The Failure of Multiculturalism is now Apparent


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This was the front page of a college newspaper in Texas of all places.

Campus newspaper editorial: 'Your [white] DNA is an abomination'

A new opinion piece in a Texas State University student newspaper tells white students, “Your DNA is an Abomination.”

“When I think of all the white people I have ever encountered - whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friend, police officers, et cetera - there is perhaps only a dozen I would consider ‘decent,’” student author Rudy Martinez writes in the University Star.

Without much biological explanation, Martinez informs white readers, “You were not born white. You became white… You don’t give a damn.” Later in his rant, he calls the police “fascist foot soldiers” and says a “white supremacist inhabits the White House.”​

The multicultural movement has frozen assimilation into this country in the Millennial generation and after them. They see multiculturalism as an advantage to play against white people to take jobs, get away with murder, literally, and to try to control the politics of our inner cities.

The verdict in the Katie Steinle case is confirmation that multiculturalism is a total failure and Identity Politics a cancer on the American social discourse.

It is time to clean the board and start over.

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Oh, dear! Oh my! I get it now. I'm white and I've never felt so oppressed. Will I ever catch a break?
It was an opinion and obviously the editor did not do their job:

Dear readers,

We screwed up.

As editors, we allowed a hateful column to be published and hurt our community that deserves better. Texas State is a place where every student should feel safe learning and growing.

This is a student-run independent newspaper that enjoys the full rights and responsibilities of the First Amendment. Our newsroom is a learning space that gives us the ability to grow into our profession. It is a place where we make decisions and live by their consequences. The author of the column has jeopardized the atmosphere of inclusivity at this university. We have taken action and fired the individual.

Since the column’s publication, we have received hate mail and numerous death threats. Additionally, there have been calls for several members of The University Star to resign with individuals threatening to defund the student publication if demands are not met. We have received a lot of constructive feedback that, as students, is invaluable to us.

A message from The Editorial Board | The University Star
It was an opinion and obviously the editor did not do their job:

Dear readers,

We screwed up.

As editors, we allowed a hateful column to be published and hurt our community that deserves better. Texas State is a place where every student should feel safe learning and growing.

This is a student-run independent newspaper that enjoys the full rights and responsibilities of the First Amendment. Our newsroom is a learning space that gives us the ability to grow into our profession. It is a place where we make decisions and live by their consequences. The author of the column has jeopardized the atmosphere of inclusivity at this university. We have taken action and fired the individual.

Since the column’s publication, we have received hate mail and numerous death threats. Additionally, there have been calls for several members of The University Star to resign with individuals threatening to defund the student publication if demands are not met. We have received a lot of constructive feedback that, as students, is invaluable to us.

A message from The Editorial Board | The University Star

All good and well except that they ran the damned Oped in the first place.

Are you sure you want to provide cover for racist pieces of filth like that idiot just because he is a minority?
And the racist white hating liberals chime in with their predictable justification for racism against white people.

Before Katie's blood was even dry, liberals were yucking it up about how another privileged white person finally got their deserved justice.

Now they celebrate the unjust aquital of her murderer and deride any concern for the multicultural experiment that the Oligarchs have foisted upon us without our approval.

A new day is dawning in America, a new day in which white people have all the evidence they will ever need to bring an end to multiculturalism and restore sanity to our nations government.
It was an opinion and obviously the editor did not do their job:

Dear readers,

We screwed up.

As editors, we allowed a hateful column to be published and hurt our community that deserves better. Texas State is a place where every student should feel safe learning and growing.

This is a student-run independent newspaper that enjoys the full rights and responsibilities of the First Amendment. Our newsroom is a learning space that gives us the ability to grow into our profession. It is a place where we make decisions and live by their consequences. The author of the column has jeopardized the atmosphere of inclusivity at this university. We have taken action and fired the individual.

Since the column’s publication, we have received hate mail and numerous death threats. Additionally, there have been calls for several members of The University Star to resign with individuals threatening to defund the student publication if demands are not met. We have received a lot of constructive feedback that, as students, is invaluable to us.

A message from The Editorial Board | The University Star
Thank goodness for the Editorial Board for its decision to fire that disgusting Mexican for writing that hateful article.
And the racist white hating liberals chime in with their predictable justification for racism against white people.

Before Katie's blood was even dry, liberals were yucking it up about how another privileged white person finally got their deserved justice.

Now they celebrate the unjust aquital of her murderer and deride any concern for the multicultural experiment that the Oligarchs have foisted upon us without our approval.

A new day is dawning in America, a new day in which white people have all the evidence they will ever need to bring an end to multiculturalism and restore sanity to our nations government.
Remember, on the Left's Oppressed/Oppressor template, white people are the Oppressor, and anything bad that happens is deserved.

If you have a problem with that, there's something wrong with YOU.

Now. Put on the t-shirt, chain your hands, kneel, and say you're sorry for what you have done.


This is what happens when you tell a minority that they are victims and somehow deserved more than they have earned.

the lefts hate is never ending, and this will all end badly.
And the racist white hating liberals chime in with their predictable justification for racism against white people.

Before Katie's blood was even dry, liberals were yucking it up about how another privileged white person finally got their deserved justice.

Now they celebrate the unjust aquital of her murderer and deride any concern for the multicultural experiment that the Oligarchs have foisted upon us without our approval.

A new day is dawning in America, a new day in which white people have all the evidence they will ever need to bring an end to multiculturalism and restore sanity to our nations government.
Remember, on the Left's Oppressed/Oppressor template, white people are the Oppressor, and anything bad that happens is deserved.

If you have a problem with that, there's something wrong with YOU.

Now. Put on the t-shirt, chain your hands, kneel, and say you're sorry for what you have done.


that boys father should be beaten to death, then arrested.
Oh, dear! Oh my! I get it now. I'm white and I've never felt so oppressed. Will I ever catch a break?
South Africa.

Wait till you get your way and whites become a voting minority. This hate of the minorities will turn violent. I pity your offspring who will live in the world you created.
America has always been "multicultural".

What the Regressives have done with it, however, is weaponized it, working hard to divide us into various angry grievance groups they can control for political advantage.

Division hurts us, weakens us, and these people know it.

Therefore, given what they think of America, it's not surprising they're doing this.
America has always been "multicultural".

What the Regressives have done with it, however, is weaponized it, working hard to divide us into various angry grievance groups they can control for political advantage.

Division hurts us, weakens us, and these people know it.

Therefore, given what they think of America, it's not surprising they're doing this.
And it is past time we put an end to it.

But we cannot forget that the multinational corporations are sponsoring all this through things like the Ford Foundation, as they seek to weaken the working class particularly.

When the time comes we need to get a whole lot of rope.

So plant an oak tree in your yard today, so you might one day decorate it with a traitor.
America has always been "multicultural".

What the Regressives have done with it, however, is weaponized it, working hard to divide us into various angry grievance groups they can control for political advantage.

Division hurts us, weakens us, and these people know it.

Therefore, given what they think of America, it's not surprising they're doing this.
And it is past time we put an end to it.

But we cannot forget that the multinational corporations are sponsoring all this through things like the Ford Foundation, as they seek to weaken the working class particularly.

When the time comes we need to get a whole lot of rope.

So plant an oak tree in your yard today, so you might one day decorate it with a traitor.
Honestly Jim, I don't know how that happens.

We didn't get here overnight.
When the time comes we need to get a whole lot of rope.
Honestly Jim, I don't know how that happens.
We didn't get here overnight.
We wait, speaking quietly to one another untill the nation has had so much crap that it cant stand any more.

Then we shoot the bastards and when we run out of bullets we hang them from trees and lamp posts till we run out of rope.

Then we dig pits and have them compete strangling each other to death then bury alive the last shitbag standing.

i loath these people now with every fiber of my being.

Katie could have been my son or daughter and the dismissal the leftists fagots have shown is enraging.

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