The events in Jerusalem


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
This thread is less factual news and more updates on the happenings in Jerusalem following the events of last night and early morning.

As you may followed or not, I'll post things as I myself personally understood them: Early morning, around 4 am today, It was reported about a missing boy from Shuefat (Jerusalem), he was seen entering (willingly or by force, not sure on the details) to a white vehicle.

It's not sure who reported the boy missing, but facts are that he was found around 6 in the morning in Jerusalem forest.

In the car there were traces of DNA and his blood.

Some sources say that 3 Arabs were arrested the same morning, for suspicion of an 'inside crime', his family of Abu Hdeir is known in Jerusalem to have feuds with other Arab families in Jerusalem.

However, due to the facts that he was possibly kidnapped, for it's still unclear of what exactly happened, the Palestinians blame the Jews and settlers of 'crime of revenge' for killing the three boys, and Abu Mazen blamed Israel for killing the boy and demanded condemntion.

What some of the Arabs in Shuefat say, is a different story. Some say he was killed by his own family, which suspected he must be gay, and finished him of for "family honor". Officers in Israeli police claimed the murder was not for revenge, but for "other reasons".

Tzipi Livni condemned the murder on her facebook page, but quickly removed the condemntion, something which raised the eyebrow of many Israelis, who asked what does Livni know which caused her to take back the apology? Is it possible she was too quick to blame the settlers for doing something they might not have done?

This is up for the police to decide.

However, the events of the boy's death took a wild turn, and the police is not done investigating. In the riots following, 2 train stations were burned down by Arabs, and 2 female reporters were attacks, one female reporter from Walla! Israeli news network, and the other from YNET.

An Arab man, the protesters suspected was undercover cop was almost lynched to death, and it was only a miracle that things didn't end worse.

In addition, two pipe boms were planted next two the Jerusalemite trolley, but no one was hurt. Due to the still continues rioting, some Arab civilians were also attacked by Jewish residents in Jerusalem.

Officers and secutiry forces teams were attacked.

The United States now calles for its people not to approach the points of contention in the capital.

This is far as the events known.

Personally, I hope the case of the deceased boy is quickly solved, and the killers will br braught to justice, no matter who they are or what their reasons.

In hopes no one else gets hurt, for this is the last thing Israel needs.
This thread is less factual news and more updates on the happenings in Jerusalem following the events of last night and early morning.

As you may followed or not, I'll post things as I myself personally understood them: Early morning, around 4 am today, It was reported about a missing boy from Shuefat (Jerusalem), he was seen entering (willingly or by force, not sure on the details) to a white vehicle.

It's not sure who reported the boy missing, but facts are that he was found around 6 in the morning in Jerusalem forest.

In the car there were traces of DNA and his blood.

Some sources say that 3 Arabs were arrested the same morning, for suspicion of an 'inside crime', his family of Abu Hdeir is known in Jerusalem to have feuds with other Arab families in Jerusalem.

However, due to the facts that he was possibly kidnapped, for it's still unclear of what exactly happened, the Palestinians blame the Jews and settlers of 'crime of revenge' for killing the three boys, and Abu Mazen blamed Israel for killing the boy and demanded condemntion.

What some of the Arabs in Shuefat say, is a different story. Some say he was killed by his own family, which suspected he must be gay, and finished him of for "family honor". Officers in Israeli police claimed the murder was not for revenge, but for "other reasons".

Tzipi Livni condemned the murder on her facebook page, but quickly removed the condemntion, something which raised the eyebrow of many Israelis, who asked what does Livni know which caused her to take back the apology? Is it possible she was too quick to blame the settlers for doing something they might not have done?

This is up for the police to decide.

However, the events of the boy's death took a wild turn, and the police is not done investigating. In the riots following, 2 train stations were burned down by Arabs, and 2 female reporters were attacks, one female reporter from Walla! Israeli news network, and the other from YNET.

An Arab man, the protesters suspected was undercover cop was almost lynched to death, and it was only a miracle that things didn't end worse.

In addition, two pipe boms were planted next two the Jerusalemite trolley, but no one was hurt. Due to the still continues rioting, some Arab civilians were also attacked by Jewish residents in Jerusalem.

Officers and secutiry forces teams were attacked.

The United States now calles for its people not to approach the points of contention in the capital.

This is far as the events known.

Personally, I hope the case of the deceased boy is quickly solved, and the killers will br braught to justice, no matter who they are or what their reasons.

In hopes no one else gets hurt, for this is the last thing Israel needs.

>>Netanyahu ordered a swift investigation to find “who is behind the reprehensible murder and what the motive was.” In a statement, he urged all sides not to take the law into their own hands.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat issued a statement strongly condemning the murder, calling it a "horrible and barbaric act." Barkat called on all sides to exercise restraint.<<

17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khudair

>>Yishai Fraenkel, whose nephew Naftali was one of the three Israeli teenagers killed in the West Bank, issued a strong statement to Israeli media on behalf of her family.

“We do not know precisely what occurred in east Jerusalem tonight and the police are investigating. If indeed an Arab youth has been murdered for nationalistic motive, this is a horrifying, shocking act. There is no difference in blood," Fraenkel said in the statement published in Hebrew on news sites. "Murder is murder, whatever one’s nationality or age. There is no justification, no forgiveness and no atonement for any murder whatsoever.”<<

Sadly in the climate of the region, clashes were to be expected.
Both sides need to be sprayed with a strong fire hose to cool them down.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem Palestinians always got dey's intifatas inna gather `bout sumpin'...

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital, Calls for Moving Embassy There
December 6, 2017 | President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced that the U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and has instructed the State Department to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thereby fulfilling his campaign promise.
“When I came into office, I promised to look at the world’s challenges with open eyes and very fresh thinking. We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past. All challenges demand new approaches,” he said. “My announcement today marks the beginning of a new approach to conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. In 1995, Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy Act, urging the federal government to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem and recognize that that city and so importantly is Israel’s capital. This act passed Congress by an overwhelming bipartisan majority and was reaffirmed by unanimous vote of the Senate only six months ago,” the president said.

“Yet, for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the law’s waiver, refusing to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem or to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. Presidents issued these waivers under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem will advance the cause of peace,” Trump said. “Some say they lacked courage, but they made their best judgment based on facts as they understood them at the time. Nevertheless, the record is in. After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians,” he said. “It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result. Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” Trump added. “Acknowledging this as a fact is is a necessary condition for achieving peace.”

The president said that President Harry Truman recognized the state of Israel over 70 years ago. He noted that Jerusalem is “the seat of the modern Israeli government” as well as “the home of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, as well as the Israeli Supreme Court.” “It is the location of the official residence of the prime minister and the president. It is the headquarters of many government ministries,” he said. Furthermore, it is the place where U.S. presidents, secretaries of state and military leaders meet with their Israeli counterparts when visiting Israel as the president did during his trip to the Middle East earlier this year. “Jerusalem is not just the heart of three great religions, but it is now also the heart of one of the most successful democracies in the world,” the president said. “Over the past seven decades, the Israeli people have built a country where Jews, Muslims, and Christians and people of all faiths are free to live and worship according to their conscience and according to their beliefs.

“Jerusalem is today and must remain a place where Jews pray at the Western wall, where Christians walk the stations of the cross and where Muslims worship at Al Aqsa Mosque. However, through all of these years, presidents representing the United States have declined to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” Trump said. “In fact, we have declined to acknowledge any Israeli capital at all, but today we finally acknowledge the obvious, that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done,” he said. “That is why consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy Act, I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This will immediately begin the process of hiring architects, engineers, and planners so that a new embassy when completed will be a magnificent tribute to peace,” Trump said.

The president clarified that his decision does not “reflect a departure from our strong commitment to facilitate a lasting peace agreement.” “We want an agreement that is a great deal for the Israelis and a great deal for the Palestinians. We are not taking a position of any final status issues, including the specific boundaries, Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem or the resolution of contested borders. Those questions are up to the parties involved. The United States remains deeply committed to helping facilitate a peace agreement that is acceptable to both sides,” Trump said. “I intend to do everything in my power to help forge such an agreement,” he said. “Without question, Jerusalem is one of the most sensitive issues in those talks. The United States would support a two-state solution if agreed to both sides. In the meantime, I call on all parties to maintain the status quo at Jerusalem’s holy sites, including the Temple Mount, also known as Haram ash Sharif.”

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital, Calls for Moving Embassy There

See also:

Israel airstrikes, Gaza rockets amid tensions over Jerusalem
Sat December 9, 2017 - Two Palestinians were killed Saturday in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, the Palestinian Health Ministry said, as tensions rose in the region after US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The Israel Defense Forces said aircraft had targeted what it identified as four facilities belonging to Hamas -- the Palestinian Islamist group that controls Gaza -- early Saturday in response to rockets fired into southern Israel from Gaza. The aircraft targeted two weapons manufacturing sites, a weapons warehouse and a military compound, according to an IDF statement. The two Palestinians killed were men, 27 and 30 years old, Palestinian Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qadra told CNN. The IDF said Israeli aircraft had also struck a Hamas training compound and ammunition warehouse late Friday in Gaza. One of the rockets fired from Gaza landed in the Israeli city of Sderot, according to the IDF. There was no mention of casualties.

Two Palestinians were killed Friday in Gaza in clashes between protesters and Israeli forces over Trump's controversial move. Mohammad Masry, 30, was killed when fired on by Israeli forces, and Maher Atallah, 54, died of injuries sustained in clashes earlier that day, the health ministry spokesman said. Both Palestinians and Israelis claim Jerusalem as their capital. Sporadic clashes erupted Saturday between Palestinian protesters and Israeli forces on a busy shopping street in the eastern part of Jerusalem and in the West Bank towns of Bethlehem and Ramallah. Israeli forces responded with tear gas, stun grenades and rubber bullets as small groups of protesters threw rocks. Seven people were arrested during the clashes on Salah el-Din Street in Jerusalem, Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.


Palestinians look at damage Saturday after an Israeli airstrike in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.​

Rosenfeld later said via Twitter that four officers were slightly injured by stones and 13 protesters were arrested at the Damascus Gate area. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported treating 231 people in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza. Of those, 12 had gunshot wounds, 24 were hit by rubber bullets and 172 were treated for tear gas inhalation.
Meanwhile, crowds of mourners gathered in Gaza for the funerals of the four men killed there. An Israeli army statement said what it called violent riots had broken out Friday in about 30 locations across the West Bank and Gaza. The main disturbances in the West Bank were in Hebron, Al-Arroub, Tulkarm, Ramallah, Qalqilya and Nablus. More than 300 people were injured Friday across the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem, 50 of whom needed hospital treatment, the Palestinian Authority's Health Ministry said. At least 49 people were injured Thursday during protests over Trump's decision, the Palestinian Red Crescent said.

Trump's move Wednesday to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and commit to moving the US Embassy to the holy city has prompted international condemnation and sparked protests in countries around the globe, from Indonesia and Malaysia to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey and Egypt. Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki told reporters in Cairo on Saturday that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will not meet with US Vice President Mike Pence during his planned visit this month to the region. Malki said the Palestinian Authority considers the United States "has withdrawn ... from the peace process" and "positioned itself as an actor in the conflict and not as a mediator." Calling the Trump administration decision "illegal and illegitimate and null and void legally and politically," Malki said there would be no formal communication with US officials. He said the Palestinian leadership has "no intention of withdrawing from the peace process" and will instead seek a new mediator to work toward a two-state solution.

US envoy to UN defends Trump move
Mohammed Abu Khudair
Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli settlers on an East Jerusalem street.[4][5] His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive....
Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir - Wikipedia

This damn settler thing is ridiculous and now an ongoing war crime for 1/2 a century.
Mohammed Abu Khudair
Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli settlers on an East Jerusalem street.[4][5] His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive....
Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir - Wikipedia

This damn settler thing is ridiculous and now an ongoing war crime for 1/2 a century.

The murder was horrible, probably revenge for the 3 Israeli teenagers that were kidnapped and executed by Hamas.

This is what they got:
On 30 November 2015, the two minors involved were found guilty of Khdeirs' murder, and were respectively sentenced to life and 21 years imprisonment on 4 February. On 3 May 2016, Ben David was sentenced to life in prison and an additional 20 years.[26]

Q. If they were Arabs would You be more supportive, claiming Jews are fair game, and no one deserves jail?
Mohammed Abu Khudair
Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli settlers on an East Jerusalem street.[4][5] His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive....
Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir - Wikipedia

This damn settler thing is ridiculous and now an ongoing war crime for 1/2 a century.

That was three years ago ... since then, there have been 48,000 homicides in the United States.

But, but all means, stay fixated on Israel.
Mohammed Abu Khudair
Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli settlers on an East Jerusalem street.[4][5] His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive....
Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir - Wikipedia

This damn settler thing is ridiculous and now an ongoing war crime for 1/2 a century.

That was three years ago ... since then, there have been 48,000 homicides in the United States.

But, but all means, stay fixated on Israel.

And, although it was wrong, it was in response to the awful kidnapping and execution of 3 innocent Israeli teens.
Mohammed Abu Khudair
Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli settlers on an East Jerusalem street.[4][5] His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive....
Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir - Wikipedia

This damn settler thing is ridiculous and now an ongoing war crime for 1/2 a century.

That was three years ago ... since then, there have been 48,000 homicides in the United States.

But, but all means, stay fixated on Israel.

And, although it was wrong, it was in response to the awful kidnapping and execution of 3 innocent Israeli teens.
Both murders were reprehensible.
Mohammed Abu Khudair
Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli settlers on an East Jerusalem street.[4][5] His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive....
Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir - Wikipedia

This damn settler thing is ridiculous and now an ongoing war crime for 1/2 a century.

The murder was horrible, probably revenge for the 3 Israeli teenagers that were kidnapped and executed by Hamas.

This is what they got:
On 30 November 2015, the two minors involved were found guilty of Khdeirs' murder, and were respectively sentenced to life and 21 years imprisonment on 4 February. On 3 May 2016, Ben David was sentenced to life in prison and an additional 20 years.[26]

Q. If they were Arabs would You be more supportive, claiming Jews are fair game, and no one deserves jail?
Do not expect abi to answer any question that the honest answer of which would blow her narrative away. I know this from experience here on this board.
Do not expect abi to answer any question that the honest answer of which would blow her narrative away. I know this from experience here on this board.
Be specific, teddy, what would you like answered this time?
Well, I have asked no questions of you in this thread. Therefore to ask them here would be considered off topic. Why not find them and answer there?

But if the board will indulge me I ask one here. Say you're watching a protest minding your own business when suddenly the protestors start throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails and burning tires at you.

Whatcha going to do?
Well, I have asked no questions of you in this thread. Therefore to ask them here would be considered off topic. Why not find them and answer there?

But if the board will indulge me I ask one here. Say you're watching a protest minding your own business when suddenly the protestors start throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails and burning tires at you.

Whatcha going to do?
Why would any protesters be throwing anything at me? What are you talking about? I guess I would take cover.

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