The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

SO far they only found fewer than 200 potential cases of fraud, with only 4 leading to charges !!

Its over, there was no fraud...

This has not stopped Trump and his Trumpers from just magically fabricating lies, lies about mail in ballots and fraudulent ballots that are not true in anyway. Election officials have quickly debunked all of Trumps blatant lies.

It looks like Trump's play is to just keep on fabricating lies about fraud that never happened. Trump's retard supporters will believe any lie they are told so they will gladly believe Trump's new lies even though Trump's lies have already been debunked.

All independent experts have said Trump is lying and there is no fraud. Its over, the Audit produced nothing at all. There is no evidence of fraud.

  1. 3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline
  2. 11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4
  3. 18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election
  4. 74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent

Right wing propaganda.
They are very very worried about the now documented 74k fraud ballots in the hands of the audit.... The only real audit.

How did traitor Joe win a state that voted GOP state house and state senate?

Fraud ballots....

All states need forensic audits....
Well saying it doesn't make it true.

There is no evidence of fraud ballots at all, that is a fabricated lie.

This is another example of Trump fabricating lies, his reatard supporters repeating those lies, and all the facts and evidence refuting those lies.

The audit has uncovered no fraud, and all officials have said as such.
Well saying it doesn't make it true.

There is no evidence of fraud ballots at all, that is a fabricated lie.

This is another example of Trump fabricating lies, his reatard supporters repeating those lies, and all the facts and evidence refuting those lies.

The audit has uncovered no fraud........
This post is an outright lie.
They've found thousands of fake ballots and they say they've found enough verifiable fraud to reverse the election and flip the state over to Trump.

“We also learned that according to the written records, there were about 74,000 mail-in ballots that were received by the county, but there is no record that they were ever sent out,” said Ward. “There were also nearly 4,000 people who were shown as having voted on election day, but their registration date is after Oct. 15, 2020, which was the deadline for registering to vote.”​
Joe Biden purportedly won Arizona by less than 11,000 votes, which is much less than the amount of potential fraud.​

This post is an outright lie.
They've found thousands of fake ballots and they say they've found enough verifiable fraud to reverse the election and flip the state over to Trump.

Dont hold your breath. They are just fuckin with your head. Trying to get you to donate some more.
Accuracy of who executed the ballots is a concern, and in the case of Atlanta, Philly, and Dertroit anything can be executed if everyone is in on it.
Your take is BS. You feel like black people must be cheating in the cities? Great. We have another one. Trump gained in the cities and got his ass kicked in the suburbs. Why do you believe this fake ass narrative that cities cheated? Grow some sense.
This post is an outright lie.
They've found thousands of fake ballots and they say they've found enough verifiable fraud to reverse the election and flip the state over to Trump.

“We also learned that according to the written records, there were about 74,000 mail-in ballots that were received by the county, but there is no record that they were ever sent out,” said Ward. “There were also nearly 4,000 people who were shown as having voted on election day, but their registration date is after Oct. 15, 2020, which was the deadline for registering to vote.”​
Joe Biden purportedly won Arizona by less than 11,000 votes, which is much less than the amount of potential fraud.​

No they didn't

Trumpers just made that up out of thin air.

The AZ election officials said there is no fraud and Trump's lies of fraud, are just that lies.

Its over the audit is over, there is no fraud and it will never hold up in court.
This post is an outright lie.
They've found thousands of fake ballots and they say they've found enough verifiable fraud to reverse the election and flip the state over to Trump.

“We also learned that according to the written records, there were about 74,000 mail-in ballots that were received by the county, but there is no record that they were ever sent out,” said Ward. “There were also nearly 4,000 people who were shown as having voted on election day, but their registration date is after Oct. 15, 2020, which was the deadline for registering to vote.”​
Joe Biden purportedly won Arizona by less than 11,000 votes, which is much less than the amount of potential fraud.​

The state can't be flipped or roughed up, there is no law in place.
The value of a painting is what a buyer will pay .. you must be an idiot
In this case the value of the painting is the influence it will deliver. If you can’t smell the stink of influence peddling here you must be a democrat.

Of course you would have had a temper tantrum if one of Trump’s kids had started selling paintings for half a million to unknown buyers during Trump’s time in office. Plus the main stream media would have had conniptions.

Trump wanted a new C*IA building to be built across from one of his hotels. He encouraged people with business before him to stay at his hotel. He did not put his assets in a blind trust so he benefitted personally every time the Secret Service stayed in his hotel. Republicans held numerous activities at his hotel. He even paid rent to him when he ran for President. In 2016, when he became the nominee he raised the rent on his campaign.

There is no evidence Biden has sold his influence. That is typical Republican lies. They don't have a agenda and they are silly. First Biden was too hard on crime. Then Biden is too soft on crime. They both cannot be true.
The evidence is on Hunter’s laptop from hell.

The FBI will either cover up that evidence or lose the laptop.

Nothing will ever come of this as Joe and Hunter Biden just like Hillary Clinton and numerous other democrats and their close associates are totally above the rule of law.

You may think we live in a representative democracy or constitutional republic but the simple reality is we live in a modern day Yankee banana republic. That’s what happens when the rule of law doesn’t apply equally to all and the MSM is the propaganda outlet for one political party.

The weekly Maricopa County Board of Supervisors newsletter I received today:

SO far they only found fewer than 200 potential cases of fraud, with only 4 leading to charges !!

Its over, there was no fraud...

This has not stopped Trump and his Trumpers from just magically fabricating lies, lies about mail in ballots and fraudulent ballots that are not true in anyway. Election officials have quickly debunked all of Trumps blatant lies.

It looks like Trump's play is to just keep on fabricating lies about fraud that never happened. Trump's retard supporters will believe any lie they are told so they will gladly believe Trump's new lies even though Trump's lies have already been debunked.

All independent experts have said Trump is lying and there is no fraud. Its over, the Audit produced nothing at all. There is no evidence of fraud.

The AZ Secretary of State is obstructing the audit to the point where the AG is demanding that she turn over the evidence. But good luck with that. The SOS was against the audit from the start.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Requests Evidence Of Fraud from AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs

Anyone who believes the AZ election was on the up and up, isn't paying attention.

This thread is what is called "misinformation" and the libs have perfected it to an art.
This is the problem.
The facts have been presented.
There is only 200 cases of possible fraud.
All the election official in AZ have said the audit produced nothing:


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