The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

No sizable fraud fuck face. You’re the one moving the goal posts
Bullshit.....they haven't even completed the AZ audit and they've already found over a million votes that belonged to Trump that were never counted. They're finding much the same in Georgia as well. I'd be willing to bet that Biden lost by over 7 million votes in the popular vote as well.
Yes.....Jan 6th....the only riot that counts.
Utter stupidity and dishonesty.
It’s the only riot that happened in the US Capitol to overturn an election in our country.

You as a sycophant own that.

It means the government can't deny people rights based on gender.
gays can get married whenever they want. However, they have to marry somene of the opposite sex. Marraige is about reproduction, and gays an never reproduce. We don't give drivers licenses to the blind because they can't drive.
It’s the only riot that happened in the US Capitol to overturn an election in our country.

You as a sycophant own that.

And it's not the only riot in the US Capital or meant to overturn an election.
Nobody brought a weapon with your insurrection is total bunk.
Nevermind the fact that Democrats conducted riots all over the country.....even in Washington D.C. with the express purpose to influence the election. Democrats rioted outside of the White House Jun 2020.
But Jan 6th is was the only riot that Democrats didn't bail out the perps....many of which are still locked up in solitary confinement.
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gays can get married whenever they want. However, they have to marry somene of the opposite sex. Marraige is about reproduction, and gays an never reproduce. We don't give drivers licenses to the blind because they can't drive.
Epileptic’s don’t get them either
You do not lose when you are cheated. Democrats are now the traitors. Proof or not, everyone knows the election was stolen.
Wait what?
Democrats are now the traitors. Proof or not, everyone knows the election was stolen.
Okay, that's what I thought. It's just the whole proof "or not" that makes me wonder if you're being genuine!
Those who don't are tremendously stupid.

You do not lose when you are cheated. Democrats are now the traitors. Proof or not, everyone knows the election was stolen. Those who don't are tremendously stupid. Your lie has failed. More people are going to be convinced.
This ^^^^^^^. is so pathetic.
A true embarrassment.
NO, NOT everyone knows the election was stolen.

Now, there are some wacko contards like Lastamender that will NEVER give up the Big Lie.
Trump Lost.
Russia, Russia, Russia.......... LOOOLOOLOL
Of course there is. The AZ audit just found it.
The AZ audit smells like a bear's ass. You guys just won't give it up. Look, it's fini, done, nothing there but hot air, conpiracy theories about bamboo, fake ballots, lazers, blah, bla, blah. It's a joke.

Now find a hobby, get laid, get a job, something to occupy your time so you don't get in trouble. You guys have too much time on your hands.

But before you do the above, give yourself a good talking to & go have yourself a good cry.
The audit isn't over. And they've found so much fraud that the election results is off by 17%. This doesn't even include the fact that Maricopia County refuses to cooperate with the auditors. They say that Trump probably carried AZ by over a million votes.

Official Arizona Vote Totals Immediately Following the Steal:
Biden 1,672,143​
Trump 1,661,686,​
Biden won by just under 11,000 votes​
Total votes counted=3,333,829​
The Maricopa County Audit Team’s Findings
Trump 2,373,838- Remember, Trumps original vote count was 1,661,686. Trump’s “official” vote total represents a staggering reduction of 712,152.​
Biden vote total= 1,286,264. The original Biden vote total was 1,672,143. The audit discovered that Biden’s votes decreased by 385,879.​
President Trump won Arizona by 1,087,574 votes with 2,373,838 to Biden 1,286,264. President Trump captured nearly two-thirds of the vote.​
After conducting a forensic audit, the audit team found that the vote flipped by approximately 1.1 million votes! This means that over one-third of the vote was stolen by Democratic Party operatives.​
Anecdotally, this matches the number of people at various Arizona political rallies. Trump would typically draw capacity crowds for various venues ranging from 15,000 to 25,000. Conversely, Biden/Harris never drew 100 people in any rally. One Saturday, the only people to show up for a Biden rally, in downtown Phoenix, were the advance team members of the Biden campaign as reported on the scene by Fox News 10 in Phoenix.​
As far as political signs, there were hundreds of Trump signs for every Biden sign. The Biden signs in Arizona might be valuable today because there were so few of them!​
How did this happen? How did this election get stolen?​
Perpetrating the Steal
Maricopa County election officials have made a stunning confession that opens the door to rampant and massive corruption. The Maricopa County Election team freely and fully admitted that, at no time, did these “guardians of the election” have Administrative access to their own county’s voting machines.​
This opens the question who did have access and why did not the Constitutionally mandated County personnel have access as required by law? What was learned by the audit team is they did they cede this MANDATED responsibility to the Dominion voting machine company! This is not legal and in the opinion of this author this explains how Biden stole over one-third of the vote as the President with dementia carried Arizona by a paltry 11,000 votes.​

Odd they didn’t mention any of that in the report to the Senate.

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