The Fake News Narrative About Russia About To Go POOF Today

The CIA knows that anywhere any other country can establish power apart from the United States people in that region — and around the world — can envision a world where America’s empire is not in charge. Even minimal, isolated alternatives to U.S. power threaten that strategy.

Trump is fucking with this program. Most notable is his alliance with Russia, primary proponent of a “multi-polar” global order. His resulting skepticism of NATO is synonymous with a skepticism of U.S. global hegemony. Indeed, opponents of American rule the world over often use NATO as shorthand for U.S. militarism.

So what is he doing? Well, in the first place it appears that he may not have any idea and this is when the CIA would normally be pulling him aside to learn about the birds and bees and cluster bombs of how the U.S. reproduces its global “greatness.” Yet they do not seem to feel safe doing so because Trump’s ignorance is a willful one driven by his personal financial stake in getting rich off of deals cut with America’s rivals.

The CIA Just Scored a Major Victory in Its War Against Trump – Defiant
fools cry LOCK HER UP cuz cuz cuz foreign states MIGHT HAVE HACKED SoS correspondence.

FBI REPORT SAYS "no evidence SoS Hillary's server was hacked". = FACT

candidate TRUMP invokes hackers "RUSSIA IF YOU'RE LISTENING" i hope you hack SoS correspondence.

word from the pantheon of rethugican morons SUPPOSEDLY concerned with classified info...........?? (CRICKETS)
You're just making shit up.

Most of the emails came from the DNC servers and John Podesta.
Trump asking Russia to produce Hillary's missing emails was a joke that must have flown over your head. It's one thing to tell a joke in public. Quite another to be in collusion to steal an election. An election that the intel chief James Clapper said showed zero evidence of being effected by outside governments.
The CIA knows that anywhere any other country can establish power apart from the United States people in that region — and around the world — can envision a world where America’s empire is not in charge. Even minimal, isolated alternatives to U.S. power threaten that strategy.

Trump is fucking with this program. Most notable is his alliance with Russia, primary proponent of a “multi-polar” global order. His resulting skepticism of NATO is synonymous with a skepticism of U.S. global hegemony. Indeed, opponents of American rule the world over often use NATO as shorthand for U.S. militarism.

So what is he doing? Well, in the first place it appears that he may not have any idea and this is when the CIA would normally be pulling him aside to learn about the birds and bees and cluster bombs of how the U.S. reproduces its global “greatness.” Yet they do not seem to feel safe doing so because Trump’s ignorance is a willful one driven by his personal financial stake in getting rich off of deals cut with America’s rivals.

The CIA Just Scored a Major Victory in Its War Against Trump – Defiant
That's an op-ed piece. Totally opinion.
propaganda tells you he's just keeping campaign promises and you're a true believer. :lol:

WHAT ABOUT the promise to release his TAX RETURNS "after the audit"...??

note: IRS audit did not prohibit him from releasing them sooner, he just had some fools to fool, and now it's 'forget about it'!

AS IF "no one cares"..?? keep telling yourself that! :itsok:

There’s that mystery stake in Rosneft, the Russian oil monopoly and newly secured trademark protections in China among many other opportunities to come. His daughter, still managing part of his business, met with him and Abe the first time around.

This is the contradiction between the cops at the FBI and the soldiers at the CIA — Trump himself. Normally their tasks dovetail perfectly. But right now the Trump demagogic appeal is advancing the FBI’s cultural nationalist strategy while his self-dealing is undermining the CIA’s project of unquestioned global hegemony.

The man is the problem, which suggests that the simplest solution will be the man’s removal.

The first step to removing someone’s power is to neutralize the key individuals and structures supporting them. Flynn was the first piece, and already Trump’s first choice for a replacement — Retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward — said fuck no. He could see where things were headed between the administration and the security state. Best to stay as far away as possible.


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