The Everywhere Is Warming Faster Than Everywhere Thread

Run along, child.

Speaking of running, I note your failure to condemn the Republican attempts to jail climate scientists, even though you were asked specifically about your opinion there.

The only thing worse that a Stalinist is a gutless Stalinist. That's you. If you're thrilled about jailing the opposition, and you clearly are, then own it. Be proud of being the Stalinist hack that you are.

(Don't worry, nobody expected you to have a spine. TheParty removed that when you joined.)

Oh, here's a long list of denier Stalinist censorship, just to give you more of a tingle up the leg.

Silencing Climate Science - Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Run along, child.

Speaking of running, I note your failure to condemn the Republican attempts to jail climate scientists, even though you were asked specifically about your opinion there.

The only thing worse that a Stalinist is a gutless Stalinist. That's you. If you're thrilled about jailing the opposition, and you clearly are, then own it. Be proud of being the Stalinist hack that you are.

(Don't worry, nobody expected you to have a spine. TheParty removed that when you joined.)

Oh, here's a long list of denier Stalinist censorship, just to give you more of a tingle up the leg.

Silencing Climate Science - Sabin Center for Climate Change Law

Which of those actions are attempts to jail climate scientists who have committed no crime?

And such talk is funny coming from someone who supports the ongoing effort to silence any critic of the failed AGW hypothesis....the hypocrisy literally drips..
Run along, child.

Speaking of running, I note your failure to condemn the Republican attempts to jail climate scientists, even though you were asked specifically about your opinion there.

The only thing worse that a Stalinist is a gutless Stalinist. That's you. If you're thrilled about jailing the opposition, and you clearly are, then own it. Be proud of being the Stalinist hack that you are.

(Don't worry, nobody expected you to have a spine. TheParty removed that when you joined.)

Oh, here's a long list of denier Stalinist censorship, just to give you more of a tingle up the leg.

Silencing Climate Science - Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Odd. Nothing in there about jailing anybody.

Could you please, for once, back up your ridiculous claims?

Because no rational person believes something just because you say it. That's what you cultists do.
Odd. Nothing in there about jailing anybody.

You're actually denying that the Virginia Republican party investigated Dr. Mann for purely political reasons?

Openly revising history like that is also a hallmark of Stalinism.

Could you please, for once, back up your ridiculous claims?

Virginia Attorney General goes after Mann and UVA

Because no rational person believes something just because you say it. That's what you cultists do.

Our side has never attempted political persecutions against inconvenient scientists. Your side does. And as the comments on the WUWT piece show, nearly every denier gets a tingle up the leg at the thought of such Stalinism.

Again, the two sides are complete opposites here. Your side backs Stalinist purges of inconvenient scientists. Our side overwhelmingly opposes them, which is why you had to resort to such desperate cherrypicking.
Odd. Nothing in there about jailing anybody.

You're actually denying that the Virginia Republican party investigated Dr. Mann for purely political reasons?

Openly revising history like that is also a hallmark of Stalinism.

Could you please, for once, back up your ridiculous claims?

Virginia Attorney General goes after Mann and UVA

Because no rational person believes something just because you say it. That's what you cultists do.

Our side has never attempted political persecutions against inconvenient scientists. Your side does. And as the comments on the WUWT piece show, nearly every denier gets a tingle up the leg at the thought of such Stalinism.

Again, the two sides are complete opposites here. Your side backs Stalinist purges of inconvenient scientists. Our side overwhelmingly opposes them, which is why you had to resort to such desperate cherrypicking.
You lie. A LOT. Continually.

The only question you actually believe your own bullshit?
And when you look at regional temperature see very little warming at all...
Funny how hundredths of a degree is touted as 2.5 times faster when its inside the MOE of the instrumentation. 2.5 x 0 = 0
So what's the correct temperature? Where on the thermometer should the planet be?
Ask the scientists.
The answer always seems to be "just a little bit cooler than we are right now, and world socialism is the only thing that can save us".
Not true. I didn't say "ask the RWNJs what they think the scientists would say".

Ask the scientists.
But according to the left, everyone on the left is an expert.

I'm asking you.
I don't know who you've been talking to but neither you nor I are experts on climate change. The scientists who are believe it's real and that's good enough for me.
which scientists?
Not true. I didn't say "ask the RWNJs what they think the scientists would say".

Ask the scientists.

Ok, let’s ask these scientists- consensus my ass!

Those aren't climate scientists and you know it.

Sure, let’s believe Scientist Al Gore instead. After all he invented the Internet.

Here's some stuff from real scientists.

Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The “global warming” hoax: 30 years of failed predictions that never happened

they are now recalibrating their what if predictions cause you know, it's all they know. the 30 years of observed measured nothing, doesn't mean a damn thing to them. Now, isn't that amazing to you? it is to me. ignore 30 years and do it again, as if it didn't happen. leftists. wow. give my yo money boi!!!
Not true. I didn't say "ask the RWNJs what they think the scientists would say".

Ask the scientists.
But according to the left, everyone on the left is an expert.

I'm asking you.
I don't know who you've been talking to but neither you nor I are experts on climate change. The scientists who are believe it's real and that's good enough for me.
And the definition of "global warming expert" is, of course, "a scientist who believes in global warming".

Circular logic is not logic at all.

Meanwhile, you don't know what the proper temperature of the planet is. You just know ITS WAY TO HIGH...because that's what you've been told.
Yes, the scientists do know what the temperature is supposed to be.
What is it, then?
and where should that temperature be at? cause fk dude, it's been wicked cold here in chicago for the last six months of these genius's warming.

The caption for the graph in your tabloid link:

Scenario B from Hansen’s 1988 paper, with the trend reduced by 27% to reflect the actual radiative forcing from 1984 to 2017, compared to global surface temperature data from Cowtan & Way.
LOL! They admit they're massaging the data.

And Cowtan & Way seem to start with their conclusion and work backwards.

Closing remarks

It very much looks that the trend break-point in the Cowtan and Way data is itself a result of a bias, and miserable failure, likely when trying to account for the positive polar amplification – the problem is that most likely in times when there is quite likely a negative one.

It very much looks there quite is no reason to believe there is a warming trend in the global surface temperatures at least since 2005 – and even much less because of a bias in the global surface temperature anomalies due to the allegedly insufficient coverage in the tropical and polar regions.

In fact the global sea-ice data supported by multiple other data-sets give quite a very compelling evidence to the contrary.

And data is what counts in the science, which has the method based on the falsification not a confirmation bias. If the data don’t agree with a hypothesis it is in the overwhelming majority of cases the hypothesis which is falsified, not the data.

In this case the extensive real data quite falsify a hypothesis literally based on no data (which are invented to make such hypothesis possible) moreover clearly postulated to significantly change the outcome of the real official data-set (whatever we maybe think about the Hadley Center, CRU and MetOffice at least it is based on real measurements and with still relatively conservative approach without infills when compared to other global data-sets as NCDC or GISTEMP LOTI*) and moreover for such purpose with quite clear intent to cast a doubt about the current at the very least flat if not a cooling global surface temperature anomaly trend.

Will we believe that while the ocean somewhere cools (-as Bob Tisdale shows for southern ocean – see the footnote – and there is virtually nothing else there than ocean between the Antarctica and the 60S) – which looks quite confirmed by the rising sea ice extent there and while the tropics cool too with quite impressive rate and moeover we do not find a rising temperature trend in Arctic in any of the two satellite datasets – will we really believe there is a warming trend? A warming somewhere (maybe in Antarctica and around, and most likely not) somehow able to change the whole most likely flat or descending global surface temperature anomaly trend into a warming one – moreover with a “hypothesis that warming has accelerated…four times as likely as the hypothesis that warming has stopped“? Or we will rather take it as for other reasons than a global warming overheated Cowtan and Way computers dream?

To put it differently: Besides the data, isn’t the pathetic effort to manufacture a global warming trend using HadCRUT4 dataset and cherrypicked satellite data perhaps to allow the CAGW meme persist a little bit more, deliberately or not, the best sign of cooling?​

He was looking 30 years into the future with limited data sets and still got within 30%?

Looks pretty amazing to me.

ohhhhhkay Francis.
But according to the left, everyone on the left is an expert.

I'm asking you.
I don't know who you've been talking to but neither you nor I are experts on climate change. The scientists who are believe it's real and that's good enough for me.
And the definition of "global warming expert" is, of course, "a scientist who believes in global warming".

Circular logic is not logic at all.

Meanwhile, you don't know what the proper temperature of the planet is. You just know ITS WAY TO HIGH...because that's what you've been told.
Yes, the scientists do know what the temperature is supposed to be.
What is it, then?
Ask them.
ask who?
The caption for the graph in your tabloid link:

Scenario B from Hansen’s 1988 paper, with the trend reduced by 27% to reflect the actual radiative forcing from 1984 to 2017, compared to global surface temperature data from Cowtan & Way.
LOL! They admit they're massaging the data.

And Cowtan & Way seem to start with their conclusion and work backwards.

Closing remarks

It very much looks that the trend break-point in the Cowtan and Way data is itself a result of a bias, and miserable failure, likely when trying to account for the positive polar amplification – the problem is that most likely in times when there is quite likely a negative one.

It very much looks there quite is no reason to believe there is a warming trend in the global surface temperatures at least since 2005 – and even much less because of a bias in the global surface temperature anomalies due to the allegedly insufficient coverage in the tropical and polar regions.

In fact the global sea-ice data supported by multiple other data-sets give quite a very compelling evidence to the contrary.

And data is what counts in the science, which has the method based on the falsification not a confirmation bias. If the data don’t agree with a hypothesis it is in the overwhelming majority of cases the hypothesis which is falsified, not the data.

In this case the extensive real data quite falsify a hypothesis literally based on no data (which are invented to make such hypothesis possible) moreover clearly postulated to significantly change the outcome of the real official data-set (whatever we maybe think about the Hadley Center, CRU and MetOffice at least it is based on real measurements and with still relatively conservative approach without infills when compared to other global data-sets as NCDC or GISTEMP LOTI*) and moreover for such purpose with quite clear intent to cast a doubt about the current at the very least flat if not a cooling global surface temperature anomaly trend.

Will we believe that while the ocean somewhere cools (-as Bob Tisdale shows for southern ocean – see the footnote – and there is virtually nothing else there than ocean between the Antarctica and the 60S) – which looks quite confirmed by the rising sea ice extent there and while the tropics cool too with quite impressive rate and moeover we do not find a rising temperature trend in Arctic in any of the two satellite datasets – will we really believe there is a warming trend? A warming somewhere (maybe in Antarctica and around, and most likely not) somehow able to change the whole most likely flat or descending global surface temperature anomaly trend into a warming one – moreover with a “hypothesis that warming has accelerated…four times as likely as the hypothesis that warming has stopped“? Or we will rather take it as for other reasons than a global warming overheated Cowtan and Way computers dream?

To put it differently: Besides the data, isn’t the pathetic effort to manufacture a global warming trend using HadCRUT4 dataset and cherrypicked satellite data perhaps to allow the CAGW meme persist a little bit more, deliberately or not, the best sign of cooling?​
He was looking 30 years into the future with limited data sets and still got within 30%?

Looks pretty amazing to me.
Massaged and cherry-picked data says he got within 30%. Sucker.
you're hopeless son.
Coming from a cultist, that's absolutely meaningless.
Yer damn right it is, but you are confused about who's in the cult, denier.
woa, if you don't know what the temperature is supposed to be, how do you know it's too warm?
Lol, where did I threaten anything?
you support those who are, therefore, you threatened us.
Don't play stupid. I mean, you're not really playing, but it's clear what you meant. You would kill deniers if you could.

Good thing you're a coward, huh?
Actually yes I am playing with you.

It's kinda fun because you kids will just believe anything that supports your bias with a seconds thought.
our bias of what? we have no bias. we believe in science and not consensus, your bias is your consensus. no objectivity no enough isn't enough. see, that's a bias, never a thought or a moment to consider.
So are you for bombing coal plants in China and India to save the world?

As that's genocidal, you're hilariously stupid for suggesting it.

No? Build hundreds of nuclear power plants? No?

As that's insanely expensive, no. Renewables would give much better bang for buck. In your unicorn world, money doesn't matter, but it does matter to rational people.

You’re full of shit and know it’s all bullshit.

All you can do is weep out what you read on WUWT. The cult speaks, you repeat. The problem for you is they always say stupid things, so you always end up looking stupid. Don't you ever get tired of your cult leaders leaving you twisting in the wind?
woa wait, we must save the planet right? if those evil chinese are destroying our planet with bad coal, you should be willing to take those plants out, right? you're demanding that here.
Run along, child.

Speaking of running, I note your failure to condemn the Republican attempts to jail climate scientists, even though you were asked specifically about your opinion there.

The only thing worse that a Stalinist is a gutless Stalinist. That's you. If you're thrilled about jailing the opposition, and you clearly are, then own it. Be proud of being the Stalinist hack that you are.

(Don't worry, nobody expected you to have a spine. TheParty removed that when you joined.)

Oh, here's a long list of denier Stalinist censorship, just to give you more of a tingle up the leg.

Silencing Climate Science - Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
No where does it say anyone is trying to arrest any climate cultist. You lied. Again.
Ask the scientists.
The answer always seems to be "just a little bit cooler than we are right now, and world socialism is the only thing that can save us".
Not true. I didn't say "ask the RWNJs what they think the scientists would say".

Ask the scientists.
But according to the left, everyone on the left is an expert.

I'm asking you.
I don't know who you've been talking to but neither you nor I are experts on climate change. The scientists who are believe it's real and that's good enough for me.
which scientists?
97% of them.
I don't know who you've been talking to but neither you nor I are experts on climate change. The scientists who are believe it's real and that's good enough for me.
And the definition of "global warming expert" is, of course, "a scientist who believes in global warming".

Circular logic is not logic at all.

Meanwhile, you don't know what the proper temperature of the planet is. You just know ITS WAY TO HIGH...because that's what you've been told.
Yes, the scientists do know what the temperature is supposed to be.
What is it, then?
Ask them.
ask who?
Pick 10 scientists at random. Ask them

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