The Evidence Supporting Prop 8 As Law In California Becomes Overwhelming

you gay marriage advocates can play all the word games that you want to play, but the basic truths of biology will invalidate your position every time.

Homosexuality is not normal

In your subjective, ignorant, and thankfully irrelevant opinion.

You have every right to hate homosexuals – and yes, claiming that homosexuals are not “normal” is a manifestation of hate, regardless how much you might deny it – but you have no right to attempt to codify that hate.

The Constitution and its case law are not ‘word games,’ they express fundamental principles of individual liberty and freedom no state may deny, and the Constitution and its case law were specially designed to protect citizens from the hate and ignorance you exhibit, including citizens who are same-sex couples.

No, its not. Homosexuality is abnormal and that is a simple fact. There is no way around something that 5 percent of the populations identify with makes it by its very definition, abnormal. Would you care to explain how you are applying this as normal within the simple definition of the word?

It is this exact attitude that drives people so hard against gays in general. The idea that we need to redefine terms, norms and pretty much everything to ensure that gays feel right at home here. I could care less what gays feel or that they are truly abnormal. They deserve access to marriage law because the government has no right determining who is and is not applicable to specific laws and freedom is just that BUT that does not make being gay a ‘norm.’
you gay marriage advocates can play all the word games that you want to play, but the basic truths of biology will invalidate your position every time.

Homosexuality is not normal

Neither is being left handed or blue eyed. But we don't get all hysterical (any more) about those people.
you gay marriage advocates can play all the word games that you want to play, but the basic truths of biology will invalidate your position every time.

Homosexuality is not normal

Neither is being left handed or blue eyed. But we don't get all hysterical (any more) about those people.

And I don’t get hysterical about gays either. What’s your point?
you gay marriage advocates can play all the word games that you want to play, but the basic truths of biology will invalidate your position every time.

Homosexuality is not normal

Neither is being left handed or blue eyed. But we don't get all hysterical (any more) about those people.

are most things designed for right handed people? answer: yes

are blue eyed people more susceptible to sun related skin and eye damage? answer: yes

Do left handed and blue eyed people demand that they be given special treatment because of their abnormalities? No. They deal with life as it has been dealt to them.

both being left handed and blue eyed are abnormal, meaning that the majority of human beings do not have these traits. Although the % of blue eyed people is greater than the % left handed.

Being abnormal is not an insult or some kind of degradation.

homosexuality is a human aberration, an abnormality.

gay couples should have equal rights with hetero couples, but two gays is not a marriage. Call it whatever you like, but it is not a marriage.
you gay marriage advocates can play all the word games that you want to play, but the basic truths of biology will invalidate your position every time.

Homosexuality is not normal

In your subjective, ignorant, and thankfully irrelevant opinion.

You have every right to hate homosexuals – and yes, claiming that homosexuals are not “normal” is a manifestation of hate, regardless how much you might deny it – but you have no right to attempt to codify that hate.

The Constitution and its case law are not ‘word games,’ they express fundamental principles of individual liberty and freedom no state may deny, and the Constitution and its case law were specially designed to protect citizens from the hate and ignorance you exhibit, including citizens who are same-sex couples.

No, its not. Homosexuality is abnormal and that is a simple fact. There is no way around something that 5 percent of the populations identify with makes it by its very definition, abnormal. Would you care to explain how you are applying this as normal within the simple definition of the word?

It is this exact attitude that drives people so hard against gays in general. The idea that we need to redefine terms, norms and pretty much everything to ensure that gays feel right at home here. I could care less what gays feel or that they are truly abnormal. They deserve access to marriage law because the government has no right determining who is and is not applicable to specific laws and freedom is just that BUT that does not make being gay a ‘norm.’

Oh, so it's a numbers game is it? Let's see who else is "abnormal"...

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the US - 2.1%
Asian - 5%
Mormon - 1.7%
Jewish - 1.7%

Now...if we decided to enact laws preventing any of those groups from you think "hate" might be brought up a time or two?
In your subjective, ignorant, and thankfully irrelevant opinion.

You have every right to hate homosexuals – and yes, claiming that homosexuals are not “normal” is a manifestation of hate, regardless how much you might deny it – but you have no right to attempt to codify that hate.

The Constitution and its case law are not ‘word games,’ they express fundamental principles of individual liberty and freedom no state may deny, and the Constitution and its case law were specially designed to protect citizens from the hate and ignorance you exhibit, including citizens who are same-sex couples.

No, its not. Homosexuality is abnormal and that is a simple fact. There is no way around something that 5 percent of the populations identify with makes it by its very definition, abnormal. Would you care to explain how you are applying this as normal within the simple definition of the word?

It is this exact attitude that drives people so hard against gays in general. The idea that we need to redefine terms, norms and pretty much everything to ensure that gays feel right at home here. I could care less what gays feel or that they are truly abnormal. They deserve access to marriage law because the government has no right determining who is and is not applicable to specific laws and freedom is just that BUT that does not make being gay a ‘norm.’

Oh, so it's a numbers game is it? Let's see who else is "abnormal"...

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the US - 2.1%
Asian - 5%
Mormon - 1.7%
Jewish - 1.7%

Now...if we decided to enact laws preventing any of those groups from you think "hate" might be brought up a time or two?

stupid analogy, wytch. the small % of mormons who advocate polygamy are not allowed to practice the form of marriage that they believe to be "normal". Why is that?
In your subjective, ignorant, and thankfully irrelevant opinion.

You have every right to hate homosexuals – and yes, claiming that homosexuals are not “normal” is a manifestation of hate, regardless how much you might deny it – but you have no right to attempt to codify that hate.

The Constitution and its case law are not ‘word games,’ they express fundamental principles of individual liberty and freedom no state may deny, and the Constitution and its case law were specially designed to protect citizens from the hate and ignorance you exhibit, including citizens who are same-sex couples.

No, its not. Homosexuality is abnormal and that is a simple fact. There is no way around something that 5 percent of the populations identify with makes it by its very definition, abnormal. Would you care to explain how you are applying this as normal within the simple definition of the word?

It is this exact attitude that drives people so hard against gays in general. The idea that we need to redefine terms, norms and pretty much everything to ensure that gays feel right at home here. I could care less what gays feel or that they are truly abnormal. They deserve access to marriage law because the government has no right determining who is and is not applicable to specific laws and freedom is just that BUT that does not make being gay a ‘norm.’

Oh, so it's a numbers game is it? Let's see who else is "abnormal"...

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the US - 2.1%
Asian - 5%
Mormon - 1.7%
Jewish - 1.7%

Now...if we decided to enact laws preventing any of those groups from you think "hate" might be brought up a time or two?

Don’t really care. It is not relevant to the topic at hand or your insistence that people are filled with hate when they are not.
No, its not. Homosexuality is abnormal and that is a simple fact. There is no way around something that 5 percent of the populations identify with makes it by its very definition, abnormal. Would you care to explain how you are applying this as normal within the simple definition of the word?

It is this exact attitude that drives people so hard against gays in general. The idea that we need to redefine terms, norms and pretty much everything to ensure that gays feel right at home here. I could care less what gays feel or that they are truly abnormal. They deserve access to marriage law because the government has no right determining who is and is not applicable to specific laws and freedom is just that BUT that does not make being gay a ‘norm.’

Oh, so it's a numbers game is it? Let's see who else is "abnormal"...

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the US - 2.1%
Asian - 5%
Mormon - 1.7%
Jewish - 1.7%

Now...if we decided to enact laws preventing any of those groups from you think "hate" might be brought up a time or two?

Don’t really care. It is not relevant to the topic at hand or your insistence that people are filled with hate when they are not.

So what is their desire to keep a group of people from equality, extreme dislike?
you gay marriage advocates can play all the word games that you want to play, but the basic truths of biology will invalidate your position every time.

Homosexuality is not normal

Neither is being left handed or blue eyed. But we don't get all hysterical (any more) about those people.

And I don’t get hysterical about gays either. What’s your point?

You may not....but some others do. :D
oh, so it's a numbers game is it? Let's see who else is "abnormal"...

Native hawaiians and pacific islanders in the us - 2.1%
asian - 5%
mormon - 1.7%
jewish - 1.7%

now...if we decided to enact laws preventing any of those groups from you think "hate" might be brought up a time or two?

don’t really care. It is not relevant to the topic at hand or your insistence that people are filled with hate when they are not.

so what is their desire to keep a group of people from equality, extreme dislike?

you have equality. What you want is special treatment.
No, its not. Homosexuality is abnormal and that is a simple fact. There is no way around something that 5 percent of the populations identify with makes it by its very definition, abnormal. Would you care to explain how you are applying this as normal within the simple definition of the word?

It is this exact attitude that drives people so hard against gays in general. The idea that we need to redefine terms, norms and pretty much everything to ensure that gays feel right at home here. I could care less what gays feel or that they are truly abnormal. They deserve access to marriage law because the government has no right determining who is and is not applicable to specific laws and freedom is just that BUT that does not make being gay a ‘norm.’

Oh, so it's a numbers game is it? Let's see who else is "abnormal"...

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the US - 2.1%
Asian - 5%
Mormon - 1.7%
Jewish - 1.7%

Now...if we decided to enact laws preventing any of those groups from you think "hate" might be brought up a time or two?

stupid analogy, wytch. the small % of mormons who advocate polygamy are not allowed to practice the form of marriage that they believe to be "normal". Why is that?

Because polygamy is currently illegal. Is being gay? Is discrimination based on gender legal?
Oh, so it's a numbers game is it? Let's see who else is "abnormal"...

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the US - 2.1%
Asian - 5%
Mormon - 1.7%
Jewish - 1.7%

Now...if we decided to enact laws preventing any of those groups from you think "hate" might be brought up a time or two?

stupid analogy, wytch. the small % of mormons who advocate polygamy are not allowed to practice the form of marriage that they believe to be "normal". Why is that?

Because polygamy is currently illegal. Is being gay? Is discrimination based on gender legal?

but those who believe in polygamy think it is a normal form of marriage, just as you believe that gay marriage is normal.

why should polygamists be discriminated against? They are not allowed to practice their beliefs in a free country.

the point is that society in general does not consider polygamy or gay marriage as normal and acceptable forms of marriage.

You may not like that, and you may bitch and moan about it, but thats the way it is. Accept it and move on with your civil unions and STFU about gay marriage.
Because polygamy is currently illegal. Is being gay? Is discrimination based on gender legal?

Oh, suddenly you're all about following the law. Yet in California where the law says "no gay marriage" you push for disobedience. My how progressive you are, stepping on the necks of 7 million voters, the CA initiative system, while being upset about voting rights being suppressed. Your deviant sexual subculture celebrates illegal and shady manuevers to force its agenda into marriage and ultimately into the eyes and minds of children thereby. Yet at the same time you profess "polygamy is illegal!" What is polygamy other than one persons' sexual preference for more than one partner at a time and then falling in love with those partners? How is that different from what it is that gays do from a purely "anything goes" attitude towards sexual/marital relationships your side always spouts about?
Because polygamy is currently illegal. Is being gay? Is discrimination based on gender legal?

Oh, suddenly you're all about following the law. Yet in California where the law says "no gay marriage" you push for disobedience. My how progressive you are, stepping on the necks of 7 million voters, the CA initiative system, while being upset about voting rights being suppressed. Your deviant sexual subculture celebrates illegal and shady manuevers to force its agenda into marriage and ultimately into the eyes and minds of children thereby. Yet at the same time you profess "polygamy is illegal!" What is polygamy other than one persons' sexual preference for more than one partner at a time and then falling in love with those partners? How is that different from what it is that gays do from a purely "anything goes" attitude towards sexual/marital relationships your side always spouts about?

It really isn’t so we should be legalizing that as well.

I doubt that is the answer that you really want though…
Oh, suddenly you're all about following the law. Yet in California where the law says "no gay marriage" you push for disobedience.

Just to point out a technical correction. The law in California, if paraphrased such the poster was doing, is not "no gay marriage" it is "no new same-sex Civil Marriages after November 4th, 2008".

Prior to that date Same-sex Civil Marriage was allowed because denying them was deemed discriminatory by the California Supreme Court under the California Constitution. The California Constitution also mandates that any amendment becomes effective the date after the election unless the amendment stipulates a different date. Since the Prop 8 language included no such provision, none of the legal Civil Marriages performed prior to 11/5/2008 were invalidated and remain legal - even in the State of California.

I think with this whole proposition 8 thing you have to step away from your personal feelings about whether you believe gay marriage is right or not. I think the bigger question to ask here is, is it acceptable for a group to propose legislation based on their personal beliefs that impact the rights of others? now before you answer that question, think back to the closing statement in a time to kill....
Imagine she was white. what if this situation impacted a personal right that you were granted by the constitution? Be it guns, the right to pray, the right to vote, whatever. Does a group have the right to propose legislation that impacts the rights of others?
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don’t really care. It is not relevant to the topic at hand or your insistence that people are filled with hate when they are not.

so what is their desire to keep a group of people from equality, extreme dislike?

you have equality. What you want is special treatment.

No, I want to legally marry the consenting adult of my choice. It won't be "special" since you would be able to as well.
so what is their desire to keep a group of people from equality, extreme dislike?

you have equality. What you want is special treatment.

No, I want to legally marry the consenting adult of my choice. It won't be "special" since you would be able to as well.

No one was stopping you from doing that. It's the government validation and handouts you wanted. Not for everyone who doesn't get them now, just for yourself.
you have equality. What you want is special treatment.

No, I want to legally marry the consenting adult of my choice. It won't be "special" since you would be able to as well.

No one was stopping you from doing that. It's the government validation and handouts you wanted. Not for everyone who doesn't get them now, just for yourself.

You realize that is not a logical statement. There are 37 states that prevent same-sex couples from entering into a legally valid Civil Marriage.


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