The Extreme MAGA Crowd

MAGA has three tiers like a pyramid.
On the bottom are the donor/followers who will believe anything.
In the middle are the organized haters who are in on the con for their own purposes. They get a cut.
At the top are the leaders everyone adores and who get most of the donated cash.
Tell us where you disagree with the Democratic Party.
Try not to lie.
Biden calls average people who work, pay their bills and taxes, take care of their families, have good credit scores, mow their lawns, wear socks >>> "Extremists"
Nope. The extremists are the ones who participate in extreme crap. If they happen to mow their lawns and wear socks, that just makes them extremists who happen to mow their lawns and wear socks.
Nope. The extremists are the ones who participate in extreme crap. If they happen to mow their lawns and wear socks, that just makes them extremists who happen to mow their lawns and wear socks.
Try actually listening to the mad man's speech.
MAGA has three tiers like a pyramid.
On the bottom are the donor/followers who will believe anything.
In the middle are the organized haters who are in on the con for their own purposes. They get a cut.
At the top are the leaders everyone adores and who get most of the donated cash.
Agree with all, except the last sentence.

At the top is Trump. That's all there is. Without it, GOP is sunk.
MAGA has three tiers like a pyramid.
On the bottom are the donor/followers who will believe anything.
In the middle are the organized haters who are in on the con for their own purposes. They get a cut.
At the top are the leaders everyone adores and who get most of the donated cash.

The Biden administration has three tires like an old Plymouth sitting on blocks
in your front yard.

yeah right low unemployment, low inflation and rising wages.. rising fuel independence was such a con.
Hey but Biden and harris saved you all from that.
Wanting access to healthcare is now extremist in MAGA-world?
Wanting government to pay for it is extremist. Its socialism, always has been.
And that is what you people mean when you say you want access, you really want FREE access.

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