The Failure of Multiculturalism is now Apparent

This was the front page of a college newspaper in Texas of all places.

Campus newspaper editorial: 'Your [white] DNA is an abomination'

A new opinion piece in a Texas State University student newspaper tells white students, “Your DNA is an Abomination.”

“When I think of all the white people I have ever encountered - whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friend, police officers, et cetera - there is perhaps only a dozen I would consider ‘decent,’” student author Rudy Martinez writes in the University Star.

Without much biological explanation, Martinez informs white readers, “You were not born white. You became white… You don’t give a damn.” Later in his rant, he calls the police “fascist foot soldiers” and says a “white supremacist inhabits the White House.”​

The multicultural movement has frozen assimilation into this country in the Millennial generation and after them. They see multiculturalism as an advantage to play against white people to take jobs, get away with murder, literally, and to try to control the politics of our inner cities.

The verdict in the Katie Steinle case is confirmation that multiculturalism is a total failure and Identity Politics a cancer on the American social discourse.

It is time to clean the board and start over.

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
The verdict in the Katie Steinle case is confirmation that multiculturalism is a total failure and Identity Politics a cancer on the American social discourse.

How exactly do you propose that one trial verdict confirms the success or failure of an entire philosophy? Asserting that absent sound explication is one hell of a big leap from the specific to the general, thereby bidding the reader to join in your tryst with cognitively illicit transference.
The multicultural movement has frozen assimilation into this country in the Millennial generation and after them.

Multiculturalism likens the practice assimilation to making bouillabaisse whereas democratic liberalism envisions assimilation as akin to making a multi-cheese fondue; however, liberal democracies "restaurant owners, chefs and maitre d's" have yet to comport themselves and use techniques that produce "multi-cheese fondue."

Multiculturalism in the U.S. doesn't assert that the liberal democratic vision and implementation of assimilation is frozen. It challenges the American implementers and custodians of liberal democracy by showing that they have in some hundred-plus years failed to "make multi-cheese fondue" and bids us/them to "put on the table" a different entrée, one that is hard to make, but one that can be made.

Rudy's lamentation is that, at least in his mind, that white diners will "order" neither "multi-cheese fondue" nor "bouillabaisse" and will accept only "single-ingredient dishes" wherein any exoitc ingredients and accompaniments range from superfluous to undesirable. Now that wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that American "restaurant" called liberal democracy promises to serve "fondue" and bring "meat and potatoes" to the table.

They see multiculturalism as an advantage to play against white people

Multiculturalism, like liberal democracy, is a philosophy not a tool. Tools are used to bring philosophies to fruition; philosophies themselves are not tools. It's the difference between strategy and tactics: strategy is what one aims to achieve; tactics are how one will achieve them. The rule of law is the primary tool of both multiculturalism and liberal democracy.
It was an opinion and obviously the editor did not do their job:

Dear readers,

We screwed up.

As editors, we allowed a hateful column to be published and hurt our community that deserves better. Texas State is a place where every student should feel safe learning and growing.

This is a student-run independent newspaper that enjoys the full rights and responsibilities of the First Amendment. Our newsroom is a learning space that gives us the ability to grow into our profession. It is a place where we make decisions and live by their consequences. The author of the column has jeopardized the atmosphere of inclusivity at this university. We have taken action and fired the individual.

Since the column’s publication, we have received hate mail and numerous death threats. Additionally, there have been calls for several members of The University Star to resign with individuals threatening to defund the student publication if demands are not met. We have received a lot of constructive feedback that, as students, is invaluable to us.

A message from The Editorial Board | The University Star
Good on them.
Something like this would take time, and remember, we now have two generations of children who have been carefully steeped in it.

you're encouraging someone who is talking about vigilantism and bigotry.

THIS is the problem. Vile disgusting bigots aren't shunned and marginalized any more.

yay Donald.
Actually I'm telling him it's too little, too late. No need for violence of any kind. Game over.

he doesn't believe that. and even acknowledging that it was a battle worth fighting encourages people like him. fighting multiculturalism was NEVER a battle worth fighting. It always deserved to be embraced.
Please see post 18.

I did read your post. that's why I commented. if you intended it to be an indictment of his bigotry, it didn't sound like it. I am not a believer in treating people like him like they're acceptable and worth debating these things with. There shouldn't be a debate which acknowledges the position of white supremacists.

maybe you were just too polite to him, imo. that's not necessarily a bad thing. it's just not what I think people like him deserve...... we've seen what his brand of thinking does when it's unleashed. and if you think he stops at people with dark skin, you'd be wrong. I'm pretty sure he goes further to anyone who doesn't believe what he does.
Your attitude is why the Right will continue to grow, if you think we will stop growing and quiet down if the Dems take the house and Donald Trump loses in 2020, you are in for a very rude awakening. But I hope you leftist morons continue to treat us like super villains, rather than actually learning what the alt-right and NRX actually believe and what our goals are. You will continue to push white working class males, as well as college educated white males(Trump won them too)into our ranks. We have a lot of young ex-Bernie fans coming to our side every single day. So please continue to shun debate and remain ignorant and anti-white. You are our greatest recruiting tool.

Oh, dear! Oh my! I get it now. I'm white and I've never felt so oppressed. Will I ever catch a break?
South Africa.

Wait till you get your way and whites become a voting minority. This hate of the minorities will turn violent. I pity your offspring who will live in the world you created.

You fear that black.and brown people will become violent toward white people AFTER they become the majority?

Why would they do that?
America has always been "multicultural".

What the Regressives have done with it, however, is weaponized it, working hard to divide us into various angry grievance groups they can control for political advantage.

Division hurts us, weakens us, and these people know it.

Therefore, given what they think of America, it's not surprising they're doing this.
And it is past time we put an end to it.

But we cannot forget that the multinational corporations are sponsoring all this through things like the Ford Foundation, as they seek to weaken the working class particularly.

When the time comes we need to get a whole lot of rope.

So plant an oak tree in your yard today, so you might one day decorate it with a traitor.
Honestly Jim, I don't know how that happens.

We didn't get here overnight.

You don't know how lynchings happen?
America has always been "multicultural".

What the Regressives have done with it, however, is weaponized it, working hard to divide us into various angry grievance groups they can control for political advantage.

Division hurts us, weakens us, and these people know it.

Therefore, given what they think of America, it's not surprising they're doing this.
And it is past time we put an end to it.

But we cannot forget that the multinational corporations are sponsoring all this through things like the Ford Foundation, as they seek to weaken the working class particularly.

When the time comes we need to get a whole lot of rope.

So plant an oak tree in your yard today, so you might one day decorate it with a traitor.
Honestly Jim, I don't know how that happens.

We didn't get here overnight.

You don't know how lynchings happen?
Put a noose around a negroid's neck and hoist him up a tree branch?
When the time comes we need to get a whole lot of rope.
Honestly Jim, I don't know how that happens.
We didn't get here overnight.
We wait, speaking quietly to one another untill the nation has had so much crap that it cant stand any more.

Then we shoot the bastards and when we run out of bullets we hang them from trees and lamp posts till we run out of rope.

Then we dig pits and have them compete strangling each other to death then bury alive the last shitbag standing.

i loath these people now with every fiber of my being.

Katie could have been my son or daughter and the dismissal the leftists fagots have shown is enraging.
Something like this would take time, and remember, we now have two generations of children who have been carefully steeped in it.

Tacit approval of genocide. You are outdoing yourself, Mac.
When the time comes we need to get a whole lot of rope.
Honestly Jim, I don't know how that happens.
We didn't get here overnight.
We wait, speaking quietly to one another untill the nation has had so much crap that it cant stand any more.

Then we shoot the bastards and when we run out of bullets we hang them from trees and lamp posts till we run out of rope.

Then we dig pits and have them compete strangling each other to death then bury alive the last shitbag standing.

i loath these people now with every fiber of my being.

Katie could have been my son or daughter and the dismissal the leftists fagots have shown is enraging.
Something like this would take time, and remember, we now have two generations of children who have been carefully steeped in it.

Tacit approval of genocide. You are outdoing yourself, Mac.
Fuck them.
Your attitude is why the Right will continue to grow, if you think we will stop growing and quiet down if the Dems take the house and Donald Trump loses in 2020, you are in for a very rude awakening. But I hope you leftist morons continue to treat us like super villains, rather than actually learning what the alt-right and NRX actually believe and what our goals are. You will continue to push white working class males, as well as college educated white males(Trump won them too)into our ranks. We have a lot of young ex-Bernie fans coming to our side every single day. So please continue to shun debate and remain ignorant and anti-white. You are our greatest recruiting tool.

And the beauty of it is that the leftwing idiots like Jillian have no clue that they are the rights biggest recruiters, just like Obama was the biggest gun salesman ever in the Oval Office.

And they are too stupid for anyone to explain it to them either, lol.
How exactly do you propose that one trial verdict confirms the success or failure of an entire philosophy?

Multiculturalism has failed on many levels.

1. As an immigration tool it is now demonstrated to be harmful to the majority population, and in a Democracy that is not good for the Oligarchs.

2. As a political sales point it has now become identified with Kate's murder AND now the ridiculous acquittal of her murderer. That makes it useless as a political tool as it will repel more voters than it will attract.

3. As a philosophy it is demonstrably the equivalent of 'silent genocide of whites'. This undermines the entire argument for tolerance and the Steinle verdict is the new symbol of this genocide.

4. As a rationale for black market labor, Multiculturalism has brought more focus to the industries that are obscenely profiteering from the abuse of our laws and tolerance. Steinle ironically was a volunteer at a shelter for illegal immigrants.

Multiculturalism is also now bound at the hip to Identity Politics and Open Borders Infinite Immigration.

And no one with a brain thinks this country was built by uncontroled immigration as it is easily disproven by looking at immigration law through most of the 20th century, i.e. the modern urban era.

The Steinle and OJ Simpson trials are the death of respect for and trust in the African American and Hispanic American communities ability to be fair and impartial.

That in turn slowly turns the nation round toward a return to racism and anti-semitism which multiculturalism was used to defend almost constantly the past thirty years.

But I dont expect you to agree, or even give a serious attempt to understanding my points.

You are a lawyer, you listen only to rebut.
How exactly do you propose that one trial verdict confirms the success or failure of an entire philosophy?

Multiculturalism has failed on many levels.

1. As an immigration tool it is now demonstrated to be harmful to the majority population, and in a Democracy that is not good for the Oligarchs.

2. As a political sales point it has now become identified with Kate's murder AND now the ridiculous acquittal of her murderer. That makes it useless as a political tool as it will repel more voters than it will attract.

3. As a philosophy it is demonstrably the equivalent of 'silent genocide of whites'. This undermines the entire argument for tolerance and the Steinle verdict is the new symbol of this genocide.

4. As a rationale for black market labor, Multiculturalism has brought more focus to the industries that are obscenely profiteering from the abuse of our laws and tolerance. Steinle ironically was a volunteer at a shelter for illegal immigrants.

Multiculturalism is also now bound at the hip to Identity Politics and Open Borders Infinite Immigration.

And no one with a brain thinks this country was built by uncontroled immigration as it is easily disproven by looking at immigration law through most of the 20th century, i.e. the modern urban era.

The Steinle and OJ Simpson trials are the death of respect for and trust in the African American and Hispanic American communities ability to be fair and impartial.

That in turn slowly turns the nation round toward a return to racism and anti-semitism which multiculturalism was used to defend almost constantly the past thirty years.

But I dont expect you to agree, or even give a serious attempt to understanding my points.

You are a lawyer, you listen only to rebut.
You are a lawyer, you listen only to rebut.

I'm not an attorney and I know you know I've never attested to being so. Moreover, I know I have shared with you precisely what my career is and you also know I have done so. So why you'd write that is beyond me because we both know it's not true.

I may not be the most tolerant person going, but whatever tolerance I have is tried beyond the breaking point when people willfully misrepresent the truth.
It was an opinion and obviously the editor did not do their job:

Dear readers,

We screwed up.

As editors, we allowed a hateful column to be published and hurt our community that deserves better. Texas State is a place where every student should feel safe learning and growing.

This is a student-run independent newspaper that enjoys the full rights and responsibilities of the First Amendment. Our newsroom is a learning space that gives us the ability to grow into our profession. It is a place where we make decisions and live by their consequences. The author of the column has jeopardized the atmosphere of inclusivity at this university. We have taken action and fired the individual.

Since the column’s publication, we have received hate mail and numerous death threats. Additionally, there have been calls for several members of The University Star to resign with individuals threatening to defund the student publication if demands are not met. We have received a lot of constructive feedback that, as students, is invaluable to us.

A message from The Editorial Board | The University Star

In other words they are only backtracking because their anti-white Agenda was exposed. Then they cleverly turn themselves into the victims by whining about hate mail and supposed death threats in response to their outrageous article they published.
"Multiculturalism" was a term which came into common usage after the failure of assimilation and we were instructed to embrace it as wonderful and diverse . The chickens have come home to roost.

multicultural (adj.)

also multi-cultural, 1941, from multi- + cultural. At first often in a Canadian context. Picked up by U.S. education writers 1980s; widespread popular use from c. 1990.
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Your attitude is why the Right will continue to grow, if you think we will stop growing and quiet down if the Dems take the house and Donald Trump loses in 2020, you are in for a very rude awakening. But I hope you leftist morons continue to treat us like super villains, rather than actually learning what the alt-right and NRX actually believe and what our goals are. You will continue to push white working class males, as well as college educated white males(Trump won them too)into our ranks. We have a lot of young ex-Bernie fans coming to our side every single day. So please continue to shun debate and remain ignorant and anti-white. You are our greatest recruiting tool.

And the beauty of it is that the leftwing idiots like Jillian have no clue that they are the rights biggest recruiters, just like Obama was the biggest gun salesman ever in the Oval Office.

And they are too stupid for anyone to explain it to them either, lol.
Exactly. I just gave her the key to combatting the alt-right and neo-reactionary nationalism, but she, along with the vast majority of leftist dunces will not even consider what I said. That's okay...all that will do is ensure our victory even more. We aren't progs...we aren't aimless dipshits.

And we will win because of this.
How exactly do you propose that one trial verdict confirms the success or failure of an entire philosophy?

Multiculturalism has failed on many levels.

1. As an immigration tool it is now demonstrated to be harmful to the majority population, and in a Democracy that is not good for the Oligarchs.

2. As a political sales point it has now become identified with Kate's murder AND now the ridiculous acquittal of her murderer. That makes it useless as a political tool as it will repel more voters than it will attract.

3. As a philosophy it is demonstrably the equivalent of 'silent genocide of whites'. This undermines the entire argument for tolerance and the Steinle verdict is the new symbol of this genocide.

4. As a rationale for black market labor, Multiculturalism has brought more focus to the industries that are obscenely profiteering from the abuse of our laws and tolerance. Steinle ironically was a volunteer at a shelter for illegal immigrants.

Multiculturalism is also now bound at the hip to Identity Politics and Open Borders Infinite Immigration.

And no one with a brain thinks this country was built by uncontroled immigration as it is easily disproven by looking at immigration law through most of the 20th century, i.e. the modern urban era.

The Steinle and OJ Simpson trials are the death of respect for and trust in the African American and Hispanic American communities ability to be fair and impartial.

That in turn slowly turns the nation round toward a return to racism and anti-semitism which multiculturalism was used to defend almost constantly the past thirty years.

But I dont expect you to agree, or even give a serious attempt to understanding my points.

You are a lawyer, you listen only to rebut.
The point was never for multiculturalism to was always meant to divide and conquer.
You will never get rid of multiculturalism.
And folks like you are the reason

We could do without evangelicals and fundamentalists.
Someday you will be rid of all born again evangelicals and fundamentalists. It will happen quite suddenly. You will neither like nor enjoy the aftermath.

you really believe in that rapture garbage?

I do. You should read The Book to find out what's in store for you. Skip to the end.
You will never get rid of multiculturalism.
And folks like you are the reason

We could do without evangelicals and fundamentalists.
Someday you will be rid of all born again evangelicals and fundamentalists. It will happen quite suddenly. You will neither like nor enjoy the aftermath.

you really believe in that rapture garbage?

I do. You should read The Book to find out what's in store for you.

why would I believe in falsehoods?

and I have read it. it's silly.

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