I think you've been distracted by the mechanisms of abiogenesis. There is much speculation on that but, probably any evidence is long since gone. Doesn't change the FACT of abiogenesis.

No evidence but it's a "FACT."
You're very wise.
You're very ignorant.

The fact that life exists on the planet is not in question. Abiogenesis in some form obviously occurred. Either the process was naturally occurring or one or more of the gods made it happen.

You shouldn't presume that everything you read on Harun Yahya's website is necessarily true.

So, I was expecting that you would present your data debunking abiogenesis with a comprehensive and detailed account of how one or more of the various gods magically created life on the planet.

You can do that, right?
I think you've been distracted by the mechanisms of abiogenesis. There is much speculation on that but, probably any evidence is long since gone. Doesn't change the FACT of abiogenesis.

No evidence but it's a "FACT."
You're very wise.
You're very ignorant.

The fact that life exists on the planet is not in question. Abiogenesis in some form obviously occurred. Either the process was naturally occurring or one or more of the gods made it happen.

You shouldn't presume that everything you read on Harun Yahya's website is necessarily true.

So, I was expecting that you would present your data debunking abiogenesis with a comprehensive and detailed account of how one or more of the various gods magically created life on the planet.

You can do that, right?
Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
I think you've been distracted by the mechanisms of abiogenesis. There is much speculation on that but, probably any evidence is long since gone. Doesn't change the FACT of abiogenesis.

No evidence but it's a "FACT."
You're very wise.
You're very ignorant.

The fact that life exists on the planet is not in question. Abiogenesis in some form obviously occurred. Either the process was naturally occurring or one or more of the gods made it happen.

You shouldn't presume that everything you read on Harun Yahya's website is necessarily true.

So, I was expecting that you would present your data debunking abiogenesis with a comprehensive and detailed account of how one or more of the various gods magically created life on the planet.

You can do that, right?
Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Wrong section.
I think you've been distracted by the mechanisms of abiogenesis. There is much speculation on that but, probably any evidence is long since gone. Doesn't change the FACT of abiogenesis.

No evidence but it's a "FACT."
You're very wise.
You're very ignorant.

The fact that life exists on the planet is not in question. Abiogenesis in some form obviously occurred. Either the process was naturally occurring or one or more of the gods made it happen.

You shouldn't presume that everything you read on Harun Yahya's website is necessarily true.

So, I was expecting that you would present your data debunking abiogenesis with a comprehensive and detailed account of how one or more of the various gods magically created life on the planet.

You can do that, right?
Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Wrong section.
And with that, all regard for investigation is simply handed over to agnostics and atheists --- who know everything and believe that they are totally correct and without reproach. So ends any other consideration, and education is solely the lecturing platform for evolution who promote ME, MYSELF and I logic.
And with that, all regard for investigation is simply handed over to agnostics and atheists --
Damn that is stupid. For one, some scientists are religious. Second, their magical beliefs (or lack thereof) have no bearing on the science.

Please post your magical horseshit in the Religion section. This is the science section. Thanks.
The Insuperable Statistics of Life - Scientific Proof of Nature's Go
That OP is rehash of the old debunked all-or-nothing fallacy.

It assumes the proteins had to spontaneously form fully-formed. That's completely wrong. The proteins formed as a serious of intermediate steps, each of which was biologically useful, and thus selected for by natural selection. The probabilities of each beneficial individual step happening were pretty high, so they happened.

Thus, the OP's fallacy crumbles.

Here's a long detailed summary overview of the fallacy:

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Probability of Abiogenesis Calculations

Needless to say, the OP will refuse to read it.But then, it's not as if he could understand it anyways. He knows what his religion tells him, and nothing more. His religious fanaticism has effectively lobotomized him, leaving him with the reasoning abilities and temperament of a toddler.
And with that, all regard for investigation is simply handed over to agnostics and atheists --
Damn that is stupid. For one, some scientists are religious. Second, their magical beliefs (or lack thereof) have no bearing on the science.

Please post your magical horseshit in the Religion section. This is the science section. Thanks.
Atheists can be "religious". I have a relationship with the Creator and that is far greater than some concocted criteria to live by. Silly "Christians " are those that say they believe in GOD and say that Jesus arose from the dead and was born to a virgin, and that Jesus healed the sick and brought the dead back to life.. And then say there is no possible way that GOD could do what He said in Genesis. I see all such people as misguided, arrogant, and without any faith in the GOD they say they believe in.

And as for you and people like yourself, I see you all as lost and seeking merely for excuses for all your behavior pattern problems --- so you can run from any personal responsibility. This is why kids in public schools shoot others, and abortion is acceptable, and premarital sex is regarded as "sophisticated", and why gay marriage is presumed normal, and why the courts are loaded with lawsuits, and people run after the latest and greatest newfangled material crap or think drinking, drugs and sex is all there is to life.

The very proof of GOD is in the world you are creating with all your ignorance of HIM. I do not blame you! I in fact blame the silly people who call themselves "Christians" and then reject everything the Bible says as mere superstition. They in fact have handed you the world on a platter and said, "Do what you wish, you know what is best!"
How is this idiotic thread still in the science section?

Evolution is anti-science. This is anti-anti-science. That's real science to the laypeople.

One can do the math and see that abiogenesis, big bang, and macroevolution did not happen. One can do the math and see evolution does not happen. One can do the math and see magic does not happen.

That's really nonsensical as you obviously have no "math" to support your unsubstantiated claims.

Your silly conspiracy theories surrounding science do nothing to refute the facts presented by the relevant disciplines of biology, chemistry, paleontology, the earth sciences, etc.

The only appeals to magic, fear and superstition I see are coming from the religious extremists.

First, you can't do the math, but I've done it and it may as well be zero chance.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth. I used chemistry to show how rock is formed from sediment and bends. It's not millions of years of pressure. That would break rocks. I used paleontology to show there was no prehistoric cave people. I used earth science to show the Grand Canyon happened by a giant flood.

The magic is on the evolution side as apes did not become bipedal nor dinosaurs did not develop feathers to fly. Evolution has no origins, but magic, fear, and superstition. Magic of big bang, cosmic expansion, abiogenesis, and Copernican Principle. You have fear of having to obey God. You have superstition of aliens, multiverses, common ancestors, long time of millions and billions of years, the universe came from a quantum particle, and the present is the key to the past.
How is this idiotic thread still in the science section?

Evolution is anti-science. This is anti-anti-science. That's real science to the laypeople.

One can do the math and see that abiogenesis, big bang, and macroevolution did not happen. One can do the math and see evolution does not happen. One can do the math and see magic does not happen.

That's really nonsensical as you obviously have no "math" to support your unsubstantiated claims.

Your silly conspiracy theories surrounding science do nothing to refute the facts presented by the relevant disciplines of biology, chemistry, paleontology, the earth sciences, etc.

The only appeals to magic, fear and superstition I see are coming from the religious extremists.

First, you can't do the math, but I've done it and it may as well be zero chance.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth. I used chemistry to show how rock is formed from sediment and bends. It's not millions of years of pressure. That would break rocks. I used paleontology to show there was no prehistoric cave people. I used earth science to show the Grand Canyon happened by a giant flood.

The magic is on the evolution side as apes did not become bipedal nor dinosaurs did not develop feathers to fly. Evolution has no origins, but magic, fear, and superstition. Magic of big bang, cosmic expansion, abiogenesis, and Copernican Principle. You have fear of having to obey God. You have superstition of aliens, multiverses, common ancestors, long time of millions and billions of years, the universe came from a quantum particle, and the present is the key to the past.
That emotional outburst is just a reconfiguration of your usual outbursts.

Your revulsion for science and knowledge is a function of your religious extremism. Science and knowledge conflicts with the fears superstitions that haunt your world.

Don't be an accomplice to fear and superstition.
How is this idiotic thread still in the science section?

Evolution is anti-science. This is anti-anti-science. That's real science to the laypeople.

One can do the math and see that abiogenesis, big bang, and macroevolution did not happen. One can do the math and see evolution does not happen. One can do the math and see magic does not happen.

That's really nonsensical as you obviously have no "math" to support your unsubstantiated claims.

Your silly conspiracy theories surrounding science do nothing to refute the facts presented by the relevant disciplines of biology, chemistry, paleontology, the earth sciences, etc.

The only appeals to magic, fear and superstition I see are coming from the religious extremists.

First, you can't do the math, but I've done it and it may as well be zero chance.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth. I used chemistry to show how rock is formed from sediment and bends. It's not millions of years of pressure. That would break rocks. I used paleontology to show there was no prehistoric cave people. I used earth science to show the Grand Canyon happened by a giant flood.

The magic is on the evolution side as apes did not become bipedal nor dinosaurs did not develop feathers to fly. Evolution has no origins, but magic, fear, and superstition. Magic of big bang, cosmic expansion, abiogenesis, and Copernican Principle. You have fear of having to obey God. You have superstition of aliens, multiverses, common ancestors, long time of millions and billions of years, the universe came from a quantum particle, and the present is the key to the past.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth.

How young? How do you know?
How is this idiotic thread still in the science section?

Evolution is anti-science. This is anti-anti-science. That's real science to the laypeople.

One can do the math and see that abiogenesis, big bang, and macroevolution did not happen. One can do the math and see evolution does not happen. One can do the math and see magic does not happen.

That's really nonsensical as you obviously have no "math" to support your unsubstantiated claims.

Your silly conspiracy theories surrounding science do nothing to refute the facts presented by the relevant disciplines of biology, chemistry, paleontology, the earth sciences, etc.

The only appeals to magic, fear and superstition I see are coming from the religious extremists.

First, you can't do the math, but I've done it and it may as well be zero chance.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth. I used chemistry to show how rock is formed from sediment and bends. It's not millions of years of pressure. That would break rocks. I used paleontology to show there was no prehistoric cave people. I used earth science to show the Grand Canyon happened by a giant flood.

The magic is on the evolution side as apes did not become bipedal nor dinosaurs did not develop feathers to fly. Evolution has no origins, but magic, fear, and superstition. Magic of big bang, cosmic expansion, abiogenesis, and Copernican Principle. You have fear of having to obey God. You have superstition of aliens, multiverses, common ancestors, long time of millions and billions of years, the universe came from a quantum particle, and the present is the key to the past.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth.

How young? How do you know?
Did GOD create a physically mature Adam and then Eve, or did God create a little baby. I firmly have no problem believing that GOD created a perfect environment and then a fully grown man to take care of it and nurture it.
The saw "Creation is not science" is of course correct. God made science and is forever beyond its ken.

You must either believe that the universe made itself, from nothing into everything, or Nature's God made it, endowed with elegance, beauty, correspondence, countless restorative cycles from the carbon cycle to the water cycle to the oxygen cycle to decay and return to the elements. Many of our bodily processes are, so far as we can tell, 100% efficient. No man-made compound can convert sunlight into carbohydrates as efficiently as chlorophyll. Human hemoglobin defies LeChatelier's Principle. "Luck" do ya think? I say No Way, Jose.
The physicians I see emphatically agree, and they know something about biochemistry and such truck.
How is this idiotic thread still in the science section?

Evolution is anti-science. This is anti-anti-science. That's real science to the laypeople.

One can do the math and see that abiogenesis, big bang, and macroevolution did not happen. One can do the math and see evolution does not happen. One can do the math and see magic does not happen.

That's really nonsensical as you obviously have no "math" to support your unsubstantiated claims.

Your silly conspiracy theories surrounding science do nothing to refute the facts presented by the relevant disciplines of biology, chemistry, paleontology, the earth sciences, etc.

The only appeals to magic, fear and superstition I see are coming from the religious extremists.

First, you can't do the math, but I've done it and it may as well be zero chance.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth. I used chemistry to show how rock is formed from sediment and bends. It's not millions of years of pressure. That would break rocks. I used paleontology to show there was no prehistoric cave people. I used earth science to show the Grand Canyon happened by a giant flood.

The magic is on the evolution side as apes did not become bipedal nor dinosaurs did not develop feathers to fly. Evolution has no origins, but magic, fear, and superstition. Magic of big bang, cosmic expansion, abiogenesis, and Copernican Principle. You have fear of having to obey God. You have superstition of aliens, multiverses, common ancestors, long time of millions and billions of years, the universe came from a quantum particle, and the present is the key to the past.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth.

How young? How do you know?
Did GOD create a physically mature Adam and then Eve, or did God create a little baby. I firmly have no problem believing that GOD created a perfect environment and then a fully grown man to take care of it and nurture it.

That is awesome!!

Now, about that proof......
The saw "Creation is not science" is of course correct. God made science and is forever beyond its ken.

You must either believe that the universe made itself, from nothing into everything, or Nature's God made it, endowed with elegance, beauty, correspondence, countless restorative cycles from the carbon cycle to the water cycle to the oxygen cycle to decay and return to the elements. Many of our bodily processes are, so far as we can tell, 100% efficient. No man-made compound can convert sunlight into carbohydrates as efficiently as chlorophyll. Human hemoglobin defies LeChatelier's Principle. "Luck" do ya think? I say No Way, Jose.
The physicians I see emphatically agree, and they know something about biochemistry and such truck.

Many of our bodily processes are, so far as we can tell, 100% efficient.

Which ones?
How is this idiotic thread still in the science section?

Evolution is anti-science. This is anti-anti-science. That's real science to the laypeople.

One can do the math and see that abiogenesis, big bang, and macroevolution did not happen. One can do the math and see evolution does not happen. One can do the math and see magic does not happen.

That's really nonsensical as you obviously have no "math" to support your unsubstantiated claims.

Your silly conspiracy theories surrounding science do nothing to refute the facts presented by the relevant disciplines of biology, chemistry, paleontology, the earth sciences, etc.

The only appeals to magic, fear and superstition I see are coming from the religious extremists.

First, you can't do the math, but I've done it and it may as well be zero chance.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth. I used chemistry to show how rock is formed from sediment and bends. It's not millions of years of pressure. That would break rocks. I used paleontology to show there was no prehistoric cave people. I used earth science to show the Grand Canyon happened by a giant flood.

The magic is on the evolution side as apes did not become bipedal nor dinosaurs did not develop feathers to fly. Evolution has no origins, but magic, fear, and superstition. Magic of big bang, cosmic expansion, abiogenesis, and Copernican Principle. You have fear of having to obey God. You have superstition of aliens, multiverses, common ancestors, long time of millions and billions of years, the universe came from a quantum particle, and the present is the key to the past.

ToE has been shown to be false by a young Earth.

How young? How do you know?

Around 6000 yrs according to Biblical history.

ToE needs long time and still doesn't happen. There is no evidence that a rock is millions of years old. How do you know how old someone is? You look it up or ask for a birth certificate.

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