The FACTS on Food Stamps

Let's put it another way. 1 out of 6 people face hunger. America is not as wealthy as people would like to believe.

can you buy lobster with snap?
yes you can buy it... why would a person who is on food stamps buy a lobster ... when they cost around $25.00 each that's two weeks groceries ... why would they choose to buy a lobster, then starve for two weeks .... you republicans say the stupidest shit

You imply that because it's foolish, they don't do it. Which is of course not true, and indicative of your inability to think logically.

But to humor you, the *why* is that they have surplus food dollars..and they've been conditioned to believe that anything they want is what they are owed.
can you buy lobster with snap?
yes you can buy it... why would a person who is on food stamps buy a lobster ... when they cost around $25.00 each that's two weeks groceries ... why would they choose to buy a lobster, then starve for two weeks .... you republicans say the stupidest shit

You imply that because it's foolish, they don't do it. Which is of course not true, and indicative of your inability to think logically.

But to humor you, the *why* is that they have surplus food dollars..and they've been conditioned to believe that anything they want is what they are owed.

and that is the facts jack!
The assumption that 'no one would do this' is wrong. The assumption that everyone on SNAP regularly abuses the program, by corruption would also be wrong in all likelihood.

My concern is that the standards have become so lax that too many are receiving that truly don't need it. Again, I'd rather see those without the resources have more available and those to whom it allows for extravagant purchases on regular basis go without.
The thing is, the people who need it the most are the people who are working, and just get a smidgeon..while those who sit on their fat asses all day get hundreds and hundreds of dollars. So the people who are grubbing for a dime and out there slaving are the ones who go hungry...while the drug addled sleezebags are literally rolling in food. It seems like the people who should be eating better are the ones who are working harder..don't you think?

But that's not the way it works.

I personally think that if someone has zero income coming in, and they have a family of four...I don't think they need $596/month to eat on. They can eat on half that, if they don't do stupid things like buy lobster and trade their foodstamp allotment for things like weed and booze. That's how you MOTIVATE people to leave welfare behind..I know the people I talk to who are working two jobs and get $100 in foodstamps, and paying for child care so they can work, are defiinitely motivated to work and get ahead. Because they're sick of beans and rice, they're sick of drinking sun tea instead of milk, they're sick of chicken every single day for weeks on end, if they get meat at all.
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The thing is, the people who need it the most are the people who are working, and just get a smidgeon..while those who sit on their fat asses all day get hundreds and hundreds of dollars. So the people who are grubbing for a dime and out there slaving are the ones who go hungry...while the drug addled sleezebags are literally rolling in food. It seems like the people who should be eating better are the ones who are working harder..don't you think?

But that's not the way it works.

I personally think that if someone has zero income coming in, and they have a family of four...I don't think they need $596/month to eat on. They can eat on half that, if they don't do stupid things like buy lobster and trade their foodstamp allotment for things like weed and booze. That's how you MOTIVATE people to leave welfare behind..I know the people I talk to who are working two jobs and get $100 in foodstamps, and paying for child care so they can work, are defiinitely motivated to work and get ahead. Because they're sick of beans and rice, they're sick of drinking sun tea instead of milk, they're sick of chicken every single day for weeks on end, if they get meat at all.

Ding ding.. Amazing how people suddenly become "motivated" when the spigot is turned off.
The thing is, the people who need it the most are the people who are working, and just get a smidgeon..while those who sit on their fat asses all day get hundreds and hundreds of dollars. So the people who are grubbing for a dime and out there slaving are the ones who go hungry...while the drug addled sleezebags are literally rolling in food. It seems like the people who should be eating better are the ones who are working harder..don't you think?

But that's not the way it works.

I personally think that if someone has zero income coming in, and they have a family of four...I don't think they need $596/month to eat on. They can eat on half that, if they don't do stupid things like buy lobster and trade their foodstamp allotment for things like weed and booze. That's how you MOTIVATE people to leave welfare behind..I know the people I talk to who are working two jobs and get $100 in foodstamps, and paying for child care so they can work, are defiinitely motivated to work and get ahead. Because they're sick of beans and rice, they're sick of drinking sun tea instead of milk, they're sick of chicken every single day for weeks on end, if they get meat at all.

Ok, call me 'old fashioned' but to me SNAP should be a temporary 'net' or 'supplemental net'. Temporary for folks that have lost their jobs or whose incomes are far below their debt, and NO, I'm not even going into the responsibility of that debt. Some could be medical, some could be irresponsible handling of budgets. Whatever the cause, too little income.

Instead, a huge proportion of families and individuals are 'qualifying' for the benefits. Some may be in serious problems without those, others in a position to actually not worry about how they are spending their food money. The later I have serious problems with.

People that are working and may well qualify for SNAP, but instead choose to lower their spending through careful buying and not spending on 'extras' in food, clothing, back-to-school supplies, are furiously looking for bargains in addition to working multiple jobs.

Many more are making 'adequate incomes' but paying for all the 'nets.' These folks have also like the 'working poor' made adjustments, not as severe but indeed just as real, regarding vacations, remodeling projects, cutting back on 'luxury' or extras. They are buying Samsung instead of Apple. Yes, I agree not in the 'need' category, but they work hard and have pulled back. Not only does that effect those folks, it effects the economy as a whole. The more taxes paid, the less will go to the markets.

If I'm looking at the budget of a single mom or dad or a 2 parent household with 2 or 3 kids, who lost their job I want that family to be able to eat without having their gas or electric turned off. Unemployment may cover the rent/mortgage, but little else. If savings weren't built up, they will be 'up the creek' in 2-3 months.

I don't think working or non-working recipients of SNAP should have benefits that allow them to spend tens-hundreds of dollars on luxury food items over the course of a month, and enough 'credit' or 'debit available' to cover the same when SNAP runs out. When SNAP benefits run out in less than 10 days and the buyers haven't a problem with that, they don't 'need' the benefits. I'm not blaming the users, rather the regulations.

When in a difficult place, most learn to adapt. It may take a bit of shopping and talking with others, but one figures it out. I can buy 'sandwich stacker' pickles at grocery for $3.99, $3.49 with coupon. Or I can pick up 'dill chips' at $1.99 at Aldis. My choice. That doesn't mean that in a month or two, I may not splurge on shrimp, on sale. I need perhaps 1/3 lb at cost of $2.29. I might choose differently if I was feeding a couple teens too, but I'm not.

There is no place in our budgets with as much 'give' as food. Those in cities, without recourse to anything other than mass transit are in a bind. Most however are not in that bind. Most of us have lots of choices.
The thing is, the people who need it the most are the people who are working, and just get a smidgeon..while those who sit on their fat asses all day get hundreds and hundreds of dollars. So the people who are grubbing for a dime and out there slaving are the ones who go hungry...while the drug addled sleezebags are literally rolling in food. It seems like the people who should be eating better are the ones who are working harder..don't you think?

But that's not the way it works.

I personally think that if someone has zero income coming in, and they have a family of four...I don't think they need $596/month to eat on. They can eat on half that, if they don't do stupid things like buy lobster and trade their foodstamp allotment for things like weed and booze. That's how you MOTIVATE people to leave welfare behind..I know the people I talk to who are working two jobs and get $100 in foodstamps, and paying for child care so they can work, are defiinitely motivated to work and get ahead. Because they're sick of beans and rice, they're sick of drinking sun tea instead of milk, they're sick of chicken every single day for weeks on end, if they get meat at all.

There is a thriving underground economy amongst the welfare set. Likely those people ARE working, they are selling black market cigarettes, doing hair and nails without a license, etc. And paying no taxes all the while collecting food stamps and all the trimmin's.

can you buy lobster with snap?
yes you can buy it... why would a person who is on food stamps buy a lobster ... when they cost around $25.00 each that's two weeks groceries ... why would they choose to buy a lobster, then starve for two weeks .... you republicans say the stupidest shit

People who are actually in need of the SNAP program wouldn't. Problem today is that many who 'qualify' have resources well beyond SNAP. I doubt that many here, those working and trying to make their money stretch without SNAP, regularly buy large quantities (more than 6) of Smartwater, Vitamin Water, sodas by the individual can, Godiva type individual chocolate bars, frozen pizzas or frozen appetizers, in a convenience type retail store-without their being on sale. Today is the 9th, 2 days ago I had 3 SNAP customers do some version of the above, along with chips, packaged bakery items, etc. Inevitably the total purchased was over $35. One already hit the SNAP limit. All had items beyond SNAP coverage, all used credit cards to cover the balance remaining.

I don't begrudge someone picking up a cold drink on a hot day or buying a candy bar for themselves or their children. Just because one sees that purchase and SNAP card, one really doesn't know if that candy is just a special treat or to tie the kids over until a late dinner after a long day. I'm well aware that cooking a meal, especially planned around sale protein and veggies will make food dollars buy more healthy food, I won't judge someone grabbing a pizza or a Stouffer's meal. Again, one has no idea of what the reasons are.

What I don't understand is the waste of food dollars in a store known to have very high food prices. One or two pizzas at 'full price' to feed kids quickly? Understood. Buying 6 for $50 on the limited SNAP budget? One would only do that if cost is no object. Paying $1.75 for a Smartwater or +$4. ea for 6 large Starbucks or Red Bull? No, Few of us would pay $24+ for 6 beverages.

This is not an area or store one can get to without a car. Besides, the purchases are too large/heavy to walk with. Within 10 minutes there are 4 different groceries at least, where the costs would be less than 1/2 of these. Same brands.

These are just wasteful purchases in a budgetary sense. When people who work and do not receive SNAP are forced to make changes in the shopping and cooking patterns to have more dollars left to pay bills, it seems reasonable to limit the program to those really in need. I'd rather see a person that is getting $200 a month and really in need, get $250, than all receiving get less, but those who are abusing it actually are buying premium in either cost or quality terms.

There needs to be better oversight. I'm not against the program philosophically, but in practice for too many that can make it without the aid.

They could be buying those items in quantity to sell as black market items and turn a little profit.
The thing is, the people who need it the most are the people who are working, and just get a smidgeon..while those who sit on their fat asses all day get hundreds and hundreds of dollars. So the people who are grubbing for a dime and out there slaving are the ones who go hungry...while the drug addled sleezebags are literally rolling in food. It seems like the people who should be eating better are the ones who are working harder..don't you think?

But that's not the way it works.

I personally think that if someone has zero income coming in, and they have a family of four...I don't think they need $596/month to eat on. They can eat on half that, if they don't do stupid things like buy lobster and trade their foodstamp allotment for things like weed and booze. That's how you MOTIVATE people to leave welfare behind..I know the people I talk to who are working two jobs and get $100 in foodstamps, and paying for child care so they can work, are defiinitely motivated to work and get ahead. Because they're sick of beans and rice, they're sick of drinking sun tea instead of milk, they're sick of chicken every single day for weeks on end, if they get meat at all.

There is a thriving underground economy amongst the welfare set. Likely those people ARE working, they are selling black market cigarettes, doing hair and nails without a license, etc. And paying no taxes all the while collecting food stamps and all the trimmin's.

I don't doubt that. I also don't doubt that they are the ones buying 'all the trimmings.' I do doubt they are involved in the drugs and such. Indeed, I doubt they are even involved in black market for SNAP, that would bring attention to the entrepreneurship, that they want off the books. The purchase of Starbucks from convenience store, won't do that. I applaud their work ethic, I just don't think they need the SNAP.
This is a recent new thread, that should be merged, IMO:

Food-Stamp Use Rises; Some 15% Get Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ

* August 9, 2013, 4:30 PM

Food-Stamp Use Rises; Some 15% Get Benefits

Food-stamp use rose 2.4% in the U.S. in May from a year earlier, with more than 15% of the U.S. population receiving benefits. (See an interactive map with data on use since 1990.)

One of the federal government’s biggest social welfare programs, which expanded when the economy convulsed, isn’t shrinking back alongside the recovery.

Food stamp rolls were up 0.2% from the prior month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported in data that aren’t adjusted for seasonal variations. Though annual growth continues, the pace has slowed since the depths of the recession.

The number of recipients in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is at 47.6 million, or nearly one in six Americans.

Illinois and Wyoming registered double-digit year-over-year jumps in use, while Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah and Washington state all posted annual drops.

Mississippi was the state with the largest share of its population relying on food stamps — 22% — though Washington, DC was a bit higher overall at 23%. One in five residents in Oregon, New Mexico, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia and Kentucky also were food-stamp recipients. Wyoming had the smallest share of its population on food stamps — 7%.

can you buy lobster with snap?
yes you can buy it... why would a person who is on food stamps buy a lobster ... when they cost around $25.00 each that's two weeks groceries ... why would they choose to buy a lobster, then starve for two weeks .... you republicans say the stupidest shit

People who are actually in need of the SNAP program wouldn't. Problem today is that many who 'qualify' have resources well beyond SNAP. I doubt that many here, those working and trying to make their money stretch without SNAP, regularly buy large quantities (more than 6) of Smartwater, Vitamin Water, sodas by the individual can, Godiva type individual chocolate bars, frozen pizzas or frozen appetizers, in a convenience type retail store-without their being on sale. Today is the 9th, 2 days ago I had 3 SNAP customers do some version of the above, along with chips, packaged bakery items, etc. Inevitably the total purchased was over $35. One already hit the SNAP limit. All had items beyond SNAP coverage, all used credit cards to cover the balance remaining.

I don't begrudge someone picking up a cold drink on a hot day or buying a candy bar for themselves or their children. Just because one sees that purchase and SNAP card, one really doesn't know if that candy is just a special treat or to tie the kids over until a late dinner after a long day. I'm well aware that cooking a meal, especially planned around sale protein and veggies will make food dollars buy more healthy food, I won't judge someone grabbing a pizza or a Stouffer's meal. Again, one has no idea of what the reasons are.

What I don't understand is the waste of food dollars in a store known to have very high food prices. One or two pizzas at 'full price' to feed kids quickly? Understood. Buying 6 for $50 on the limited SNAP budget? One would only do that if cost is no object. Paying $1.75 for a Smartwater or +$4. ea for 6 large Starbucks or Red Bull? No, Few of us would pay $24+ for 6 beverages.

This is not an area or store one can get to without a car. Besides, the purchases are too large/heavy to walk with. Within 10 minutes there are 4 different groceries at least, where the costs would be less than 1/2 of these. Same brands.

These are just wasteful purchases in a budgetary sense. When people who work and do not receive SNAP are forced to make changes in the shopping and cooking patterns to have more dollars left to pay bills, it seems reasonable to limit the program to those really in need. I'd rather see a person that is getting $200 a month and really in need, get $250, than all receiving get less, but those who are abusing it actually are buying premium in either cost or quality terms.

There needs to be better oversight. I'm not against the program philosophically, but in practice for too many that can make it without the aid.

The thing is, the people who need it the most are the people who are working, and just get a smidgeon..while those who sit on their fat asses all day get hundreds and hundreds of dollars. So the people who are grubbing for a dime and out there slaving are the ones who go hungry...while the drug addled sleezebags are literally rolling in food. It seems like the people who should be eating better are the ones who are working harder..don't you think?

But that's not the way it works.

I personally think that if someone has zero income coming in, and they have a family of four...I don't think they need $596/month to eat on. They can eat on half that, if they don't do stupid things like buy lobster and trade their foodstamp allotment for things like weed and booze. That's how you MOTIVATE people to leave welfare behind..I know the people I talk to who are working two jobs and get $100 in foodstamps, and paying for child care so they can work, are defiinitely motivated to work and get ahead. Because they're sick of beans and rice, they're sick of drinking sun tea instead of milk, they're sick of chicken every single day for weeks on end, if they get meat at all.

There is a thriving underground economy amongst the welfare set. Likely those people ARE working, they are selling black market cigarettes, doing hair and nails without a license, etc. And paying no taxes all the while collecting food stamps and all the trimmin's.

I don't doubt that. I also don't doubt that they are the ones buying 'all the trimmings.' I do doubt they are involved in the drugs and such. Indeed, I doubt they are even involved in black market for SNAP, that would bring attention to the entrepreneurship, that they want off the books. The purchase of Starbucks from convenience store, won't do that. I applaud their work ethic, I just don't think they need the SNAP.

I agree. Couponing is a big thing these days. My daughter got really good at it when she was off work pregnant and having the baby. It takes a lot of work, but you can do really well if you put in the time and learn how to do it.

A few weeks ago I saw a woman on TV who had huge stores of items in her home that she had gotten by couponing. During the course of the broadcast she let it slip that she is on food stamps. Her place looked like a grocery store, but she continues to accept the food stamps. If she is that good at couponing that she can build a storeroom of stuff that wouldn't fit in my basement, IMNSHO, she doesn't need food stamps.
yes you can buy it... why would a person who is on food stamps buy a lobster ... when they cost around $25.00 each that's two weeks groceries ... why would they choose to buy a lobster, then starve for two weeks .... you republicans say the stupidest shit

People who are actually in need of the SNAP program wouldn't. Problem today is that many who 'qualify' have resources well beyond SNAP. I doubt that many here, those working and trying to make their money stretch without SNAP, regularly buy large quantities (more than 6) of Smartwater, Vitamin Water, sodas by the individual can, Godiva type individual chocolate bars, frozen pizzas or frozen appetizers, in a convenience type retail store-without their being on sale. Today is the 9th, 2 days ago I had 3 SNAP customers do some version of the above, along with chips, packaged bakery items, etc. Inevitably the total purchased was over $35. One already hit the SNAP limit. All had items beyond SNAP coverage, all used credit cards to cover the balance remaining.

I don't begrudge someone picking up a cold drink on a hot day or buying a candy bar for themselves or their children. Just because one sees that purchase and SNAP card, one really doesn't know if that candy is just a special treat or to tie the kids over until a late dinner after a long day. I'm well aware that cooking a meal, especially planned around sale protein and veggies will make food dollars buy more healthy food, I won't judge someone grabbing a pizza or a Stouffer's meal. Again, one has no idea of what the reasons are.

What I don't understand is the waste of food dollars in a store known to have very high food prices. One or two pizzas at 'full price' to feed kids quickly? Understood. Buying 6 for $50 on the limited SNAP budget? One would only do that if cost is no object. Paying $1.75 for a Smartwater or +$4. ea for 6 large Starbucks or Red Bull? No, Few of us would pay $24+ for 6 beverages.

This is not an area or store one can get to without a car. Besides, the purchases are too large/heavy to walk with. Within 10 minutes there are 4 different groceries at least, where the costs would be less than 1/2 of these. Same brands.

These are just wasteful purchases in a budgetary sense. When people who work and do not receive SNAP are forced to make changes in the shopping and cooking patterns to have more dollars left to pay bills, it seems reasonable to limit the program to those really in need. I'd rather see a person that is getting $200 a month and really in need, get $250, than all receiving get less, but those who are abusing it actually are buying premium in either cost or quality terms.

There needs to be better oversight. I'm not against the program philosophically, but in practice for too many that can make it without the aid.

There is a thriving underground economy amongst the welfare set. Likely those people ARE working, they are selling black market cigarettes, doing hair and nails without a license, etc. And paying no taxes all the while collecting food stamps and all the trimmin's.

I don't doubt that. I also don't doubt that they are the ones buying 'all the trimmings.' I do doubt they are involved in the drugs and such. Indeed, I doubt they are even involved in black market for SNAP, that would bring attention to the entrepreneurship, that they want off the books. The purchase of Starbucks from convenience store, won't do that. I applaud their work ethic, I just don't think they need the SNAP.

I agree. Couponing is a big thing these days. My daughter got really good at it when she was off work pregnant and having the baby. It takes a lot of work, but you can do really well if you put in the time and learn how to do it.

A few weeks ago I saw a woman on TV who had huge stores of items in her home that she had gotten by couponing. During the course of the broadcast she let it slip that she is on food stamps. Her place looked like a grocery store, but she continues to accept the food stamps. If she is that good at couponing that she can build a storeroom of stuff that wouldn't fit in my basement, IMNSHO, she doesn't need food stamps.

Where I work PT, I don't see many able to build up a business on what they purchase. However, I see many not on SNAP using coupons and store rewards program to come out with $80 worth of merchandise for $2.96. Yeah, can see that.

Now savvy SNAP folks would use grocers, including Target/Walmart and others, to make their card work with rewards and coupons to build a business. I'd philosophically be more supportive of that than the folks that was money, SNAP or their own, by not watching for sales or rewards. As a citizen though, don't think it's OK to use SNAP beyond keeping yourself or family fed, if there's excess, than the program needs more regulation. My point in fact.
The thing is, the people who need it the most are the people who are working, and just get a smidgeon..while those who sit on their fat asses all day get hundreds and hundreds of dollars. So the people who are grubbing for a dime and out there slaving are the ones who go hungry...while the drug addled sleezebags are literally rolling in food. It seems like the people who should be eating better are the ones who are working harder..don't you think?

But that's not the way it works.

I personally think that if someone has zero income coming in, and they have a family of four...I don't think they need $596/month to eat on. They can eat on half that, if they don't do stupid things like buy lobster and trade their foodstamp allotment for things like weed and booze. That's how you MOTIVATE people to leave welfare behind..I know the people I talk to who are working two jobs and get $100 in foodstamps, and paying for child care so they can work, are defiinitely motivated to work and get ahead. Because they're sick of beans and rice, they're sick of drinking sun tea instead of milk, they're sick of chicken every single day for weeks on end, if they get meat at all.

Ok, call me 'old fashioned' but to me SNAP should be a temporary 'net' or 'supplemental net'. Temporary for folks that have lost their jobs or whose incomes are far below their debt, and NO, I'm not even going into the responsibility of that debt. Some could be medical, some could be irresponsible handling of budgets. Whatever the cause, too little income.

Instead, a huge proportion of families and individuals are 'qualifying' for the benefits. Some may be in serious problems without those, others in a position to actually not worry about how they are spending their food money. The later I have serious problems with.

People that are working and may well qualify for SNAP, but instead choose to lower their spending through careful buying and not spending on 'extras' in food, clothing, back-to-school supplies, are furiously looking for bargains in addition to working multiple jobs.

Many more are making 'adequate incomes' but paying for all the 'nets.' These folks have also like the 'working poor' made adjustments, not as severe but indeed just as real, regarding vacations, remodeling projects, cutting back on 'luxury' or extras. They are buying Samsung instead of Apple. Yes, I agree not in the 'need' category, but they work hard and have pulled back. Not only does that effect those folks, it effects the economy as a whole. The more taxes paid, the less will go to the markets.

If I'm looking at the budget of a single mom or dad or a 2 parent household with 2 or 3 kids, who lost their job I want that family to be able to eat without having their gas or electric turned off. Unemployment may cover the rent/mortgage, but little else. If savings weren't built up, they will be 'up the creek' in 2-3 months.

I don't think working or non-working recipients of SNAP should have benefits that allow them to spend tens-hundreds of dollars on luxury food items over the course of a month, and enough 'credit' or 'debit available' to cover the same when SNAP runs out. When SNAP benefits run out in less than 10 days and the buyers haven't a problem with that, they don't 'need' the benefits. I'm not blaming the users, rather the regulations.

When in a difficult place, most learn to adapt. It may take a bit of shopping and talking with others, but one figures it out. I can buy 'sandwich stacker' pickles at grocery for $3.99, $3.49 with coupon. Or I can pick up 'dill chips' at $1.99 at Aldis. My choice. That doesn't mean that in a month or two, I may not splurge on shrimp, on sale. I need perhaps 1/3 lb at cost of $2.29. I might choose differently if I was feeding a couple teens too, but I'm not.

There is no place in our budgets with as much 'give' as food. Those in cities, without recourse to anything other than mass transit are in a bind. Most however are not in that bind. Most of us have lots of choices.

But the problem is when people with absolutely no income are able to eat much, much better than the people who work hard to provide for their families. People who are straight up welfare recipients aren't paying rent or electricity anyway; they get subsidies for that. The people who have to choose between food and the rent or food and the heating bill are the ones who work.
People who are actually in need of the SNAP program wouldn't. Problem today is that many who 'qualify' have resources well beyond SNAP. I doubt that many here, those working and trying to make their money stretch without SNAP, regularly buy large quantities (more than 6) of Smartwater, Vitamin Water, sodas by the individual can, Godiva type individual chocolate bars, frozen pizzas or frozen appetizers, in a convenience type retail store-without their being on sale. Today is the 9th, 2 days ago I had 3 SNAP customers do some version of the above, along with chips, packaged bakery items, etc. Inevitably the total purchased was over $35. One already hit the SNAP limit. All had items beyond SNAP coverage, all used credit cards to cover the balance remaining.

I don't begrudge someone picking up a cold drink on a hot day or buying a candy bar for themselves or their children. Just because one sees that purchase and SNAP card, one really doesn't know if that candy is just a special treat or to tie the kids over until a late dinner after a long day. I'm well aware that cooking a meal, especially planned around sale protein and veggies will make food dollars buy more healthy food, I won't judge someone grabbing a pizza or a Stouffer's meal. Again, one has no idea of what the reasons are.

What I don't understand is the waste of food dollars in a store known to have very high food prices. One or two pizzas at 'full price' to feed kids quickly? Understood. Buying 6 for $50 on the limited SNAP budget? One would only do that if cost is no object. Paying $1.75 for a Smartwater or +$4. ea for 6 large Starbucks or Red Bull? No, Few of us would pay $24+ for 6 beverages.

This is not an area or store one can get to without a car. Besides, the purchases are too large/heavy to walk with. Within 10 minutes there are 4 different groceries at least, where the costs would be less than 1/2 of these. Same brands.

These are just wasteful purchases in a budgetary sense. When people who work and do not receive SNAP are forced to make changes in the shopping and cooking patterns to have more dollars left to pay bills, it seems reasonable to limit the program to those really in need. I'd rather see a person that is getting $200 a month and really in need, get $250, than all receiving get less, but those who are abusing it actually are buying premium in either cost or quality terms.

There needs to be better oversight. I'm not against the program philosophically, but in practice for too many that can make it without the aid.

I don't doubt that. I also don't doubt that they are the ones buying 'all the trimmings.' I do doubt they are involved in the drugs and such. Indeed, I doubt they are even involved in black market for SNAP, that would bring attention to the entrepreneurship, that they want off the books. The purchase of Starbucks from convenience store, won't do that. I applaud their work ethic, I just don't think they need the SNAP.

I agree. Couponing is a big thing these days. My daughter got really good at it when she was off work pregnant and having the baby. It takes a lot of work, but you can do really well if you put in the time and learn how to do it.

A few weeks ago I saw a woman on TV who had huge stores of items in her home that she had gotten by couponing. During the course of the broadcast she let it slip that she is on food stamps. Her place looked like a grocery store, but she continues to accept the food stamps. If she is that good at couponing that she can build a storeroom of stuff that wouldn't fit in my basement, IMNSHO, she doesn't need food stamps.

Where I work PT, I don't see many able to build up a business on what they purchase. However, I see many not on SNAP using coupons and store rewards program to come out with $80 worth of merchandise for $2.96. Yeah, can see that.

Now savvy SNAP folks would use grocers, including Target/Walmart and others, to make their card work with rewards and coupons to build a business. I'd philosophically be more supportive of that than the folks that was money, SNAP or their own, by not watching for sales or rewards. As a citizen though, don't think it's OK to use SNAP beyond keeping yourself or family fed, if there's excess, than the program needs more regulation. My point in fact.

Yes, I agree. I don't now if she was reselling any of her stuff or not, but she sure had a lot of stock on hand. I don't agree that someone should be allowed to start a business using SNAP. That is not its intent. Today, I checked out behind some people who had a stack of pizzas and a large number of individual ice cream cups. They paid with a SNAP card. I assumed they were having a party of some kind, but they probably would have gotten 3 times the amount of ice cream if they had bought in one container like a gallon. I mean, they would have had to wash dishes, though. Oh the horror!
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I am not right wing.
You are lacking in character and ethics judging others you know nothing about.
People that support plunder and theft from producers to expand the moocher class lack character and ethics.

Here is some pertinent news for you. You ARE a right wing turd. It is YOU who are the scum of this nation, not the people you deride. America does not have a 'moocher class' It is a fabrication of scum bags like you.

You right wing turds are on a mission to IGNORE the FACTS about programs like food stamps or other great programs that help We the people. Instead you will continue to present the usual emotional whining and support it with anecdotal evidence instead of the FACTS. Are there SOME people who fit your narrative, yes. Is it a significant number, NO.

I post nothing but facts.
The more you grow government the more you grow the poor.
You have grown a society of uneducated, young, single, non-working women that have poor children destined for a life of poverty.
And what do you continue to do? You offer incentives for them to do more of it.
I seek solutions, all you do is call names like a 5 year old and run with emotion and other people's $$$.

Facts...WHAT facts? You post nothing but pure right wing emotion and social Darwinism. FACTS? The facts are that the majority of the poor are children, the aged and the disabled. THOSE are the FACTS asshole. WE have know that since JFK began the groundwork for the war on poverty. It is exactly what Sarge Shriver found.

It has ZERO to do with growing government...ZILCH, NADA, NONE. It has ALL to do with a private sector who are nothing but redcoats and traitors. And turds like you will lick their assholes clean.

The icon of the private sector Jack Welch has set the corporate model when he boldly said: "Ideally you'd have every plant you own on a barge" -- ready to move if any national government tried to impose restraints on the factories' operations, or if workers demanded better wages and working conditions."

What is your 'solution' Stalin? I GUARANTEE it will require some group of people to evaporate.

The FACTS about entitlements...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers take less vacation time, and days off than any other nation. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and in their strong work ethic.

Who are the 47% Romney slandered?

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Here is some pertinent news for you. You ARE a right wing turd. It is YOU who are the scum of this nation, not the people you deride. America does not have a 'moocher class' It is a fabrication of scum bags like you.

You right wing turds are on a mission to IGNORE the FACTS about programs like food stamps or other great programs that help We the people. Instead you will continue to present the usual emotional whining and support it with anecdotal evidence instead of the FACTS. Are there SOME people who fit your narrative, yes. Is it a significant number, NO.

I post nothing but facts.
The more you grow government the more you grow the poor.
You have grown a society of uneducated, young, single, non-working women that have poor children destined for a life of poverty.
And what do you continue to do? You offer incentives for them to do more of it.
I seek solutions, all you do is call names like a 5 year old and run with emotion and other people's $$$.

Facts...WHAT facts? You post nothing but pure right wing emotion and social Darwinism. FACTS? The facts are that the majority of the poor are children, the aged and the disabled. THOSE are the FACTS asshole. WE have know that since JFK began the groundwork for the war on poverty. It is exactly what Sarge Shriver found.

It has ZERO to do with growing government...ZILCH, NADA, NONE. It has ALL to do with a private sector who are nothing but redcoats and traitors. And turds like you will lick their assholes clean.

The icon of the private sector Jack Welch has set the corporate model when he boldly said: "Ideally you'd have every plant you own on a barge" -- ready to move if any national government tried to impose restraints on the factories' operations, or if workers demanded better wages and working conditions."

What is your 'solution' Stalin? I GUARANTEE it will require some group of people to evaporate.

The FACTS about entitlements...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers take less vacation time, and days off than any other nation. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and in their strong work ethic.

Who are the 47% Romney slandered?

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

And you call someone else emotional? Seriously, dude?
I post nothing but facts.
The more you grow government the more you grow the poor.
You have grown a society of uneducated, young, single, non-working women that have poor children destined for a life of poverty.
And what do you continue to do? You offer incentives for them to do more of it.
I seek solutions, all you do is call names like a 5 year old and run with emotion and other people's $$$.

Facts...WHAT facts? You post nothing but pure right wing emotion and social Darwinism. FACTS? The facts are that the majority of the poor are children, the aged and the disabled. THOSE are the FACTS asshole. WE have know that since JFK began the groundwork for the war on poverty. It is exactly what Sarge Shriver found.

It has ZERO to do with growing government...ZILCH, NADA, NONE. It has ALL to do with a private sector who are nothing but redcoats and traitors. And turds like you will lick their assholes clean.

The icon of the private sector Jack Welch has set the corporate model when he boldly said: "Ideally you'd have every plant you own on a barge" -- ready to move if any national government tried to impose restraints on the factories' operations, or if workers demanded better wages and working conditions."

What is your 'solution' Stalin? I GUARANTEE it will require some group of people to evaporate.

The FACTS about entitlements...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers take less vacation time, and days off than any other nation. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and in their strong work ethic.

Who are the 47% Romney slandered?

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

And you call someone else emotional? Seriously, dude?

Right wing turds are filled with the emotion of hate and fear.
Facts...WHAT facts? You post nothing but pure right wing emotion and social Darwinism. FACTS? The facts are that the majority of the poor are children, the aged and the disabled. THOSE are the FACTS asshole. WE have know that since JFK began the groundwork for the war on poverty. It is exactly what Sarge Shriver found.

It has ZERO to do with growing government...ZILCH, NADA, NONE. It has ALL to do with a private sector who are nothing but redcoats and traitors. And turds like you will lick their assholes clean.

The icon of the private sector Jack Welch has set the corporate model when he boldly said: "Ideally you'd have every plant you own on a barge" -- ready to move if any national government tried to impose restraints on the factories' operations, or if workers demanded better wages and working conditions."

What is your 'solution' Stalin? I GUARANTEE it will require some group of people to evaporate.

The FACTS about entitlements...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers take less vacation time, and days off than any other nation. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and in their strong work ethic.

Who are the 47% Romney slandered?

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

And you call someone else emotional? Seriously, dude?

Right wing turds are filled with the emotion of hate and fear.

You are the only one who is calling other posters something foul. Seriously, dude?
Facts...WHAT facts? You post nothing but pure right wing emotion and social Darwinism. FACTS? The facts are that the majority of the poor are children, the aged and the disabled. THOSE are the FACTS asshole. WE have know that since JFK began the groundwork for the war on poverty. It is exactly what Sarge Shriver found.

It has ZERO to do with growing government...ZILCH, NADA, NONE. It has ALL to do with a private sector who are nothing but redcoats and traitors. And turds like you will lick their assholes clean.

The icon of the private sector Jack Welch has set the corporate model when he boldly said: "Ideally you'd have every plant you own on a barge" -- ready to move if any national government tried to impose restraints on the factories' operations, or if workers demanded better wages and working conditions."

What is your 'solution' Stalin? I GUARANTEE it will require some group of people to evaporate.

The FACTS about entitlements...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers take less vacation time, and days off than any other nation. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and in their strong work ethic.

Who are the 47% Romney slandered?

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

And you call someone else emotional? Seriously, dude?

Right wing turds are filled with the emotion of hate and fear.


I agree. Couponing is a big thing these days. My daughter got really good at it when she was off work pregnant and having the baby. It takes a lot of work, but you can do really well if you put in the time and learn how to do it.

A few weeks ago I saw a woman on TV who had huge stores of items in her home that she had gotten by couponing. During the course of the broadcast she let it slip that she is on food stamps. Her place looked like a grocery store, but she continues to accept the food stamps. If she is that good at couponing that she can build a storeroom of stuff that wouldn't fit in my basement, IMNSHO, she doesn't need food stamps.

Where I work PT, I don't see many able to build up a business on what they purchase. However, I see many not on SNAP using coupons and store rewards program to come out with $80 worth of merchandise for $2.96. Yeah, can see that.

Now savvy SNAP folks would use grocers, including Target/Walmart and others, to make their card work with rewards and coupons to build a business. I'd philosophically be more supportive of that than the folks that was money, SNAP or their own, by not watching for sales or rewards. As a citizen though, don't think it's OK to use SNAP beyond keeping yourself or family fed, if there's excess, than the program needs more regulation. My point in fact.

Yes, I agree. I don't now if she was reselling any of her stuff or not, but she sure had a lot of stock on hand. I don't agree that someone should be allowed to start a business using SNAP. That is not its intent. Today, I checked out behind some people who had a stack of pizzas and a large number of individual ice cream cups. They paid with a SNAP card. I assumed they were having a party of some kind, but they probably would have gotten 3 times the amount of ice cream if they had bought in one container like a gallon. I mean, they would have had to wash dishes, though. Oh the horror!

In IL, pizza by delivery or pick up not allowed. Ice Cream bought, yes.

No, I'm not advocating allowing SNAP to start a business, but philosophically more in agreement than those wasting food spending. Pizzas on sale 3@9. off sale, [email protected]. Problem I see, is that the $18 dollar sales are ONLY with SNAP. NOT ALL Snap buyers, but only SNAP buyers at that price point.

The area I work in, many are staying in hotels and not SNAP. Largest number of Smartwater, Vitamin, or Starbucks, energy drinks? 3.

It's the SNAP, off sale that get me, when buying 6-12 at very high price.

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