The fake Russian scandal will bite democrats, and the media on the ass.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....this author believes the ones who should be afraid are not Republicans or Trump...but democrats and the press.....

In the 'Russia' Investigation, Democrats, Spooks and Media Have Most to Fear

The notion that Russia "hacked" the American election -- to the extent that it changed the outcome -- never made any sense. A fever dream cooked up by Sore Loser Hillary and her malignant consigliere, John Podesta, it began its demonic life as a way to explain Mrs. Clinton's astonishment and anger at losing an election all her media buddies told her was in the bag, and for which she felt sure the fix was in. It wasn't until the day of the vote, when the New York Times and Nate Silver got the spanking of their lives, that the roof finally conked her on the noggin.

Those of us who habitually smell rats knew right off that there was nothing to it. But from that night forward, the Clintons, the Leftist media and the Democrats have been pounding the notion that, somehow, the Russians affected the election and that Trump is corrupt, morally unfit, an imbecile and an embarrassment to America. Take a good look at their reaction, ladies and gentlemen, for not since Linda Blair rotated 360 and spewed puke on a priest have we seen such deracinated contempt.

Further, much of the "proof" stank to high heaven as well, including the infamous dossier cooked up by "British intelligence" that was laughably amateurish -- it is either the product of the disinformation campaign that the Deep State and the American and European media have been waging against the administration since its inception, or a back-door Trojan Horse designed by the Russians themselves. If "British intelligence" doesn't trust the American intelligence community any more, nobody in his right mind trusts MI6 much these days, either. After all, they can't even keep "known wolves" from killing tween girls in Manchester. Meanwhile, the Russians do this sort of thing just to keep in shape:


Far more likely is that it's Democrats -- who, prior to last November, never met a communist they didn't like or a Russian they didn't want to embrace -- who have overplayed their hand (notice how the tribal elders are even now walking back "impeachment" talk) and who are most at risk. They're so fully invested in this fairy tale that when it blows up in their faces, and another underlying reason for its concoction becomes clear, years of lamentation and wandering in the electoral wilderness should follow.
Yep.....this author believes the ones who should be afraid are not Republicans or Trump...but democrats and the press......

Another day- another 2aguy thread trying to convince Americans that Russia didn't do anything in the last election, and that the FBI is not investigating possible collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

How do you like your mass murdering President now?
Yep.....this author believes the ones who should be afraid are not Republicans or Trump...but democrats and the press......

Another day- another 2aguy thread trying to convince Americans that Russia didn't do anything in the last election, and that the FBI is not investigating possible collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

How do you like your mass murdering President now?

Didn't say they weren't investigating dumb ass......the investigation is a joke....there is nothing to find.....

Trump is great....that guy who was President before him.....I don't remember his name...but it was funny sounding.......and he gave Iran nuclear one will remember him....except for the fact that he was the first affirmative action President.....
Time will tell. Trump acts like a guilty man, but we need to see what Mueller finds.

No...he doesn't.....the Russian scheme was created the night hilary lost the election....the new book on her campaign details this lie....
Here's the thing - Trump has already lost this battle.

Even of it turns out that nothing untoward occurred, Trump has already painted himself as an amateur, and a shady one at that. This can only help Democrats, not hurt them.

If Trump hasn't acted so damn guilty, stayed above it all, and let everything play out, he'd probably have ended up fine. But that ship has already sailed.
Yep.....this author believes the ones who should be afraid are not Republicans or Trump...but democrats and the press.....

In the 'Russia' Investigation, Democrats, Spooks and Media Have Most to Fear

The notion that Russia "hacked" the American election -- to the extent that it changed the outcome -- never made any sense. A fever dream cooked up by Sore Loser Hillary and her malignant consigliere, John Podesta, it began its demonic life as a way to explain Mrs. Clinton's astonishment and anger at losing an election all her media buddies told her was in the bag, and for which she felt sure the fix was in. It wasn't until the day of the vote, when the New York Times and Nate Silver got the spanking of their lives, that the roof finally conked her on the noggin.

Those of us who habitually smell rats knew right off that there was nothing to it. But from that night forward, the Clintons, the Leftist media and the Democrats have been pounding the notion that, somehow, the Russians affected the election and that Trump is corrupt, morally unfit, an imbecile and an embarrassment to America. Take a good look at their reaction, ladies and gentlemen, for not since Linda Blair rotated 360 and spewed puke on a priest have we seen such deracinated contempt.

Further, much of the "proof" stank to high heaven as well, including the infamous dossier cooked up by "British intelligence" that was laughably amateurish -- it is either the product of the disinformation campaign that the Deep State and the American and European media have been waging against the administration since its inception, or a back-door Trojan Horse designed by the Russians themselves. If "British intelligence" doesn't trust the American intelligence community any more, nobody in his right mind trusts MI6 much these days, either. After all, they can't even keep "known wolves" from killing tween girls in Manchester. Meanwhile, the Russians do this sort of thing just to keep in shape:


Far more likely is that it's Democrats -- who, prior to last November, never met a communist they didn't like or a Russian they didn't want to embrace -- who have overplayed their hand (notice how the tribal elders are even now walking back "impeachment" talk) and who are most at risk. They're so fully invested in this fairy tale that when it blows up in their faces, and another underlying reason for its concoction becomes clear, years of lamentation and wandering in the electoral wilderness should follow. do love that bubble; don't you?
Time will tell. Trump acts like a guilty man, but we need to see what Mueller finds.

No...he doesn't.....the Russian scheme was created the night hilary lost the election....the new book on her campaign details this lie....

An innocent man doesn't typically ask for an investigation into his actions be stopped.
Actually, he does ... when the nonsense reaches epic proportions and is threatening his agenda. But, then, that's really what it's all about .... he wants to drain the swamp, and the alligators are scared.
Time will tell. Trump acts like a guilty man, but we need to see what Mueller finds.

No...he doesn't.....the Russian scheme was created the night hilary lost the election....the new book on her campaign details this lie....

An innocent man doesn't typically ask for an investigation into his actions be stopped.
Actually, he does ... when the nonsense reaches epic proportions and is threatening his agenda. But, then, that's really what it's all about .... he wants to drain the swamp, and the alligators are scared.

What agenda was threatened by Comey investigating Flynn, or the Russian probe into voter tampering? Was it the Wall he wants to build, was it putting people back to work? I voted for the guy, but I'm not blind.
Time will tell. Trump acts like a guilty man, but we need to see what Mueller finds.

No...he doesn't.....the Russian scheme was created the night hilary lost the election....the new book on her campaign details this lie....

An innocent man doesn't typically ask for an investigation into his actions be stopped.
Actually, he does ... when the nonsense reaches epic proportions and is threatening his agenda. But, then, that's really what it's all about .... he wants to drain the swamp, and the alligators are scared.

What agenda was threatened by Comey investigating Flynn, or the Russian probe into voter tampering? Was it the Wall he wants to build, was it putting people back to work? I voted for the guy, but I'm not blind.
When you have a leader who is crippled, whose every move is questioned - you don't have a leader, you have a lame duck. When the president can't get his agenda in front of the people because of baseless and ridiculous claims, his agenda can't be advanced. He has no power unless he is in charge --- but if he is wounded, then you end up with endless speeches in Congress (Shumur is a poor excuse for a legislator) and a constant barrage of attacks from the media.
The liberal politicians that are making the accusations and pushing this investigation against President Trump knowing full well there is no evidence. The accusations swing from colluding in election to releasing classified documents then to obstruction of justice. All the liberals and spineless est. republicans have are accusations with NO EVIDENCE. The most pathetic thing of all is the Joseph Goebbels the democrat party is pulling on the millions of liberal americans. Silly liberals the democrat party is counting on your ignorance. You libs only surround yourselves with news and people of your own ideology plus you all hate America so much you probally never learned the real full history of this country good and bad. As long as America is ruled by a 2 party system of power. You have to educate yourself on the other points of view not just your own. By not doing so you just keep yourself ignorant and primed to be played by a political party

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