The subject is original polypeptide synthesis, required before the "biochemistry" can take place
If you are a chemical engineer, i am the queen of england. You have no idea what any of those words in your post mean. What is with all of you fraud sock puppets spamming the science threads?
I’m pretty sure the he/she is a ChemE.

You? Not so much.

Ding, I love ya. There is so much B.S. being splattered all over by these haters I don't want to bother even reading it much less responding. As Winston Churchill said, "If you stop to throw a rock at every barking dog, you'll never arrive at your destination."

I assembled many components in The Evolution Fraud and authored much of the narrative. I have read and critiqued books by Richard Dawkins and Carl Sagan and communicated with both of them. Dawkins' best was to call me names. Sagan wrote me a letter asking me to buy his newest book. I never bought any of them! Hello library. But I did sell Sagan's letter on eBay for $125. What an Eco-Hypocrite he was, and Obamas still are, and Al Gore, and all the hyperemotional protesters who drive millions of miles, burning huge quantities of that fossil fuel they pretend to despise.....

Isn't it great being an anonymous poster poser on a message board?

You can live the fantasy that you have "communicated" with people. Are you self-medicating to deal with the voices that command you to perform tasks?
The main thread headline shows a message from ignoredmember but ignoredmember is appropriately on my Ignore List. See like most other right-thinking people, I self-correct and don't bother reading the remarks of people who add nothing to any conversation. "Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

"Self-correcting Mechanism"

Godless Leftists insist with a condescending air of smug self-satisfaction, "Science has a mechanism of self-correction". Well duh! So does every human alive. So does every animal alive. So does every plant alive. How does this common trait of living organisms make "science" the ultimate, magisterial enterprise they pretend when in fact it is as ubiquitous as, and practiced by, bacteria ‽ (interrobang)

Moreover, science's "self-correcting mechanism" is arguably the slowest such mechanism known to man. For example, Haeckel's drawings, ostensibly demonstrating the evolutionary saw , "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny," was exposed as a fraud in 1859 in a German court. Ernst Haeckel admitted that he faked the drawings because everyone faked science. His phony drawings continued to be published as "science" as recently as 2003.

"Science advances one funeral at a time." - Max Planck
Wow ... thank you for to honor of being on your ignore list ... I'll cherish this moment for all eternity ...

Someone quote me so he has to read this ...
I'll do it but I have a sneaky feeling I was there before you.
Okay here goes one more thing. If it was all a random event that proper proteins came together, we would look like a Picasso picture not some organized event where we have almost prefect proportions along with symmetry. Some type of intelligent design had to have a hand in the creations.
Hilarity. If we all looked like Picasso pictures then that would be the ideal.
Okay here goes one more thing. If it was all a random event that proper proteins came together, we would look like a Picasso picture not some organized event where we have almost prefect proportions along with symmetry. Some type of intelligent design had to have a hand in the creations.
Hilarity. If we all looked like Picasso pictures then that would be the ideal.
That would be a random grouping of cells. What a dunce.
Okay here goes one more thing. If it was all a random event that proper proteins came together, we would look like a Picasso picture not some organized event where we have almost prefect proportions along with symmetry. Some type of intelligent design had to have a hand in the creations.
Hilarity. If we all looked like Picasso pictures then that would be the ideal.
That would be a random grouping of cells. What a dunce.
The "dunce" would be the person who doesn't understand that evolution is not random, and who also doesn't want to learn why it isn't.

Hint: that's you.
The main thread headline shows a message from ignoredmember but ignoredmember is appropriately on my Ignore List. See like most other right-thinking people, I self-correct and don't bother reading the remarks of people who add nothing to any conversation. "Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

"Self-correcting Mechanism"

Godless Leftists insist with a condescending air of smug self-satisfaction, "Science has a mechanism of self-correction". Well duh! So does every human alive. So does every animal alive. So does every plant alive. How does this common trait of living organisms make "science" the ultimate, magisterial enterprise they pretend when in fact it is as ubiquitous as, and practiced by, bacteria ‽ (interrobang)

Moreover, science's "self-correcting mechanism" is arguably the slowest such mechanism known to man. For example, Haeckel's drawings, ostensibly demonstrating the evolutionary saw , "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny," was exposed as a fraud in 1859 in a German court. Ernst Haeckel admitted that he faked the drawings because everyone faked science. His phony drawings continued to be published as "science" as recently as 2003.

"Science advances one funeral at a time." - Max Planck

Haeckel's drawings are a favorite of the hyper-religious in their attempts to vilify science. The exaggerated drawings have a life of their own among the extremist creation ministries.

Sone could say that cience is a self-correcting mechanism in that the various disciplines rely on evidence. The evidence points to abiogenesis as the probable start of life, thanks in large part to our understanding of bio- and organic chemistry. The evidence points to evolution as the explanation for the diversity of life on the planet, thanks in large part to two centuries of evidence including fossils, genetics, and geology. The evidence points towards a 14 billion year old universe, thanks in large part to our understanding of physics and cosmology and CBR.

Here’s a ball, Mr. fundie crank. Go play in the street.
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Okay here goes one more thing. If it was all a random event that proper proteins came together, we would look like a Picasso picture not some organized event where we have almost prefect proportions along with symmetry. Some type of intelligent design had to have a hand in the creations.
Hilarity. If we all looked like Picasso pictures then that would be the ideal.
That would be a random grouping of cells. What a dunce.
The "dunce" would be the person who doesn't understand that evolution is not random, and who also doesn't want to learn why it isn't.

Hint: that's you.
So when at the beginning cells just happened to get together and form the end result, isnt a jumble of mixed up flesh, but almost a perfect being , until you came along, that took you right back to the Neanderthal. Stupid fuck.
So when at the beginning cells just happened to get together and form the end result, isnt a jumble of mixed up flesh, but almost a perfect being , until you came along, that took you right back to the Neanderthal. Stupid fuck.
So why isn't the being perfect if it's intelligently designed?
So when at the beginning cells just happened to get together and form the end result, isnt a jumble of mixed up flesh, but almost a perfect being , until you came along, that took you right back to the Neanderthal. Stupid fuck.
So why isn't the being perfect if it's intelligently designed?

The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it. - Brandolini, Italian computer programmer, 2013

When Godless Leftists (but I repeat myself) aren't oohing and aahing at the wonders of the universe, and how "perfectly adapted" (nota bene, not "perfectly evolved," but "perfectly adapted") every animal is, wherever it is, they're condemning why things aren't "perfect" in their brilliant, perfect Liberalthink.

How many years does the most "perfect" car run before it is relegated to the junkyard? Now how long is the average life expectancy of an American, a happily married one?
Okay here goes one more thing. If it was all a random event that proper proteins came together, we would look like a Picasso picture not some organized event where we have almost prefect proportions along with symmetry. Some type of intelligent design had to have a hand in the creations.
Hilarity. If we all looked like Picasso pictures then that would be the ideal.
That would be a random grouping of cells. What a dunce.
The "dunce" would be the person who doesn't understand that evolution is not random, and who also doesn't want to learn why it isn't.

Hint: that's you.
So when at the beginning cells just happened to get together and form the end result, isnt a jumble of mixed up flesh, but almost a perfect being , until you came along, that took you right back to the Neanderthal. Stupid fuck.
Again, that wasn't random. So you are the one who sounds stupid. And what makes you seem doubly stupid is that you want to stay stupid and don't want to learn why it wasn't random.

Or do you?
When Godless Leftists (but I repeat myself) aren't oohing and aahing at the wonders of the universe, and how "perfectly adapted" (nota bene, not "perfectly evolved," but "perfectly adapted") every animal is, wherever it is, they're condemning why things aren't "perfect" in their brilliant, perfect Liberalthink.

How many years does the most "perfect" car run before it is relegated to the junkyard?
So, if I have this right, gods are as intelligent as the average automotive engineer. Who'd have thunk?
When Godless Leftists (but I repeat myself) aren't oohing and aahing at the wonders of the universe, and how "perfectly adapted" (nota bene, not "perfectly evolved," but "perfectly adapted") every animal is, wherever it is, they're condemning why things aren't "perfect" in their brilliant, perfect Liberalthink.

How many years does the most "perfect" car run before it is relegated to the junkyard?
So, if I have this right, gods are as intelligent as the average automotive engineer. Who'd have thunk?

Not you.

A>B>C>D is not science, it is unintelligent
Okay here goes one more thing. If it was all a random event that proper proteins came together, we would look like a Picasso picture not some organized event where we have almost prefect proportions along with symmetry. Some type of intelligent design had to have a hand in the creations.
Hilarity. If we all looked like Picasso pictures then that would be the ideal.
That would be a random grouping of cells. What a dunce.
The "dunce" would be the person who doesn't understand that evolution is not random, and who also doesn't want to learn why it isn't.

Hint: that's you.
So when at the beginning cells just happened to get together and form the end result, isnt a jumble of mixed up flesh, but almost a perfect being , until you came along, that took you right back to the Neanderthal. Stupid fuck.
Hey genius....

Cold climate is a slection pressure. For instance, it acts as a pressure on fur color.

Does this selective pressure produce random fur colors? Or do you think you could puzzle out a consistent pattern? Take your time.
"A book is proof that humans are capable of magic." - Carl Sagan

"My wonder button is being pushed all the time." - Carl Sagan

Now any time a person of faith expresses the wonders surrounding us as powerful, indeed incontrovertible evidence of our Creator is invariably snarked by the Godless Left (the counterpart to "the Religious Right," of course). "You're simply ignorant of science! That's the argument from incredulity, ha ha ha".

Was astronomer, professor, author Carl Sagan likewise ignorant of science? Of course not. He was one of them, a liberal agnostic, whose memorial service was ironically held at St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York City.

Carl never deviated from the Darwinian Paradigm, but he often expressed The Fallacy of the Argument From Incredulity, which the Darwin Camp utilizes with such sneering contempt, but only against people making the argument for Nature's God, our Creator. There may be many religions, but there is only one Creator of the Universe.
"A book is proof that humans are capable of magic." - Carl Sagan

"My wonder button is being pushed all the time." - Carl Sagan

Now any time a person of faith expresses the wonders surrounding us as powerful, indeed incontrovertible evidence of our Creator is invariably snarked by the Godless Left (the counterpart to "the Religious Right," of course). "You're simply ignorant of science! That's the argument from incredulity, ha ha ha".

Was astronomer, professor, author Carl Sagan likewise ignorant of science? Of course not. He was one of them, a liberal agnostic, whose memorial service was ironically held at St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York City.

Carl never deviated from the Darwinian Paradigm, but he often expressed The Fallacy of the Argument From Incredulity, which the Darwin Camp utilizes with such sneering contempt, but only against people making the argument for Nature's God, our Creator. There may be many religions, but there is only one Creator of the Universe.

Your unsubstantiated and partisan claims to gods are no different than competing claims to unsubstantiated and partisan gods.

The argument from ignorance lends no credibility to your versions of gods vs. any others.

Your silly "... because I say so" statements are pointless and time wasting.
Your unsubstantiated and partisan claims to gods are no different than competing claims to unsubstantiated and partisan gods.
Precisely. He also is tasked with arguing why his god is the only god, and all the others are false.

Of course,THIS ISN'T THE CORRECT SECTION FOR THIS RELIGIOUS HORSESHIT. These nutballs have an entire section of the message board dedicated to their magical delusions. But no, these guys cant be satisfied with that. It's a microcosm and a perfect illustration of how they act in the world.
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"The Fallacy of the Argument From Incredulity" Snark

“My wonder button is being pushed all the time.” ― Carl Sagan

Anyone of faith who points out the wonders surrounding us as powerful, indeed incontrovertible evidence of our Creator is invariably snarked by the Godless Left (the counterpart to "the Religious Right," of course). "You're simply ignorant of science! That's the argument from incredulity, ha ha ha". This is a favorite of Richard Dawkins.

Was astronomer, professor, author Carl Sagan likewise ignorant of science? Of course not. He was one of them, a liberal agnostic, whose memorial service was ironically held at St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York City.


The Failure of Science Educators

Recent opinion polls show that 25-50% of adult Americans do not know that the Earth goes around the Sun and takes a year to do it.” - Carl Sagan, Carl Sagan's Universe, page 146

Public education is a socialist monopoly, a real one. - The Late Milton Friedman

November, 2017 A YouGov survey found that more millennials would rather live in a socialist (44%) or communist (7%) country than a capitalist one (42%). America and our once cherished ideals are doomed.

“In 1950, we spent (in 1989 dollars) $1,333 per student. In 1989 we spent $4931. As John Silber, the President of Boston University, has written, ‘It is troubling that this nearly fourfold increase in real spending has brought no improvement. It is scandalous that it has not prevented substantial decline.’ ” – William J. Bennett, former Secretary of Education, in The De-Valuing of America
"A book is proof that humans are capable of magic." - Carl Sagan

"My wonder button is being pushed all the time." - Carl Sagan

Now any time a person of faith expresses the wonders surrounding us as powerful, indeed incontrovertible evidence of our Creator is invariably snarked by the Godless Left (the counterpart to "the Religious Right," of course). "You're simply ignorant of science! That's the argument from incredulity, ha ha ha".

Was astronomer, professor, author Carl Sagan likewise ignorant of science? Of course not. He was one of them, a liberal agnostic, whose memorial service was ironically held at St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York City.

Carl never deviated from the Darwinian Paradigm, but he often expressed The Fallacy of the Argument From Incredulity, which the Darwin Camp utilizes with such sneering contempt, but only against people making the argument for Nature's God, our Creator. There may be many religions, but there is only one Creator of the Universe.
I completely disagree with what you say.

Carl Sagan was just a showman.

And about evolution, it doesn't reach the level of being a fraudulent theory of science.

The theory of evolution is just a belief.

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