The factual update on Ukraine minus the Western media BS

There's nothing wild about the claim. It's backed up by a stack of previous news reports going back to the beginning of the war. We're literally just throwing shit away over there or setting it up for target practice.
Not even remotely true. We’re supporting a sovereign nation.

You think Russia is going to stop after Ukraine?
Your basis for categorizing the YouTube video is nothing more than the fact that it doesn't agree with your chosen news source which has already been proven to be highly untrustworthy. I will say I found the AI narrator to be a bit cheesy. Scott Ritter has been doing pieces on Danny Haiphong saying similar things...
Its not a matter of agreeing or not agreeing. You yourself said you don’t fully believe it.
He absolutely detests Trump by the way.
Thanks for the chuckle.
What I find interesting is how the Western media reports the imminent collapse of Russia and yet the real picture looks nothing like that. Not only is Russia not about to collapse they seem to be doing just fine.

The widespread devastation that I see in Ukraine speaks for itself.
The 3rd largest army on earth is bogged down in Ukraine and is having to import weapons from Iran.

You hope their doing fine...which is mind boggling because they have missiles pointed at you and your family right now.
Nope.... But maybe you are if you're interested in wasting more billions of American money on a useless and stupid war that should never have started. Ukraine is hiring by the way.... What the hell are you doing here still? Russia eliminated close to 100 million in US military equipment in a single strike I mean what the fuck? How stupid can we be?
Putin invaded Ukraine. They have accessed much Ukraine land. Where do you stop them. There were isolationists in the 1930's when it came to Germany. After WWII, thank goodness, the US isolationists were not listened to concerning Communist Soviet Union.
Russia, China and Iran are not isolationists. They love people like you.

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