The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

The AZ audit smells like a bear's ass. You guys just won't give it up. Look, it's fini, done, nothing there but hot air, conpiracy theories about bamboo, fake ballots, lazers, blah, bla, blah. It's a joke.

Now find a hobby, get laid, get a job, something to occupy your time so you don't get in trouble. You guys have too much time on your hands.

But before you do the above, give yourself a good talking to & go have yourself a good cry. can't even wait for the results before you start trashing the audit.
It's the same with everything you lemmings target.
If you don't like spend all day every day making up lies about it.
You are cheated? Proof or not? Do you Rumpian Butt-Sniffers ever actually LISTEN to yourselves as you spew that incredulous bull$hit? You're a joke.
They're getting this stuff from "sources" such as:
  • OAN
  • Breitbart
  • Gateway Pundit
  • National File
  • Liberty Beacon
  • Red State
  • Steve Bannon Podcast
  • The MAGA Institute can't even wait for the results before you start trashing the audit.
The "report" won't mean anything unless and until it needs to be used in a court of law.

And it sure as hell will, if the GQP wants something done about its "findings".

Then we'll be paying more attention. If it's proven in a court of law that there was fraud, then we're in.

The rest of this is reality TV, ironically.

The 74,232 votes that the cyber ninja stupidoo's can't account for? They're mail-in ballots that were returned early and counted as early votes. The cyber charade dipshits claimed that the county failed to send the envelope information to them. The County election supervisor's had to tell them again that the ballots were returned in person and they showed ID at the polling place when casting their legal ballot.

You, are today's fucking idiot.

Nice try.

Those fraud ballots were not issued.

That is why they were flagged, and why you are spazzing about them....
Bullshit.....they haven't even completed the AZ audit and they've already found over a million votes that belonged to Trump that were never counted. They're finding much the same in Georgia as well. I'd be willing to bet that Biden lost by over 7 million votes in the popular vote as well.

A million votes. Sounds like you should have a great court case. When can we look forward to a suit being filed, witnesses being called, hearings, trials...?

Surely by Labor Day, right?
This ^^^^^^^. is so pathetic.
A true embarrassment.
NO, NOT everyone knows the election was stolen.

Now, there are some wacko contards like Lastamender that will NEVER give up the Big Lie.
Trump Lost.
Russia, Russia, Russia.......... LOOOLOOLOL
Mueller eh? You're a hypocrite huh?

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