The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.


Passed by Congress June 4, 1919. Ratified August 18, 1920.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
What does gay marriage have to do with that?
The Arizona Public Opinion Pulse survey, which was conducted by OH Predictive Insights, found that 62% of state GOP voters believe the audit will show that Trump pulled out a victory there last year.

Hahahaha GOP voters huh? Shocking!

The election is over. Trumpybear lost and the Neo-GOP are losing it!
Hahaha. What does Mueller have to do with the numerous "allegations with no proof" of voter fraud in 2020?
not a thing. But it is why demofks never accepted Trump, so hypocrites like you should know that.
Exactly. That's what I don't get. We watched Democrats make asses out of themselves for four years because they simply couldn't accept that they lost an election. They clung to every slim hope that they'd find a smoking gun and reverse the results, or get Trump impeached or whatever. They wasted a lot of time and money that should have been focused on governing.

Are we gonna have to watch Republicans do the same damned thing?
Exactly. That's what I don't get. We watched Democrats make asses out of themselves for four years because they simply couldn't accept that they lost an election. They clung to every slim hope that they'd find a smoking gun and reverse the results, or get Trump impeached or whatever. They wasted a lot of time and money that should have been focused on governing.

Are we gonna have to watch Republicans do the same damned thing?
We asked for an audit! Same as Gore did! Why is that so disturbing? 60 judges colluded to deny rights
Hahahaha GOP voters huh? Shocking!

The election is over. Trumpybear lost and the Neo-GOP are losing it!
You do not lose when you are cheated. Democrats are now the traitors. Proof or not, everyone knows the election was stolen. Those who don't are tremendously stupid. Your lie has failed. More people are going to be convinced.
You do not lose when you are cheated. Democrats are now the traitors. Proof or not, everyone knows the election was stolen. Those who don't are tremendously stupid. Your lie has failed. More people are going to be convinced.
You are cheated? Proof or not? Do you Rumpian Butt-Sniffers ever actually LISTEN to yourselves as you spew that incredulous bull$hit? You're a joke.
Entirely opposite from the testimony of the audit team to the AZ Senate hearing. OAN has been replaying that hearing for the past 4 days and the liaison for the audit team is a former Secretary of State for Arizona.
Entirely meaningless, old boy... entirely meaningless...
How did you like that hearing? People are going for a looooong vacation!
Wake me up when that materializes... :abgg2q.jpg:

More importantly... wake me up when you've got something substantial enough to overturn the verdict of the November 2020 election in that State...

AIn't gonna happen...

Besides... the ballots are no longer a reliable collection... the Chain-of-Custody has been broken too many times with respect to various samplings and staffers.

They don't have diddly-squat... they know it... you know it... I know it... the sane subset of posters here know it... and so does a majority of the voting public.

It's over... and has been for many months now... time for you (collectively) to stop embarrassing yourselves and start planning for 2022 and 2024.

Hint for 2024... keep much of the Rump agenda, but ditch Rump in favor of someone sane and articulate and intelligent... you might actually win.
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