The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

This post is an outright lie.
They've found thousands of fake ballots and they say they've found enough verifiable fraud to reverse the election and flip the state over to Trump.

“We also learned that according to the written records, there were about 74,000 mail-in ballots that were received by the county, but there is no record that they were ever sent out,” said Ward. “There were also nearly 4,000 people who were shown as having voted on election day, but their registration date is after Oct. 15, 2020, which was the deadline for registering to vote.”​
Joe Biden purportedly won Arizona by less than 11,000 votes, which is much less than the amount of potential fraud.​

You can expect the Sgt. Shultz defense from democrats. Count on it.
No they didn't

Trumpers just made that up out of thin air.

The AZ election officials said there is no fraud and Trump's lies of fraud, are just that lies.

Its over the audit is over, there is no fraud and it will never hold up in court.
They’re only going to believe what they’re told in their universe. I suspect they’re working on a new conspiracy theory to “explain” this as we speak.

These are zombies. They don’t stop.
Yes, what is not adding up is you falling for a scam artist...
OANN has been playing the latest Arizona Senate investigation for the past 4 days and that happens to be the official audit investigation. When the final tabulations are made, Tiiiimmmmbbbbeeeeerrrrr!
They are very very worried about the now documented 74k fraud ballots in the hands of the audit.... The only real audit.

How did traitor Joe win a state that voted GOP state house and state senate?

Fraud ballots....

All states need forensic audits....

Trump was really that bad. It was the same way Hillary lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.
No they didn't

Trumpers just made that up out of thin air.

The AZ election officials said there is no fraud and Trump's lies of fraud, are just that lies.

Its over the audit is over, there is no fraud and it will never hold up in court.
The audit isn't over. And they've found so much fraud that the election results is off by 17%. This doesn't even include the fact that Maricopia County refuses to cooperate with the auditors. They say that Trump probably carried AZ by over a million votes.

Official Arizona Vote Totals Immediately Following the Steal:
Biden 1,672,143​
Trump 1,661,686,​
Biden won by just under 11,000 votes​
Total votes counted=3,333,829​
The Maricopa County Audit Team’s Findings
Trump 2,373,838- Remember, Trumps original vote count was 1,661,686. Trump’s “official” vote total represents a staggering reduction of 712,152.​
Biden vote total= 1,286,264. The original Biden vote total was 1,672,143. The audit discovered that Biden’s votes decreased by 385,879.​
President Trump won Arizona by 1,087,574 votes with 2,373,838 to Biden 1,286,264. President Trump captured nearly two-thirds of the vote.​
After conducting a forensic audit, the audit team found that the vote flipped by approximately 1.1 million votes! This means that over one-third of the vote was stolen by Democratic Party operatives.​
Anecdotally, this matches the number of people at various Arizona political rallies. Trump would typically draw capacity crowds for various venues ranging from 15,000 to 25,000. Conversely, Biden/Harris never drew 100 people in any rally. One Saturday, the only people to show up for a Biden rally, in downtown Phoenix, were the advance team members of the Biden campaign as reported on the scene by Fox News 10 in Phoenix.​
As far as political signs, there were hundreds of Trump signs for every Biden sign. The Biden signs in Arizona might be valuable today because there were so few of them!​
How did this happen? How did this election get stolen?​
Perpetrating the Steal
Maricopa County election officials have made a stunning confession that opens the door to rampant and massive corruption. The Maricopa County Election team freely and fully admitted that, at no time, did these “guardians of the election” have Administrative access to their own county’s voting machines.​
This opens the question who did have access and why did not the Constitutionally mandated County personnel have access as required by law? What was learned by the audit team is they did they cede this MANDATED responsibility to the Dominion voting machine company! This is not legal and in the opinion of this author this explains how Biden stole over one-third of the vote as the President with dementia carried Arizona by a paltry 11,000 votes.​

SO far they only found fewer than 200 potential cases of fraud, with only 4 leading to charges !!

Its over, there was no fraud...

This has not stopped Trump and his Trumpers from just magically fabricating lies, lies about mail in ballots and fraudulent ballots that are not true in anyway. Election officials have quickly debunked all of Trumps blatant lies.

It looks like Trump's play is to just keep on fabricating lies about fraud that never happened. Trump's retard supporters will believe any lie they are told so they will gladly believe Trump's new lies even though Trump's lies have already been debunked.

All independent experts have said Trump is lying and there is no fraud. Its over, the Audit produced nothing at all. There is no evidence of fraud.

The report is not out yet.

Like any good left winger, you've been hooked on the pre-release posturing.
Well saying it doesn't make it true.

There is no evidence of fraud ballots at all, that is a fabricated lie.

This is another example of Trump fabricating lies, his reatard supporters repeating those lies, and all the facts and evidence refuting those lies.

The audit has uncovered no fraud, and all officials have said as such.

They are not looking for fraud you moron.

They are looking to see if the integrity of the system is in tact.

Like any good left winger, you are only interested in those narratives that fit your echo-chamber fed POV.
SO far they only found fewer than 200 potential cases of fraud, with only 4 leading to charges !!

Its over, there was no fraud...

This has not stopped Trump and his Trumpers from just magically fabricating lies, lies about mail in ballots and fraudulent ballots that are not true in anyway. Election officials have quickly debunked all of Trumps blatant lies.

It looks like Trump's play is to just keep on fabricating lies about fraud that never happened. Trump's retard supporters will believe any lie they are told so they will gladly believe Trump's new lies even though Trump's lies have already been debunked.

All independent experts have said Trump is lying and there is no fraud. Its over, the Audit produced nothing at all. There is no evidence of fraud.

You started your post with "SO FAR"... ROTFLMBO. Contradicts your thread title doesn't it ?
Your take is BS. You feel like black people must be cheating in the cities? Great. We have another one. Trump gained in the cities and got his ass kicked in the suburbs. Why do you believe this fake ass narrative that cities cheated? Grow some sense.
Because we have NEVER seen the vote count suspended in 3 keys states at the same time. One must be a fucking idiot not to question it.
OANN has been playing the latest Arizona Senate investigation for the past 4 days and that happens to be the official audit investigation. When the final tabulations are made, Tiiiimmmmbbbbeeeeerrrrr!
That's the problem its all lies, and you dumb fucks are stupid enough to believe the lies they tell you.

All the election officials said Trump is lying. It will never hold up in court, just like the first time all the courts in the US rejected every Trump case.
You started your post with "SO FAR"... ROTFLMBO. Contradicts your thread title doesn't it ?
nope. Only 200 possible cases of fraud (with only 4 verified), is noghint. Nothing that will change anything and nothing that will support Trump's Big Lie.

Its over, there was no fraud and there is no evidence of fraud.
They are not looking for fraud you moron.

They are looking to see if the integrity of the system is in tact.

Like any good left winger, you are only interested in those narratives that fit your echo-chamber fed POV.

WHat ever BS you want to call it, they ain't got it.

There is no fraud, on integrity flaws, nothing at all.
That's the problem its all lies, and you dumb fucks are stupid enough to believe the lies they tell you.

All the election officials said Trump is lying. It will never hold up in court, just like the first time all the courts in the US rejected every Trump case.
Trump is not running the audit and the Arizona Senate is not a nationally televised lie, you blooming eejit!
They are very very worried about the now documented 74k fraud ballots in the hands of the audit.... The only real audit.

How did traitor Joe win a state that voted GOP state house and state senate?

Fraud ballots....

All states need forensic audits....
Because sane people didn't want to give a fucking psychopath another term, that's why. Haven't figured that out yet, have ya?
Trump is not running the audit and the Arizona Senate is not a nationally televised lie, you blooming eejit!
All the election officials said the audit produced nothing.
ANy fake claims of fraud will get rejected in court AGAIN, like they did last time.

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