The Facts on Raising the Minimum Wage When Unemployment Is High

What is certain is that raising the minimum wage rate helps families.

too stupid of course! It helps the families that get the new higher minimum wage, but hurts those that lose there jobs and those who have to pay the high prices from the higher wages. Plus it distorts the free market the way any price fixing does!!

A child would know that just not a liberal.
its the middle class we hear so much about today- right?? If there really is a libturd free lunch why not help everyone. Make the minimum wage $40 and everyone else gets the same % above the minimum wage they were getting.

Or, easier still, just pass a law the all prices get cut in half tomorrow. Then everyone can buy twice as much tomorrow and no more poverty ever again!! There really is a libturd free lunch! ...

Edward Baiamonte, I do not believe that the federal minimum wage, (FMW) could itself eradicate poverty but to the extent that our FMW is sufficient, it’s certainly is more supportive of our economy.
That’s the justification for annually adjusting the FMW to stay abreast with the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar. We successfully index the approximate value of the U.S. dollar for other applications. The numbers are already annually calculated and ready to be plugged in.

You prefer that we revert by eliminating the FMW. That’s what we had when people could feasibly exist uneducated on frontier land. Generally those that economically thrived did so due to the fortune of their circumstances and/or their diligent striving and/or their fortunate surviving what was effectively a lottery within which losers simply perished.

Within other than a labor shortage market, eliminating the FMW is still an improvement over historic serfdom or slavery but it extremely reduces aggregate job seekers and employees negotiating positions and would be a net detriment to our economy.

Regarding these two alternatives you now bring to the table:

I’m opposed to your alternative that we monitor the wage rates of every existing and future task to retain a fixed proportion relative to a constant finite legal amount. Aside for its unnecessary complexity, there’s no manner to enforce the method unless the government was going to enforce wage rates for every single task. An employer could modify any wage by simply modifying the wage earners’ task descriptions.
Similarly your alternative suggestion that we reduce all prices in half would require complete government price controls.

All three of your proposals would be economically more detrimental to our nation.

Refer to:

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All three of your proposals would be economically more detrimental to our nation.


too stupid!! Nixon implimented price controls easily. Its make every American a policeman. Who would dare raise prices when they would be instantly reported.

All we do is cut all prices in half and everyone can buy twice as much tomorrow!! Its a beautiful free lunch!! FMW only helps the poor but it is the vast middle class that is suffering too. We could double their purchasing power tomorrow!!
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All three of your proposals would be economically more detrimental to our nation.


too stupid!! Nixon implimented price controls easily. Its make every American a policeman. Who would dare raise prices when they would be instantly reported.

All we do is cut all prices in half and everyone can buy twice as much tomorrow!! Its a beautiful free lunch!! FMW only helps the poor but it is the vast middle class that is suffering too. We could double their purchasing power tomorrow!!

Edward Baiamonte, I completely over estimated you.
I assumed you to be a conservative that’s opposed to the minimum wage because you believe it to be among government’s early intrusions upon private enterprise and thus (even if you didn’t believe it was itself detrimental to our nation’s economy, you would still be opposed to the precedence it establishes).

That’s a conservative position I as a populist am opposed to but I understand and respect those motives; (i.e. I do not question the patriotism of the conservatives I oppose).

You're apparently satisfied with the concept of government wage and price controls simply because a Republican president enacted it. You have no more political integrity than Romney who as governor of Massachusetts advocated and enacted Romneycare. Then to gain the Republican nomination and for his attempt to occupy the Whitehouse, ran on a platform however possible prevent Romneycare from being enacted and functioning to serve our nation.

Similar to Romney, you’re a political chameleon. You have no allegiance to any political principle. I’m an advocate of the federal minim wage rate pegged to the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar. Within all of the years and all of the responses I’ve posted within many political forums, you will not find a single sentence of approval for limiting profits, incomes, wages, or prices. I’m a populist not a socialist.

What is more socialistic than limiting wages or prices? But you’re not a socialist or a populist or a conservative or a liberal. You have no political philosophy; you’re not stupid but you’re the political equivalent to amoral.

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too stupid!! ... All we do is cut all prices in half and everyone can buy twice as much tomorrow!! Its a beautiful free lunch!!

FMW only helps the poor but it is the vast middle class that is suffering too.
We could double their purchasing power tomorrow!!

Edward Baiamonte, the federal minim wage, (FMW) rate affects ALL USA wage rates but it doesn’t equally affect them all. The extent of FMW rate’s effect upon the market rate for any task is inversely related to the difference between the task’s rate and the FMW rate; (i.e. due to the effect of a lesser FMW rate, the less a worker earns, the greater financial detriment they will have to endure).

The FMW’s purpose is to grant proportionally greater protection for the most financially vulnerable among us but it certainly does improve the negotiating positions of ALL wage and salary earners. The vast majority of middle income earners are wage or salary earners.

too stupid!! ... All we do is cut all prices in half and everyone can buy twice as much tomorrow!! Its a beautiful free lunch!!

FMW only helps the poor but it is the vast middle class that is suffering too.
We could double their purchasing power tomorrow!!

Edward Baiamonte, the federal minim wage, (FMW) rate affects ALL USA wage rates but it doesn’t equally affect them all. The extent of FMW rate’s effect upon the market rate for any task is inversely related to the difference between the task’s rate and the FMW rate; (i.e. due to the effect of a lesser FMW rate, the less a worker earns, the greater financial detriment they will have to endure).

The FMW’s purpose is to grant proportionally greater protection for the most financially vulnerable among us but it certainly does improve the negotiating positions of ALL wage and salary earners. The vast majority of middle income earners are wage or salary earners.


why not just cut prices in half tomorrow???? We could all buy twice as much tomorrow, and this includes the down trodden middle class. Its the perfect libturd free lunch!!!!
Anything that can be done to reverse the concentration of wealth into the hands of a relative few is good policy.

Why do Republicans hate workers? Would Republicans support different policies if they weren't all on Social Security, disability, or welfare?
Anything that can be done to reverse the concentration of wealth into the hands of a relative few is good policy.

How do you propose the rest of us get wealthy too?? By earning money or by violent liberal theft from the rich??

Liberalism is always about violence isn't it? In this case stealing from the rich what they gained in peaceful transactions.

Maybe you want a law that we can't buy from Gates and Jobs anymore????

Or maybe a law that Gates and Buffett must distribute their money faster??
too stupid!! ... All we do is cut all prices in half and everyone can buy twice as much tomorrow!! Its a beautiful free lunch!!

FMW only helps the poor but it is the vast middle class that is suffering too.
We could double their purchasing power tomorrow!!

Why not just cut prices in half tomorrow???? We could all buy twice as much tomorrow, and this includes the down trodden middle class. Its the perfect libturd free lunch!!!!

Edward Baiamonte, I believed I clearly explained my position in response #42 of this thread. You apparently did not understand the message.

I tried again within response #44 where I stated within all of the years and all of the responses I’ve posted within many political forums, you will not find a single sentence of approval for limiting profits, incomes, wages, or prices. I’m a populist not a socialist.

I had thought that you misunderstood and we were actually in agreement upon these points.

Now I can only conclude that:
(A) You are a proponent of limiting profits and/or incomes and/or wages and/or wages;
(B) You must deny the validity of anything professed by myself or anyone else that is not a conservative. To admit that we concur on any point is to accept the possibility that those other than conservatives may be capable of drawing logical conclusions.

Many people cannot tolerate what they believe to be critical differences of others and thus deny those others any indication of respect. Some people go beyond lack of civility or mutual respect; they reach the extent of disrespect or even hate.

Some people inflict harms upon others they may only be discomfort or extend to great physical and financial harm. Interestingly uncivil people are rarely aware of the harm they do to themselves and their society.

Edward, I have sufficient ego to survive your incivility. You have to deal with your own problems; I won’t suffer for them.

Interestingly uncivil people are rarely aware of the harm they do to themselves and their society.

For 4th time: Why not just cut prices in half tomorrow???? We could all buy twice as much tomorrow, and this includes the down trodden middle class and well as the poor. It's the perfect libturd free lunch!!!

Also, I feel it was uncivil for liberals to spy for Stalin and give him the A-bomb while he was slowly starving 60 million to death.
For 4th time: Why not just cut prices in half tomorrow???? We could all buy twice as much tomorrow, and this includes the down trodden middle class and well as the poor. It's the perfect libturd free lunch!!!

Also, I feel it was uncivil for liberals to spy for Stalin and give him the A-bomb while he was slowly starving 60 million to death.

Edward Baiamonte, I never explicitly asked, are you are a proponent of limiting profits and/or incomes and/or wages and/or wages?
As I’ve stated, I’m generally opposed to such positions. I consider them to be economically detrimental.

Regardless of your own intolerances, liberalism is not particularly conducive to treason or Stalinism, or communism or socialism or inhumanity.

For 4th time: Why not just cut prices in half tomorrow???? We could all buy twice as much tomorrow, and this includes the down trodden middle class and well as the poor. It's the perfect libturd free lunch!!!

Also, I feel it was uncivil for liberals to spy for Stalin and give him the A-bomb while he was slowly starving 60 million to death.

Edward Baiamonte, I never explicitly asked, are you are a proponent of limiting profits and/or incomes and/or wages and/or wages?
As I’ve stated, I’m generally opposed to such positions. I consider them to be economically detrimental.

Regardless of your own intolerances, liberalism is not particularly conducive to treason or Stalinism, or communism or socialism or inhumanity.


For 5th time: Why not just cut prices in half tomorrow???? We could all buy twice as much tomorrow, and this includes the down trodden middle class and well as the poor. It's the perfect libturd free lunch!!!

If liberalism is not conducive to treason or Stalinism why did our liberals spy for Stalin and why did Barry vote to the left of Bernie Sanders???????????

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!
You all, I suppose there’s some limit to the tolerance and patience of the most saintly persons, and I ain’t a saint. I’ll no longer respond to a particularly intolerant idiot.

Respectfully, Supposn
You all, I suppose there’s some limit to the tolerance and patience of the most saintly persons, and I ain’t a saint. I’ll no longer respond to a particularly intolerant idiot.

Respectfully, Supposn

translation: I lacked the IQ to answer 2 simple questions:

Question 1: Why not just cut prices in half tomorrow???? We could all buy twice as much tomorrow, and this includes the down trodden middle class and well as the poor. It's the perfect libturd free lunch!!!

Question 2 : If liberalism is not conducive to treason or Stalinism why did our liberals spy for Stalin and why did Barry vote to the left of Bernie Sanders???????????
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