Twilight Zone-ish times we’re in…There is a huge faction of Dems who take great pride in their wokeness…they have zero interest in voting the nation on a positive trajectory….they want to vote on social issues only and they don’t give a shit if America burns to the ground so long as their woke agenda is pushed. Think about it, we have seemingly half smart people like Mac1958 willing to vote against American prosperity and the most pro American president in decades because he doesn’t pretend to be presidential enough and he tweets mean things aimed at Americas bottom feeders and least common denominators.
Again, I believe the wokesters have pigeonholed themselves…..Vote for the Black Party or don’t and be a racist
Nope, you're still the only one cornholing themselves over this hilarious hot take.
What a garbled mess that post of yours was. You arent a real American. You're a filthy low end white slob the rest of us whites laugh at.
Help get that Black Party off the ground woke white guilter. Let’s do this!
Nope, you're still the only one cornholing themselves over this hilarious hot take.
It’s odd that you don’t have any confidence in blacks being able to pull this off in these times….the window is closing fast….ACT NOW!
This isn't anyone's idea but yours corn hole. It's all yours. Lol.
True….and a brilliant idea it is. All you have to do is have confidence in your people being able to finally stand on their own two feet and pull it off. Trust me, this isn’t like making it to the polls or getting an iD, you don’t need whitey to lead you on this one and you don’t need the brown folks whom are unwoke and fleeing.
You have everybody you need basically at gunpoint….LETS DO DIS!
True….and a brilliant idea it is.
If you say so clown, but you're the only one who is.
All you have to do is have confidence in your people being able to finally stand on their own two feet and pull it off. Trust me, this isn’t like making it to the polls or getting an iD, you don’t need whitey to lead you on this one and you don’t need the brown folks whom are unwoke and fleeing.
The only thing I trust you to do is to continue to embarrass yourself because you think it owns the libs. Lol.
You have everybody you need basically at gunpoint….LETS DO DIS!
Lol. I get why your chosen genre would be comedy, you certainly couldn't project strength. Lol.
Yes, the Dem Party that refers to their segregated classes as follows:
The black community
The LGBTQ community
The muslim community
The latino community
By the way, do they have a white community…I never hear them speak of one?
Yep, all unified along with millions of whites. Then you have the white party with just a minor smattering of diversity. You guys have what maybe 2 blacks Republicans in Congress.
Yep, all unified along with millions of whites. Then you have the white party with just a minor smattering of diversity. You guys have what maybe 2 blacks Republicans in Congress.
Yeah silly us…we don’t dangle the free shit carrot in front of dark people and we don’t recruit based on skin color, genitalia, sexuality and the like. Those who gravitate toward the GOP do so because they support the American value system, the American way, American tradition, history and culture.
What else do you want to learn about?
You totally would, right?

Isn't it weird that a white supremacist wants a black party?
Ofcourse I wouldn’t support the Black Party…but unlike you Mexicrats I have no interest in keeping them shackled up on the plantation…I’m simply making a suggestion that may advance them past the 1965 you’ve held them in.

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