The extreme cold, the USA is experiencing, s a result of global warming

Yes, climate change being affected by human behavior.
People who are too lazy to do anything for future generations deny the effect.
They are lazy, selfcentered people who always look for the easy way out.

yes, let's leave them the world the left wants, a tiny SJW upper class living the life while the rest of us live in "15 minute" cities, with no cars, no air conditioning, no meat, and no private property.
Oh my, it’s cold in winter!

Climate change! Climate change!
You do not want to admit human affect on climate change because then you may have to do something that would make your life less easy.
The extreme cold, the USA is experiencing, is a result of global warming. The most uneducated among us feel it is proof there is no global warming. The cure for stupidity is to educate yourself.

Specifically, warming temperatures are disrupting the polar vortex and pushing cold air into non-traditional areas. While the polar vortex may be bringing extreme cold temperatures to one part of the world, the rest of the world is experiencing extremely hot weather.


What are you personally doing to fight "global warming"?
Actually winter is a stark reminder just how far extensive continental glaciation can occur in the northern hemisphere because of its unique landmass distribution. The ice age began 3 million years ago and we are still in it.
We are in the ice age but warming. The oceans have been rising because of the melting of larege ice masses in the world
We are in the ice age but warming. The oceans have been rising because of the melting of larege ice masses in the world
Actually that pretty much slowed down about 6,000 years ago. It's mostly due to thermal expansion at this time.
What are you personally doing to fight "global warming"?
The biggest changes I affect are through my business and supporting requirements of othe businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.
Reduce energy used
regulate travel
use sustainable supplies
eliminate waste
conserve water
educate and encourage employees to support the initiatives

But the same actions can be taken at home on a smaller scale.
Actually that pretty much slowed down about 6,000 years ago. It's mostly due to thermal expansion at this time.
Science is identifying what man can do to minimize thermal expansion.

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