The Facts About the Planned Parenthood Videos

Well that's going to come as a surprise to those sellers of mirdered baby organs who stated they were looking to drive a Lamborghini, because that reunites profits of the obscene variety

And when will you have this proof that's she's actually driving a Lamborghini with money made from selling baby body parts? She said she wants a Lamborghini. I want a Lamborghini.
I didn't say she's driving a lambo.. I said that she said she wants to drive one...and she said so as she described her full intention to profit from selling the body parts of babies that planned parenthood caused ....

She said just the opposite in the video's. She said there is no profit. So what if she wants a Lamborghini. I want one too.
Well what you say here makes as much sense as your usual claptrap.

The bad news is no profits no Lambo.

So... Since Lambos only come up in conversations connected to profits... We can rest assured that the Lambo Coverter was conveying her intention to sell LOTS OF MURDERED BABY BODY PARTS... At a considerable Lambo-worthy PROFIT.

The heavily edited videos. There is no profit being made when it comes to fetal tissue and Planned Parenthood, period.
Heavily? Not so much. Anyway, if all they were doing is recouping the cost of shipping and handling, they wouldn't have charged different prices for different organs, or for intact vs non-intact, or for differing quality. It's just a box on a truck.
As was just demonstrated, a lot of the terrorist-inspirers aren't apologetic in the least for their proud role in inspiring pro-life terrorists, through the use of a propaganda campaign that would make Goebbels proud. Anyone familiar with history should be disturbed by the way pro-life slurs are nearly identical to blood libel slurs.

And that's why we need to keep shaming those terrorist-inspirers, publicly and often.
They took away the "blah blah blah" emoticon....
Any evidence that the nut-case actually heard either of them and believed them? Or is it just "he HAD to, so we have something to yell about"? Face it, this guy didn't need any help, he was ready to attack on his own.

This guy has had extreme anti-abortion views for years.

A number of people who knew Mr. Dear said he was a staunch abortion opponent. Ms. Micheau, 60, said in a brief interview Tuesday that late in her marriage to Mr. Dear, he told her that he had put glue in the locks of a Planned Parenthood location in Charleston.

Who's been talking about baby parts, you tell me.

It's awfully easy to point at one person's quote and claim that it caused someone to go nuts and kill people. It's also monumentally stupid. If we're going to start doing that, let's do it for real and blame Obama's quote about bringing a gun to a knife battle for the dead in Chicago.

It's not one persons quote, it's the rhetoric and blatant lies that have been streaming through RW media for years. Is it a coinky-dink that the shooting happened during a time when this is a hot button issue? IMO, it's not.

Take the Charleston church shooter for example, he got on the internet and started investigating "black on white crime". The shooter said he was specifically inspired by the Council of Conservative Citizens, a right wing hate group. Roof said he was never the same after reading their material. The CofCC condemned the attack, but then went so far to say Roof had some legitimate concerns.

Roof had no legitimate concerns, he was just fed a bunch of junk through RW hate media.
PP supports the murder of full-term babies and the harvesting of their organs. FACT


PP supports the murder of full-term babies and the harvesting of their organs. FACT

Remember a couple of years back a Planned Parenthood rep shocked the heck out of Florida Senators by claiming that the decision to commit infanticide should be between the health provider and the patient?

The decision to abort should always be between the pregnant woman and her health care provider.

Government has no place in our private lives and nutters have no right to control other people's bodies.

MYOB?......Ok...As long as the wealth/earnings of others is included in that mandate, we are in agreement.
One issue.....How do you dismiss the rights of the father of said child?
Six states investigations of Planned Parenthood and nothing illegal was found in any of those investigations.
Instead of bias theory, why not wait for factual proof?
This is just another dog and pony show instigated by Republicans at tax payer expense.
This is the era of The Return of the Great Inquisitions.


In a culture which has thoroughly politicized the justice system... you're claiming that the opinion of a panel of people who support a RIGHT to murder pre-born babies, is "FACT" where they find nothing wrong with murdering pre-born babies so that THEIR DISMEMBERED BODIES CAN BE SOLD FOR RESEARCH?


That baby looks like Mitch McConnell. lol

It does doesn't it?

It also looks MUCH smarter than McConnell. Or any Prog for that matter. I mean it hasn't even CONSIDERED murdering those who it conceived through its own willful and wanton behavior, for the sake of it's own convenience... .

There are many reasons women have abortions, all of which are none of your business.
So there is no line to be drawn? Unconditional abortion on demand?
Six states investigations of Planned Parenthood and nothing illegal was found in any of those investigations.
Instead of bias theory, why not wait for factual proof?
This is just another dog and pony show instigated by Republicans at tax payer expense.
This is the era of The Return of the Great Inquisitions.


In a culture which has thoroughly politicized the justice system... you're claiming that the opinion of a panel of people who support a RIGHT to murder pre-born babies, is "FACT" where they find nothing wrong with murdering pre-born babies so that THEIR DISMEMBERED BODIES CAN BE SOLD FOR RESEARCH?


That baby looks like Mitch McConnell. lol

It does doesn't it?

It also looks MUCH smarter than McConnell. Or any Prog for that matter. I mean it hasn't even CONSIDERED murdering those who it conceived through its own willful and wanton behavior, for the sake of it's own convenience... .

There are many reasons women have abortions, all of which are none of your business.
So there is no line to be drawn? Unconditional abortion on demand?

I prefer to find ways to make abortion unnecessary, but that is of no interest to you.
The loons here are think PP employees would risk long jail terms in return for what was literally pocket change. They weren't reasoned into their insane beliefs, so it's not possible to reason them out of them. Their idiot "PP sells baby parts!" mantra is now part of their weird new prolife religion, and one can't disprove a religion with logic.

That new pro-life religion, of course, is diametrically opposed to Christianity. It is led by Satan, the Lord of Lies, who laughs as he counts all the pro-life souls he has snagged in his infernal vice-grip pliers.
Any evidence that the nut-case actually heard either of them and believed them? Or is it just "he HAD to, so we have something to yell about"? Face it, this guy didn't need any help, he was ready to attack on his own.

This guy has had extreme anti-abortion views for years.

A number of people who knew Mr. Dear said he was a staunch abortion opponent. Ms. Micheau, 60, said in a brief interview Tuesday that late in her marriage to Mr. Dear, he told her that he had put glue in the locks of a Planned Parenthood location in Charleston.

Who's been talking about baby parts, you tell me.

It's awfully easy to point at one person's quote and claim that it caused someone to go nuts and kill people. It's also monumentally stupid. If we're going to start doing that, let's do it for real and blame Obama's quote about bringing a gun to a knife battle for the dead in Chicago.

It's not one persons quote, it's the rhetoric and blatant lies that have been streaming through RW media for years. Is it a coinky-dink that the shooting happened during a time when this is a hot button issue? IMO, it's not.

Take the Charleston church shooter for example, he got on the internet and started investigating "black on white crime". The shooter said he was specifically inspired by the Council of Conservative Citizens, a right wing hate group. Roof said he was never the same after reading their material. The CofCC condemned the attack, but then went so far to say Roof had some legitimate concerns.

Roof had no legitimate concerns, he was just fed a bunch of junk through RW hate media.

Are you willing to condemn the hate speech that comes from the other side of the aisle as well? I mean, we have the president talking about bringing a gun to a knife battle, using racially charged language about the opposition having to sit in the back of the bus, and on it goes. There are a lot of hateful things being said out there, and if you want to lay responsibility for violent acts on the speech, there's a lot to go around.

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