The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

Bullshit.....they haven't even completed the AZ audit and they've already found over a million votes that belonged to Trump that were never counted. They're finding much the same in Georgia as well. I'd be willing to bet that Biden lost by over 7 million votes in the popular vote as well.
gays can get married whenever they want. However, they have to marry somene of the opposite sex. Marraige is about reproduction, and gays an never reproduce. We don't give drivers licenses to the blind because they can't drive.
No, fucking moron. Gays can marry the person they love, just as straight people can. You really should try to keep up.

And marriage is about far more than reproduction as many people have kids without getting married and many married people never have any kids.

How'd you get to be this fucked up in the head?
This ^^^^^^^. is so pathetic.
A true embarrassment.
NO, NOT everyone knows the election was stolen.

Now, there are some wacko contards like Lastamender that will NEVER give up the Big Lie.
Trump Lost.
Russia, Russia, Russia.......... LOOOLOOLOL
These baby goebbels think repetition will lend credibility to their Big Lie.
You're free to start your own thread on that, coward.
Well thank you!! Won't change the fact that you are a hypocrite. I don't need to start a thread on your hypocrisy, everyone in here already knows it.
As the Democrats were. Republicans are going to spend the next for years jerking off.
nope, once any audits are done, they're done. we'll wait until 2024 like good electorates. We are nothing at all similar to the looney toon leftists. What's up doc!!!!!
Nice try.

Those fraud ballots were not issued.

That is why they were flagged, and why you are spazzing about them....
The county has records for each one handed out or mailed. The "Kung Fu Squad's" talking points are not evidence, they are talking points for the Faux Kangaroo Court of public opinion.
The county has records for each one handed out or mailed. The "Kung Fu Squad's" talking points are not evidence, they are talking points for the Faux Kangaroo Court of public opinion.
handed out? how is handed out a mail in ballot exactly?

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